Genius Master

Chapter 172 Good and evil are rewarded

Lao Wang's family has gone to the United States first. What is he worried about in China now? After locking the door, he is ready to go through the formalities with Ye Tian.

As the saying goes, there is no impenetrable wall in the world. With Ye Donglan's few words with Lao Wang in the yard just now, the people who live in the front two people who enter the yard seem to realize something.

This time, when Ye Donglan and Ye Tian passed through the front yard, those people did not have the previous enthusiasm. They squinted at Ye Tian and Lao Wang one by one, and almost mocked them.

"Is the old man selling the yard?"

"Yes, I just heard it. It must have been sold!"

"We didn't agree. How dare he sell the yard?"

"Come on, although we live here, we don't have any certificates. What can he do if he wants to buy it?"

As soon as Lao Wang and Ye Tian and others came out of the courtyard, the people inside made a sensation. It was about their future residence, and there was no good look on their faces.

"Zhang Mo, you two have a lot of knowledge. Let's talk about what to do?"

The man known as Zhang Mo is thirty-eight or nine years old. In the past, he was re-education through labor for several years because of fighting. After he came out, his unit was gone. He could only set up a small business with his wife's stall, but he didn't expect to slowly get a fortune.

However, these two couples are also greedy and not cheap enough. The husband and wife got into the car two years earlier and bought two houses outside, but they all rented them out. They refused to leave in this courtyard. They are the famous "Lao Lai" in the quadrangle courtyard.

"Uncle Wu, what's wrong with you?"

After hearing the words of everyone in the yard, Zhang Mo curled his lips and said, "Don't care if this yard is sold or not, we are all allowed to live in by the government? If the government doesn't give us a new house, then we won't go anywhere. Even if that person has something to do with Director Ye, he can't do anything to us, right?

Zhang Mo's family used to be the leader of the rebels in this area. Although he died in the late 1970s, he robbed his son of one-third of the yard... There are three large rooms.

The quadrangle courtyard has a good geographical environment, convenient access, and lives in warm winter and cool summer. He doesn't have to pay a few money every month... Of course, Zhang Mo refused to move away. He even wondered whether to find some relationship and could make up a real estate certificate for himself.

"Yes, yes, no matter who owns his yard, let us move!"

"What Xiao Zhang said is reasonable. The government has to take care of it... We can't let us live on the street, can we?"

Zhang Mo's words made everyone seem to have a backbone. In fact, after so many years, they have done this. Asking Zhang Mo is just to find a provocative person.

"Xiaoye, you have to think about it. Those people are very difficult to deal with..."

After walking out of the courtyard, listening to the drum noise behind, Lao Wang could figure out what they were thinking with his buttocks... He couldn't help reminding Ye Tian again.

Although Lao Wang has nothing to do with Ye Tian, he has been friends with Director Ye for decades. In case something goes wrong... Even if he comes back from the United States in the future, he will have no face to meet the eldest sister of the Ye family.

Ye Tian smiled when he heard the words, waved his hand and said, "Uncle Wang, don't worry. I've thought about it for a long time. At that time, I will advise them well. Maybe they will move away?"

"Mop away?"

Looking at Ye Tian's confident face, Lao Wang couldn't help shaking his head, hoping that those "Lao Lai" would take the initiative to move away. I guess he would wait until the iron tree bloomed.

Seeing Lao Wang's head looking at himself... The old lady also smiled bitterly: "Let's go, Brother Wang. Xiaotian has always had his own opinions. Even his father can't make the decision on his affairs...`............"

"Wer, I've said everything I have to say. It's up to you whether you listen or not."

Hearing Director Ye say this... Lao Wang also kept silent. In this way, even if the Ye family is dissatisfied in the future, it will not be blamed on him.

In the 1990s, the transaction of real estate was not as tedious as that of future generations. After the housing management department signed the agreement, Ye Tian first paid 200,000 yuan to Lao Wang, and then when the relevant departments verified the house structure and produced the drawings, they could handle the transfer of ownership.

Ye Donglan and Lao Wang have something to do with each other. The next day, someone will go to the quadrangle courtyard to measure the area of the house. In fact, even if this matter is done, both sides will go home without mentioning it.

"Ye Tian, Ye Tian, aunt, are you also here?"

Just back to her own yard, Yu Qingya flew over like a butterfly and held Ye Tian's hand tightly, but when she saw Ye Donglan beside her, she couldn't help blushing.

"Xiaoya, what do you want to eat in the evening? My aunt is going to do it for you........."

Looking at the girl in front of her, Ye Donglan is satisfied with her face, waist and buttocks. She will definitely have more children for the Ye family in the future.

Although the old lady usually does other people's family planning work, if she puts it in her own home, the more she grows, the better.

"Aunt, whatever, I have something to say to Ye Tian..." Looking at the old lady's eyes, Yu Qingya panicked for no reason and hurriedly took Ye Tian to the backyard.

Looking at Yu Qingya's happy appearance, Ye Tian had actually guessed a little in his heart for a long time, but he deliberately asked, "Why are you so excited? Did you win the jackpot?

"Guess, it's happier than winning the big prize!" Yu Qingya said with a smile.

Ye Tian pretended to be confused and said, "That must have won a bigger prize!"

"I'm so stupid that I know I won the lottery. You didn't win the lottery last time you bought so many lottery tickets..."

Yu Qingya was very dissatisfied with her boyfriend's reaction. She twisted Ye Tian's waist hard and said, "Fatty Qi is unlucky. Not to mention losing the office director, he was also expelled from public office!"

For Yu Qingya, this guy who has been entangled with him for more than two months has finally had a bad reward, which is undoubtedly a very pleasant thing. Isn't he hurried home to report the good news to Ye Tian after work?

"Huh? What's the matter? Tell me..."

After a busy day today, Ye Tian had long forgotten the matter of Fatty Qi. At present, when he heard Yu Qingya mention this, he was also interested. He used the five ghosts for the first time, and he did not know much about its effect.

"I tell you, Fatty Qi came to the stage early in the morning today, but was called in by the director. I heard Sister Xuelian say..."

Although Yu Qingya is very kind-hearted, there is no psychological burden for the unlucky Qi Pangzi, who has repeatedly troubled her. At present, she told Ye Tian vividly.

It turned out that Qi Yi, who had been locked up in the police station all night, knew what had happened yesterday, but thinking that he had worked hard in the past, and after returning to the station, he planned to write a copy to check and muddle through.

It's just that Director Qi didn't expect that this matter had shocked the competent department of the TV station. A leader of the Ministry of Radio, Film and Television said that such a black sheep should be severely punished.

In this way, before Director Qi's inspection was handed in, he was called by the director first. After a stormy reprimand, a dismissal report was put in front of Qi Yi.

Such a result far exceeded Director Qi's psychological expectations. In addition, he didn't sleep well last night. At that time, he fainted in the director's office, causing chaos around the TV station.

In such a big noise, it didn't take two hours for the TV station to know everything, and the leaders in the station were very resolute. When Qi Yi was fired, a new office director was appointed.

The new office director is a woman who is relatively kind. As soon as she took office, she made the reports of Yu Qingya's internship college students, which is also one of the main reasons for Yu Qingya's excitement.

"Ye Tian, thank you..."

After telling the story, Yu Qingya grabbed Ye Tian's hand tightly and snuggled up half of her body. Although Ye Tian did not say anything to her, the clever Yu Qingya knew that this was definitely caused by Ye Tian.

"What do you thank me for? As the saying goes, good is rewarded with good and evil is rewarded with evil. It's not that you don't repay, but that the hour has not come.

Ye Tian could imagine Director Qi's fat face. He couldn't help laughing and dared to think about the girlfriend of the contemporary feng shui master. This man is really not afraid of death.

And with Ye Tian's understanding of the five ghosts, Fatty Qi will be seriously ill at least after going to public office, and his fortune will be extremely bad in three or five years.

However, even if Fatty Qi is ten times unlucky, Ye Tian will not have the slightest compassion. The way of heaven is long and sparse. He did not go to Fatty Qi's house to set up a feng shui array to kill his descendants. Ye Tian has already shown mercy.

After Ye Dongping and Liu Wei'an and others came back in the evening, Ye Donglan told Ye Tian about buying the yard at the dinner table. Although Ye Dongping was a little dissatisfied with his son's decision, he didn't say much about Shiye Dongping knew that his son was different from ordinary peers. No matter what he did since he was a Fortunately, others can't do anything about those "old scoundrels", which doesn't mean that Ye Tian can't do it either.

Lao Wang, the former owner of the quadrangle courtyard, may have been really worried about the old house where he had lived for decades. On the third day, he packed some of his soft objects and shipped them to the United States. He also moved out and gave the key to Ye Tian.

Accompanied by Ye Donglan, Ye Tian came to the courtyard again. The time he chose was after 7 p.m., and basically the residents in the yard were at home.

"My neighbors, my name is Ye Tian. Uncle Wang has sold this yard to me. From now on, I will be the legal owner of this quadrangle courtyard..."

Ye Tian's opening remarks made the old lady a little worried. Why did the child speak so bluntly?

"Kid, do you mean that you want us all to move out or something?"

Sure enough, Ye Tian's words aroused everyone's dissatisfaction. Zhang Mo, who had always rushed to the front of the trouble, even questioned.

PS: Thank you for the reward of the leader of Wang Ba Ai Lamb. The million alliance is powerful. Thank you for your support. There are still six hours left this month. Let's smash out everyone's monthly tickets. It's really a waste after this!