Special forces in the end of the world

Chapter 107 City Break

Philun's figure floated. The previous moment may still be still far away. The next moment has appeared near "Luohu", but every time he appears, he will be repelled by countless attacks. However, with him restrained from the side, these attacks are difficult to take care of Dama farther away. Those laser attacks hit the nearby white fog giant. People will have no impact on it at all. On the contrary, the energy mask outside "Luohu" is getting darker and darker.

"Nanother alone, hit all the attacks on the guy standing!"

Luo Feng was dressed in a strong suit and actually hung a sword around his waist. At this time, he stood high in the city and looked out. He understood that the defense shield outside the city of "Luohu" could not be kept, but he still had a trace of luck.

Hearing Luo Feng's order, all the attacks stopped, and Philun did not do anything. He only stood in front of Dama. Seeing that he looked as usual and breathing was nothing strange, he could know that the previous action was not even a warm-up.


A loud noise was like a signal, followed by various attacks in the sky. In an instant, it seemed that these bullets, missiles, lasers and other things seemed to have blocked the whole sky. Philen, who stood in front of these things, looked extremely small. No one believed what else could he have under such an attack. It's not spared. But as a result, Philan disappeared again. After a strange light flashed, everything exploded at the same time. When the smoke dissipated, I could only see Philen** standing there with two arms stretched out on his back.


Without waiting for everyone who saw it to make a surprised expression, after a clear sound, the energy mask had been broken like broken glass. As soon as the white fog giant's arm reached into the city, it seemed to be exhausted. Without waiting to press anything, it suddenly dispersed, first the palm, then the arm, and finally the whole body. All the bodies turned into fog and smashed into the city.

"Wear a gas mask!"

With Luo Feng's personal order, the well-prepared combatants in the city have put on masks. Unfortunately, after all, the number of this thing is limited, and it is not easy to ensure that the combatants have one. Ordinary residents should never think about it. The white fog rolled rampant in the city, and the blink of an eye has spread all over the city. As long as ordinary people inhale a little, they can no longer survive. They are all dark red and poisoned to death.

Ye Feng was so excited that he almost didn't rush out several times, and he could still hide here because of the lack of time.

"This guy's ability is really a powerful weapon to slaughter the city, but the previous method of coagulation the poisonous fog into a shape is a little reluctant. If he can use that skill, it can be said to be perfect."

Little Reirense stood behind Ye Feng and looked at Philun and Dama. Although there was still a deep hatred in his eyes, he was not as impulsive as before.

"With my strength, I am not their opponent yet. As long as they are not killed by others, one day I can avenge myself!"

Not to mention how brave old Leirence was when he was young, just say that little Leirence's father and mother were not ordinary capable people. If he hadn't accidentally met "Gangfeng" in the 'wild' in the early years, with their talent, they would not have died so early.

Little Relency has C-level strength at a young age, which can also be said to have been inherited from two generations. If it hadn't been for the old Relency, it would not have been difficult for him to catch up with Philen and Dama in strength under his personal guidance.

"Don't worry, they can't run away. As long as you have the strength, they will be yours sooner or later."

"..." Little Rayrens looked at Ye Feng unexpectedly and didn't understand how he could see what he was thinking.

Ye Feng knew that little Reynolds was looking at him, so he turned his head and his face was full of smile, which just made little Reynolds who saw his smile a little at a loss.

What are you afraid of? It should be a happy thing to be understood, don't you think so? Ye Feng turned his head and looked at the town surrounded by white fog. "Don't say what your talent is, just by looking at your current performance, you must be a person with extraordinary ambition. It's not terrible to avenge your relatives. What's really terrible is that you don't have such a mind. If you retreat first because you are afraid of the strength of your enemies and don't wait to try hard, this is the most despised.

Hearing Ye Feng's words, little Reynolds finally raised his head and his eyes were full of excitement.

"For me, you just need to remember one thing. I am not a friend of your family, nor your friend, but I am not your enemy. The reason why I appear in the right place at the right time can only be described as coincidence. And since we are not relatives, you should understand that I must have something to do, and I am not afraid to tell you directly now. I saved you just being interested in the strange power on you. You are a living specimen of it that I studied.

Ye Feng raised his palm and looked at it, and then said, "As long as you let me study it, I can ensure your safety. At least before you avenge yourself, as long as you are by my side, I can let you grow up smoothly.

"I promise you!"

Ye Feng knows that no matter who or anything, many different relationships may occur during this period, but there is a relationship that must exist, that is, "interest"! As long as there is what the other party needs and there are enough "benefings", there is no business that can't be done!

As Ye Feng talked with little Relens, "Luo Lake" was completely shrouded in poisonous fog. Even if Ye Feng held a telescope in his hand, he could not see the situation clearly.

"You hide first, and I'll collect some 'interest' for you first."

Without waiting for a reply from little Leiren's side, Ye Feng disappeared from where he was, appeared again in the distance, and then threw himself into the thicker and thicker white fog.

Little Relence stood there and looked at it for a while, and then turned around and walked away, but now he had no intention to escape, but really listened to Ye Feng find a relatively safe place to hide.

In the white fog.

Ordinary residents of the city have long been dead, leaving only some fighters wearing anti-virus masks who are still persisting, but after staying in this white fog for a long time, the anti-virus masks are no longer as useful as before. Just wearing it, these combatants have also begun to shake, and some of their slightly poor physical quality have fallen to the ground, leaving Even if they are still standing, because their vision is blocked, they can no longer exert their combat effectiveness. Only those lasers continue to shoot tirelessly.

Philun wandered in the white fog. Those poisonous fogs had no effect on him at all. Every time he appeared, he could always remove a laser. In a short time, the "Luo Lake" side had completely broken, lost its energy mask and laser protection, and the city no longer had any defense.


Philun appeared again, and before he could continue to push forward, there was another shout of killing. Several figures had rushed out of the fog. Needless to ask, he knew that he was a capable person in the city.

From the perspective of those who have the ability, it can naturally be seen that Philun is far from what they can deal with, but "there are wolves and tigers behind". How dare they retreat because of Luo Feng's ** power? If you rush up and are lucky, you may still have a chance to survive. If you retreat from the battle, it will be the end of ten deaths, and it is clear how to choose.

Firen will not sympathize with these people. His body moves and loses his trace again. A few blood lotus bloomed in mid-air. These capable people have been killed in an instant, and their bodies have been smashed on the ground one by one. Except for bringing a lot of smoke and dust, there is no sound. Only one capable person has the ability similar to displacement. At the last moment, He retreated, which was lucky not to die, but before the frightened expression on his face receded slightly, he felt that he had been straded by an iron hand.

"Retired, die!"

Luo Feng put a little force on his hand, and the neck of this capable person has been twisted into a strange angle, and he knows that he will die without asking.

Seeing this change, Philen stopped and stopped.

"Luo Feng of Luohu?"


He threw the body of the capable man aside, and Luo Feng took another step forward. There was no sound in the white fog around him. I'm afraid that all his men in the city should have lost their combat effectiveness.

Hearing Luo Feng's words, Philun's strength improved again, and the wound on his chest blood flowed much faster. The bandages had all been dyed red. The four arms not only looked very strange, but also showed a very dangerous feeling.

Seeing Philun's response after seeing him, Luo Feng knew that he had met a strong man who had experienced hundreds of battles. He thought that those people in the poisonous fog could not live for a quarter of an hour at most, and looked at Dama, who was still casting his ability not far away. He did not dare to delay any more. His body was encouraged by the power and spewed an air wave from around his body. .

In the face of this invisible attack, Fioren could only rely on his combat instinct. At a moment, his figure suddenly disappeared, and his front foot disappeared, and the ground sank deep.

"Air cannon!"

Luo Feng synthesized his hands into the shape of a treasure bottle, aimed at the newly formed Philen, and then collapsed on the ground. As his hands kept moving, many round pits appeared on the ground around him.

Although Philun's movements were as fast as ever, he could only walk around Luo Feng's body, and there was no way to get too close to him. After a round of attack and defense, Philun still stopped first and retreated to the distance where Luo Feng could not attack.

"I have heard of Luo Feng's name for a long time. Today, I have seen that it really lives up to its reputation. It is not uncommon for those who have the ability to release the department, but you are indeed the only one I have ever seen that can use their ability so freely."

"I'm flattered. I've heard that there is a colonel of an extraordinary mutant under Major General Lu Renjia of Arms. Must it be you, Colonel Philun?"

Firen stood there and looked at Luo Feng, but Luo Feng's position remained unchanged. It seemed that he was also very scrupulous about Feilen and did not dare to be careless at all.

"You don't have to wait for the bloody roses. They won't come."


Luo Feng imagined that Philaine was likely to say many incredible words, and even imagined that Philan would come up with a very reasonable excuse to destroy "Relensburg" and "Lo Lake", but he never thought that Philen would say this.

"...How did you know that I asked for help from the 'bloody rose'? Why do you say that they won't come?" Luo Fengqiang calmed down.

"General Lu specially talked about it before he came. He said that he would send someone to contain 'bloody rose', and we don't have to worry about it."

"... Sure enough, as Ye said, Lu Renjia really wants to... But from this point of view, isn't it just that he alone, there will also be Viscount Hind or Depp?"

"What did you say?"

Luo Feng's heart was shocked and couldn't help talking to himself. Philun's ears were easy to hear, but he didn't understand the meaning of Luo Feng's words. He only felt that it should be a very important thing.

"Be careful!"

Before Luo Fengduo said, Dama had warned in advance, but as soon as Philun retreated, he reacted and rushed forward again. Unfortunately, with such a delay, the speed has slowed down a lot. I can only watch an ordinary young man appear beside Luo Feng, and his action is a heavy punch!