Genius Master

Chapter 240 Car Accident

Compared with standing at the door to welcome guests, Ye Tian was relieved when the engagement ceremony was held.

With the blessing of relatives and friends, Ye Tian and Yu Qingya exchanged rings and then toasted tea to the parents of the two families. This ceremony was completed.

At nine o'clock in the evening, the banquet was over. After sending the guests off at the door, Yu Haoran and others returned home. Although the appearance of Song Xiaozhe surprised Yu Haoran today, it was good that there was no trouble in the middle.

After a busy day, everyone was a little tired. Yu Haoran looked at Ye Tian, who was full of alcohol, and said, "Ye Tian, go to wash and go to bed. Tomorrow morning's plane, Qingya will go back to Beijing with you!"

"I know, Dad, I will take good care of Qingya..." Ye Tian changed it at the engagement ceremony. One by one, Yu Haoran's parents called Yu Haoran. He has no children under his knees, and Ye Tian, the son-in-law, is equal to half a son.

"Daughter-in-law, do you want to sleep with me at night?" Ye Tiangang was honest for a while, and then he was not serious. After saying a word, Yu Qingya blushed. After spitting Ye Tian, he ran back to his room.

Watching the son-in-law flirt with his daughter in front of him, Yu Haoran scolded with tears and laughter, "Stinky boy, let's talk about it when you get married, and then throw your boy out with nonsense!"

"Hey hey, Dad, I drank too much. I'm going back to my room to take a shower..." Ye Tian smiled and staggered up to the room on the second floor.

Just as soon as he closed the door, Ye Tian's sleepy eyes suddenly became bright and thorough. How could he look drunk just now?

"I'll leave tomorrow. I always have to do something today!"

Although Ye Tian has no intention of writing on the tomb of the ancestors of the Song family after his father's persuasion, Ye Tian will never be soft-hearted to those who show unkindness.

According to the old saying, you can forgive others, but if a mad dog bites you. Then it must be killed to prevent this mad dog from harming others.

It is not hot water flowing from the shower head. It's cold water. The piercing cold water hit Ye Tian's body, and a grain of goose bumps suddenly bulged. However, Ye Tian's face showed a comfortable expression.

Close your eyes slightly. Ye Tian agitated the internal vitality of the [body], and suddenly the wine in the bathroom overflowed, but he forced out all the wine he drank today.

After five or six minutes, Ye Tian came out of the bathroom, and there was no alcohol all over his body. After finding a set of underwear and changing it, Ye Tian found a black jacket bought in a small county. The moon is dark and the wind is high at night. It's time to kill people!"

Sit quietly in the [room] for more than an hour, when the pointer points to zero. Ye Tian stood up and opened the window on the second floor. A dark shadow quietly slipped to the ground.

Just after the Spring Festival, the weather is still relatively cold. In addition, it is late at night. There is no pedestrian on the road to the community, and even the security guard is huddled in the room and watching TV.

However, after leaving the villa area, the prosperity of Greater Shanghai has appeared. The cold weather does not affect the happiness of Valentine's Day. There are still many boys and girls holding hands on the road, with happy smiles on their faces.

Especially in some lounge bars, at this time of the most lively time, there is an endless stream of people coming in and out.

Hengshan Road is the most famous leisure and entertainment street in Shanghai. It has dense French sycamore trees, European-style sidewalk isolation fences, and various European huā garden-style villas, all of which narrate the former prosperity and customs of old Shanghai.

Ye Tian was sitting in the seat facing the street in a dimly lit * coffee hall on Hengshan Road. Through the glass window, he could clearly see the bar with neon signs on the opposite side.


"Oh, I'm sorry, I'll answer the phone!"

Song Xiaozhe, who walked out of the bar with a girl in his hands, suddenly rang. He smiled at the girl apologetically. Song Xiaozhe quickly sat in his car. After closing the window, the noise outside was suddenly separated from the outside.

After pressing the answer button, Song Xiaozhe sat up straight and said respectfully, "Sixth brother, it's me!"

"Second brother, it's late at night over there, isn't it? I'm sorry to bother you so late. The voice from one end of the phone is very young, and the other party should not be very old.

"Sixth brother, what are you talking about? The second brother is thinking of calling you later..." Although he shouted the sixth brother, looking at Song Xiaozhe's expression was simply more respectful than when facing the elders.

The person at the other end of the phone nodded and said, "Well, second brother, although the consortium was founded by my aunt, it has always been surnamed Song. Do you understand what I mean?"

"Sixth brother, I know, I have led the snake out of the hole today..."

After hearing the other party's words, Song Xiaozhe laughed loudly and then said, "There are many people in China. There are all kinds of accidents every day. Sometimes it is inevitable to encounter natural disasters**. Sixth brother, you have to comfort your aunt at that time!"

"Second brother, this is what I should do..."

The other party also laughed, but then lowered his voice and said, "You must do it cleanly and leave no clues. Second brother, I don't need to explain this anymore, do I?"

"Don't worry, the successor of the consortium in the future must be your sixth brother."

Song Xiaozhe said a few more words to the other party. After hanging up the phone, there was a ferocious smile on his face, "Song Xiaolong, Song Xiaolong, what's your ability? But relying on your aunt to like you, do you still want to be the successor of the consortium? Well, deal with this scourge first, and I'll deal with you later!"

Song Xiaolong in Song Xiaozhe's mouth is his cousin. He is just in his early 20s this year, and I don't know why. More than ten years ago, his cousin who went to the United States alone left Song Xiaolong, who was a few years old, to raise him.

And Song Xiaolong is also an extremely smart child. He graduated from Harvard Business School at the age of 18 and officially entered the consortium, showing his super ability. At the beginning of entering the consortium, he successfully completed a commercial merger.

In just two years, Song Xiaolong sat on the throne of the vice president of the consortium. Almost everyone can see that Song Weilan trained him as a successor.

So even a brother like Song Xiaozhe still has to be respectful when facing this sixth brother, but it is unknown how many people will show their faces like Song Xiaozhe in private.

But now, Song Xiaozhe and his sixth brother have the same thoughts, that is, it is necessary to eradicate the threat of the external department first, that is, the legendary son of the cousin. Only when he is not there, can it be their turn to compete for the ownership of the consortium.

Therefore, after Song Xiaozhe returned to China last year, he immediately conducted a series of investigations against Ye Tian.

What just made him depressed was that Ye Tian did not go out of the house for several months in a row and did not give him any chance to have an accident at all, so Song Xiaozhe deliberately pursued Yu Qingya to lead Ye Tian out.

Some people may say that Ye Tian lives alone in the house. Isn't it better to have a chance to do it? Isn't it over to hire a few killers?

But until the moment Song Weilan announced the heir of the consortium, the children of the Song family will not use this trick. They all know that Song Weilan has a strong temperament. If her son really dies tragically, he may do something crazy.

So Ye Tian's death must be killed in an accident, which makes people pick on the accident without any problems. Song Xiaozhe is the most calm one among the brothers. Naturally, this task is entrusted to him to complete.

"Let's leave these things to the experts to complete!" After drinking a lot of wine today, Song Xiaozhe rubbed his temples and thought with a headache.

In three days, an American business mission will come to Shanghai, but no one knows that there is a person in this mission who is the most expert at making accidents. In this world, at least no less than a hundred people have died in the accidents he caused.

"Well, who is this person? Why are you a little familiar?"

When Song Xiaozhe opened the window and was about to invite the lady to get in the car, he suddenly found a man walking past the other side of the car. The figure seemed to have seen it somewhere.

"Handsome man, are you going to let me blow the wind here?" Just as Song Xiaozhe turned his head to look at the man's back, the woman's words sounded in his ear.

"Of course not, beautiful lady, please get in the car!"

Song Xiaozhe smiled and waved his hand to the girl, but when he was about to get out of the car to help the girl open the door, his eyes suddenly saw a face in the reversing mirror.

"Oh, no, is it him?"

Looking at Ye Tian's white teeth and smiling at himself, Song Xiaozhe suddenly had a creepy feeling, and his pupils suddenly became bigger, but when he didn't have time to think about any response, a tingling appeared in his mind.

Standing very reservedly beside the BMW, looking at the passers-by coming and going, the girl who was about to wait for Song Xiaozhe to get out of the car to help him open the door suddenly heard a roar of the engine around her, and then the sports car rushed to the road from her.

"Damn it, are you kidding me? It's great to have a car, Xiao Mi, if you can't get out of this street, you will be killed!"

The girl, who originally looked a little pure, immediately jumped and cursed at Song Xiaozhe's BMW's buttocks, but then her mouth opened into an O-shaped, and she couldn't close it.

Because just as she was swearing out, the BMW crazily raised its speed to the limit. Just within her sight, the front of the car suddenly turned and hit a red building fiercely.

After a loud bang, the BMW stopped, and pedestrians on the road could faintly see a figure flying out of the front window of the BMW.