Genius Master

Chapter 223 Rules

"You know nothing. In recent years, China's antiques have been very popular in the foreign art market. Sooner or later, it will be driven by China. Is it a big deal? I think you are a big person, but you are very angry!"

Although Ye Tian's voice was not loud, he was still heard by Ye Dongping and immediately stared at him. Last year, it was calculated that the total transaction volume of an auction house in Shanghai was 700, which is also a big deal?

"Yes, you're right, Dad, hurry up and look at the objects. If it's too late, the good things will be picked away!" Ye Tian smiled and did not argue. In his heart, the feng shui master was far more profitable than the antique business.

"Yes, why do you and I grind your teeth? Well, don't talk nonsense later, so as not to offend others."

Ye Dongping nodded and explained a few words to Ye Tian. When trading goods in such a place, you can't ask the source, and second, you can't get close to people. If you like the object, you can negotiate the price directly. It's better not to say anything else.

"All right, I know, Dad, let's watch it separately." Ye Tian waved his hand impatiently and simply didn't go with his father, so as not to listen to him.

"This bastard!" Ye Dongping didn't withdraw his son, but he knew that Ye Tian knew a lot about evil ways, but he didn't worry about what would happen to his son.

"Even if this antique business gets better, I'm afraid it will be hyped up by the people here." Ye Tian looked at those who squatted on the ground and picked up objects, and there was a trace of understanding in his heart.

However, this also shows that people's living conditions are good now, so they want to collect antiques. When you couldn't eat decades ago, you gave them to others for nothing. I guess others still think these things take up space.

shook his head and got rid of the strange thoughts in his mind. Ye Tian wandered around in it. To be honest, he came with his father today and did not expect to find anything good here.

Sure enough, Ye Tian didn't find anything good even after visiting seven or eight stalls. Of course, this is relatively speaking. In the eyes of others, these objects may be valuable treasures.

The business people here are also different from those who get rid of Pan Jiayuan. They throw things on the ground. Whether you buy them or not, they will not take the initiative to say hello. Anyway, they are all old things. If you don't buy them, someone will naturally like them.

At this time, Ye Tian is playing with a rosefinch lamp. The rosefinch, which is about 20 centimeters high, raised its head and tail, stepping on the dragon, holding the lamp plate in the mouth, making wings ready to fly. The lamp plate is a ring-shaped groove, divided into three grids, each with a candle.

Ye Tian noticed this thing. Naturally, he did not understand that this lamp was a representative work of the bronze lamp unearthed in the Western Han Dynasty, but because the evil spirit contained in this copper lamp was extremely heavy, which should have been contained in the place where the shadow flowed for a long time.

People who know feng shui have little to know about ancient tombs, because in ancient times, whether they were emperors and generals or rich people, before they were buried, they had to find someone to give the tomb of the emperor. From the beginning of construction, it must be the feng shui master to the position of the emperor, and even the location You should listen to the opinions of feng shui masters.

So when Ye Tian looked at this thing, he knew that it should be placed on the wall of the tomb near the outer door, which is the place where yin qi is converted into vitality, which is most vulnerable to evil erosion.

However, after thinking about this thing for a long time, he asked the man sitting behind the stall, "Brother, how many years can this thing last?"

There are not many things on this booth. In addition to this copper lamp, there are four or five rusty bronze mirrors. Perhaps because the appearance is too poor and there are too few things, only Ye Tian stopped here.

"Western Han!" The man who set up the stall was less than a few years older than Ye Tian, but he was very calm. After the word Western Han jumped out of his mouth, he closed his mouth tightly.

"Brother, what price do you pay for this?"

When Ye Tian asked this, the young man looked up at him, then put together several bronze mirrors in front of him with his hand and said, "Don't just sell it, pack it!"

"Damn it, if you say a few more words, you will die?"

Ye Tian was euved by the way the man jumped out of his mouth and spoke, but he really wanted to buy this object. He fiddled with those bronze mirrors with his hand. Ye Tian said, "It's okay to pack it. Let's make a price!"

"Come on, pull your hand!"

To Ye Tian's surprise, the young man actually stretched out his right hand to him. Ye Tianzhen didn't expect that the person in front of him, who was not a few years older than him, would do this?

You should know that the method of hand-in-hand bargaining was first popular when buying and selling cattle, sheep and horses. The clothes worn by outsiders were very wide. When trading, they put their hands in the sleeves and communicated by gestures.

But in modern times, this method of bargaining is limited to the antique industry. You know, when doing antique business, it is the most taboo to have a third person watching next to it.

For example, the buyer and seller have negotiated the transaction for 500 yuan. If someone next to him at this time, "this thing is not right" or "it's only worth 100 yuan", if the buyer doesn't buy it, the seller will be angry. If the man said, "Brother, you are lucky and missed, this thing can be sold for 10,000 yuan", the family will definitely not sell it immediately, and the buyer will be angry.

There is a rule in the antique industry. People next to others are not allowed to bargain, and some old people prefer to use this kind of gesture to negotiate the price, just to prevent others from making trouble.

And this method can also make onlookers not know how much money the object is sold in the end, which is more beneficial for the future sale of things.

When Ye Tian followed the old road, he also learned this method of bargaining. Unexpectedly, he stretched out his right hand.

Holding hands, the man's index finger raised, knocked on Ye Tian's hand, and then looked up at Ye Tian.

Ye Tian shook his head slightly, raised the middle finger of his right hand, knocked three times on the other party's hand, and then touched the other party's thumb with his thumb. He also kept silent and stared at the man.

When using this gesture to discuss the price, each finger has its own meaning. The thumb represents one million, the index finger represents 100,000, the middle finger represents ten thousand, the ring finger represents one thousand, and the little finger represents one hundred.

Of course, the prices represented by fingers in gestures vary from place to place, but in antiques, objects traded in this way are relatively expensive, so the minimum price unit is generally up to 100.

Just now, the man's middle finger was raised and clicked on Ye Tian's hand, which was a bid of 100,000 yuan, while Ye Tian used his middle finger to point three times in a row, and then reached 30,000 yuan. Then he touched the other party with his thumb, which meant that it was the final bid and would

After Ye Tian's action, the man was stunned for a moment, looked at Ye Tian dissatisfiedly, and said, "Isn't the price too low? The appearance of this rosefinch lamp is very good!"

Ye Tian shook his head and said, "It's not easy to sell bronzes. If you can't go abroad, I'm afraid you can't even sell it at this price. I've already given it very high!"

Ye Dongping has been engaged in antique business for so many years. Ye Tian is no stranger to this industry. Bronzeware is a cultural relic that is prohibited from trading by the state. It's okay if you can't catch it. Once you catch it, you will be sentenced. There are not many players who collect such things in China.

There are few collectors, so the price naturally can't go up, but Ye Tian didn't know that the price he offered was two years ago, but now the price of bronzes is a little higher than two years ago, so the buddy showed an angry look.

"Can't you add more?" The man was a little reluctant.

Ye Tian shook his head and didn't say anything. You know, this object is not a magic weapon that Ye Tian is looking for, but a very evil weapon.

However, the murder weapon can also be used to attack at some times, which plays an unexpected role in the feng shui bureau, but Ye Tian only bought it for use, which is something that can be used to be or taken to death at the price.

The business in the bronze market was indeed not very good. Only Ye Tian came to ask for the price for a long time. After hesitating for a while, the young man finally nodded and said, "Well, that's the price, deal!"

"Si, wait for me, I'll get the money." For Ye Tian, it is not a loss to buy this thing for 30,000 yuan. Sometimes the role of the murder weapon in the Fengshui Bureau is even greater than the magic weapon.

Ye Tian is not afraid that he is playing tricks of stealing beams and changing pillars. The evil spirit is like a big light bulb in the night, which flashes in front of Ye Tian all the time. He can feel it immediately after changing an object.

I found Ye Dongping, who was negotiating with someone at another stall. Ye Tian pulled him over. The money was in Ye Dongping's bag.

When he returned to the booth, the young man had put several things in a sack he had brought with him. Seeing Ye Tian coming over, the young man said, "Let's go and trade the house over there. Do you understand the rules?"

"What rules?"

Ye Tian was stunned when he heard the words and negotiated the price to pay for the goods. What else is the rule? Even if Ye Tian is well-informed and a little confused.

"Don't you know?" Seeing that Ye Tian was so sophisticated when he talked about the price just now, he didn't even understand the rules of the transaction, and the young man couldn't help showing a little surprise on his face.

"I understand, this brother, let's go, let's go!"

Although he didn't know what his son bought, when he saw Ye Tian asking for a layman, Ye Dongping quickly made a round and explained to Ye Tian in a low voice.

"So that's it, that's true. That boy will not do good deeds for nothing..." After hearing his father's words, Ye Tian also understood that Ji Ran is responsible for the venue and safety here. Of course, there is a charge for providing these. After each business transaction, Ji Ran will charge a 10% commission, and This commission needs to be paid by the buyer.