Genius Master

Chapter 209 Escape from Death

The cave is not very deep, and it is estimated that it is less than one meter to extend inward. With the reflection of the ice, Ye Tian can clearly see that the ferret that fought with the strange snake earlier has died in it, and the teeth of the strange snake are still biting on its hind legs.

The teeth of the strange snake should be highly poisonous, because the fermenter's original silver-white fur has all turned black at this time, and it also emits a faint fishy smell.

In addition to the mink and snake that died together, there are two little guys who are a little smaller than the cubs in their pockets, but they have lost their mother's temperature, and they have been frozen to death in it.

Maybe this little guy's body had to be stronger before he finally survived, but if he hadn't met Ye Tian, I'm afraid he would not have escaped the fate of death.

It was difficult to borrow the smooth ice wall. It was very difficult for Ye Tian to step on it. After looking into the hole again, he was ready to slide down, but a little white luster in the hole stopped his movement.

"What is this? Xue Lian?!"

Reaching out to push away the body of the mink snake, Ye Tian found that there were two snow lotus flowers hidden in the innermost part of the cave.

Unlike the snow lotus that Ye Tian saw when he climbed the mountain, these two snow lotus are the size of a palm, and the scattered petals are as crystal clear as jade. Even the fishy smell of the sable corpse can't hide the faint fragrance.

Ye Tian's left hand suddenly supported at the cave, and his right hand reached into the cave like lightning. He took out all three snow lotus flowers, turned over, and his buttocks slid to the ground against the ice wall.

"This thing is a rare thing..."

After standing on the ground. Ye Tian looked at the snow lotus in his hand. He once heard from his master that the snow lotus petals for more than a hundred years were thick and juicy, while the snow lotus for more than a thousand years was as white and flawless.

From the description of the old way, Ye Tian can be sure. The years of these two snow lotus are at least a thousand years old. Even if they are located in Tianshan Mountain, such years of snow lotus are extremely rare.


Just as Ye Tian was looking at the snow lotus in his hand, the cry of the ferret cub came from his chest. The little guy stretched out his head and stared at the snow lotus in Ye Tian's palm.

"Do you want to eat this?" Listening to the cry of the little mink, Ye Tian laughed and reached out to break off a snow lotus petal. He put it close to the mink's mouth, and the little guy immediately opened his mouth and bit it.

I just don't know whether the petals are too thick, or the young mink's teeth have not yet grown, but it can't bite, and suddenly it is so anxious that it chirps again.

"No wonder those two little guys are frozen to death. How dare they can't bite this thing?"

After seeing the baby mink's behavior, Ye Tian understood in his heart. Snow lotus has the effect of replenishing qi and blood. Normally, guarding these two snow lotus, it is impossible for the mink in the cave to starve to death. It seems that the root is here.

Thinking of this, Ye Tian reached out and tore open the snow lotus petals over there. Unlike ordinary snow lotus, the petals contained rich juice. As soon as they were torn open, they flowed down Ye Tian's hand.


Smell the fragrance of the juice, and the little guy actually got out of Ye Tian's pocket. Four small claws hugged one of Ye Tian's fingers, sucked it up on it, ate all the juice into his stomach, and licked Ye Tian's finger with his tongue.

"E Eat it all!"

Seeing the little guy's naive appearance, Ye Tian's depression trapped in the ice field was also relieved a little. He tore the place of the petals to the little mink's mouth and waited until the juice was absorbed. Ye Tian tore up the leaf meat and fed it to the little guy.

After eating and drinking enough, the little thing began to feel sleepy. He stretched out his front paws and grabbed Ye Tian's clothes and was about to climb up, as if he had regarded Ye Tian's pocket as his new home.

"Hehe, go to sleep..."

Ye Tian gently caught the young mink. Put it back in his pocket, and the little thing stretched out his tongue and licked Ye Tian's finger. It seems to express my gratitude.

"With this thing, I'm not afraid of being frozen to death..." After settling down, Ye Tian looked at the three snow lotus.

The old man once said that the old snow lotus can dispel the cold and avoid yin, strengthen the yang and replenish the blood, which is also very good for his injury.

From noon to now, Ye Tian hasn't eaten for more than ten hours. Smelling the faint fragrance, Ye Tian couldn't help moving his index finger, reached out to tear a leaf and chewed it in his mouth.

"Damn it, it's so hard?!"

Originally, I thought that the fragrant snow lotus should be extremely sweet to eat, but as soon as the taste buds on his tongue touched the juice, Ye Tian suddenly frowned, accelerated the speed of chewing, and swallowed the leaves into his stomach.

"I don't feel it. Is this thing a thousand-year-old snow lotus?" After eating a leaf, Ye Tian felt it in his body, and there was nothing abnormal.

"Forget it, just to fill your stomach!" Listening to the "coo" from his stomach, Ye Tian didn't care about the bitter taste. He tore off all the leaves of a snow lotus and stuffed them into his mouth.

After eating a snow lotus flower, Ye Tian's eyes looked at another one. Although this thing was not small, it was juicy and the hunger of the stomach was not alleviated much.

After thinking about it, Ye Tian tore off the two leaves, stuffed the rest into his mouth, and swallowed his stomach like a peony.

"Huh? It seems to work!"

Just after the second snow lotus fell, Ye Tian suddenly felt that his lower abdomen had become hot, and his vitality, which had been cultivated for many years, was also a little ready to move. He was overjoyed and quickly sat on the ground cross-legged.

With the operation of Ye Tian's kung fu, the hot gas in the lower abdomen poured into the limbs and bones all over the body. Where it passed, the yin and cold in the meridian of the body were completely removed.

Ye Tian changed his life for the old way against the sky, and suffered from the evil spirit of heaven and earth. A lot of evil spirit penetrated into his meridians and lurked, destroying his body function. Due to his insufficient power, Ye Tian was also powerless to do about this situation.

However, at this time, the heat formed by the snow lotus pulsed through everywhere like a torrent, which not only cleared out all the yin and evil qi, but also opened up the blocked meridians in his body one by one, which was equivalent to washing Ye Tian's hair.

The hot air formed by the snow lotus roamed in his body, and the cold around him had no effect on him. Ye Tian didn't know how long it had passed, but he was finally awakened by the cry of the young mink.

Ye Tian, who woke up from the entrance, was in a good mood. He could feel that the injury in his body seemed to have almost recovered. The blocked meridians running to the yen air can now pass smoothly, and his body seems to have endless strength.

"Good boy, it's been 16 hours?"

It was already dawn above his head. Ye Tian looked at his watch and found that it was the afternoon of the next day. Unconsciously, more than ten hours had passed.

"Little guy, are you hungry?" Looking at the mink with his hairy little head out of his pocket, Ye Tian laughed, took out the remaining snow lotus petals, tore them up and fed the little guy.

"Are you a whole foodie?!"

Maybe the effect of snow lotus is too great. As soon as the little guy finished eating, he was dizzy and sleepy, which made Ye Tian, who originally wanted to tease the little thing, a little depressed. He had no choice but to put it back in his pocket.

"Try if you can climb up!"

The recovery of hidden wounds in his body greatly increased Ye Tian's confidence. Although he felt that someone should go up the mountain to search and rescue, instead of waiting for others to come, it was better to save himself first.

"Kh...Kh!" Just as Ye Tian was preparing to dig on the ice wall with Wuhen, the sound of his feet stepping on the snow suddenly came above his head, and Ye Tian suddenly became ecstatic.

"Is there anyone up there? I'm down there. Is anyone there? Help me!" !

After seeing the power of the avalanche, Ye Tian did not dare to shout loudly. He called in a low voice. At the same time, he reversed without trace and hit the ice rock with the handle of the dagger.


"This...the damage of this avalanche is so great?"

A group of six people were standing in the ice tower area dozens of meters above Ye Tian's head, looking at the 100-meter-high ice wall directly opposite with a frightened expression on their faces. They didn't know why the avalanche caused the ice wall to break.

The mirror-like ice wall now seems to have been split an axe from the middle, revealing a deep crack.

And the ice tower area that was not originally involved in the avalanche is also washed away by a flood, and even the icicles that have existed for thousands of years have been broken a lot.

However, in this way, Ye Tian saved a lot of trouble, because the bodies of Di Wang and others had been washed down and buried in dozens of meters of snow.

"Alimu, it's really cheap for you to revoke your mountaineering training certificate!" A man led by the search and rescue team was reprimanding one of the members of the team, who was Ye Tian's mountaineering coach.

After Ye Tian went up the mountain without permission, Alimu did not report to the above as soon as possible in order to shirk his responsibility. However, when the avalanche occurred, he did not dare to hide this matter and immediately reported it to the management area.

For the management area, the snow mountain accident is a very serious matter. After receiving the report from Alimu, it immediately organized two search and rescue teams to go up the mountain overnight, which was the first to reach the ice tower area.

"Lao Wu, I seem to hear someone shouting. Are there any people who have survived?" Ye Tian's shout attracted the attention of one person in the team.

"It's impossible, right? Can anyone survive?" The middle-aged man named Lao Wu shook his head repeatedly, but then his ears also stood up, and he also heard Ye Tian knocking on the ice rock.

"Quick, find out where the sound came from? Pay attention to those ice cracks, and the survivors are likely to hide below!"

Lao Wu is the leader of this search and rescue team. He is very experienced. Under this kind of power, only by hiding in the ice can there be hope of survival.
