Genius Master

Chapter 328 Legal Wealth

After understanding the situation of the killer entering the house, Adin took away the body and the meals. As for how to deal with it, Ye Tian doesn't have to worry about it. Anyway, someone in the world will disappear inexplicably every day.

Not long after, the new food was also delivered. Although it was a little rushed, it was still rich.

During this period, he had been troubled by the attack and killing, which solved this person. Ye Tianru's heart was moved, and he relaxed a lot. He found a bottle of good wine sent by Adin a few days ago and drank it with Zuo Jiajun.

After a few glasses of wine, Zuo Jiajun finally couldn't hold back his curiosity and asked Ye Tian, "Ye Tian, how did you find the killer?"

Zuo Jiajun came to Hong Kong in his twenties. At this time, he was over 60 years old. After traveling south and north for decades, he was also an old world. He didn't understand how Ye Tian saw the flaw revealed by the killer.

Ye Tian smiled and filled his brother's glass with wine and said, "Brother, can you wait and see?"

Zuo Jiajun nodded and said, "Of course I can do this. I won't be angry. How can I show people feng shui?"

"Brother, when you look at the earth, you need to open your eyes to see the yin and yang, and in the magic, there is a secret skill to observe the human evil spirit. The killer just now was wrapped in the body. These are all left by the people who killed him. Can he still be a good way?"

Ye Tian's eyes are located in the position of the seal hall on the root of the nose. Two inches from the seal hall, there is something like a pine cones. Modern medicine calls it a pineal gland. Some studies believe that there is a degenerated retina in the pineal gland, which has the ability to show image.

After the opening of Tianmu, it is easy to see negative things. Not long after the child before the age of four left the mother's body, the heavenly eye has not completely degenerated, and it is easy to see some negative things that adults can't see.

As you get older, the acquired pineal body of adults will be completely degraded and closed, so it is difficult to see negative things again. If you want to open it again, you must practice according to the relevant secrets.

In the Qimen Jianghu, opening the Heavenly Eye is not an undisputed secret. The real inherited feng shui master can temporarily open the Heavenly Eye when looking for the dragon point to observe the distribution of yin and yang between heaven and earth.

Tianmu is also called yin and yang eyes or soul-catching eyes in Taoism. However, ordinary Taoist priests will not open the yin and yang eyes, because opening the yin eyes will consume their own yang life.

Therefore, even a feng shui master will only open the yin and yang eyes in a very short time to be angry. Zuo Jiajun will naturally not be idle. When he has nothing to do, he will open the eyes of heaven to observe the distribution of yin and yang on his body.

In addition to practicing occultivation, people can also temporarily open yin and yang eyes with cow tears that have been imprinted by shaman magic arrays, or willow leaves that have been added by feng shui masters.

There is also a kind of yin and yang eyes caused by congenital diseases. The main cause is that the five elements in the patient's body are strange, or the five viscera have congenital defects.

These people often see some inexplicable scenes formed by evil spirits, commonly known as ghosts, but such people are weak, their marriage, career and financial fortune are very poor, and generally do not live to be 20 years old.

"Is there such a secret skill? Brother, you want to pass it on to me!"

After hearing Ye Tian's explanation, Zuo Jiajun's eyes lit up. The secret technique Ye Tian said was equivalent to the application of Tianmu anytime and anywhere, which had great benefits for Zuo Jiajun's feng shui and appearance.

Ye Tian looked embarrassed when he heard the words. He thought for a moment and said, "Brother, your skills have not yet reached the realm of refining gas and turning into a god. You can't learn this kind of secret technique. If you use it forcibly, it will only lead to the decline of qi and blood!"

How can Ye Tian know such a secret skill? It's just a reason he found to answer how to see the whereabouts of the killer. Ye Tian's eyes appeared inexplicably after being inherited at the age of ten.

In fact, strictly speaking, Ye Tian's eyes, which can see the luck of popularity, are no longer called the eyes of heaven, but the eyes of the heart. They have been included in the category of the five magic power, but Ye Tian himself does not know.

"Alas, I'm afraid I won't be able to enter the realm of refining gas and turning into a god in my life."

After hearing Ye Tian's words, Zuo Jiajun shook his head with regret. He was sixty years old, and he was seriously injured in his middle age. Although he was blessed by misfortune, it was impossible to go further.

Zuo Jiajun is also a person who practices magic. Knowing that these things can't be forced, he waved his hand and said, "Forget it, let's not talk about it, brother, when are you going back to the capital?"

Ye Tian thought for a moment and said, "In another week, I haven't been to Hong Kong. I want to take a look."

No matter how high Ye Tian's spell is, he is at best a big boy in his twenties. He is still curious about Hong Kong, an international city known as the Pearl of the East.

Moreover, Ye Tian also promised to help Gong Xiaoxiao find her husband's remains, and he had to stay in Hong Kong for at least another week.

"Is that so? Brother Ye, you can stay at home with me for a few days tomorrow, and ask Dingding to take you around Hong Kong. I have something to do the day after tomorrow. How about I accompany you after finishing my work?

Hearing that Ye Tian was going to stay in Hong Kong for another week, Zuo Jiajun was relieved. If he left tomorrow, he really couldn't get out.

"Brother, you can be busy. Don't worry about me. It's good for me to live here with Lao Tang!"

Ye Tian shook his head. Although the relationship between his brothers is very close, Ye Tian is not used to living in other people's homes, which will have a lot of inconveniences.

"How can that work? Do you think you can't live in your brother's house? Zuo Jiajun pretended to be angry.

"Won, can't I go with you tomorrow?" Ye Tian agreed with a wry smile.


Although Zuo Jiajun's house is not as exaggerated as Tang Wenyuan's mansion, it also belongs to the rich family. There are tens of millions of people who don't even think about it in a small villa like Hong Kong.

And the inconvenience Ye Tian imagined does not exist, because in addition to a servant, Zuo Jiajun lives in this villa.

Perhaps because of the five disadvantages of Feng Shui, Zuo Jiajun lost his wife in middle age and only had one daughter, so he spoiled Liu Dingding's only granddaughter so much.

Zuo Jiajun paid great attention to Ye Tian's door-to-door visit, and his daughter and son-in-law were recalled home by him on this day.

Zuo Jiajun's son-in-law is Liu Xiguo. He is in his early forties. He is a native of Hong Kong and respects his father-in-law. After hearing Zuo Jiajun's introduction, he is not reluctant to call Ye Tian, his little uncle.

Liu Dingding shouted one by one uncle. She knew Ye Tian's ability and tried her best to learn one or two surgical methods from Ye Tian. With her in it, the atmosphere in the room was very harmonious.

After dinner, Zuo Jiajun greeted Ye Tian and his son-in-law to sit on the sofa and casually asked, "Xiguo, how are you preparing for tomorrow? Have all the funds been raised?"

After hearing his father-in-law's question, Liu Xiguo quickly sat up straight and replied, "Dad, there has been a war in Myanmar recently, and the price of raw stone has risen a lot. I'm afraid that I don't have enough money to prepare now."

"Brother, what are you going to do tomorrow?"

Ye Tian, who was sitting next to him, interrupted, because Zuo Jiajun spoke Mandarin and Liu Xiguo spoke Cantonese. Ye Tian was a little brainless.

"Ha ha, my brother did a little business in his early years, and now he has taken care of it for Xi Guo. He can't make up his mind about some things, but I still have to take care of them..." After hearing Ye Tian's question, Zuo Jiajun explained to him with a smile.

Whether it is practicing martial arts or practicing magic, the four prerequisites of "law, couple, wealth and land" are indispensable.

"Dharma" refers to the true teacher's teaching and solving puzzles.

The meaning of "couple" is the guardian of the partner, because when the cultivation breaks through to a certain level, such as six vibrations, Yuanshen out of the pass, etc., all need to be protected, which is necessary.

"The ground" refers to the feng shui environment. People who practice have talked about cloud travel since ancient times. The main purpose is to seek qi, because if you practice in the same geographical environment, although the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter change, and the yin and yang are constantly going on, they can no longer meet the requirements

In this way, you have to go around. Whichever place is good, just sit on the floor and practice for a few days. If you need it very much, you can make a knot there. The so-called knot is in the mountains. That's the reason.

As for "money", it is the most critical word of these four-character tips. Otherwise, if you don't have money, how can you invite famous teachers to meet partners? How can I travel around the world to increase my knowledge?

Let's talk about Ye Tian. If he doesn't have money, he can't buy that quadrangle courtyard, let alone set up a spiritual array. If he wants to break through the realm of refining the god, he can only be like a mirror, which shows the importance of money.

Zuo Jiajun opened a goldware store in Hong Kong in the 1970s, and now it has developed into a jewelry store with six branches. Although it is not as good as Zhou Dafu's time-honored brands, it also has some reputation in the jewelry industry.

It's just that in recent years, the number of people wearing gold jewelry is gradually decreasing, while jadeite is popular. Many large jewelry merchants take huge sums of money to Myanmar, the origin of jadeite, to collect raw stone.

However, the industrial scale of Zuo Jiajun Jewelry Co., Ltd. is not large and the capital is limited. Generally, raw stones are purchased from raw stone merchants. Although there is a hand in the middle, the risk is much smaller than going to Myanmar.

Zuo Jiajun said that he had something to do tomorrow, and he was going to attend a raw stone fair organized by the Hong Kong jewelry industry. Myanmar's emerald market has just ended, and a large number of raw stones have flocked to Hong Kong.

Hearing that it was related to jade, Ye Tian couldn't help but be a little moved and said, "Brother, I'm fine tomorrow. Let's go and see it with you!"

Ye Tian's practiced spells have high requirements for jade. Some time ago, if it hadn't been for some inferior jade decorations, it might not have been able to be easily cracked with human skin flags.


ps: Second update, thank Adin for becoming the third leader of the prime minister. Thank you for your support!

Continue to write the third update. There are still six monthly tickets to 4,000, and free recommendation tickets. Let's vote for them all!