Genius Master

Chapter 259 Life and Death Cave

Zhou Xiaotian himself is not the kind of person with a lonely personality. It's just because of the changes in his family that he rarely communicates with others, so he becomes a cold-hearted person. However, the depression in his heart can be imaginable for a teenager to bear so much suffering. At this time, he found a partner to talk to, but he couldn't stop talking.

After listening to Zhou Xiaotian's life experience for just more than ten years, Ye Tian also sighed in his heart. He originally thought that he had no mother since he was a child, even if it was very miserable, but compared with Zhou Xiaotian, he simply grew up in a honeypot.

And Ye Tian also knows that Zhou Xiaotian, who looks almost twenty-three or twenty-four years old, is only eighteen years old this year, and he is two or three years younger than himself. It is said that the children of the poor are in charge of the family early, which is true.

Ye Tian thought for a moment and said, "Your family's learning origin is also a person from Fengshui Qimen. You should know that eavesting the tombs of your ancestors hurt the sky. Don't do it again in the future!"

The industry that the feng shui master is engaged in is originally subject to jealousy, and then it is contaminated with other causes and effects. It is purely an idle life. For example, Zhou Xiaotian hurt the "pulmonary meridian" means that he will eventually meet a tiger in the mountain.

After hearing Ye Tian's words, Zhou Xiaotian shook his head and said, "I won't do anything else if I don't do this. I wanted to steal this tomb to collect enough money for my mother's operation, but... but I didn't expect..."

Zhou Xiaotian himself has no social relationship. Even if he knows some knowledge of feng shui, it will not be useful in the city. He once wanted to open up a market in the countryside, but who would believe such a half-old child?

In the end, he was forced to do tomb robbery, especially after 30,000 yuan earned from Ye Tian. Zhou Xiaotian saw the hope of healing his mother's eyes.

Zhou Xiaotian also knew that the tomb robbery hurt the sky, so after stepping on this point for more than three months. I'm ready to finish this ticket.

But Zhou Xiaotian never thought that the evil spirit contained in this dark house was far beyond his imagination, and he was not able to cope with it at all.

"You are such an unlucky child!"

Ye Tian sighed. Suddenly, something came to my mind and asked, "Well, the last time you traded with me on the black market, didn't you call 350,000 yuan? How can you not even pay out 70,000 to 80,000 yuan?

These people who run around the world have always had no truth in their mouths, and they are all true and false. It is difficult to distinguish them when they play tricks at the key point, so when Ye Tian thought of the last incident, he couldn't help showing suspicion in his eyes. Are those jade weapons magic weapons? Zhou Xiaotian's face showed a bitter smile. Then he said, "I didn't have any money at that time, but I knew that those jades were good things, and I wanted to take them over and sell them."

"How dare you bid without money?" Ye Tian interrupted him.

"I traded with Boss Ji for the second time. According to the rules, I can lend him 300,000 yuan, so I shouted 350,000 yuan!"

"You don't make sense..." Ye Tian shook his head and said, "You are in such a hurry to treat your mother. Why don't you borrow some money from Ji Ran first?"

"Borrow money from him to explain our roots. If he can't pay back his money within the specified time, the things dug out of the tomb in three years will be sold to him first, and the price will be ordered by them, so I don't want to borrow money from him unless I have to!"

Borrow money from Ji Ran. It is equivalent to signing the deed of sale. Zhou Xiaotian has not reached the point of exhaustion. Naturally, he refused to ask Ji Ran to borrow money before.

However, in that auction, Zhou Xiaotian saw the extraordinary jade and thought that he could buy them. If you find a chance to vacate it, you can pay back Ji Ran's loan and wash your hands to go ashore, so I asked Ye Tian for a few times at that time.

But when Ye Tian called 500,000 yuan, he was powerless and could only watch those objects being pocketed by Ye Tian.

"Are you a white wolf with empty gloves?"

Thinking of Zhou Xiaotian's behavior that he had paid hundreds of thousands more, Ye Tian was a little depressed, but he didn't believe the other party's words, but took out his mobile phone from his bag.

"Brother Ji, I'm Ye Tian..." After dialing Ji Ran's phone, Ye Tian asked, "I want to ask you something. I heard that both sides of the black market can borrow a sum of money from you. I don't know if it's true or not?"

"Well, well, I know. Thank you, Brother Ji. I'm out of town. Let's talk about it when I get back to Beijing!" After listening to the phone for a while, Ye Tianlian nodded repeatedly, rejected Ji Ran's invitation to invite him to get together, and hung up his mobile phone.

"It's really dark. This boy is not only an antique, but also a usury." Ye Tian shook his head, but believed Zhou Xiaotian's words.

Ji Ran can indeed borrow money, both buyers and sellers can, but it is divided into several grades. Customers like Ye Tian can take three or five million in cash from him, but for Zhou Xiaotian, the upper limit is at most 300,000.

Moreover, the interest rate of Ji Ran's loan is also very high. It is not calculated on a monthly basis, but on a daily basis. It costs a profit every day. This is something that even Zhou Xiaotian doesn't know, otherwise he will not save money to borrow money to bid with Ye Tian.

After figuring out the cause and effect, Ye Tian said, "Oleve it, I believe you. Let's talk about it here."

"This tomb is next to a village in Yangping Town. I have been wandering here for more than three months. There must be a big tomb underneath."

"And that place is backed by Tieshan, Mushan and Huangshan, which is surrounded by. In the east-west direction, there are sand rivers, which is an excellent place for feng shui!"

When it comes to this, Zhou Xiaotian's face showed a confident look. The inheritance of the Zhou family's lineage focuses on feng shui and wait-and-see. Although his learning is incomplete, he is still very confident in his vision.

"What happened when you opened the tomb?"

Ye Tian asked without hesitation. The tomb is originally a yin hole. The better the feng shui point, the stronger the yin qi is. Moreover, the earth's crust has changed for thousands of years. Some slight changes may turn a lucky point into an extremely yin Jedi.

Zhou Xiaotian showed a trace of fear on his face and said, "The tomb has been moved before. In the place of Shengmen, there is a thieves. The traces should be more than a hundred years old. I opened the original thieves. When I entered the entrance of the tomb, I found a bone..."

Those who dig graves and rob tombs will never be afraid of dead bodies. Zhou Xiaotian is also a very bold person. At that time, he put the one aside and was ready to chisel open the brick wall that blocked the tomb.

The brick wall of the dome was divided into four floors. After working in the middle of the night, Zhou Xiaotian was tired of sweating, and finally emptied three floors.

But Zhou Xiaotian didn't expect that just after he pulled out a green brick from the fourth brick wall, a cold air poured out of the hole, and immediately made Zhou Xiaotian, who was sweating, like an ice cave.

At that time, Zhou Xiaotian only felt that there were gusts of wind around him, ghosts crying and wolves howling in his ears, and the blood all over his body seemed to be frozen. At this time, the compass on his body released a trace of warmth and protected Zhou Xiaotian's body.

Zhou Xiaotian, who is deeply connected with the feng shui of the yin house, knew that he had made a big mistake. This was not the door of entering the tomb, but the dead hole of yin gas circulation. He also knew how many mistakes he had made.

After the deceased is buried, the true qi emitted by his own bones will be combined with the acupuncture point to form vitality. Through the way of yin and yang exchange, it will have an impact in the underworld and influence the luck of his relatives in the world.

And the acupoint qi is yin qi. The two must follow the feng shui pattern in the tomb, so as to form an auspicious qi. The two are as clear as Taiji and integrate with each other.

But the burglary hole where Zhou Xiaotian was located was the place where the yin hole flowed. This opening immediately leaked out the yinsha in the tomb that had accumulated for thousands of years. He was not frozen to death on the spot, and it was all due to the loss of the compass.

After knowing that he had caused a big disaster, Zhou Xiaotian quickly stuffed the tomb bricks back and blocked the three layers of green bricks, but the feng shui pattern has been broken, and it is not so easy to block it.

Zhou Xiaotian understood that his behavior was just to slow down the speed of the evil spirit. After all, he was to treat the symptoms but not the root causes. At the moment, he was cruel and blocked the ancestral compass weapon there.

However, the auspicious spirit contained in the compass is still much weaker than the evil spirit in this thousand-year-old tomb. In three days at most, the magic weapon will be eroded into a useless vessel, and the evil spirit in the tomb will still leak out.

"You entered the atmosphere of the tomb at that time, didn't you wait and see?"

Ye Tian was a little speechless about Zhou Xiaotian's behavior. The yin and yang were clear in the tomb. As long as the people knew how to wait and see the earth, they could tell it out. How did this confused boy run to the dead door of the yin cave?

"I saw it with a compass, no... I didn't expect that something went wrong..."

Zhou Xiaotian said weakly, but it made Ye Tian understand that today's feng shui masters have long lost the ability to communicate with yin and yang. Relying on instruments and crustal changes, the probability of making mistakes will inevitably be greater.

Looking at the cold water steamed bread on the table, Ye Tian shook his head, took out the elixir there, and said, "Ok, you crush this pill and take it first. I'll go out to buy something to eat."

Zhou Xiaotian is filial, and he is also forced to enter the field of tomb robbery. Ye Tian is willing to help him, and in a strict sense, Zhou Xiaotian is also the only person he has ever met.

Throwing the pills to Zhou Xiaotian, Ye Tian went straight out of the hostel and found a donkey meat burning shop. He bought ten catties of hot donkey meat without burning. This is a great tonic and can dispel the cold.