Genius Master

Chapter 311 Please enter the urn

"Brother, please sit down!"

After hearing Ye Tian's words, Zuo Jiajun couldn't help showing a trace of excitement on his face. Among the various sects in Qimen, the magic is not a secret. He has traveled Southeast Asia for decades and has not been able to learn a move. So after hearing that Ye Tian was going to pass on his magic, Zuo Jiajun quickly gave Ye Tian to the top and sat down. He put his hands on his knees and made a look of listening to the teaching.

"Brother, the sorcerer is the skill and skill. The one who reaches the magician, the one who reaches the lower multiplier, the one who reaches the lower one, the one who reaches the one who reaches the one, the one who reaches the one who reaches the one, the one who reaches the one who reaches the one who reaches the one

Ye Tian will explain the magic in the inheritance one by one: "The law is free, the Tao is unfair, the law is indeterminable, the magic is not constant, the change of the skill, the power depends on one thought, the slightest of the magic is in the heart, and the way of the magic can not be noticed."

"Brother, I know all this..."

Zuo Jiajun has a deep understanding of magic. What he needs now is a spell that can be used in actual combat. After listening to Ye Tian's words, he nodded and asked, "How on earth does it attract evil spirit for himself?"

"Brother, everything in the world has gods, the grass has gods, the wood has gods and grows, and the qi also has gods, and the qi is divided into yin and yang, the mysterious qi leads to the scriptures, tends to the veins, entrusts the six conjunctions, and turns into qi into reality."

While explaining, Ye Tian told Zuo Jiajun the spell necessary to cooperate with the spell. At the same time, he used the spell to make the weather around him feel unwelled for Zuo Jiajun's reference.

"Haha, I see!"

After sitting there and thinking hard for more than an hour, Zuo Jiajun suddenly his eyes lit up and laughed loudly: "The yin is chaotic, the yang is waiting for the rebellion, the opportunity to gather the yin and yang, the luck is empty, and the enemy is invisible!"

While talking, Zuo Jiajun pinched his finger. After drawing an arc around him, he reached out and pointed forward and shouted, "Sick!"

With Zuo Jiajun's intermittent shouting, a harsh roar sounded, and the air in front of him was like water lines, with ripples. A cold evil spirit shot more than ten meters ahead, and then gradually dissipated in the air.

"Brother, I'm so understanding. I admire you. I really admire you!"

Seeing that Zuo Jiajun could understand the true meaning of the spell in just an hour or two and display it, Ye Tian was also stunned.

You should know that magic, like martial arts, requires diligent practice to use it skillfully. Although Zuo Jiajun's action just now is a little astringent, its attack power is not weak at all.

Ye Tian now knows why Master always says that his two brothers are gifted. If he hadn't got that inheritance, I'm afraid he would not be as good as the second brother in front of him in his understanding of magic.

It's just a pity that the eldest brother is nowhere to be found, otherwise after the attack spell is passed on to him, the three of them can run rampant in the modern Qimen world.

"Master, it's time to eat. I'll bring you a few more bottles of good wine from Master Tang!"

The Ye Tian brothers listened one by one. Unconsciously, it was dark. It was not until Adin's voice sounded outside the living room that the two came to their senses.

"Huh? Adin, did I say I wouldn't let you come?

Looking up at Adin standing outside the door, Ye Tian frowned. This time he came to Hong Kong with the help of Tang Wenyuan's strength. He didn't want to hurt Tang Wenyuan's confidant when fighting.

"Sir, I heard from Master Tang that you are waiting for your enemy to come to your door..."

A Ding smiled and then said, "When I'm young, I tie my head to my belt. The last thing I'm afraid of is to fight and kill. I can also give you a hand if I stay here, right?"

"Isn't there really a fool?"

After hearing A Ding's words, Ye Tian smiled bitterly. He just said that he borrowed the house for a month and did not tell Tang Wenyuan about the story. He didn't think that the old man's heart was like a mirror, and it had been clear for a long time.

A Ding is always kind. After thinking about it, Ye Tian said patiently, "A Ding, our circle is different from your world. It can't solve the problem with a knife and a gun. Do you think you can pull out your gun in front of me?"

Ye Tian could sense the dangerous air from A Ding's waist. He must have brought it back to his body, but except for long-distance sniper rifles or being surrounded by guns, Ye Tian was really not afraid.

"Hey, young master, don't underestimate me. I think my Adin was also in the meeting..."

was underestimated by Ye Tian. A Ding was a little dissatisfied. As he spoke, he stretched out his right hand and touched his waist. However, when he just raised his right hand, he suddenly felt cold all over and couldn't move anymore.

"This...what's going on?"

It was more than 30 degrees outside. Although the air conditioner was on in the living room, there was also a temperature of 25 or 26 degrees, but Adin felt the coldness and clear the bone marrow, and he stuttered when he spoke.

"Adin, I appreciate your kindness, but you can't get involved in this matter!" Ye Tian pinched out the finger with his right hand and introduced all the evil spirit around A Ding into the moon knife.

"Oh, I... can I move again?" After Ye Tian dispersed those evil breaths, A Ding quickly moved his body, and then looked at Ye Tian's eyes, which were already full of awe.

Most of the people in the gang are from the second master Jingguan. They believe that there are gods who raise their heads three feet. Ye Tian's kung fu is almost the same as a miracle, so A Ding is not afraid.

Ye Tian took a look at A Ding with a smile and said, "The people who deliver food in the hotel should be fixed. They will be delivered at seven o'clock in the morning, twelve o'clock at noon and six o'clock in the evening every day. Don't follow."

"Yes, my lord!"

Din didn't dare to show his strength this time. Originally, he just thought that Ye Tian's martial arts were strong, but he didn't expect that his other means were even more difficult to guard against. He really didn't look at him enough in front of him.

Ye Tian suddenly moved his heart and said, "By the way, you ask your former good friends to help you stay careful. If someone enters Hong Kong from Thailand through some underground channels, call me immediately."

If Ye Tian wants to go abroad to kill someone, he will definitely not go to that country through normal channels, so Ye Tian speculates that he will not enter Hong Kong openly with his passport.

However, if you want to enter Hong Kong by smuggling, you can't avoid the ears of the people in these gangs. Adin's previous identity must play a role at this time.

"Master, are you from Thailand? Did you short someone else's goods?

After hearing Ye Tian's words, A Ding's face showed a strange look. He could be chased from Thailand to Hong Kong, as if there was nothing but the white powder called soft gold.

"Shortened other people's goods?"

Ye Tian was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, but looking at A Ding holding his nose with his hand to make a look of sucking white powder, he couldn't help kicking over, "Get out of here. Am I the one who touches that thing?"

"Hey hey, young master, it's not good." After Adin dodged Ye Tian's foot, he also relaxed a lot.

You know, those drug lords kill people without blinking an eye. In the past, people in a small gang hacked a batch of goods in Thailand, and more than 20 people in the whole gang were shot and killed in the house. At that time, it caused a great sensation in Hong Kong.

Although these gang members in Hong Kong are also brave and ruthless, they are still not good enough compared with those drug lords equipped with military standard weapons.

"Sir, do you know what the people over there look like? How many people are here?" Adin asked with a smiling face.

"Brother, do you know?"

Ye Tian looked at Zuo Jiajun. After seeing him shaking his head, he said to A Ding, "I don't know what it looks like. The number of people should not exceed five. If you find it, don't disturb them!"

The fighting method of people in Qimen is not enough to rely on the large number of people. Ye Tian estimated that it would be good to have up to three or five people on the other side.

"Sir, don't worry, a mouse has entered Hong Kong in the past few days, and I will definitely find him!"

Adin patted his chest and made a package ticket. Those smuggled snake heads in Hong Kong are all attached to the gang to make a living. As long as they spread the news, those people absolutely dare not hide it in private.

Ye Tian nodded and said, "Okay, Adin, when this is over, I will tell Lao Tang to let you follow me for a while, and then help you get rid of all the anger in the early years!"

If you want these men to work hard, it is not enough to rely on pressure alone, and it also gives enough benefits.

After Ye Tian said this, A Ding's breathing suddenly became short of breath, and now he didn't care to get close to Ye Tian anymore. He hurriedly left to deal with Ye Tian's confession.

"Brother, are you sure you will definitely come?"

After A Ding left, Zuo Jiajun looked at Ye Tian. All this originated from Ye Tian's speculation. If the other party didn't come, wouldn't these preparations be done in vain?

"I was not sure before, but after knowing that the old monk sneaked on you, I was 80% sure that he would come!"

Ye Tian replied that he believed it. Shawang Suxi was so narrow-minded that he even went to sneak up on the disciples of his old man. He inherited it from him. Nine times out of ten, he was also a vicious, greedy and vulgar person.

"Brother, it's always good to be prepared. Wait for me to put the formation first, and then I'll communicate with you about the magic."

Ye Tian pulled over the box he brought from China. Although the quality of the jade he brought this time is not very good, he can still exert the power of the array with the moon knife as the eye.

And the most critical point is that Song Xiaolong, including the dou������������gui gui�gui�����xian���jin���������ta������
