Genius Master

Chapter 110 Antique Market

After entering December, Beijing finally ushered in the first three-day nine streams in 1995. This year is particularly cold. After three days of heavy snowfall, the snow has not melted, which has brought a lot of fun to people.

The children are busy making snowmen and having snowball fights on the streets. From time to time, they can see people sliding by bicycles, which attracts a burst of gloating laughter, and the whole city shows a plain silver-covered landscape.

In a not very wide street, the snow on the ground was cleaned up, and even the ice cream on the eaves of the shops on both sides was knocked down.

The streets are full of all kinds of second-hand stalls. The stall owners are red with cold, wearing a hat that can wrap their ears, rubbing their hands and attracting customers loudly.

In the early 1990s, the national antique market was basically called the second-hand market. The old word is equal to an old character. Only old objects can be called antiques, so many people also like to call them old objects when they say that antiques are real or false.

The same is true here. Whether it is the stalls on the ground or the shops behind the stalls, they all sell coins, jade, porcelain, pottery, and some quaint bronzes. Anyway, they look like old things at a glance.

As for the stalls of calligraphy and painting, there are very few. In fact, the weather is not suitable for it. Don't care about real and fake paintings, if they get wet, they will become worthless paintings.

Not to mention, I don't know if it was suffocated by three days of heavy snow. There are really a lot of people on this street. There are old men wrapped in military coats and glasses, and there are also girls dressed up in fashion

Guys, they are all playing here with their own different purpose.

Today is Saturday, and there are no classes at school. Originally, Yu Qingya and Ye Tian made an appointment to take a walk on the campus, but Wei Rongrong knew that he would use it as a light bulb. As soon as Ye Tian thought about it, he simply took them to visit Pan's home.

As early as last year, Ye Tian often heard his father say that Panjiayuan in Beijing has developed rapidly in the past two years, and has almost become the largest antique market in the country, and there are often people in the industry looking for good things there.

Dad didn't go to Beijing because of his mental illness. Ye Tian didn't pay attention to it. By the way, he also learned a lot of antique identification knowledge from Lao Dao. Maybe he could get a few valuable items.

Wei Rongrong was drilling around in the crowd with a happy face, followed by Xu Zhennan with a bitter face, but as long as Miss Wei turned around, she was sure to see the bright spring face.

"Rongrong, you run slowly. Hey, that's a good place to sell snuff bottles. Let's have a look..." Xu Zhennan has been tossed around for less than an hour. Xu Zhennan has been torn apart. He never thought of going shopping with women. It's such a physically exhausting thing.

However, Boss Xu's efforts in the past few months have not been in vain. Although the two have not yet determined their relationship, they can also secretly pull down the little pepper's little hand.

"Ye Tian, how do you know there is such a place? There are a lot of interesting things"

Wei Rongrong just bought a set of 80% new comic strips for 80 yuan, holding his hands with cotton gloves on his chest as a treasure.

Although she didn't collect comic strips, she couldn't help buying them when she saw these things that could cause childhood memories.

After hearing Wei Rongrong's words, Ye Tian put back a snuff bottle he was playing with in his hand and said with a smile, "My father is an antique business. Although he has never been here, he has heard people say that..." "Little brother, dare to love your source of learning..." The stall owner's ears are very sharp, and he is I introduced it to a few people. "To tell you the truth, it's the right place to come here to get things. Although our Panjiayuan didn't start to form a market until 1992, at this time, you inquire about whether there is a bigger land than Panjiayuan?"

"It was only built in 1992. No wonder I don't know." Wei Rongrong is an authentic old Beijing, but what she has heard most is places like the big fence overpass. If it hadn't been for Ye Tian here, she really didn't know.

"Hey, this lady, you don't know. Do you see the bridge? It's called Panjiayuan Bridge. It used to be a ghost market, but it has gradually developed into the current antique market. Would you like to buy a snuff bottle to play?

After introducing the history of Pan's home to Ye Tian and others, the buddy picked up an enamel snuff bottle and sold it. "See? Qianlong's royal use, buy it back for a few years, and guarantee to double it several times..."

"Really? This snuff bottle is so beautiful..."

Wei Rongrong wanted to reach out to pick it up as she spoke. She was stopped by Ye Tian. "Brother, you can put it on the ground. Let's take it and see for ourselves..."

"Ha ha, the little brother is an inn. I'm afraid that we will touch porcelain, right? OK, I'll put it on the ground, and you can palm it..."

After hearing Ye Tian's words, the young man who set up the stall smiled awkwardly. Although he didn't want to touch the porcelain, he was pointed out by the guests, and it was inevitably a little embarrassing.

"This thing is so beautiful, boss, how much is it?" The girls naturally like these bottles and cans. In addition, the snuff bottles on the booth are really well drawn. The table, calligraphy and painting, carving, inlay, grinding and other skills are all in one. Rongrong, the defender, can't bear to put it down.

"Two thousand, this is something that Master Qianlong used. Sister, you bought it back and put it on the table with style,..." After hearing Wei Rongrong's words, the buddy smiled so much that his eyes narrowed into a crack, and his mouth was 2,000 yuan. By the way, he also gave him the name of Qianlong's imperial use identified

"Two thousand?" Wei Rongrong pondered, "Is it from the Qianlong period?" Miss Wei didn't feel that 2,000 yuan was very expensive, but she had some doubts about the stall owner's statement. She also knew that her father bought a room full of antique cultural relics, and at least 90% of them were fake.

"Hey, of course it's Master Qianlong's. Look at the skills of copper tire painting enamel, the craftsmanship of the authentic palace office. This cold day has not yet opened, and I only charge 2,000 yuan." Seeing that Wei Rongrong really wanted to buy it, the stall owner was energetic and pointed to the snuff bottle in Wei Rongrong's hand White gas and smear flew across, but it was not said that Master Qianlong only lived to his eighties when he used it.

Wei Rongrong was a little unsure and asked, "Then if I go back and find that it's fake, can I come back and change it?"

The stall owner of "this" didn't expect Wei Rongrong to ask such a layman, but he didn't know how to answer for a moment.

"Ok, Sister Wei, please take a break..." Ye Tian really can't hear it next to him. This is simply a stupid sister. What she bought in the antique market still wants to take back and exchange it?

Not to mention taking it back to someone for appraisal, I paid for it. Turning your face, you said that this thing was bought at this stall, and no one must have admitted it.

"Little brother, you know how to do it. We really don't have that rule." After hearing Ye Tian's words, the stall owner laughed. Although laymen are easy to fool, sometimes people who don't know the rules make trouble, which is also very troublesome.

So in the antique business, the general prospective customers are those who are half-baked and new to the industry. In the eyes of the stall owner, Ye Tian, who is young, is such a half-baked goods.

"Yes, this thing is to pay attention to your eyesight. Of course, there is no way to get it back..." Ye Tian nodded and agreed with the stall owner's words.

Ye Tian's words made the stall owner smile happily, patted his thigh hard, and said, "Do you see it? I said that the little brother is a sensible person.

Get it, don't be 2,000 yuan. Make a friend today. You can take 1800 away. I'll find a box for you to wrap it. Look at this box, it's worth at least 50 yuan"

As the stall owner spoke, he found a box wrapped in red silk cloth from the bamboo basket under his buttocks, took the snuff bottle and put it in, which made Ye Tian laugh and cry.

"Don't mind, brother, if you are really a snuff bottle in the Qianlong period, then I will also buy it, but..." Ye Tian looked around and said in a low voice, "But when did the things of Wujiayaozi in Tangshan, Hebei become the Qing court office?" Ye Dongping did this job. Although Ye Tian didn't have much contact with him, his head was easy to use. He remembered the purchase location of some items in his mind. From the first sight of the snuff bottle, Ye Tian knew where it came from.

"This, well, when you meet someone who understands, let's go"

After hearing Ye Tian's words, the buddy immediately understood that he had been in vain just now, and others told the location of the purchase. The business was completely over. "Oh, aren't you lying?" Wei Rong didn't agree. If it hadn't been for Ye Tian, she wouldn't have been criticized by her father for buying it.

"I didn't take you to talk like this. First, you didn't buy it, and second, you came here to buy and sell what you want. How can you say it's a lie?"

After hearing Wei Rongrong's words, the young stall owner refused to agree. The appearance of the eldest brother next door just now suddenly became fierce, and Wei Rongrong did not make it clear that he would not let her go.

The most taboo word in the antique industry is the word "cheating". It can be said that it is true or false, but you can't casually say that the seller deceives people. This is a bit like a smashing deal.

"Why did you remember to bring her here..." Seeing the scene just now, Ye Tian smiled bitterly and quickly winned at Yu Qingya and Xu Zhennan, trying to let them pull Wei Rongrong away. The layman said that he didn't understand, and it was a shame to say too much.

Just as Ye Tian wanted to come forward to play a round, a middle-aged man at a stall next to him said, "Ice, it's okay, the little girl doesn't know how to do it. What are you serious about? I said a few people, you can go......"