Genius Master

Ib Immortal's Secret Handout Reprint 1

Deng Haiyi

The first lecture of enlightenment

I. Unveil the mysterious veil of ancient times

Prediction is magical, but not mysterious. China's prediction techniques are complicated, there are many schools, and the roots are traced back to the "Zhou Yi". Yi Xue has developed for thousands of years, which is an important part of Chinese traditional culture. This classic, which integrates the wisdom of ancestors, consists of two parts, one is the scripture part, and the other is the annotation and play of the oldest scriptures. The "Sing" Department includes hexagrams, hexagrams and hexagrams that explain hexagrams, and hexagrams that explain hexagrams. In ancient times, divination was used to divine the good or bad luck of natural and social changes. The "Biography" department is also known as the "ten wings", including "elephant" up and down, "lineal words" up and down, "preface hexagrams", "speaking hexagrams" and ten other articles. On the basis of affirming that the movement of things will change endlessly, it speculates that when things develop to a certain extent and at a stage, it will go to the opposite side of it. It also understands the development as a process of various contradictions towards harmony and continuous reciprocating.

"Yi" has three meanings. One is "simple" and "the department" said: "Yi has Tai Chi, which is to give birth to two instruments, two instruments give birth to four elephants, and four elephants give birth to gossip." "Extreme", "Yi" and "likes, hexagrams" are the names of objects at different stages, which are highly abstractly summed up the process of the development of things. The second is "anti-ease", "Jie Ci" said: "Qian, ** also; Kun, yin things, yin and yang are virtuous, and strong and soft body, with the body of heaven and earth, to understand the virtue of the gods." It is explained that the world is a whole of contradictions and unity. The third is "change", "Ji Ci" said: "Those who change are the image of progress and retreat." It shows that everything changes infinitely, which is caused by the two phenomena of yin and yang between heaven and earth or the reciprocating driving force.

The ancient scriptures of "Zhou Yi" have been passed down for thousands of years, and with the passage of time, it has become more and more powerful. Its charm lies in its extensive and profound view of the universe, and that it can be applied to the predictive function of real life.

Zhou Yi is the crystallization of the wisdom of the ancients, which reveals the law of change in the objective world. The root of prediction is in the Book of Changes, which comes from life and benefits life, so it is not mysterious. The rulers of all dynasties are most willing to engage in the policy of fooling the people. Zhiyi has to be intertwined with religious witchcraft and trapped in the picture. The essence of Yi is often smeared by the study of Weiwei, which makes the treasure that should have been glorious and mysterious. The responsibility of our researcher is to clarify the source, unveil its mysterious veil, and return the original face of the ancient Yi.

Second, you can also become a predictor

In this world, man is the spirit of all things and has spirituality. Everyone has the potential to predict. Most people are unaware of it and slowly destroy the spirituality. A few people hone their minds and gradually improve them to become wise men who can trace back to the past and predict the future. There is a saying "Say Cao Cao, Cao Cao comes", and I believe you have experience in life. You can think of it this way, not because you said "Cao Cao" and "Cao Cao" came, but because of the arrival of "Cao Cao", you accidentally had a feeling with "Cao Cao" (someone). In fact, this is a simple prediction. To put it bluntly, it is called intuition. A flash of inspiration is the manifestation of human prediction potential. So, has everyone become a forecaster? Of course not, because the fragmentary potential reflection of individuals cannot be called prediction in the strict sense, but can only be sensitive intuitive reflection. The forecaster we are talking about should have a high degree of easy-to-learning literacy, the ability to reflect the past with stable and continuous repeatable operations, and the ability to predict the future. Prediction is a profound knowledge. It is necessary to systematically learn prediction theory, master its application skills, accumulate experience, and more importantly, it is necessary to have the guidance of a master. It's worthless to make a decision in the world. This shows that prediction is regular. There are at least four points to learn to predict well: first, read more prediction books and be familiar with prediction knowledge; second, visit teachers and friends, and communicate with each other. The knowledge gained from reading is stable, and communicating with people can stimulate ideological sparks, dig and trigger deep-seated predictive ability; the third is to be diligent in practice, good at summizing, and increase understanding; the fourth is to learn from social life. Prediction, like other art forms, comes from life and is higher than life at the same time. Looking at today's predictions, a large number of new contents of modern life have been added, all of which are obtained from life.

Cultivate interest, strengthen confidence, study hard and learn more. In the near future, you can also become an outstanding forecaster.

III. Use Yi Li

"Easy" is inherently changeable and flexible. As far as prediction is concerned, there are fields such as astrology, feng shui, numerology, divination and physiology. Ancient and modern classics are as vast as a sea of smoke. Each sect has its own fixed theoretical system and deduction mode, among which there are many factions, and there are many rules and regulations, which are becoming more and more cumbersome. In fact, it is unreasonable, because the prediction technique itself is a multi-solving equation, fuzzy selection. There is no absolute formula of 1+1=2 in the world, and the prediction results are not The model can be set out, so it is not that the more rules of a certain sect, the better. On the contrary, tedious refinement of the program can only constrain people's spirituality and limit people's thinking. If you want to break through, you must dare to get rid of the shackles of the program, make use of easy reason, and dare to develop ideas. There is no 100% prediction. If someone says that the prediction is 100% accurate, it's really bragging and deceptive. No theory has a peak. Marxism is the truth. We all know now that it is also constantly developing and improving. It is dynamic. Any absolute theory is just an inflated bubble. We should be soberly aware that the prediction technique has been developed and improved through the painstaking efforts of wise people for several generations. The mood of the big number surgeons is the same as ours. They all want to make the prediction results closer to the facts, more comfort and less regret. Among the prediction techniques, there are also relatively good and bad, and the accuracy is relatively high and low. This prediction technique originates from Yi Li, plays Yi Li, and is compatible with other categories. The more prediction techniques you master, the higher the level, the more integrated it is, the more you can play to the extreme, and the higher the accuracy.

Four, delete the complex, simplify the three spring trees, mark the new and different February flowers

The essence of this "Ib Immortal Decision" external prediction lies in the use of Yi Li, which fully embodies the essence of Yi. The characteristics are: simple, fast, accurate and strange. There are a total of 16 immortal decisions, and the real effect is ten.

It is said that "Ibu Xian Ren Jue" was created by Shao Kangjie, a great matheist in the Song Dynasty. It was more straightforward than "Plum Blossoms and Easy to Count". He taught his stupid son alone, and his teacher was also known as "Pretty Plum Blossoms". It has been passed down from generation to generation. Liu By the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the People's Republic of China, there was a war in the world, and there were beacon fires everywhere. In order to avoid disaster, Gao Zun of the master fled into the temple. The teacher was originally a Taoist in Guanzhong. After liberation, he returned to vulgarity, wandered around the world, and Yibu was his career. I had the opportunity to meet him by chance. After three years, he tracked thousands of miles before he worshipped his ancestors. I have an appointment with my teacher, and I have to wait for the death of my teacher before I can open the mountain. In the autumn of the year of Gengchen, the teacher returned to the immortal throne. In order to promote Yidao, he asked the master to teach it publicly for the first time this year.

"Ib Immortal Decision", all use external predictions, which is more concise and intuitive than "Plum Blossom Easy Count". The more profound it is, the simpler the reason is, the simpler it is, and the richer its connotation is. The world is the word "yin and yang". Look, how good it was summarized by the ancients. The prediction technique is already complicated. The prediction method is Mr. Lin Lin, which is dazzling enough. However, there are more good people who are half hidden and half exposed, covering up. The Jianghu warlocks are mysterious and mysterious. It really makes those who are willing to study do not know where to go. Su Dongpo has a poem, "Looking horizontally as a The low is different. I don't know the true face of Lushan Mountain, only because I am in this mountain. I think it's very vivid to describe this situation. So, how can we know that Lushan Mountain is really full of eyes? I said: Jump out." If you want to learn poetry, your kung fu is outside of poetry. Familiar with the basic knowledge, grasp the ease of reason, and understand from real life. Only in this way can we improve the realm and develop in depth. Don't stick to each school and go to the dark. Prediction is obtained from the ancestors of wisdom from real life. It is a summary of the rational understanding of objective things through sensibility. This is from the realization of the virtual, and then the refined ideological understanding is returned to real life, the verification is correct, and at the same time to guide life and benefit mankind. This is to the virtualization of reality. There are no immortals in the world, and no one really travels through the three worlds. It is easy to study to a certain extent. If you want to improve it again, it is only a matter of changing the angle and adjusting the way of thinking. It is difficult for those who do not become ancient times to become a great weapon. "Ib Immortal Decision" has obtained the essence of Yi, and it is simple to delete the complex. "Open the fog and see the true chapter, and the wind blows through to the gold." When I was a child, I was influenced by home studies and loved mathematics. After work, I have devoted myself to studying Yi for 20 years. I have been involved in astrology, numerology, divination, Qimen Dunjia, big and small six Ren, iron plate god number, phase science and other categories. I also have many experiences, and the accuracy in practice is also very high. However, after studying the decision of immortals outside this Simple, with one heart, lies in change.

The essence of Taijiquan is to brake statically and use force. The highest level of practicing martial arts is no move. In fact, it is full of tricks. Why is Xi Yi not like this? "Those who are easy do not occupy", there is no need for tedious forms to occupy. The world is holographic, and the sky is everywhere. As long as there is ease in the heart, it will come and go, and there is no need to be clumsiness.

This information is concise and straightforward to the truth. It teaches you a golden key to decipher the password of time and space, ten access rules, explain the key places clearly, give more examples, and understand. My principle is to try not to write or write less, which is common in other places. If there is a word, it will be long; if there is no speech, it will be short. If there is no words, it will be clear, and if it is clear. Don't waste other people's lives.

Practice is the only criterion for testing truth, and facts are the criterion for verifying prediction. It's better to act than to be moved, and it's better to do well than to do well. The door of wisdom is open for you, taking you into the magical world quickly. I wish you reach the new peak of learning as soon as possible.

The second advanced chapter

I have a special Yiyou, and he also uses a similar prediction method. When this material is arranged, I deliberately wrote down the situation of our communication in the front, so that everyone can read the enlightenment article, read this article, and then read this article to get more emotional understanding and inspiration, which is very helpful to help you get started quickly.

1. Xin Si Nian Chouyue, Zhao XX, who lives in xx District, and his disciple Lao Li visited and just sat down. His disciple Lao Li said, "Mr. Deng, Xue Cheng is engaged in the Yijing. I haven't met a master." The only thing he means is that Mr. Zhao is awesome. Because it was the first time I met him, I looked at him and didn't answer. At noon, I entertained them in the restaurant. Lao Zhao said: Lao Deng, someone will come to you for dinner later. I said: I didn't make an appointment with anyone else, just the three of us. As soon as I finished speaking, my mobile phone rang, and a friend invited me. Lao Zhao added: The person who called you is a dog. I said yes, I was born in 1958. During the meal, Lao Zhao pointed to the TV and said: Lao Deng, you went to the northeast of our current location a few days ago and attended a funeral, and the elderly woman passed away. I looked up at the picture. An old woman was crying in pain when the opera was playing on the TV. The rhinoceros are connected with each other, and with a smile, it is actually the funeral of an elder woman in my family. The northeast is cut off because the TV is in the northeast of the dining table. I asked him if you could find out what day it was? Lao Zhao replied that it was the sixth day of the lunar month. The sixth day of the first lunar month is Bingxu Day, and that day is Wuxu Day. His friend who broke the phone call is a dog, which is also the reason for Wuxu Day. When it comes to housing, I said: Lao Zhao, your house is on the third floor. His disciple Lao Li hurriedly replied: Yes, yes, yes, I know I testify. I added: It's the third floor and a half, and there is a storage room underneath. He was surprised to hear this and asked me how I measured it. I replied with a smile: I will use any method you use. I don't use any other method today. The three of us ate here. When I finished speaking, the waiter came in and went out, so I added a storage room for you. After hearing this, he was unwilling and asked again: Lao Deng, can you measure the party members in my family? He intends to take over my army. I can't use three more foreign officers. He already knows my method. At this time, someone next door was talking loudly, and I shouted: Five! He usually didn't count how many party members there were in the family. He only felt that there were more. As soon as he listened to me, he counted his fingers a circle and offered his hands: Lao Deng, I'm convinced, it's exactly five. Where did the five come from? It is the information next door. The next room belongs to the Xun Palace in the whole hotel, and Xun is five numbers. After drinking, the waiter put pepper on the noodles. He didn't want to eat chili, so he put his chopsticks on the edge of the small plate next to the bowl. I noticed this action and immediately broke it: your elder sister is grumpy and tough, and the first child is a boy. I'm afraid it's difficult to grow up. He answered: That's true. My eldest sister is very blind. I'm so big. Some time ago, I quarreled and slapped me with three fingerprints. Her first child was a boy. Her little nephew was twelve years old. He was scalded by boiling water and was not cured. My above inference is that he put the pepper on the whole table, and the pepper is placed on the edge of the plate. His disciple Lao Li apologized for the words he first met: I'm sorry, Mr. Deng, I offended you. I laughed at it. China's prediction has a long history, extensive and profound. There are people outside, and there is a sky outside. However, to be honest, Lao Zhao is the only one I have met so far who uses external predictions, and his action is extraordinary. Therefore, I call this meal a wine meeting a confidant and a chess match.

2. In the third month of the Renwu year, Yiyou Zhao XX came to Xuecheng for the second time. We met on the street, so we stood by the roadside and chatted. He stood on the side of Xun, and I stood on the side of Qian. Lao Zhao asked: Lao Deng, do you think anything has happened to me recently? I said: There is something to worry about. Who did he ask about? I said: Your father's business. He asked: What happened to my father? I said: I can't get up when I lie down. I'm either sick or injured. He asked: Where did it happen? I said: not far from the door. He was asking: How much did I spend? Let me say six hundred to seven hundred.

The actual situation is that when his father was eating, he accidentally fell down in the kitchen (Lao Zhao's kitchen is in the yard) and is still bedridden. As he spoke, my mobile phone rang. He said: Someone is here to treat you. Look at the southeast, and you go back to the northeast. I did go to the hotel in the southeast direction, and my deskmate has reserved a seat for me, which is in the northeast of the table. I even said: Qi Zhun, Qi Zhun. Call him back immediately and verify his prediction.

My inference is: he asked things with a sad face, and it was a sad matter; whose matter, I was in Qianfang, his father's business; why did he lie down, standing by the roadside at that time, the road was horizontal, lying down. At the door of the house, it was said that I stood at the door of the shop facing the street, with a number of 600 to 700, because when he asked me this sentence at that time, he went from Sifang to noon.

The third lecture of Ib Immortal Decision

I. The principle that immortals are easy to occupy

The universe is a large system of everything. Due to the interrelationship of various parts of the whole, nature shows a strong regularity. This regularity is not only reflected in the macro aspects such as four-hour circulation, but also in various small aspects, many of which people usually do not notice. The ancestors looked up at astronomy, observed the shape of objects, took the bodies near, and took the objects far away. They summarized this law of performance at different times and under different situations, and summarized it from the aspects of color, position, action, direction, object, object, tone, smell and conversion process. How to quickly make a judgment on what hasn't happened yet? First of all, we should extract the most confident information from the related things, and then guide according to the Ib knowledge and induction thinking we have mastered.

The divination principle of Ib Immortals is to take people as Taiji and use the external response of time and space to predict future things. In the practice of prediction, we are used to using time, geography, people, etc. as reference only for hexagrams, and few people directly use external prediction. Foreign should predict that from ancient times to the present, it is rare to see the legacy of pen and ink in the world. Only a few masters understand it. Most forecasters dare not boldly use it when they catch the foreigner. It is only called inspiration, which boils down to the fact that they have missed many valuable opportunities in vain. It should be predicted that it is a strange work in Yilin, which has always been regarded by the Yi family as a hidden weapon of surprise victory. When and where things appear, or when and where we see, are the golden keys for us to decipher the password of time and space.

II. Immortal Decision

The creation of heaven and earth is infinite, the five elements of yin and yang show strange skills, and the Taoism is natural and true. In ancient and modern times, there are few people. If there is a feeling to distinguish it by form, things are not of the same kind and do not belong to the whole,

The sun and the moon are only looking for it in time. The palace looks at the palace and the hedge. The number of elephants is inverted, and it is also used back and forth. The preconceived notions must be taken directly, and the sound of the sound is quiet, that is, as soon as you receive it is, do not hesitate

Mun's teacher teaches the true secret. I applied the verification in practice, and the effect is really amazing. True one sentence, fake ten thousand books, other prediction techniques are easy to get started, and it is difficult to break the hexagrams. The procedural derivation is complicated and the conclusions are diverse, resulting in no choice in judgment, and frequent mistakes. Prediction is originally a manifestation of the way of thinking. How can it be used in a fixed way? This prediction technique only uses easy reason and maneuvering ten rules, and does not need to memorize the rules and frames. How to use external should be the key and the key. I will explain the ten rules in detail below. As long as you think carefully, integrate them through, and then understand the examples behind, everyone will be able to be skilled, and the iron mouth will be broken, which is extraordinary.

The first decision: "If there is a form, it can be distinguished by form" "Ji Ci" said: "In the sky, it forms in the ground, and the change can be seen." I boil down to the law of metaphysical. When we make predictions, in the face of many things, there is time, people, mountains, rivers, buildings, trees, vehicles, etc., we often feel that the tiger has nowhere to eat the sky, and we don't know how to use the external response. It's very simple. Everything is tangible. Those who are like the true god are affectionate. Those who twist and turn are straight and smooth. Those who are successful are trapped. Mountains, rivers and earth, and all things in the world are gathered and formed can see the aura of heaven and earth. Wood shape: slender and straight; fire shape: square, dignified; water shape: beautiful, fat and round; earth shape: thick and steady. This is a big classification method. If you look for it in detail, it should correspond to the twelve branches, such as rats, cattle, tigers, rabbits, dragons, snakes, horses, sheep, monkeys, chickens, dogs, pigs, so that it is clear, according to the meaning of the category of the twelve branches. For example, in July of Xin Si, the main leader of a unit invited me to regulate feng shui. He had not yet entered the gate of the unit. Seeing that the rockery was facing the gate, the distance was too close, I immediately said: Your current work is like a throat, you can't advance or retreat, and it's hard to say. It is not a business problem, but a personnel problem that is difficult to deal with. I pointed to a rock that looked like a monkey and said: I have a subordinate to trouble you this month. Have you been making trouble for a while? And this person should be born in the year of monkey. This is exactly the case. When his leader saw that I had not entered his door, he was very admirable.

The second decision, "things are not of the same kind", I boil it down to the law of analogy. We can't meet everything in the world. The simple view of the ancients to understand the world is to make an analogy and generalization of everything according to the nature and characteristics. Rainbow is also known as the colorful bridge. Why is it a colorful bridge? Because it is similar to the bridge, the bridge crosses people, and the rainbow in the sky also shoulders the mission of meeting immortals and fairies? When we predict, our main task is to distinguish clearly whether there is a connection between the external should and the corresponding predictions, whether there is an analogy relationship, and whether there is an analogy relationship. Only when there is an analogy relationship between the external and the predicted items can we use this prediction. Such as watermelon and football, straight road and long arrow, etc. In the summer of the noon, my friend invited me to his house. When it was hot, I put the table in the yard. While eating and chatting, he unconsciously patted the beer bottle cap on the table anyway. He accidentally fell to the ground and rolled straight to the front wheel of his bicycle and stopped. I said casually: Today you repaired the bicycle tire, and it is the front wheel. His wife was shocked: That's good. You can also measure such a small thing. It's really amazing! It's not my god, but the secret of heaven that everything can't escape a word. The beer bottle cap is similar to the wheel, and the beer bottle cap is used as the external response, and the prediction is the wheel. There is an analogy relationship between the two. That's why we can get the right number.

The third trick, "the sun and the moon only look for time", I boil down to the law of time. We live in a long river of time and are always affected by time. All prediction techniques value time, and external prediction techniques are no exception. It's just that this prediction is very random and often used. Sometimes the actual hour is used as the external response, and sometimes the time represented by the local branch is used as the external response, 23 o'clock in the evening to 1 o'clock in the morning, 1-3 o'clock in the ugly time, 3-5 o'clock in the Yin time, 5-7 o'clock in Mao time, 7-9 in the hour, 9-11 17-19, 19-21, 21-23.. Our ancestors used the world's unique Ganzhi chronology, which immersed ** the essence of ancient Chinese culture and is the carrier of the unique charm of oriental culture. Tiangan and earth support is mostly used for complex inference. Generally speaking, it is enough to infer in the present time. For example, when I went to a barbershop for a haircut, the boss saw me and said with a smile, "If you can measure how much work I have done today (how many haircuts), I don't want the money for the haircut, and I'll treat you to dinner." I took the clock on the wall of the barbershop as a response. It was 7 p.m. at that time, and I replied: I'm the seventh. You made 70 yuan today, right? The boss joked: You stood in front of my store and counted exactly seven, and the money didn't count. I guess it's the same number.

The fourth decision, "the palace looks at the palace and hedges", I boil down to the rule of the palace. In this prediction, the palace position method occupies a very important position and is often used. Gossip is everywhere, and we are in it. When predicting, depending on the person being tested, the place where the matter happened, and the relationship between the palace position occupied by the forecaster is used. Sometimes it is the same palace position, and sometimes it is hedged against the palace position, which is mostly used in continuous prediction. The same palace refers to the Qiangong, including the Xu and Hai of the earth branch, and the Kun Palace includes the Wei and Shen of the earth branches, etc. The number of the palace image of the hedge is "seven" and "seven" and "seven" is the most strange number in the universe. When everything reaches the seventh, it has the meaning of completion and rest. The arrangement of the branches of heaven and earth, from the number to the seventh place, will back against the first place. Take any of the sixty-flowered armor as the first place, and count to the seventh place, and there will be a rush with the first place. The law of hedging is very common and can be applied to any developmental matter. For example, in the year of Renwu, I went to Tengzhou City with Mr. Yin, a Fengshui master in Weishan County, Mr. Li, a master of Da Liu Ren, and others to visit Mr. Min, a nearly 80-year-year-old feng shui master. Talking about the prediction in the car, Mr. Yin said: Today, there are three people born in the year of snake in the car. Who can measure what? I said: Since it comes to the zodiac, I will measure the zodiac. Mr. Li, who is sitting side by side with me: You are 63 years old and belong to Dalong. Mr. Li was shocked: It's so powerful. It's faster than me. I'm a big dragon, 63 years old. I've heard Mr. Deng's name for a long time. It was an eye-opener when we met for the first time. In fact, it's very simple, Chen Si Tong Gong. Mr. Yin said "three people born in the year of snakes". There is a number "3" in this sentence. There is a snake, the snake is Si, and Chen Si lives in the same palace. I was born in the year of the snake. Mr. Li and I sit side by side. It is regarded as the same palace. Chen is the dragon. According to the age, the dragon who is 3 should be 63 years old. I pointed to the driver sitting in the opposite position with Mr. Li and said: This master should be a dog. The answer is right. Mr. Li belongs to Dalong. This should be obvious and fulfilled. Chen's hedging ground branch is Xu, and Xu is a dog.

The fifth decision, "the elephant number is reversed and the elephant is still counted", I boil down to the law of the elephant number. Xi Yi knows that if there is an elephant, there is a number, and if there is a number, there is an elephant. It is like the image of gossip, and the number is the ordinal number of gossip. Qianyi, Weiyi, Lisan, Zhensi, Xunwu, Kanliu, Ganqi, Kunba. The "reversal" in this decision refers to the calculation between the image and the number, which can be obtained by the image and the number can be established by the number. This prediction technique is a re-built platform based on the theory of traditional image number prediction. It is mainly based on rationality, with the same emphasis on elephant numbers. What is different from other elephant numbers predicted is that there is no need for complicated calculations, directly take numbers from elephants, and take elephants from numbers.

For example, in the spring of Xinsi, a female worker in a commercial unit asked for a test, but the business money was less, and she was suspected of being stolen by her colleagues. After she entered the door, she did not sit in the living room, but sat directly in front of my desk in the study, shouting about fortune-making. I didn't use Liu Yao to gossip. I opened my mouth and said, "Is it 700 yuan less?" She said: Yes. I said: It's under the counter. She said she had searched all over, but she didn't. I said: It's on the left front leg. The reason is that the writing desk is like a gong, and the writing desk is external, which is related to the working environment counter of the predicted matter, so it is used. The order of the hexagram is seven. When she said that she had looked under the counter, her left foot accidentally touched the front leg of the desk. The next morning, she called back and found it in the crack on the left side of the counter. Solve the doubts in your heart and avoid disputes. Yi is the closest to people's life, very practical, birth, old age, illness and death, prosperity, promotion and wealth, isn't it all within the scope of Yi's prediction? Only by mastering excellent prediction skills can we better serve the people.

The sixth decision, "also divided and used back and forth", I boil down to the law of combination. " "Combation" refers to the aggregation and forming of exolying objects for joint use; "divided" means that when the exolying objects can be disassembled and used independently for external use, they can be used individually. In actual prediction, the judgment of complex matters is often sometimes discussed and sometimes divided. Regardless of the combination, as long as you can correctly reflect the natural characteristics of the measured matter, and find the relationship between the external should and the measured matter, it will be applied properly. The camera moves, and there is no conclusion. In the month of the Lunar New Year, I went to Yiyou's house and saw that outside the wall of his yard was the ruined mountain of the neighbor's house. As shown in the attached picture, he was fined by the family planning department for overbirth in 1993. The reason is that Youfang's dilapidated Yashan, the financial position is unlucky, and there is an image of loss of wealth. This is to take the external response by "combation"; Wushan (see the attached picture), the upper half can be "di divided into" the "human" font, the lower half is the "mouth" font At the peak, he was fined by the family planning department for overbirth.

The seventh secret, "preconceived must be taken directly", I boil down to the sequential rule. When we use the external response, the world, time and space, the society is natural, and there are many images. Isn't it a little difficult to grasp? What kind of external response should we use? In the face of time external response, uterine external response, scene external response, etc., it is not difficult to use. There is a problem of external response order. External response should be divided into the first external response and the second external response. The first sex should be most closely related to the measured matter, which is the first thing to be determined in the prediction. No matter what kind of external response, it is the most prominent use, that is, to grasp the core of the matter, so it is designated as the first external response; the second external response refers to the external response that is not clearly related to the characteristics of the matter, and is not the core problem of the matter, which plays an auxiliary role. In this way, it will be clear to use the vein of the external response, and you will no longer make the mistake of scratching the eyebrows and beard. How to determine the primary exotopic response, the second exotopic response, and how they work with each other can be gradually learned and understood in the Application of Q&A and correspondence teaching.

The eighth decision, "look at the change of static sound", I boil down to the law of movement. Look at its posture, behavior and color; when you are quiet, you should find its moving point. Although there is no movement, there is a sound, and the sound is the moving point. One movement is a omen, and the magic machine is in it. The pattern of movement has changed, the behavior has become the image, keenly grasp the external response of the moment, and quickly make a judgment. For example, in the winter of Gengchen, I was explaining to the students in a foreign port, and talked about whether I could test their parents by their children. At this time, a child was swimming at the door of the classroom. Suddenly, he stopped and looked at us with his legs open. I said to the students as an example: You see, take this child as an example and use the aphrognose to infer that his parents are unclear. I use the external prediction to dare to conclude that his parents are divorced, and in April this year, if you don't believe it, ask. Some students called the child in to ask, and it turned out to be true. The student asked to talk about the reason, which was very simple. When we talked about testing parents with children, he stood at our door and his legs were separated. The door can represent a family, a family, a split is separated, his family is separated, and his parents will definitely divorce. This year's April is because he is too close to us and has the intention of approaching. However, in the year, April is determined because he is in his position.

The ninth and tenth tips, "Don't hesitate to collect and let go. It's a waste of effort to dig a well when you are thirsty." These two decisions refer to the general law of application. Prediction uses holographic methodology, and there is a regular and universal connection between everything. The well-trained forecaster's heart is like a mirror. All objects are taken in in a panoramic way, and each of them reflects the route at a fixed angle. Because this prediction technique is too intuitive, the outside response is fast, and the judgment is fast. It is all between the flashes. You must grasp it and let it go. You can't always be uncertain, and even add subjective elements, so it will be inaccurate. The emphasis is on speed and boldness. Of course, after the level is improved, sometimes the external response is caught. At that time, it was useless. It can be stored like a computer disk and sent on standby. The external response predicted by external response is accidental and natural, and it cannot be artificially created for the external response effect, which can only be in vain. For example, some people want to measure a "3" number, but they do not get the appropriate external response associated with "3" for a while, so they deliberately create an elephant of "3" or the number of "3", and the result is imaginable.

Above, I have explained in detail and examples of the prediction principle of a golden key of "Ib Immortal Decision" and ten access rules. You will find that there are no complicated programs, and they are all direct external response. The key is to work hard outside of access, which depends on the accumulation of easy-to-school literacy. Dancers want to dance when they hear music, and they can dance in any music; public security officers can recognize suspects from the crowd at a glance, relying on experience and literacy. There is no fixed situation in boxing, and there is no fixed method in writing. To put it bluntly, when you first practice this technique, you can choose the external response according to the steps, or you can use the external response according to your own feelings or habits, and practice boldly. After accumulating, you can sort out your thoughts, so that you can skillfully When predicting, all laws are not necessarily used. They can be operated individually or comprehensively, depending on the difficulty of the prediction and the habits of each person.

In the examples in the following chapters, some of my examples are using a formula, and some examples are using several formulas, which are not indicated in the text. Please understand it carefully.

Through reading this material, a few Yiyou may have the idea that simple, there is no learning. This is a big mistake. The lack of text is because I write concisely and shallowly in theory. It is because I write straightforwardly. The connotation is very rich, the practicality is quite strong, and it is suitable for the prediction of other categories. A Tao Te Ching is only more than 5,000 words in total. Hasn't it been passed down for thousands of years and dumped generations? Of course, "Ib Immortal" cannot be compared with it, but the function of taking you quickly into high-level prediction must not be underestimated. Try it, you will have an unexpected receipt