Genius Master

Chapter 233 Closure

After arriving at the ground, Ye Tianxian and his father casually found a restaurant to eat something, then inquired with the restaurant owner and went straight to the Oriental Medicine City, the largest trading base of traditional Chinese medicine in Anguo.

Anguo's trading of Chinese medicinal materials is mainly carried out through the "Oriental Medicine City", which is also one of the 17 professional markets for Chinese medicinal materials recognized by China.

The area of the whole market has reached more than 600,000 square meters, divided into two floors, with an annual turnover of more than 5 billion yuan, an annual throughput of 100,000 tons of medicinal materials, and more than 10,000 daily traders.

"Damn it...isn't it too big?"

Looking at the four characters of "Oriental Medicine City" at the door, Ye Tian was a little stupid. He never thought that these medicinal herbs growing in the deep mountains would have such a large-scale trading place.

However, after being stunned for a moment, Ye Tian also realized that the current traditional Chinese medicine was no longer picked from the mountains in ancient times. Most of them were planted by farmers, which was far less than that of wild medicinal herbs.

"This smell is killing people?"

After entering the medicine city, the smell of traditional Chinese medicine filled every molecule in the air. Ye Dongping frowned, and Ye Tian, who was walking beside him, sniffed his nose and looked very enjoyable.

You know, from the age of five, Ye Tian will be bathed by the old medicine every other week. He has long been used to the smell of traditional Chinese medicine, and it is also an interesting thing in Ye Tian's childhood to distinguish traditional Chinese medicine with smell.

Lao Dao often goes up the mountain to pick some medicinal herbs, mix them together and let Ye Tian smell them. If he is right, there will be meat to eat. If he makes a mistake, he will punish Ye Tian for carrying water from the waterfall. Ye Tian's ability to identify medicinal herbs was also learned at that time.

Ye Dongping frowned. Ye Tian had already picked up a booth at the door, but after picking up a few samples and smelling them. Ye Tian frowned like his father. He looked at the stall owner and said, "Uncle, you don't have enough years of riage, and the medicine is much worse!"

"Young man, for your own use?"

The stall owner was not angry. He planted it himself. Ye Tian could distinguish the year and medicinal properties by smelling it. Obviously, he was an agmaker.

However, ordinary people who know pharmacology come here, but they don't say anything about the medicinal properties. They are all pharmaceutical manufacturers. As long as the price is cheap, it doesn't matter if the medicine is a little worse, so the stall owner concluded that Ye Tian bought it by himself.

Ye Tian nodded. He said, "That's right. Uncle, do you have any better medicine? It's better to use wild medicinal herbs!"

It's not that the medicinal herbs planted are not good, but that's the case. Ye Tian's dosage is gone. Originally, the wild one needed ten grams, but he had to buy at least ten catties for planting.

Hearing that Ye Tian wanted to buy wild medicinal herbs, the middle-aged man laughed and said, "Young man, if you buy wild herbs, you go straight in. You can't find wild herbs in these stalls at the door. But the uncle tells you that the wild is precious..."

After listening to the explanation of the kind boss, Ye Tiancai understood that there are so many small stalls of one or two meters at the door. They are all small family-style merchants. They grow their own medicinal materials and sell them by themselves. Although the place is a little poor, the cost is also cheap. It only three or five hundred yuan a year is enough

If Ye Tian wants to buy wild medicinal materials, he has to go to the sales point of large merchants. This is the exhibition hall run by some large-scale enterprises, and the medicinal materials in it will be relatively old.

In addition, there is also a boutique trading hall in this pharmaceutical city, which is a relatively ** display and trading hall specially opened for local enterprises supported by the government.

It's just that the stall owner also said that even these places are not all wild medicinal herbs. 70% or 80% are artificially planted, but they are better than self-employed people in terms of technology and year.

Ye Tian's medicinal herbs used since he was a child were all picked by Lao Dao himself. He really didn't have an intuitive understanding of the word "expensive", but when he entered the boutique trading hall, he was dumbfounded.

Wild medicinal herbs are absolutely available, and there are many, but the price under it makes Ye Tian's heart jump. The money in the card in his pocket can't even buy an old mountain ginseng.

In desperation, Ye Tian could only retreat and select some relatively cheap but more medicinal herbs. With his understanding of medicinal herbs, he did not lose anything.

In just two or three hours, more than 200,000 yuan in Ye Tian's card was spent, and he even brushed more than 200,000 yuan for his father, but the harvest was just a few more bags in his hand.

"Your boy is really a prodigal son. How can I have enough family property for you to toss?"

After returning to the car, Ye Dongping was so angry that he came out with Ye Tian today. It was really a big loss. The last bit of liquidity in his hand was tossed by Ye Tian.

"Dad, half a year, at most half a year, I will even give you back the profit!"

While patting his chest and talking big, Ye Tian carefully took out several medicinal herbs in the box to inspect them, including ganoderma lucidum, saffron, musk, cordyceps, pure natural wild ginseng and other medicinal materials. Although the number was not large, it cost Ye Tian more than 200,000 yuan.

In the past, the old man often told him that he wanted to practice their skills to the extreme. "Dharma, couple, wealth and land" were indispensable, and among these four words, the word "money" was the most important.

Ye Tian just ate a little more before, and he didn't know much about the master's words, but after this experience, he completely understood what "poor study, rich in martial arts" is.

As the saying goes, food is the first necessity of the people. It's good for ordinary people to say that they can live a good life, but for boxers who practice boxing, they must have meat.

You know, practicing martial arts is to beat the body and stimulate the potential. If there is no nourishment, it is equivalent to boiling oil with your own flesh and blood. Over time, there will be five wounds and seven wounds. If you can't practice kung fu, you will lose your life.

In the Republic of China, several famous boxers were said to be able to fight cattle every day. Although this statement is a little exaggerated, it also shows that the appetite of martial arts practitioners is far from comparable to that of ordinary people.

In modern times, those famous boxers like Du Xinwu once served as the bodyguards of Song Jiaoren, Mr. Sun Yat-sen and others is also for this reason. Otherwise, where did he get the financial resources to support the supplements needed for martial arts practice?

And the family conditions of some famous generals in ancient times will not be bad. For example, Xiang Yu, the overlord of Western Chu, was originally a poster of the general of the State of Chu. Although the country was destroyed, he was still a rich local rich family, and he would not lose money in nutrition.

"You boy, tell Dad when you're short of money, I'll just take out a few things!" After scolding, Ye Dongping still loves his son. What's the use of making money? Will it be left to Ye Tian in the future?

Ye Tian shook his head and said, "Almost done. It should be able to last for three or five months, and then there will be no need to spend money..."

The effect of the universe gathering spirit array method is beyond Ye Tian's imagination. With the almost substantial aura's tempering, coupled with the internal and external bubbles of these medicinal materials, Ye Tian believes that he can break through the bottleneck in three months.

If distinguished according to the internal skills, Ye Tian's kung fu is still in the stage of refining gas. At this stage, no matter how much tonic food he eats, he can convert it into essence in his body, so he has such a large amount of food.

After breaking through the refining qi, Ye Tian can enter the realm of refining the god of qi. This realm is also known as the Great Zhou Tiangong. The key of the whole body is further opened, and the meridians are unobstructed. At this time, the qi of the human body is further combined with the qi of heaven and

After practicing to this extent, Ye Tian will use his brain to inherit the secret skills, and the power of heaven and earth will be much smaller, and some secret skills that could not be used before can also be used.

After returning to Beijing, Ye Tian called Yu Qingya, Wei Hongjun and others respectively, telling them that he was going to retreat, and the courtyard where he lived was tightly closed except for opening the garage every half month.

But what puzzles those old neighbors is that the cry of sheep often comes from the courtyard, and sometimes it is very miserable, which makes people tremble at the bottom of their hearts.

Such a strange situation made the ghost house come out again. As long as it was past eight o'clock in the evening, no one dared to pass in front of Ye Tian's house.

Three months passed in a blink of an eye, and the end of the year is getting closer and closer. In the past few days, there have been several heavy snows in a row, and the whole city of 49 is shrouded in white snow, and there is a silver-covered scene everywhere.

However, the atmosphere of the New Year has not been weakened at all. In the courtyard where Ye Tian lives, the sound of firecrackers can be heard from time to time, but the door of Ye Tian's yard is still closed, and there is no sign of opening.

But on the morning of the twenty-ninth day of the New Year, the door of the big house, which had been tightly closed for more than three months, opened from the inside with a "squeak", and a young man with a hair shawl came out of it.

"Ghost, ghost!"

Several people who got up not far away in the morning to sweep the snow, after seeing Ye Tian's face covered by his hair, threw the broom and ran home crying.

It's just that these people ran in a hurry. They didn't find that in this world shrouded in heavy snow, there were flowers blooming in Ye Tian's door.

"Ghost? Dude, is it so horrible again?"

Ye Tian was stunned for a moment. He turned his head to look at the long hair of the shawl. He suddenly understood, stretched out his left hand to tie the hair together, and then wiped his right hand from his hair, and suddenly a black hair fell to the ground.


Just as Ye Tian wanted to close the door of the upper house, a white light rushed out of the door like lightning and fell directly on Ye Tian's shoulder. The fluffy hair circled around Ye Tian's neck, like a natural scarf.


PS: The fourth update has been sent. It's Monday. Can everyone's monthly tickets and recommendation votes be given to the diligent eye? Can I vote for the prime minister? Please, everyone!

. ( To be continued)