Special forces in the end of the world

Chapter 42 Making Legends

"Dad Da..."

After entering the two heavy iron gates at the door, a straight corridor appeared in front of Ye Feng. Under the leadership of Lu Shan, the equally silent two did not say anything, but walked quietly. Except for the footsteps of the two, no other sound could be heard. The corridor or the whole building was deeply harmful. Afraid. Ye Feng no longer thought about the purpose of Lu Renjia calling himself here, because there was something more attractive to his attention.

"These are..."

Ye Feng walked very slowly, and most of his attention was on both sides of the corridor and the high domes. Except for several Western knights standing on both sides of the corridor, there is almost no other decoration here. Only at the end of the corridor, there is a statue of a knight holding a horse with a sword. Of course, it is not them that attracts Ye Feng's attention, but in Walls and murals on the dome.

Based on these decorations seen after Ye Feng came in, the painting on the wall should also be Western, but unexpectedly, the painting on it is oriental, but it is shown in the form of oil painting.

"It seems to be a war." Ye Feng was just surprised when he first saw the first painting. When he was near the end, he could see that these paintings should be narrating a complete event.

Because it is an oil painting, the color on it is extremely bright. Ye Feng can see at a glance that most of the characters in the painting are Orientals, which look like a well-equipped regular army, including some heavy war machines such as anti-aircraft guns, armored vehicles, tanks, aircraft and warships. Ye Feng is very I saw a large tonnage aircraft carrier and the galactic warship that just appeared in his era!

In fact, there are only a few people surrounded by these many people and weapons. Although the painters deliberately blurred their appearance and Ye Feng can't see their original appearance, it can be seen from their appearance that they are not like people from the same country or ethnic group, but everywhere. And the only thing they have in common is that there is a circle of light wheels like Buddha and gods behind their heads. The colors of light wheels are different, and the light emitted from their hands is not very different. However, no matter what color of light is, there is no living under the cover of these rays. Although there are so many people around, their faces are almost the same. The same fear expression.

"Mythify superpowers and only know how to fear things they don't know. Compared with themselves, they don't know how insignificant external forces are. I really don't know whether they are pitiful or hateful..."

All the way, Ye Feng finished reading these pictures, and he also walked to the horse-riding statue with Lu Shan. Ye Feng took time to look at the base below and saw what it said:

Amster, the holy knight under the throne of the gods during the holy war. Dylan. Afeiros was born in 2012 and died in 2084. Legend has it that he is a child of God. Since his birth, he has had infinite divine power. At the age of 18, he has led thousands of divine slaves. At the age of 30, he became one of the four holy horses of the Eastern Holy War. He contributed greatly to the arrival of the gods. He was once besieged and trapped by the devil's subordinates. Finally, he pushed down three mountains one after another on his own, and finally successfully escaped. Sleepy, die in the hands of the demon general Datan.

"...Holy Knight? Isn't this the name of 'Holy See'? Push down three mountains in a row?! Is it too exaggerated to tell a mythical story? This kind of non-human will die at the hands of others. How powerful should that demon general named Datan be? These people's level of storytelling is too poor, right?

After reading this inscription, whether others believe it or not, Ye Feng is... I don't believe it!

Ye Feng stopped thinking about things. Lu Shan only stood there and did not disturb him. When he looked up again, he said, "Lord Aferros, as one of the four paladins in the east, has always been deeply loved by us stationed in Ams. Although his deeds have been written for a long time. Entering the ' chronicle', but this is the only place with his whole body portrait, and only his bust and portrait can be seen elsewhere at most.

"..." Hearing Lu Shan's words, Ye Feng didn't feel very strange, because this is the attitude of ordinary people towards "gods". They dare not desphem the gods. "It's ridiculous, but it's just a slightly more powerful person who will be mythical to this extent. It is difficult to develop according to the current situation. Will everyone forget the original myth and history of mankind one day?

After seeing this statue and listening to Lu Shan's words, Ye Feng's mood was a little heavier, as if it was a continuation of talking to Lu Lao in the dungeon before. Now his ideas are very different from the original.

Through the corridor and saw this "statue of God" again, Lu Shan finally took Ye Feng to the living room. Once he arrived here, although he had not seen anyone else, Lu Shan only gave up Ye Feng to the seat and bowed down and retreated. According to him, there was something else to do.

"I can't see what level this person's ability is. I just know that he won't be weaker than Baron Carl and Reinhardt... Maybe it's no worse than the previous 'poker face'." Ye Feng tried to compare Lu Shan and Zhou Ping, but he had never seen them take action. Only by breath, he could only draw such a conclusion.


Unlike the sound when Ye Feng walked in the corridor, the sound Ye Feng heard at this time was small, but much more regular. Looking around, Ye Feng saw a vertical clock on one side, and the pendulum was swinging left and right, but there was only one pointer on the surface, and it was only fixed at 12 o'clock, moving a little. There is no meaning, and it does not point to the number 12, but a golden angel pattern with a golden horn.

"It's just a gadget. If Mr. Ye likes it, he can take it when he leaves."

"... If you are useless, forget it. What's more, if you don't eat or drink this thing, it's useless for me to come, but you should be the most inseparable from this thing, right?"

"Haha, drink water."

When Ye Feng was looking at the clock, he suddenly felt something. He turned around and happened to walk Lu Renjia from somewhere else. At the first sight of this middle-aged man, Ye Feng could already guess his identity, not only because of where he was now, but also because of the breath of this person.

"It's the man who stood outside the cell before." Ye Feng admitted that he would never admit his mistake to that strange and extremely long master.

As soon as Lu Renjia came in, he pretended to be magnificent. In fact, as Ye Feng said, he could never give this clock to himself. The reason why he said this was just to sell Ye Feng well... He had nothing to do, and he was a thief!

Earlier, Ye Feng may have continued to think about Lu Renjia's purpose. Because of the flash of inspiration before, he could already guess a general idea. However, he didn't think there was anything strange about the other party's performance. Instead, Lu Renjia was a little surprised to see Ye Feng's performance.

Let me drink it. Ye Feng didn't know what politeness was. Seeing that there were several small bottles of 200ml of pure water on the coffee table, he picked up a bottle and unscrewed the lid and poured it all. Before he could drink something, he poured most of it into his stomach.

"..." Lu Renjia looked at the kettle beside him, and then looked at the almost empty water bottle in Ye Feng's hand. His brain was also a little short-circuited for a moment. Seeing that he was quite honest now.

"Isn't it just drinking your bottle of water? Er, the taste of this water is really good. It seems to be a little sweet, but it is a little similar to the famous mountain springs I drank before. Is there such a water source now? This thing tastes much better than the previous Rorona. Ye Feng licked his lips, and finally poured the remaining small mouth in. He only put the empty bottle on the table and made a "bang" sound, which made Lu Renjia's heart jump fiercely.

I have to say that Ye Feng's taste is really good, which may have something to do with his previous identity. When he was a guest spy, he saw some "advanced goods". It is not difficult to distinguish the quality of water and food.

As Ye Feng judged, the few bottles of water on Lu Renjia's table were very good, which was exactly the famous mountain spring he thought of. Because of this, its value cannot be measured by money at all. In today's era, the word "priceless market" can be used to describe this small bottle of water. Because of Major General Lu Renjia's status, he will be specially supplied with some such water every month, but the amount will never be more. If you drink one bottle, you will have to wait until next month. Compared with other water, there are too many benefits of drinking this water. There is no way to explain it one by one. The most important thing is that only by drinking this kind of water without the slightest radiation can we ensure that there will not be too much poison in the body. No matter what kind of strong Lu Renjia is, after all, he lives in this era full of radiation and wants to live longer. You must not eat and drink too casually.

"Uh..." Seeing Ye Feng put down the empty bottle and stretched out his "claws", Lu Renjia finally couldn't calm down. Three steps became one step, and instantly appeared at the table and pressed Ye Feng's wrist.

Lu Renjia finally squeezed out a smile and said to Ye Feng, "How can you bother the guests to do it yourself? I'll do it myself."


Ye Feng seemed to have no idea what politeness was. He only allowed Lu Renjia to grab his wrist with one hand and pour a cup of water for himself with a teapot in his hand. Although the quality of the water is not comparable to that of the famous mountain spring, it is not too bad to enter Lu Renjia. Even if there is radiation in it, it is extremely small for people. The impact of the body is extremely small, and the impact on the capable is almost negligible, but it is hard to say how it will change over time.

"Well, it's no worse than Luo's... It seems that the water is really not easy to get. If I drink another bottle, this old boy may kill me, right? Forget it, anyway, I got other benefits from him. You don't have to care too much about this little thing, but it seems that it will be raised for a while this time..."

Lu Renjia poured water for Ye Feng and slowly let go when he saw that he began to drink. Because he was too anxious, he didn't notice the strangeness in his hand before.

When the guests sat down, Ye Feng only poured water one by one, and then took the fruits and snacks on the table to eat. Lu Renjia did not speak, and he was too lazy to say more, as if the other party asked him to come here just to invite him to dinner.

"...This boy is 'real'." Watching Ye Feng eat and drink up, Lu Renjia's face gradually became no longer good-looking. He just thought about what Zhou Ping had said before, which suppressed his heart.

"Hey, that should be the right thing." After secretly taking a looked at Lu Renjia, Ye Feng was sure that he must have guessed correctly before. "If you want to get benefits from me, you have to quote a price, right? Forced buying and selling is not recommended. No matter what kind of general you are, I don't have the reason to give things for free!"