Genius Master

Chapter 335 Leakage of Wealth

"I.................. I said Brother Ye Tian, you're not kidding, are you?" After hearing Ye Tianqi's words, Wen Luanxiong stared at Ye Tian like a monster.

Wen Luanxiong has had a strong fortune since he was a young man. Even in this Asian financial storm, he did not hurt his muscles and bones. Ye Tian said that he lost money and leaked money today. Wen Luanxiong really didn't believe it.

Although people like Wen Luanxiong also believe in feng shui, they believe more in themselves. If this is said to Zuo Jiajun, Wen Luanxiong may be able to believe six or seven points, but from Ye Tian's mouth, he completely regarded it as a joke.

Ye Tian laughed and said, "Brother Wen, this truth... It's always a little unpleasant. I said it out. Believe it or not, it's your business."

Ye Tian has no intersection with this Wen Luanxiong. His good and bad have nothing to do with his own dime. Today, he showed him his face, which is already very face-proved.

"Facts speak louder than words, Brother Ye, do you want to come and see my solution?"

Wen Luanxiong also smiled when he heard the words. Naturally, it was impossible to blame Ye Tian in his identity. Besides, it was the truth he wanted to hear.

"Eh, anyway, it's okay. I'll watch Brother Wen's solution." Ye Tian nodded. The people in the yard were gambling on the stone solution. Who didn't look at it?

Wen Luanxiong did not come alone. He also brought a gambling expert. Just now, this expert has drawn the lines to be cut on the original stone. Wen Luanxiong just needs to cut down according to this.

Wen Luanxiong is a big buyer of today's trade fair. He wants to solve the stone, which naturally attracts a group of people to watch. Even Zuo Jiajun gathered around. After all, he still has a gambling appointment with Wen Luanxiong.


With the harsh sound of metal cutting raw stone, a piece of full gambling material was cut from the crack position by Wen Luanxiong. His method of cutting the stone was somewhat similar to that of Ye Tian, and it was clean and crisp.

"It's going up... The bet is going up."

"Yes, I saw the emerald!"

"Quick, rinse it with water!"

As soon as half of the stone fell to the ground, the sharp-eyed man saw the cut surface and immediately shouted loudly. Under the influence of this atmosphere, even if it was not the stone he gambled on, it was easy to make people excited.

After the gambling master invited by Wen Luanxiong washed off the cut stone crumbs, he took a strong light flashlight and penetrated it. He looked back at Wen Luanxiong and said, "The head of the water is average. The rise is rising, but it doesn't make much money."

This material is a little fluttering, but the planting water is a little worse and only reaches the oil and green seed. In this way, even if the number of emeralds in it is more, its value is difficult to exceed the one solved by Ye Tian.

"It's okay, Master Liu. Go and untie the emerald, and I'll continue to cut it!"

Wen Luan waved his hand magnificently. He didn't care how much he could make at all, and at this time, he was also holding his stock energy in his heart. Ye Tian said that he was out of money. Boss Wen really didn't believe in this evil!

Removed an oval stone weighing about 70 or 80 catties and put it on the stone cutter. Wen Luanxiong started the machine, and the sharp alloy gear made a "buzz" sound and quickly rotated.

The stone skin of this raw stone performed very well, and the color of the ringworm was obvious. The python pattern extended most of the stones, and Wen Luong spent eight million yuan to buy the original stone.

And the drawing line of this material was also thought out by Wen Luanxiong himself. He fixed the line in the upper left corner, where a piece protruded outward, like the forehead of Shou Xinggong.

In general, there will be no jade in such places. From here, it is likely that you can cut the combination of the original stone and the jade. It is normal for Wen Luanxiong to draw the line here.

"Cow..................Cow!" With the harsh sound of metal rubbing the stone, the whole stone was divided into two, and the raised part fell heavily on the ground.

"Rising...rising again..."

The person closest to

stood clearly saw a touch of green in front of him. Just as he was about to speak out, he found that the cut surface of the material that fell on the ground also seemed to be green.

"This..................Is this cut down?!" When the man who shouted just saw the wool on the ground, he immediately closed his mouth tightly.

Generally speaking, bracelets are the most valuable of jade jewelry, and good jade bracelets can be sold for tens of millions. The reason is that because bracelets are made of many materials and large, they must be made of a complete jade of the same quality.

If the material for the bracelet is cut off, you can only make some pendants and so on. The value is probably about one million at most, and the price difference between the two is not a little bit.

So the jadeite gambling stone does not mean that the green is rising, and it is also necessary to maintain the integrity of the jadeite in the stone. If the knife is not cut into two halves, the value is very different.

"It's really broken..."

"Oh, it's a pity that this is a good material to take out two pairs of bracelets!"

"That's right, and the water planting is also very good. It has reached the ice seed. If it is made into a bracelet, the price will be at least more than 3 million!"

After the stone was cut, the stones were surrounded by one after another, but all of them had regretful expressions on their faces. This material, which is worth nearly 10 million, is now only worth three or four million at most.

Although this material is also ice, the green is not very pure, and the distribution is different. It is good to make bracelets, but it is polished into a ring surface, which is far less than the piece untied by Ye Tian. It can only be carved into some pendants for sale.

At this moment, Wen Luanxiong encountered the situation mentioned above. Originally, a whole piece of good material was divided into two sections, and the value was immediately greatly reduced.

"Alas, I would have wiped the material first. It's next to the stone skin, and it can come out as soon as I wipe it!"

This knife lost nearly four million yuan. Although Wenluan was rich and rich, he also felt a little painful. After carefully observing the wool, he was also very annoyed.

However, Wen Luanxiong raised his eyes and saw Ye Tian, who seemed to be smiling. He couldn't help but feel a thor. This... Isn't this the saying that Ye Tian broke his money?

"This young man is not simple!"

At this time, Wen Luanxiong no longer dares to underestimate Ye Tian. In the next process of cutting stones, he should be careful, but his luck today seems to be really not very good, and the quality of the jade is very ordinary.

Wen Luanxiong does not do jewelry business. The stones he solved are usually sold on the spot. Someone next to him estimated the price. Now Wen Luanxiong's total jade is worth about 40 million Hong Kong dollars. Wen Luanxiong spent a total of more than 60 million Hong Kong dollars today. In terms of conversion, he lost 20 million That's a loss of money.

But the good thing is that Zuo Jiajun didn't cut out any super-quality material, and ice jade was solved on both sides. In comparison, the value of Wen Luanxiong's material is even higher.

This also made Boss Wen feel a little relieved. Although he lost 10 to 20 million yuan, it was worth it to win this bet and let Zuo Jiajun help him deduce his fate.

You know, divination or deduction of numerology for stock speculators is very exhausting, which is commonly known as longevity, so Wen Luanxiong begged Zuo Jiajun several times but he did not agree. This is no longer a problem that money can solve.

However, if Ye Tian knew what Wen Luanxiong was thinking, he would definitely scold his prodigal son and then recommend himself. I think that when he opened a company in the capital, the reason for deducing was only 50,000 yuan. At this time, Wen Luanxiong had untied the dozens of raw stones he bought this time, that Courpower, if you change someone else, you have to leave at least seven or eight pieces of warehouse.

"Bear the last piece of material here!" Just as everyone was about to disperse, they never thought that Wen Luanxiong still had a piece of wool, that is, the largest cut raw stone in the fair.

A shovel rumbled over, and it was the Big Mac material on the shovel. Seven or eight staff worked together to fix the material to the stone cutter.

"I don't think this material can produce jade!"

"That's right. Look at the cut surface, you can't even see any of the fog crystals. It's just a piece of waste."

"It's hard to say. There is still a python pattern on this stone, which means that jade has been formed!"

Looking at this giant raw stone, the onlookers talked about it one after another. The price of this material has reached as much as 10 million. If you can't take out more than three or five catties of ice seed material, it must be a loss-making.

After Ye Tian, who was standing next to the stone cutter, saw the original stone, his eyes couldn't help squinting. Others didn't know that he knew that there was a fist-sized jade hidden in the original stone.

Although Ye Tian doesn't know anything about glass ice, he can sense through the aeroplane that the aura contained in the fist-sized jade seems to be much purer than the one he had just solved.

"Is it true that Wen Luanxiong's loss of money should be on himself?"

Seeing that Wen Luanxiong had already held the handle of the gear of the stone cutter, Ye Tian suddenly had a clear understanding in his heart, and he couldn't help smiling on his face. When he met himself, Boss Wen was really a little unlucky.


With the sound of cutting stones, a large piece of raw stone fell to the ground, but this time there was a sigh in unison.

Needless to ask, this knife was naturally cut and collapsed. Not to mention jadeite, even the crystalline substances of the accompanying creatures of jadeite did not appear.

"Come again!"

Wen Luanxiong asked the staff to adjust the direction of the original stone and cut it down to the other side. This original stone weighs a thousand catties, which is the size of one person. If you can't cut the jade with two or three knives, it doesn't mean anything.

And Wen Luanxiong still firmly remembered Ye Tian's words about leaking money. All the original stones have been untied. If you want to leak money, you can only put it on this material.

PS: First update, please refresh the recommended vote in the early morning. I'm looking at it and it's going to fall off the list. Can the recommendation vote on Tuesday be voted for the prime minister? Ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a monthly ticket!!!