Genius Master

Chapter 279 Kicking on the hall

"Xiaotian, move Uncle Wei's hospital bed back." After watching the excitement, Ye Tian cleaned up the bed as it was. After a while, Wei Rongrong and Xu Zhennan also came back.

"Dad, let me tell you, something big happened down there just now, and the gangsters I saw yesterday are all dead!"

As soon as Wei Rongrong entered the ward, she shouted loudly. When she and Xu Zhennan came back, several bodies were still lying at the door of the hospital. Wei Rongrong recognized the yellow hair lying on the ground with her eyebrows on her back.

"Oh, I can just see it here. It's a pity that you didn't see it!"

Wei Rongrong was also a heartless girl. She didn't know how to be afraid at all. She pointed out and walked to the window of the ward and pulled up the curtains.

"What? Why are you not surprised at all? Dare you all know it!" When Wei Rongrong saw that she had said for a long time, Ye Tian and others did not show any surprise on their faces, and immediately understood.

"Well, I just saw a few gangsters fighting."

Ye Tian walked to the window and looked down. His face suddenly changed. He turned his head and said, "Uncle Wei, please take good care of yourself first. I will definitely help you with this matter. This beating on your body will never be in vain!"

The Huang Mao and others I met today are just a little guy sent by the demolition company. To trace the source, it is still necessary to find the owner of the demolition company. Today's thing is just to charge some interest from them first.

"Ye Tian, didn't you say you would wait for the police to come up before leaving?" After hearing Ye Tian's words, Wei Hongjun was stunned.

"Uncle Wei, my cousin is down there."

Ye Tian originally wanted to wait for the police to come before leaving, but when he looked down just now, he found his cousin Lu Chen. Although he does not necessarily come up as a forensic doctor, it is always better to do less than more.

Wei Hongjun also knew Lu Chen. He nodded and said, "Okay, then you and Zhou can go first and have Rongrong to accompany me. Wang Gong knows the ins and outs of this matter. I'll ask him to contact you later!"

When Ye Tian asked them to watch the hustle and bustle just now, he put Wang Gong aside such a thing. Although no one would believe it when he said it, one less person knew that it was always good.

"Master, you are so handsome. I only learned that someone can draw symbols in the void when I heard my father tell the story. I didn't expect you to do it too!"

After leaving the hospital, Zhou Xiaotian was very excited. He had no feeling about the death of those little ruffians. The nature of his previous work determined that Zhou Xiaotian would not be afraid of the dead.

"Huh? Don't say this in front of people..."

Ye Tian stared at Zhou Xiaotian angrily. The latter immediately closed his mouth, but when he saw that Ye Tian seemed to be not angry, Zhou Xiaotian carefully asked, "Master, can you... teach me this hand?"

The magic of Zhou's vein is mostly used for feng shui Kanyu, searching for dragon points and deduction of people's numerology, but it is not very good at fighting. Zhou Xiaotian is just a half-day child who is naturally very interested in this.

"Shaotian, it's not that I don't teach you, but that you can't learn it."

Ye Tian shook his head and said, "If you want to learn the symbols, at least you must first be able to communicate with the spirit of heaven and earth. The inheritance of magic in your house has been lost. Without the corresponding skills, you can't learn these."

Seeing Zhou Xiaotian's disappointed look on his face, Ye Tian continued, "You practiced inner boxing, and the method of meditation and breathing adjustment is quite different from mine. This is also the reason why I told you before that I could only accept you as a named disciple!"

The internal martial arts are mainly based on qi practice, pay attention to internal practice, and external boxing is mainly based on training. Pay attention to the difference between external internal skills and external boxing. From the appearance, the difference is not very big, but the difference is relatively large in terms of method.

Waijia boxing pays attention to "training one breath internally, practicing muscles and bones outside", which is mainly based on the speed, strength, skills, etc. of the body, and the effect is relatively fast in terms of technical attack.

The inner family's skills are different. The inner family's skills do not focus on the training of speed, strength and skills, but on the development of the internal potential of the human body. This requires some special breathing adjustment methods, which is also the secret of the inner family's boxing.

Zhou Xiaotian has been practicing the family heart method for more than ten years. It is basically impossible to change the course. The result is likely to damage his meridians, that is, the legendary demagination.

Ye Tian can't teach Zhou Xiaotian, and there is another main reason, that is, inheritance.

Ye Tian's inheritance was inexplicable. Although his skills were shallow at that time, he could use spells that could not be done by the old way. The reason why he could communicate the aura of heaven and earth was also due to the accident when he was ten years old.

Of course, it is not the only way to sense the existence of the spirit of heaven and earth. Ye Tian also learned from the inheritance in his mind that after practicing their skills to the realm of refining the god, he also has the ability to control the spirit of heaven and earth.

In other words, as long as you can practice the magic of the sackcloth to the level of Ye Tian, and then get the corresponding sackcloth magic, you can use those means like Ye Tian.

However, the family power method learned by Zhou Xiaotian himself is incomplete. If he can't find the complete family power method, I'm afraid that Zhou Xiaotian will live his whole life, and the kung fu is at the current level.

After listening to Ye Tian's explanation, Zhou Xiaotian couldn't help but feel a little sad. Their family inheritance has been lost for nearly a hundred years. How can it be so easy to find?

"You don't have to be disappointed. When I have time in the future, I will visit the people of Qimen in China. Maybe I can get the news of your family's skills."

Seeing Zhou Xiaotian's disappointment, Ye Tian could only say a few words to comfort him, but he didn't even believe what he said.

Those skills and secrets, like the push-back map obtained in the tomb, are objects that have survived for hundreds or even thousands of years. After the modern wars, the probability of being preserved is very low.

When Ye Tian returned home, Yu Qingya and others did not come back. It was not long before he received a phone call from Wang Gong, but his quadrangle courtyard was not suitable for receptionists, so he made an appointment with Wang Gong to meet in the old house.

"Ye Tian, this is the information of the three demolition companies in Dongcheng."

Sitting in the waiting room of the old house, Mr. Wang put several pieces of information in front of Ye Tian. He pointed to one of them and said, "Mr. Wei is in trouble with this company called Anshun demolition. Their boss's name is Fei Hewei, and he is called Brother Wei. Mr. Wei was beaten this time, which should be his

"What about the other two? Didn't you say that the three families were united? Ye Tian asked without hesitation that he didn't have time to find trouble for the whole family.

"Among these three companies, Limin Demolition Company is the most powerful. I heard that the boss was a very famous stubborn owner in Beijing at that time. He opened a security company and a martial arts school in Xicheng, but..."

Wang Gong hesitated for a moment when he said this, "However, according to our investigation, it seems that Limin's demolition did not participate in this matter. It should be Fei Hewei and another company in the name of Limin's demolition as a banner."

"Oh? Is this demolition of the people very famous? Does that brother Wei want to be in his name? Hearing the martial arts school, Ye Tian was stunned for a moment.

Whether it is before liberation or in modern times, the people who can open a martial arts school must be friends in the vast world, and they must have some hard work in their hands.

The martial arts school was the most popular before liberation. Whether it was Beijing or Shanghai, there were several martial arts centers. Ye Tian heard the old man tell him about those martial arts people kicking the gym.

It's just that when he and Lao Dao walked around the world, due to policy restrictions, there was no martial arts school in China. Now I heard Wang Gong talk about the owner of a demolition company who actually opened a martial arts school. Ye Tian is not interested in it.

"The demolition of Limin is only famous in this industry, but Limin's boss Qiu Wendong is very famous in Beijing. It is said that he has raised a lot of outlaws under him."

It seemed that he was afraid that Ye Tian would be diverted by his own words. Wang Gong continued, "Ye Tian, this should have nothing to do with Qiu Wendong, because the boss also knew him. The man was very cheerful, not like a person who would stab him in the back, and if he wanted to take down the demolition project, the boss "."

Ye Tian thought for a moment and said, "Anshun Company acts under the signboard of Limin. Presumably this Limin Company can't get rid of the relationship. Come on, Wang Gong, I know how to do this!"

"Ye Tian, you... You'd better not provoke the demolition of the people. Mr. Wei can't afford to provoke Qiu Wendong. Even if the people are involved in this matter, Mr. Wei means to pick them out!"

After seeing Ye Tian's disapproving look, Wang Gong couldn't help reminding him.

According to the meaning of Wang Gong and Wei Hongjun, as long as the Anshun company is not let go of this matter, there is no need to involve the famous Qiu Wendong, otherwise the matter will be a big deal, and the Wei Hongjun will not be as simple as lying in the disease**.

Ye Tian smiled and said, "I understand, Mr. Wang, if the construction site is not peaceful these two days, don't start the work first. Let's wait for two days to see. The way, leave these information with me..."

Ye Tian knew that Wang Gong was scared by what had happened in the past few days. Besides, there was no need to let him know what he wanted to do, so that the honest man would not be frightened.

"Hey, I said, why are you in a daze there?" After seeing off Wang Gong, Ye Tian saw Zhou Xiaotian sitting in the yard with his head down, looking listless.

"What's the matter? Are you still thinking about those things?"

Ye Tian patted him on the head and laughed and scolded, "Don't you want to enter the world? Have a good rest today. Early tomorrow morning, I'll take you to see what Jianghu is!"

"Master, are you telling the truth? What are we going to do tomorrow?" Zhou Xiaotian's eyes lit up.

"Kick the hall!" Two words popped up in Ye Tian's mouth.