Genius Master

Chapter 157 Low-key

Looking at Ye Tian's eyes full of doubt... Liu Dazhi opened the zipper of the leather bag with a click and said, "Master Ye, a total of 500,000 yuan, a lot of points. Would you like to click it?" What's the matter? Is the business turning around?

Ye Tian laughed when he heard the words. He estimated that Liu Dazhi would be running in the next few days.

However, what made Ye Tian depressed was that these rich people didn't seem to like to use bank cards. They often smashed hundreds of thousands of cash for fear that others would know that they had no money.

Ye Tian didn't know that for a period of time, the favorite game for rich people in 49 cities was that each person carried a suitcase of money and found a bridge to guess the single and double of the last number of the next car license plate. Whoever wins will take the money away, and the boss Liu in front of him once did such a thing.

"Ye Tian, what's going on? Is this one? Hearing the noise outside, Ye Dongping thought that his son had come to business and came out behind.

"Dad, this is one of my clients. I'm here to pay the bill today..."

Ye Tian said casually that he didn't mean to introduce Liu Dazhi to his father. He did this job and didn't want his relatives to have more contact with him. Who knew that if he would occasionally go crazy that day would involve his family?

As the saying goes, the older the world is, the timid he is. Since he changed his master's fate against the sky, Ye Tian has been much more cautious in doing things. This gray hair always reminds him not to let the trouble he caused and involve his relatives.

However, Ye Tian also looked a little proud when he spoke. Didn't Dad just say that he had no business? In a blink of an eye, someone sent money to his door.

"How much is it to pay the bill?" Ye Dongping spoke and glanced at the zippered leather bag, and his eyes suddenly straightened. Although the leather bag was not big, it was enough for him to see a pile of brand-new bills inside.

I'm afraid that the difference in business between the north and the south is that when trading in the south, they mostly like to transfer money, while northerners prefer to use cash. Real money can stimulate people's desires.

Therefore, the RMB of this leather bag makes Ye Dongping, who has seen the world, also feel that he has some eyes. He estimated that this bag has at least four to half million yuan.

"Are you Uncle Ye? My surname is Liu, and my name is Liu Dazhi. This is my consultation fee for Master Ye, a total of 500,000 yuan

"After hearing the conversation between Ye Dongping and Master Ye, Mr. Liu thought about it for a while before coming up with such a name.

In Boss Liu's heart, Ye Tian is a reborn parent. If Ye Tian hadn't been too young, he would have wanted to use the three words "old man," to call Ye Tian.


Ye Dongping was stunned by Liu Dazhi's name. It took him a long time to react. Looking at Liu Dazhi, who was not a few years younger than him, he said with a bitter face, "Mr. Liu, can we change our name? I'm a few years older than you. It's enough to shout Big Brother Ye."

"Okay, Brother Ye, you have a good son..."

Liu Dazhi didn't dare to take advantage of Ye Tian just now, so he called out his uncle's name. Now after hearing Ye Dongping's words, he immediately changed it. No one wants to have more masters for no reason?

"Brother Liu, what's going on with you? What did Ye Tian do? Do you have to charge so much consultation fee?

To be honest, Ye Dongping's heart has already turned upside down. If he doesn't ask clearly today, I guess he can kill his curiosity.

Last time, Ye Tian sold a magic weapon for one million yuan. Although the money was also given to Ye Dongping, it was all the figures in the bank. He decorated the quadrangle courtyard and the shop of Pan's home, and there was not much money left in the end.

But the real 500,000 yuan in front of us is different. There are as many as 5,000 pieces scattered. I'm afraid that the floor of Ye Tian's company is covered with surplus. The impact of a bag of money and a bank card on vision is absolutely far away.

"Brother Ye, if it hadn't been for your son, Master Ye's guidance, I guess I wouldn't be lucky now..."

After hearing Ye Dongping's question, Liu Dazhi sighed. In the past month, he has really experienced all the joys and sorrows of his life.

After Ye Tian pointed out that there was something wrong with his capital chain, I don't know who said the news. In the first few days, Mr. Liu, who was chased by the creditors, didn't even dare to go back. The company was as lively as a vegetable market, full of debt collectors.

But it's strange to say that when Ye Tian redecorated his office with feng shui, there were fewer people coming to collect debts, and a bank lent Liu Dazhi another three million yuan, which solved his urgent need.

What surprised Mr. Liu more was that a European customer needed to customize a large number of Christmas gifts. I don't know how to find his trading company. This business is as much as 10 million US dollars.

In the past, Mr. Liu was engaged in foreign trade. Most of them took orders and advanced funds to the manufacturer for production. After a big loss, he learned well this time and first collected 60% of the advance payment from the customer.

Mr. Liu's good luck has not yet come to an end. Just after the business was finalized, the European economy, which had not been affected by the Asian financial crisis, gradually recovered. Mr. Liu received the money owed outside one after another.

In this way, Liu Dazhi's company was completely revitalized. Boss Liu, who had been a little dizzy by happiness one after another, thought hard for five minutes and credit for his transshipment was attributed to "Master Ye".

So after dealing with the company's trivial matters, Liu Dazhi went to the bank to withdraw 500,000 yuan in cash and rushed to thank the benefactor. In his opinion, without the guidance of "Master Ye", he would still be in a cycle of suffering.

"Ye Tian, you... won't have any impact on your body, will you?"

After listening to Liu Dazhi's speech, Ye Dong was a little serious, but he knew that Ye Tian had suffered from changing Li Shanyuan's life against the sky.

Ye Tianneng heard the strong concern from his father's words, shook his head with a smile and said, "Dad, it doesn't have much impact."

"It's better to stop this shadowless business!" Ye Dongping's face became more and more grim.

Originally, I thought my son was messing around when he started a company, but he didn't expect to make so much money. Ye Dongping's first reaction was not joy, but a little panic.

You know, Ye Dongping has experienced the unprecedented [luck] movement. There is no need to say more about his attitude towards feudal superstition in those years. How many Taoist temples have been destroyed? He was afraid that his son would be targeted and suffer some reckless disasters.

"It's impossible to stop, but it's better to keep a low profile in the future." Ye Tian didn't refute his father's words this time. He turned his face to Liu Dazhi and said, "Mr. Liu, don't publicize this matter......"

To be honest, Ye Tian also felt that his behavior of opening a company this time was really a little frank.

In fact, if Ye Tian is not in such a hurry, he can choose to start with the people around Wei Hongjun or Sha Lingxiao, and slowly accumulate his own connections and relationships to develop business.

It's just that there is no turning back. Since the company has opened and charged a one-year consulting fee from two banks, it is impossible for Ye Tian to close it, so he can only keep a low profile in the future.

"How can that work? Master Ye, you are my savior. If it hadn't been for your guidance, my Lao Liu would have been hanged..."

Liu Dazhi didn't understand what Ye Tian and his son said. In his opinion, only by helping Ye Tian do more publicity and letting the world know the ability of "Master Ye" is what he should do.

Ye Tian smiled bitterly when he heard the words, pointed to the top of his finger and said, "Mr. Liu, this is a 49-nine city. As the saying goes, the gun hits the head bird. You won't watch me suffer retribution for leaking the secret, will you?" The retribution Ye Tian is worried about is not a natural disaster, but a man-made disaster. What he can rely on now is only some magic inheritance in his mind. If it really shocks the bosses in some circles, it is really not enough to rely on Ye Tian's tricks.

"This is also..." After listening to Ye Tian's explanation, Liu Dazhi also understood a little. Although the country has relaxed some restrictions a lot after the reform and opening up, it is estimated that the attitude of the authorities is still zero tolerance for those who openly promote "feudal superstition" like Ye Tian.

After figuring out this joint, several people fell into meditation for a moment and fought against the state machine with their personal ability. There was no doubt that they were self-induls.

"Oh, I said, Lao Liu, are you there too? What's the matter? Did you send money to Master Ye?

A voice at the door broke the silence in the office.

"Mr. Lei, why do you have time to come here? Does that charm work well? After seeing the person coming, Ye Tian hurriedly greeted him. He was wondering if he should make a phone call to explain Lei Wu, so that he should not shout around to help him publicize his achievements.

"It's easy to use, of course it's easy to use, Mr. Ye, am I here to thank you!"

Lei Wu said and put the handbag in his hand next to Liu Dazhi's leather bag. "Mr. Ye, your charm has helped me a lot. This little money is Lei's little intention." Lei Wu has been in good health since he brought Ye Tian's rune with him. Needless to say, the key is that those entangled confid All of them took the initiative to leave him.

Boss Lei, who was originally a little lost, got the understanding of his wife and helped Lei Wu get several orders for coal mine equipment, which also made Mr. Lei really understand the meaning of the phrase "family harmony and prosperity".

Boss Lei, who realized that he had escaped a disaster, was naturally self-evident to be grateful to Ye Tian. After thinking about it, he, a layman, could only use money to thank "Master Ye".

"De, since you two are together, I'll explain a few words!" After listening to the thunderstorm's words, Ye Tian felt for the first time that the money was so burning. He could not say that he would make some changes in his own way of business in the future.