Genius concubine

324: Venerable Dragon

The man outside the window was shocked, and a mass of white light met the water dark weapon of Hua Qiyue and suddenly turned silent.

Hua Qiyue sensed Hua Zun's breath and turned her little face coldly, "Hua Zun, I'll settle accounts with you later!"

The man outside the window has escaped. He is Hua Zun. He fled to the hall of the Ice and Snow Palace, with his chest slightly undulating.

"How dare you peek at her taking a bath?" The voice of a man like three thousand Xuanbing came from behind, and Hua Zun was shocked. He didn't expect that the peeping just now was discovered by Tianpi!

Tianpi's face was like frost, and he stood there coldly, and the murderous spirit in his eyes suddenly appeared.

Hua Zun was stunned for a moment and curled his lips coldly, "What's the case? I can't suppress my love for her at all. What if I just look at her? It's not rude to possess her!"

"You still have reason! Son of a bastard, if I don't teach you a lesson, it's definitely not Tianpi!" Tianpi said, and the figure flashed, and the whole person bullied himself!

And Hua Zun is not weak, but he was also afraid that their fight would break the ice palace, so the two entangled in the snowy mountain open space outside and started a gorgeous battle.

Everywhere, snowflakes flew everywhere, and some of them melted into water, wetting their robes.

When Hua Qiyue and Tianci came out of the ice palace, they found that they had beaten the sky dark.

After all, the strength of Hua Zun and Tianpi is almost the same. It is difficult to distinguish the winner for a while, and the snowflakes are flying. Hua Qiyue and Tianci really can't see who is who.

The cold air was deep into the bone. Hua Qiyue took a breath of heat and hugged Tianci tightly, "God-given, is it cold?"

"It's not cold. Uncle Hua gave me a fox fur coat, which is very warm. Mother, are you cold?" The little guy raised his cold red face and asked softly.

Hua Qiyue shook her head. What she is wearing now is also made of Warcraft fur specially hunted back by Tianpi. It is very warm. Only her little face is wrapped in the cold wind, which looks a little cold.

"When are the two uncles going to fight? I smell blood. Are they all hurt?

God looked at the messy snowflakes and the shadows, and sometimes he couldn't even see the shadows.

I can't help but worry. The two uncles are very good to him and his mother. To be honest, God-given doesn't like them fighting.

But Tianpi and Hua Zun always fight behind their mother's back for a little boy. Every time, they are sent by God to pull each other away. Unexpectedly, this time, they were found by their mother.

Hua Qiyue remained calm and had no expression on her face. "They love to fight. Don't they usually fight for a little thing?"

Hua Qiyue actually knows, but she is too lazy to care about them.

"Don't fight, don't fight! Mother told you not to fight!"

Heavenly gift couldn't stand it, so he waved his two fat arms and roared loudly. Tianci was more than ten years old, almost eleven years old, much taller than before.

With such a roar, the two really stopped their hands obediently and waited for the messy snow to subside, but they saw one or two pieces of blood on the snow, and their robes were covered with a large area of blood.

Both of them were out of breath, standing on the snow and looking at the flower and the moon together.

Hua Qiyue wore a white warcraft fur sewn coat, which was cute and cute, but she looked down at all this and said nothing.

Tianpi was a little disappointed. He couldn't see any heartache at all. He couldn't help scolding Hua Qiyue for being ruthless. At least he was her master. Do you want a word of concern?

"Qi Yue... I didn't mean to..." Hua Zun lowered his head with great embarrassment to the indifference Qi Yue and whispered.

Hua Qiyue snorted coldly and sneered mercilessly: "If there is a next time, I will blind you in person."

Hua Zun bit his lips, raised his eyes tremblingly, and looked at Hua Qiyue's ruthless autumn eyes, "I do."

Hua Qiyue was so depressed that she vomited blood and turned her head to the Ice Palace, but took two steps and pulled Tianci to Xuanbing City.

I haven't been out of the palace for about half a month. In addition, stimulated by Hua Zun, Hua Qiyue wants to eat and drink very much.

Hua Zun and Tianpi looked at each other. They followed silently and took two steps. Hua Qiyue looked back and said coldly, "Don't follow us. I don't want to see you today!"

Hua Qiyue's mood was very depressed and irritable. For some reason, she inexplicably thought of Yun Shimo.

At that time, in addition to taking a bath, the man also forcibly kissed her in the spring.

When Hua Zun heard the words, his face was extremely pale. Tianpi snorted proudly and followed the gods.

Tianci paused for a moment and took out a small medicine bottle from his pocket, "Uncle Hua, Uncle Tian, take a blood cling pill first!"

God gave it and threw the medicine bottle to Hua Zun.

Hua Qiyue looked at Tianci strangely and looked at him up and down, as if she didn't know her son. "Tianci, I remember you have never bought an elixir. Where did you get the pill?"

God-giveness blinked proudly, and Xiaoyuan's face glowed with excitement, "That's the medicine elixir I refined!"


The three of them suddenly opened their eyes wide, and God-given can refine medicine? Why don't they know any of them?

"When will you refine medicine?" Hua Qiyue shook her head suspiciously, "God-given, you can't lie to your mother. Good children can't lie!"

Heavenly chuckled, "I once secretly asked Uncle Hua Zun to buy me a refining tripod, but you don't know. Uncle Hua thought I was going to refine the medicine tripod to play, but he didn't pay attention to it!"

"Are you really good at refining medicine?" Hua Zun opened the medicine bottle unbelievably and sniffed it. It was indeed a strong smell of medicine, and it was also very pure and fragrant.

This taste proves that the purity of the medicine is very high,

"Of course, try one. Anyway, no one will die!" God smiled.

Hua Zun poured out a brown ball and took it down. After a moment, he felt that his wound had stopped bleeding and his whole body was cool!

Sure enough, Hua Zun couldn't help noding and admiring, "It's so powerful at such a young age. It will be even more powerful in the future!"

Hua Zun said and threw the medicine bottle to Tianpi. Tianpi took it and took it. Suddenly, he felt comfortable and surprised. Unexpectedly, Tianci was only ten years old and could refine medicine!

and still self-tacherless.

Hua Qiyue was shocked and happy. She gently took Tianci's hand and squatted down and asked, "Tianci, who taught you to refine medicine?"

Tianci's black eyes are full of smiles, "I used to see my father refine medicine a lot, so I can do it too. It's easy. Mother, do you want to learn it?"

Hua Qiyue shook her head with a smile.

Although he is unhappy when he thinks of Yun Shimo, in any case, God can have a talent in this area, which is also an extra skill. In the future, if you have refined some powerful medicine elixir, you don't have to ask others.

"God-given is really awesome. Let's go to Xuanbing City. This time, you can eat whatever you like and buy whatever you like!"

Hua Qiyue's mood is much better. After all, her son took a breath for her. However, when she thought of the god-given biological father, it was Yun Shimo, and her head began to ache again.

She tried to make herself easier, after all, this is an unchangeable fact.

Looking at Tianci and Hua Qiyue go far away, Tianpi raised his eyebrows proudly, "Hua Zun, next time, I will fight for a people to poke your eyes blind without her to do it!"

"Humph, I'm very willing to let Qiyue poke my eyes blind, so that it's not your turn to do it!" Hua Zun's face was calm and he laughed shamelessly.

Tianpi's face suddenly sank, but he still said nothing and immediately followed Hua Qiyue not far away.

Hua Zun stood there alone, looking at the direction of their disappearance, with layers of loneliness in his eyes.


In the Xuanbing City.

"Sell steamed buns, hot and fragrant steamed buns!"

"Wanzi, Wuwei meatballs, Nanhe special snacks!"

"Iced spicy vegetables, sour plums, sour bamboo shoots, sweet and sour fruits..."

As soon as I walked into the Xuanbing City, I heard countless shouts, and all kinds of fragrances kept drifting and tempting.

Hua Qiyue took a deep breath. I don't know why she could relax in such a warm environment.

In the past two and a half years, Hua Qiyue's practice has stagnated. Although she has broken through to the lower level of the immortal, she still has not stepped forward a little.

"Mom, I want to eat sour bamboo shoots! Well, it's delicious!"

Tianci refers to a small shop, which specializes in selling sour products, sour meat, pickled bamboo shoots, pickled cabbage, pickled fruits, etc. There are all kinds of sour snacks.

Xuanbing City is a place to eat and play in the world. Huaqiyue and Tianci deeply like this place.

"Then go!" Hua Qiyue said faintly, and her calm face was full of charming brilliance.

Her white robe wrapped her slim body tightly, and the green silk was casually wrapped. The rest fell off and moved gracefully with her pace, which was particularly beautiful.

Tianpi followed her and couldn't help moving when he saw her soft back.

The stunning Huaqiyue naturally attracted a lot of attention as soon as it appeared.

Sitting down with Tianci, Hua Qiyue found that the snack bar was also overcrowded. She couldn't help sighing that there were still many foodies in the world.

Tianci also ordered a lot of acid products this time, eat one or two small mouthfuls of each, and eat other things with a stomach.

God-given is so wasteful that Hua Qiyue will not stop her, because at her point, money is not a problem. They live and have a higher level.

"This sour bamboo shoot is really delicious, sour and crispy, and this sour fruit, sour and sweet, tastes like a thousand times, memorable." Tianci praised while eating. In fact, every time Tianci enters the city, Tianci will eat several varieties. Hua Qiyue is casual and eats more than usual.

"Xuanbing City is a famous food town in Changjing. In Xuanbing City, snacks from all over the country can be eaten here. So it's good to come here often in my spare time, after all, it's not far away. Tianpi smiled and looked soft in his eyes.

His gorgeous face attracted more female guests to squeeze in. At a glance, those women were almost drunk.

Hua Qiyue looked at him faintly and secretly scolded him for the disaster of his blue face. It won't take long for this small shop to be crowded by female guests, right?

"Make way, the venerable dragon clan!" A rough voice sounded outside, and the sound of several people being thrown to the ground was heard. In an instant, both the men and women fled around in panic and dared not stay here again.