Genius Master

Chapter 201 Diwang

Wang Shun, who exited the room, did not see the sneer on the "Master"'s face, otherwise he would have run as far as he could with 50,000 yuan. Of course, even if he ran away now, he could not escape Di Wang's palm.

The boss Di Wang is not in vain. At least for a few opponents, he absolutely has the ability to kill.

Di Wang was born in the Wuling Mountains on the east side of the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau. In ancient times, this place was called Miaojiang, and it was famous for its insects and tricks.

This kind of mysterious witchcraft once made a lot of trouble in the countryside of southern China. When talking about the tiger's color, no one dares to think it is fake. The literati and scholars are handed down to each other, and the calligraphy of the pen is also as if it is evil.

However, in modern times, people's fear of maggots or worms has gradually faded. Just like the theory of ghosts and gods, more people are willing to believe that it is just a legend woven by the world.

But few people know that the magic is real. Even today, there is a complete inheritance of magic in the deep mountains of Miaojiang.

It's just that this kind of inheritance condition is extremely harsh. Only one person is passed on to each generation, and this heir has to guard his village with a lifetime rate. These people are generally called patriarchs.

The inheritance of the next generation is selected by the elders of the clan. Generally, two or three people will be selected, and they will be trained in all kinds of cruel ways. Only those who live to the end can get the real inheritance.

When Di Wang was twelve years old, he became one of the inheritors of the clan, but he failed to withstand the cruel test and was finally eliminated. He, who was dying, was thrown into the snake cave by the clan elders.

The people who fell into the Ten Thousand Snake Cave were bound to die, but Di Wang was so dead that he was stopped by a tree in the cave. After waking up, he climbed out with all his strength and finally escaped his life.

However, although he was not killed in Shekou, Di Wang also knew that if he returned to the village, he would still be executed by the clan elders, because he had obtained some inheritance of the tricks, and according to the rules, no one except the clan elders could master this knowledge.

Living in the deep mountains since he was a child, Di Wang did not lack survival skills. After living in the primitive forest far away from his village for more than a month, he recovered his injuries.

Di Wang, who was found by the people in the village, was later merged into another Miao village and lived a stable life for more than ten years, but by an extremely chance, he met the former patriarch of the village.

The inheritance of the clan elder was recognized by all the Miao people. When it was found that Di Wang was still alive, his nightmare came. The clan elder used all kinds of means and almost put him to death several times.

However, Di Wang finally understood some temptive tricks. After nine deaths, he finally escaped from 100,000 mountains, but the life of the outside world also made him a little dumbfounded and at a loss.

Because at this time, China was falling into the unprecedented revolution, and the pots at home were taken out to make steel and iron, and fanaticism swept everyone.

Although he has experienced a lot of hardships, in essence, Diwang, who escaped from the deep mountains, really had little social experience and was soon infected by this wave of fanaticism.

By mistake, Di Wang met a group of young people who were determined to save all mankind. In a daze, he crossed the border with them and arrived in Myanmar, Thailand and other places to fight with the local government.

This inexplicable war has been fought for more than ten years. In the end, China did not recognize their identity, and Myanmar, Thailand and other countries identified them as thousands of rebels more than a decade ago, and in the end, there were less than 100 people left.

Among these 100 people, there is Di Wang.

Di Wang, who knew nothing about the outside world in those years, has become cunning and has no longer the appearance of the Miaojiang teenager in those years after more than ten years of war baptism and many betrayal experiences.

While avoiding the encirclement of the local government, Diwang found a mutilated manuscript in a cave in a forest in Thailand. This manuscript was left by a feng shui master in ancient China. At that time, Diwang did not take the manuscript seriously, but once he found a terrain and a dark place described in the manuscript. In order to be similar, Di Wang's painstaking efforts **, according to the description in the manuscript, a formation was set up there.

After the formation was set up, Di Wang led a team of local government forces into it. To his surprise and ecstasy, the formation actually worked. The team of more than a dozen people actually killed each other and finally all died.

This discovery made Diwang regard the manuscript as a treasure. As long as he had spare time, he would study and refine the strange array in the manuscript.

It's just that this manuscript is too incomplete, and there is no skill to cooperate. After decades of research, Diwang can only use seven or eight formations.

It's just that Di Wang is also a little crooked. Combined with some of the tricks he learned in his childhood, he actually developed his own life. After leaving the guerrillas, Di Wang actually made a lot of fame in Thailand.

However, it can only be said that Di Wang was unlucky. By the end of the 1970s, his identity was revealed, and the original "Master Di" had to run away again and returned to his motherland after nearly 20 years of separation.

In the early 1980s, there was no market for feng shui or deception. At that time, Diwang, who learned some tomb feng shui from the manuscript, came up with the idea of ancient tombs.

At the beginning, Di Wang did it alone. After several conflicts with some local tomb robbers, Di Wang also gradually cultivated his own power. For more than ten years, he has also been a famous figure in the domestic tomb robbery industry.

However, Di Wang has fought for more than ten years and knows the way of war. Except for the people in the gang, he has basically never appeared in front of outsiders.

And every time Di Wang robbed the tomb, only he knew the target he wanted to do. After stealing the funerary objects, he would not appear at the trading scene. If there was a little wind and grass, he would run away.

So although Di Wang is well-known, his identity has always been mysterious, and he has escaped the pursuit of the police many times.

After many years of dealing with the army and the police, Di Wang was also extremely alert. This time, he felt something was wrong, so he suddenly left Beijing and decided to go abroad to avoid the limelight.

Now Diwang is no better than before. He has intersections with many cultural relics smuggling gangs in the United States and Europe, and can live a rich life after going abroad.

However, before leaving, Diwang still decided to make an order taken half a year ago. After all, the private collector in the United Kingdom offered five million US dollars, which is also a big deal for Diwang.

This business is not very risky for Di Wang, mainly because he needs to face a bad natural environment, because what he wants to steal this time is not an object, but a corpse sealed on the snowy mountain.

In the foreign collection world, there are a variety of collections and so on. There is a large collector in Britain who is very interested in collecting ancient corpses. In his castle, there are at least no less than 100 specimens of ancient corpses a hundred years ago.

In an expedition to China a year ago, the collector found a body in fur clothes frozen in ice from an iceberg cave.

This body of a man frozen in the ice has vivid hair, which is of great value both from the perspective of collection and research.

However, the British knew that their goal was too big and their reputation was not very good. Even if the body was taken out of thousands of years of ice, it could not be shipped out of China, so they found Diwang through some channels and asked him to pay a lot of money.

In the past two days when he came to Urumqi, Diwang has gone to the snowy mountains twice.

It's just that the snowy mountain climate is very bad these two days, and it can't reach the place given by the British at all. It's all halfway back, so Diwang can only make preliminary preparations first, and wait until the climate gets a little better before continuing this action.

So far, except Di Wang, no one knows his purpose of going to the snow mountain, and after a conversation with Wang Shun, Di Wang also decided to let his cheap apprentice replace the ancient corpse and leave it on the snow mountain forever.

In order not to attract attention, Di Wang's five people opened a total of four rooms. Except for Di Wang and Biao Zi, everyone lived alone. After playing cards for a while, everyone also went back to their own room.

"Four people? Why is there one missing?"

Ye Tian returned to the hotel with satisfaction after eating roast mutton. After some deduction, he found that there was still one person who had not been contaminated with his aura, and the gathering array had been broken, but he could no longer pass the aura into the human body.

Ye Tian didn't know that when Wang Shun and others left, Di Wang did not leave his room at all. If it hadn't been for Biaozi's going to lock the door, his formation could only be put on the other two people.

However, Ye Tian didn't care. The small gang of five people must not act alone, as long as he followed the other four people.

"All five people have gone out!"

At seven o'clock the next morning, Ye Tian found that the four people were in a movement. After opening the window, he saw a group of five people getting on an SUV parked in the parking lot and leaving.

"Brother, is there anything interesting in Urumqi? What's that place in the south?

Half an hour later, Ye Tian sat in a breakfast shop not far from the hotel and chatted with the middle-aged Uighur.

"That's Tianshan Mountain, do you know "Yaochi"? It's on that mountain..............."

The middle-aged man was very hospitable. He took a look at Ye Tian's clothes and said, "Young man, if you want to climb the mountain, you need to wear more clothes."

After hearing the middle-aged man's words, Ye Tian nodded thoughtfully. No wonder everyone of the five people carried a lot of things.

PS: The second update, the plot is a little stuck. This chapter has been written for more than five hours. Thank the Zixi brothers for becoming the twenty-seventh leader of the prime minister, the leader of the Zixi alliance!

Continue to write the third update. Then, if you have a monthly ticket recommendation ticket, please support it. The eye-catching mouth is dry.