Genius Master

Chapter 199 Tracking

After thinking hard, Ye Tian sat down calmly again. He wanted to deduce the whereing of Boss Jia. After a moment, Ye Tian opened his eyes and frowned slightly. Obviously, he had something in his heart that he could not decide.

From the deduction just now, Ye Tian found that the "Boss Jia" had left Beijing and is now in the northwest, and the place he was going to should be Urumqi.

Ye went to many places with his master in the past few years, almost all parts of the country, but there are only three places. They have never set foot in. One is the Yunnan-Guizhou region, and the other two are Tibet and Xinjiang.

Ye Tian is now entangled in his mind whether he wants to chase over and solve these people. From the first point of view, they will bring great trouble to his father in the future. If he wants to eliminate this kind of trouble, it is better to solve it from the source.

Second, the "Boss Jia" is extremely evil, and at least he has a few lives in his hand. It is also a way for heaven to get rid of them.

In addition, the person who knew the Qimen array provoked Ye Tian twice. Ye Tian took action, which did not count the rules of the world.

It's just that it takes half a month for a short time, and it's not sure if it's a month longer. Ye Tian's quadrangle courtyard is under construction. He is afraid that nothing will go wrong in the process, resulting in the formation not being able to run after construction.

"A man should do whatever he wants. Since this makes him restless, he should solve it as soon as possible!"

After walking back and forth in the room a few times, Ye Tian made up his mind that he would suffer from the chaos when the break, so that this matter was stuck in his heart. After making no decision on Ye Tian's recovery and breakthrough in the future, Ye Tian's whole body became relaxed, but he was not in a hurry to catch up. He had 80% to 90% are sure that they can be blocked in Xinjiang.

"Wang Gong, you must supervise these points in person. The shape and position of the object I explained... There can't be any mistakes. I'm going to go on a long trip in a few days. I'm counting on you here!"

He strolled to the courtyard. Ye Tian found Wang Gong... and pointed out a few key points on the drawing. This is the vision of the whole formation, and there is no room for any mistakes.

"Mr. Ye, don't worry, although this job is exquisite, it's not the first time I've done it. I will supervise them..."

Wang Gong knew that Ye Tian had a close relationship with his boss... At the moment, he patted his chest and made a guarantee, which made Ye Tian calm down a little. It was really too important to him.

On the third day, Ye Dongping threw his son a piece of salt-made crocodile skin and a certificate of cultural relics collection issued by an authoritative organization in the capital. His son rarely begged him, and he naturally had to do it properly.

"This thing is good..."

After a busy day in the room, Ye Tian looked at the crocodile skin sheath with satisfaction... He also carved a restraining array on the scabbard, which not only could the evil spirit in the dagger not be lost, but also as long as the sword did not come out of the scabbard... No one could feel that this was a magic

The dagger was not as long as two fingers. Ye Tian sewed two live buttons in the left and right sleeves of his clothes. After putting the dagger in, he happened to be in his small arm and bent his lower arm. He felt that it did not have a great impact on his usual activities.

"Dad, I'll go out for a while, and I'll be back in about ten days..." When I had breakfast the next day, Ye Tian told Dad about it.

Ye Dongping took a look at his son and casually replied, "Go and go... Don't make trouble outside!"

"Hey hey, Dad, I've been a little tight lately..."

Ye Tian smiled and stretched out his hand to his father. He was originally rich, but he even threw the card to the Wei Hongjun a few days ago... He knew that the Wei Hongjun would withdraw more and make up less after the project was completed, but he was embarrassed to ask him for this little money again.

"Stinky boy, when you are a landlord?" Ye Dongping put down his chopsticks angrily, turned around and walked out.

"Xiaotian, where are you going?" Ye Dongping is used to his son's solitary behavior, but the two aunts care about their nephews. In their eyes, Ye Tian is just a big child in his early twenties.

Of course, Ye Tian didn't dare to say that his trip was to kill and set fire. He laughed and said, "Auntie, I'll go back to the south of the Yangtze River and come back in a few days..."

"It's only 3,000 yuan, you have to cushion yourself!" While talking, Ye Dongping came in from the outside and threw a pile of money in front of Ye Tian.

"Take more money when you go out. Ye Tian, your aunt still has money. Wait, I'll take it for you..." The old lady was very dissatisfied with Ye Dongping's sting. She stood up and wanted to get Ye Tian to get the money.

"Oh, sister, he has more money than us. Don't believe this bad boy."

Ye Dongping was made to laugh and cry by the elder sister. After holding the elder sister, he took out 2,000 yuan from his pocket and said, "Get out of here quickly. I'm going to withdraw money again after paying the rent tomorrow!"

Watching his father eat, Ye Tian swallowed two steamed buns, cleaned up the money on the table and went back to his room.

The temperature in September in Xinjiang is a little colder than here. In addition to a few pieces of changed underwear, Ye Tian also prepared two coats. In addition, he wore a hat to cover up his most eye-catching hair.

Yu Qingya had already notified, and Wei Hongjun also said hello. Ye Tian thought about it and took out the mobile phone in his pocket and threw it on the table.

Ye Tian is not afraid of trouble, which does not mean that he is willing to cause trouble. Mobile phones are not popular these days, and he may be remembered with this thing.

Ye Tian, carrying a simple backpack and wearing sportswear, came out of the courtyard and took a taxi directly to Beijing Station. After getting off the bus, Ye Tian turned to the station from the entrance of a staff member.

"Ye Tian, haven't you returned to Jiangsu in the past few years? Why don't you come to Uncle Yang?

When he came to the police room in the station, Yang Kaijun was waiting there. After seeing Ye Tian, he greeted him with a smile, which made several people in the police room a little stunned. The look at Ye Tian also changed. Who can make Director Yang so intimate?

The case that happened on the train more than two years ago made Officer Yang receive an award from the Ministry of Railways and the Ministry of Public Security. He is now the deputy director of the Beijing Regional Railway Public Security Bureau.

Director Yang has always been grateful for the originator of that incident, so after learning that Ye Tian needed a sleeper ticket from Beijing to Urumqi, Yang Kaijun came to the station in person.

"Uncle Yang, I've been embarrassed to bother you. This time the matter is in a hurry, so I just came to you." Ye Tian smiled shyly, just like the freshman in college two years ago.

"What are you talking about? If you don't look for Uncle Yang, then Uncle Yang will be angry..."

Yang Kaijun smiled. After looking at his watch, he said, "It's still half an hour to leave. Let's go. I'll take you to the sleeper first."

With Director Yang's current relationship, it is naturally nothing to find a soft sleeper. After sending Ye Tian to the sleeper, he talked with Ye Tian and left a lot of fruit for Ye Tian on the road. Yang Kaijun just got off the train.

"The cause of the past, the result of today's fruit, this drink has its own will!"

There is only one train from Beijing to Urumqi. If it hadn't been for Yang Kaijun's help, Ye Tian would have taken a long-distance bus. Even Ye Tian would not want to try that kind of bump.

"Young man, do you also live in this room?" When the train was about to start, a middle-aged man pulled the private room and greeted Ye Tian kindly.

"Yes, uncle, come in." Ye Tian helped the middle-aged man bring in the box. The car took more than 30 hours to drive, and it was really panicked without anyone to chat.

"I can't make a plane. Every time I go to Urumqi, I have to take the train. What are you doing there, young man?" Few of the people who can buy this kind of soft sleeper ticket for two people are ordinary people, so middle-aged people are also very polite to Ye Tian.

"There are relatives over there, and I went to my relatives' house..." Ye Tian smiled and replied casually. It was easy for people to make friends during the journey. Soon after the train left Beijing, Ye Tian knew the origin of the middle-aged people.

The middle-aged man is Chen Xiquan, who is an authentic Beijinger. However, he was transferred to Xinjiang as an educated youth and had a lot of affection for it. After making a fortune in Beijing, he returned to Xinjiang to invest in a cotton textile factory.

Xinjiang's cotton production exceeds one-tenth of the world's. In recent years, Chen Xiquan's business in Xinjiang has developed rapidly, and he spends almost half of the time there every year.

"Come on, Xiaoye, spread it over there and let's take a sip!"

At noon, Chen Xiquan opened his bag and took out a few bags of cooked food. In addition, there were two bottles of Erguotou. People of his age in Beijing were fine.

"Huh? Uncle Chen, are you still studying feng shui?

Ye Tun helped Chen Xiquan pick up a book that fell, "Home Bedroom Feng Shui"? Ye Tian couldn't help laughing when he saw it.

Chen Xiquan said with a smile, "I think about it when I have nothing to do, but Xiaoye, this is not a feudal superstition. It was handed down from our ancestors..."

"Yes, Uncle Chen, you are right!"

Ye Tian flattered a few words with a smile and did not break his identity, but this was enough for Chen Xiquan to introduce him as a confidant. The words Ye Tian inserted from time to time made Boss Chen even more happy.

Someone was chatting, and time passed quickly. After sleeping and eating a few meals, the train finally arrived at the terminal Urumqi.

"Xiao Ye, when you return to Beijing, you must call Uncle Chen!"

Although he proposed to send Ye Tian to his relatives' house, Ye Tian insisted on refusing. After leaving the platform, Chen Xiquan waved goodbye to this very talkable Wang Nian.

Ye Tian didn't take a taxi. After leaving the railway station, he walked down the road. He could feel that he was getting closer and closer to the "Boss Jia".

More than an hour later, Ye Tian stood at the door of a hotel, which made him laugh and cry. Opposite the hotel was also a police station.

PS: Ten thousand words in three updates. I'm really tired. I also need to conceive the following plot. That's all for today. Brothers, please support the monthly ticket. Next is going to be **!