Genius Master

Chapter 326 Killer Next

"Lao Tang is really kind, Ye Tian, the western food of Fulihua Hotel is good"

Living with Ye Tian in Tang Wenyuan, Zuo Jiajun almost ate all the signature dishes of various hotels in Hong Kong. Although he is not very rare, it can be seen from this subtle point that Tang Wenyuan attaches great importance to Ye Tian.

In its early years, Fu Laorang Hotel was the industry of Fu Laorong, the old gambling king. This year, it has just been acquired by Lixin Group. It used to be a prominent hotel on Hong Kong Island, and on the top floor of the hotel, there is the first revolving restaurant in Hong Kong.

In addition to the famous Chinese morning tea in the restaurant of the Fuliwa Hotel, the western food managed by foreign chefs is also unique, and the reputation in Hong Kong is very loud.

After hearing Zuo Jiajun's words, Ye Tian curled his lips and said, "Lao Tang, he is afraid that I won't help him."

Zuo Jiajun was stunned when he heard the words. He looked at Ye Tian and asked, "Brother, do you also see the hurdle of Lao Tang in a few years? By the way, have you helped him take care of his body?

In the kung fu of divination, Zuo Jiajun got at least 80% of Li Shanyuan's heat. As early as three years ago, he asserted that Tang Wenyuan would have a serious illness this year. If he couldn't resist it, he might end his life.

However, when he saw Tang Wenyuan this time, Zuo Jiajun found that the black line on Tang Wenyuan's face had faded a lot. It was estimated that there would be no disease or disaster in the past few years, and the time of that hurdle was delayed by three years.

Seeing Zuo Jiajun's curious face, Ye Tian smiled and said, "I have laid a gathering array in 49 cities. Lao Tang has been stained, but the next time he has an accident, he may not be able to pass so easily. I will try my best to help him!"

Ye Tian still has a good impression of Tang Wenyuan. He got his first bucket of gold from him, and now he has turned other people's new house into a battlefield, but this favor is owed.

"Oh? Is the effect of the gathering array so good? I will definitely go with you later..."

After hearing Ye Tian's explanation, Zuo Jiajun looked longing, thought for a moment and then said, "Brother, when you go back this time, you can take me to the master's tomb. I will also give the master a column incense..."

"Ap, I'm going to see the master, too."

Speaking of Li Shanyuan, Ye Tian and Zuo Jiajun were silent. Both of them were deeply loved by their teachers. As time went by, their nostalgia for Lao Dao became deeper and deeper in their hearts.

Ye Tian shook his head and stood up and said, "The deceased has passed away, and the living are like this. Master, if you can know that we met, you must be very gratified. Brother, don't think too much. I'll go upstairs to see how the hair is going!"

I don't know if I swallowed too many poisonous insects that day. After eating the King Kong cobra, the hair suddenly fell into a deep sleep, and it has been a whole week now.

If it hadn't been for the stability of the hair vapor, Ye Tian would have taken the little guy to the veterinarian, but Ye Tian still injected a breath into his body every day for fear that there would be something wrong with the little thing.

Not long after Ye went upstairs, the doorbell rang outside the living room. Zuo Jiajun looked at the clock hanging on the wall of the living room and frowned slightly. Today's delivery time seemed to be 20 minutes later than usual.

However, Zuo Jiajun didn't think much about it. He got up and went out of the living room to the door. After opening the door, a bus painted with Fulihua Hotel stopped in front of the door.

There is also a hand-pulled dining car next to the bus. The dining car is divided into five layers, which are full of various silver plates. Each plate is covered with a suitable size cover, and there is also a bottle of red wine in the ice wine container.

Next to the dining car stood a foreigner with a Western face and a chef's hat. After seeing Zuo Jiajun come out, he gave a gentleman's gift and said in English, "Sir, I'm Richardson, the chef of the Fulihua Hotel. This is Mr. Tang's ordered dinner!"

"Chef? What about those attendants? When will the chef come in person to deliver the food?

Looking at the unat looking foreigner in front of him, Zuo Jiajun frowned. Most of the people who delivered meals in the past were hotel attendants. There has never been a chef coming to his house.

"Oh, sir, it's like this. Sir Rust, who lives below, also ordered a meal from our hotel tonight, so he came a little late. They are preparing dinner for Sir Rust. As the chef, I have to come to apologize to you!"

The middle-aged man's face showed a look of apology at the right time, and he mentioned Sir Rust, which also let Zuo Jiajun's face down, because he happened to know the Englishman who moved here a few days ago.

Rast is a very famous British wine merchant. He has inherited the title of knight from his ancestors. Rast likes oriental culture very much and comes to Hong Kong to live in Hong Kong for a period of time every year.

Every time Rust comes to Hong Kong, he will hold a party in his villa to invite celebrities from all walks of life in Hong Kong to participate. Zuo Jiajun has been there several times, so he is familiar with him and knows the character of this person.

After figuring out the whole story, Zuo Jiajun turned his way and said, "Ok, come in. You don't need to apologize. Just explain these dishes to my guests later!" In many foreign restaurants, if guests appreciate or are dissatisfied with certain dishes, the chef should come out to express his gratitude and explanation.

If it is a private banquet, the chef will come out to accept the thanks and praise of the guests. Zuo Jiajun, who is familiar with the customs of foreigners, does not have much doubt.

"Thank you for your tolerance, sir. Today's dinner will definitely satisfy you."

After hearing Zuo Jiajun's words, Qiao Ji. Kader was finally relieved. More than 2,000 years of killer career made him feel a special sense of danger.

From the old man in front of him, he found a feeling of extreme danger. If it hadn't been for years of training and experience, George. Kadel was just recognized by the person in front of him because his qi and blood were running too fast.

Although Georgi. Cadell is sure to kill the person in front of him, but as the world's top killer, Georgi. Kadel will only kill the target that no one pays for when he has to.

In addition, George. Cadell always believes that assassination is a technical job. If he leaves without leaving any trace after killing, it is a successful assassination, which is worthy of his title of the third killer in the world.

If you kill the old man in front of you, you may be shocked and let the target hide. You know, a luxury house like this must have a basement to avoid danger, which will not be worth the loss.

In order to wait for this opportunity, Georgi. Cadell has been planning for a whole week.

After tracking the hotel vehicle to the mansion to deliver food for two days, George. Cadell came up with an idea to assassinate Ye Tian. It took him two days to eavesdrop on the delivery phone numbers of the nine most famous restaurants in Hong Kong.

After learning yesterday that Fuliwa Hotel would deliver food to Ye Tian, Qiao Ji. Kader caused a small car accident in a secluded place in the hotel to Taiping Mountain. Several hotel attendants in the car were all dizzy.

"Brother, has dinner been delivered?"

After the dining car was pushed into the living room, Ye Tian also came down from the upstairs. Although the hair was still dizzy, the air machine was stable, which also made him relieved.

"Huh? Why did you come alone today?

Seeing Georgie pushing the dining car with a chef's hat. Kader, Ye Tian couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. You know, he and Zuo Jiajun ate a lot of food. The meal was generally for seven or eight people, and the delivery was at least three or four people.

"The people were at Sir Rust's place, and their chef brought the dishes up first." Zuo Jiajun explained to Ye Tian, but he didn't find that Ye Tian's eyes had narrowed slightly.

As a killer, the most important basic skill is to learn to hide your murderous intention, and George. Kadel is one of the masters. He enjoys watching his goal die in his own hands with a smile and puzzlement.

Jorgy at this time. Kader really regards himself as the chef of the Fulihua Hotel, but just George. Cader didn't know that the indelible evil spirit on his body was betrayed his body and inherited from the inexplicable vein of hemp. Even if he didn't use magic, Ye Tian could also look at the yin and yang and wrap around Qiaoji. How can the strong resentment in Kadel's body escape his eyes?

"Sir, this is caviar made from Bl's eggs, which will make you feel the top delicious enjoyment..."

Joegie. Kader did not know that his identity had been seen through. At this time, he was putting the caviar with a layer of ice under the plate on the table.

After the liver cover, a plate of round and plump particles, the color is clear and transparent, and the slightly golden shiny caviar is presented in front of Ye Tian.

Joegie. Kadel took two small bowls in the ice, put half a bowl of caviar in front of Ye Tian and Zuo Jiajun respectively, and said, "Sirs, these caviar has not been processed for more than 20 minutes. Please enjoy it as soon as possible, otherwise its taste will be greatly reduced!"

As the world's top killer, George. Kadel not only kills people, but also can definitely be called an expert in the enjoyment of luxury jewelry. At this time, the introduction is also endless, without any mistakes.

"Oh, that's a try..."

Ye Tian laughed when he heard the words, but when he saw that his brother also picked up the spoon with his unharmed left hand, he quickly said, "Brother, how can there be no wine with such delicious food? Please open the bottle of red wine."

"Hey, brother, don't drink in a hurry. You don't know that this caviar can't be put away for a long time. Drink after eating these!"

What Ye Tian didn't expect was that Zuo Jiajun's best thing was a bite of caviar. How could he have any red wine to drink?