Princess of Special Forces

Chapter 3 Be Honest

The next day, after breakfast, Bai Lan sat in the account and played the piano. Since she knew her aegean, Wen Qinghan went everywhere with a Yaoqin for her entertainment.

She hardly endured the pregnancy reaction, so she survived the reaction period that made all pregnant women sad in a deep sleep. Recently, she had plenty of leisure and promised not to participate in the war and military meetings. Many times when she stroked the baby in her stomach, her heart would have a kind of warmth. In her previous life and this life, her life They are all not calm. They have never felt a warm life as calmly as now. Perhaps the existence of the child has inspired her natural motherhood, made her feel much calmer, and there is a lot less murder in her heart. She just wants to end this war as soon as possible, bring the world together, the people will be healthy, and there will be no more war.

The quiet sound of the piano also calmed down. Xiao Anzhi stood quietly in front of the big account and knew people. He knew that her mood was much calmer, with the softness of her youngest daughter. On the battlefield of this killing place, the sound of the piano can appease people's irritability, fear, uneasiness and other emotions.

In his previous life, he also heard her piano, but the mood of both of them was different from that time. At that time, she was righteous and braver than a man. How could she ever have such a little daughter mentality?

Maybe it's not that she has changed, but now that she has always wanted. Even if she hides her murderous spirit with softness, he knows that she will continue to fight. As she said, she can only have one person's voice in this era to have the ultimate peace. In this world, if she wants, he will help her. .

The sound of the piano stopped, and he restrained his mind, stepped into the account, and sat in front of her with a smile: "Has Lan Er thought of the way to break the city?"

White blue put down Yaoqin, got up and went to the tea table and poured him a cup of tea, handed it to him, and sat back. His eyes were smiling, and a trace of cunning flashed brilliantly. "Well, Anzhi, this method is very simple, but very effective. Just wait to watch the play. Two days later, it will be the day of the city's decisive battle!"

"Can you be ready in such a hurry?" He frowned. Although he knew that she had always been cunning, he still habitually worried. Just like before, every time he went on a mission, he couldn't help worrying about her. Even if he was by her side, he would still worry that he could not protect her safety.

"The soldiers are fast! I don't want to drag on increasing casualties, but I seem to have ignored some things that haven't been dealt with yet!" With that, she also frowned slightly and raised her head and shouted outside the account: "Star; Shadow! Come in!"

Since returning to the barracks, the star soul and shadow that exist as a dark guard flashed in. The two bent down and arched their hands together and said, "Master, I'm here!"

Bai Lan looked at the shadow and frowned and said, "Shadden, I suddenly remembered that four months ago, I heard what Xue reported before I disappeared. Chu Mingxin took Chu Ge's national letter to Zhongcheng for marriage. Now there is no movement between Jiaheguan and Nanchu. Qin Chen has been trapped by us for so long. Why didn't Chu Ge send troops to help him? Aren't they allied? Did Chu Mingxin return halfway?

"Return to the master, Chu Mingxin did not return halfway, but went to Northern Qi. Three months ago, Chu Mingxin married Ye Qingfeng. Now she is the Mingfei of the Northern Qi Dynasty. She wants to come to Northern Qi and Southern Chu to reach an alliance agreement." The shadow said respectfully.

Hearing this, Bai Lan laughed out: "Ha ha, it's so interesting! Chu Ge is really a complete wall grass, but he will see the wind to steer! Nowadays, among the countries, only the national strength and military strength of Northern Qi can help him. This move has been tried many times since ancient times, but she did not expect that Ye Qingfeng would marry Chu Mingxin. It is really unpredictable! Anzhi, tell me, if Northern Qi joins hands with Southern Chu to deal with my Han Wangfu, how long will this battle be?

"With the power of you and the cold king, it won't be long! One and a half years is enough!" Xiao Anzhi smiled and looked at her confident and lovely eyes, and her heart was soft.

White and Lan Yingying smiled and nodded, "Well, you still know me. I have always paid attention to speed and means in a war, and I will never fight an unprepared battle! However, Wu Zixing is a rare general, which cannot be underestimated! Ye Qingfeng is not easy to be with!"

After saying that, she turned to the star soul, put away her smile, and said with a serious face, "Xing, go and mobilize the members of the killer hall in the building who are now stationed in Zhongcheng. Qin Chen's hand also has the ruthless palace. Those are all fierce rivers and lakes. I'm afraid that the ghosts are not their opponents, so we can only use the people in the killer hall. Go quickly. Go quickly. Gather in two days to the valley in the west of Xiangcheng and wait for my order.

The star soul was ordered to withdraw, and the shadow also retreated and was hidden from the account.

"Lan'er, I find that you are becoming more and more like a general. You can plan your strategy and be more skillful! I'm ashamed of myself!" Xiao Anzhi laughed and joked.

"What, even you make fun of me! Aren't I forced by the situation? If Qin Chen doesn't kill his brother and seize the throne, I won't attack him. He is cruel and will never become a wise king. For the sake of the people of the former Qin Kingdom, I must also drive him down.

"Is it just for this reason? Lan'er, isn't it worth telling each other frankly about our past life and life and death? Some things are hidden in your heart, but they will become a burden for you and make you live a less comfortable life. I hope you live a relaxed and happy life!" Xiao Anzhi didn't believe it and stared at her. If there was no emotional factor, how could she be so angry and hate Qin Chen? He knew her too well. Qin Chen must have violated her reverse scale. He really wanted to know what the reverse scale was.

"Anzhi, you still know me. It seems that if I don't say it, you will still think that Qin Chen and I have some hidden secrets!" Bai Lan had no choice but to stroke her forehead and knew that she could not hide anything from him. It seemed that she could not say anything. This matter had been in her heart for 18 years, and even her closest Wen Qinghan did not know it.

"Qin Chen is my own uncle. I am not the daughter of Mengbo, but the daughter of Mengbo's sister, that is, the direct princess of the State of Qin. When I was born, I exchanged with Mengbo's son. That is to say, the current Western Qin Emperor Qin Shenran is Mengbo's biological son. Qin Chen killed my parents, even if I and that father The mother has no feelings, but after all, she is a blood relative and can't give up. Anzhi, we were reborn with memory. From the beginning, I was abandoned. My surname is Qin, and no one knows my identity, and even Qing Han.

Xiao Anzhi looked at her. For such a royal secret, a similar incident of changing the prince has existed since ancient times, but he never thought that it would happen to her. He couldn't help but feel sorry for her. How did she grow up? Knowing that he was abandoned, he stayed quietly in his own corner and watched himself grow up.

Xiao Anzhi is an ordinary literary family reborn in the North Island. Perhaps because he was a soldier in his previous life, he joined the army at the age of nine and became famous at the age of ten, and became the only member of the abandoned army in the family. To this day, he has become the most important military power in the North Island. The general, his life is much more plain than white and blue.