Genius Master

Chapter 359 Wind and Clouds in the Wind

"Group leader Xu, this... What the hell is going on?"

Director Zhou's team leader Xu is the leader of the protection group of Gao Xiong's garrison, with the rank of colonel, in his early 40s. He has had several contact with Director Zhou before.

Obviously, the vomit on the ground was definitely caused by the soldiers at the scene, because Director Zhou clearly saw that there was something unwiped at the corners of a soldier's mouth.

"Lao Zhou, you're here, this situation... something is wrong!" Seeing Director Zhou coming, the colonel smiled bitterly, and his pale face also showed a trace of blood.

"What's the matter? Difficult... Is it the man named Ye Tian who died? Director Zhou was shocked when he heard the words, but the above repeatedly told him to ensure Ye Tian's personal safety.

After hearing Director Zhou's words, the colonel's face was very strange. He spread out his hands and said, "I don't know yet, but... there are many dead people on the mountain."

"Dead people?" Director Zhou frowned and said, "Well... Then find out Ye Tian's whereabouts quickly. You have to come to a conclusion whether you are dead or alive!"

The colonel shook his head and said, "I lack an autopsy here. Aren't we waiting for you to arrive?"

"What are you waiting for? Are all the dead on the mountain? Let's go up the mountain quickly!"

With Director Zhou, there are not only forensic doctors in the police station, but also several doctors, which are prepared in advance for fear of Ye Tian's accident.

The colonel grabbed Director Zhou and stopped saying, "I said... Lao Zhou, we are old friends, and I... I advise you not to go up."

"How can that be?"

Director Zhou smiled bitterly, lowered his voice as well, and said, "Lao Xu, to tell you the truth, there is a lot of pressure. The man named Ye Tian really has an accident, and I can't help it."

The colonel took Director Zhou and others to the mountain and said, "I haven't gone up the mountain yet. I just saw a few dead people in front of me. You have to be mentally prepared!"

Previously, the colonel only walked to the mountain pass and did not dare to go up again, because this scene was so terrible that he scared these peaceful soldiers who had never fought a war.

"What are the dead afraid of? I've seen a lot. A few days ago, there was a gang fire and several people were short of arms and legs.

Director Zhou was a little disapproved of the colonel's words, and his eyes curled A Liang when he spoke. His words were also knocking on A Liang, so that his men could rest in peace recently.

When he walked to the mountain gate, a doctor who followed him suddenly said, "Huh? Why is the ground so sticky?

"It just rained. Maybe it's mud?" The other person replied by the way.

"No... No... It's not mud, it's... it's blood!"

The doctor who spoke before shone on the ground with a flashlight. His face suddenly turned pale. On the way to the slate, it was full of blood!

You know, the rain has just stopped for ten minutes, and such a heavy rain has not washed away the blood stains. Isn't that man going to shed all the blood on his body?

Before everyone could panic, the colonel had stopped and said, "Here, it's here!"

After hearing the colonel's words, several people coincidentally lit the flashlight forward, only to find that there were several white sheets on the ground, but the sheets had been dyed red at this moment.

Seven or eight flashlights and two military lights brightened the lights reflected here. Everyone found that more than ten meters around the ground where they were standing, they were all blood that had turned a little dark.

Another pungent smell also came to everyone's nose at this time. The smell was so strong that Director Zhou, who had not yet seen the dead body, quickly covered his nose with his hand, and the food he ate at night almost did not spit out.

Director Zhou took out a fax from his pocket, which was a photo of Ye Tian sent from above. After walking to the white cloth with the fishy smell, he said to the person under his hand, "Xiao Li, lift the cloth up!"

As a forensic doctor who deals with the dead all year round, Xiao Li is used to the smell of the scene. After hearing the director's words, he pulled off the white cloth.

A face without any blood on his face appeared in front of Director Zhou. There was a sharp blade scratch from the middle of his eyebrows, which extended to his lower abdomen, and all the clothes on his body were cut off.

This was nothing, but beside me here, it was full of stench and dirty, and a large ball of flowers, which made people smell disgusting.


Seeing the situation under the white cloth, Director Zhou couldn't help it anymore. He turned his face and vomited. He usually sat in the office and gave orders. When did he see such a scene?

Several police officers who followed Director Zhou also felt a nausea. Some people quickly ran aside and vomited wildly on the roadbed. Two of the little girls were so scared that they vomited and cried, with pear blossoms and rain on their faces.

"S Director, this man is not Ye Tian."

The forensic doctor who followed him was very calm. He took the fax paper in the director's hand and compared it with the dead man.

Director Zhou vomited and pointed to the corpse not far away and said, "So... where's that man?" I'll go and have a look." The forensic doctor answered and went straight to the other one covered with white cloth, but there was no echo for a long time.

"Xiao Li, what's wrong?" Director Zhou suppressed the discomfort in his stomach and turned his face to look over there. It didn't matter. The food in his stomach was sprayed on the ground again.

This body is not so disgusting, and there are no scars on its body, but from his neck up, the place where he should have had a head is empty.

When Director Zhou saw the angry head, there was no food in his stomach, because he even vomited all the sour water and almost didn't spit out the bile.

At this time, Director Zhou understood why the faces of Team Leader Xu and those soldiers were so ugly just now. These soldiers who had never fought were, to some extent worse than him.

And A Liang beside him was also secretly glad in his heart. Fortunately, these soldiers stopped him from going up the mountain, because if those little brothers saw this scene, it is estimated that nine of the ten will withdraw from the club.

"Sonder, the weapon used by the murderer is extremely sharp. This end was cut down with a knife!" After a thorough inspection of the body, the forensic doctor made a report to Director Zhou.

"Om, Xiao Li, take the forensic team up the mountain and see what's going on up there!"

Director Zhou waved his hand to interrupt Xiao Li's words, turned his face to the colonel and said, "Group leader Xu, please send some soldiers to follow them. I don't know if the murderer is on the mountain yet?"

So far, no one has thought that these two dead people died under Ye Tian. After all, they can't connect the young man on the fax paper with the murderer.


For the forensic doctor, no matter how ugly it is, everyone has seen it. Xiao Li felt indifferent to this scene. After hearing Director Zhou's order, he took the forensic team to the mountain accompanied by several soldiers.

After the forensic doctor went up the mountain, Director Zhou ordered to another person, "Xiao Liao, take a few people to visit the surrounding temples to see if you can ask what happened before?"

After arranging the matter, Director Zhou no longer wanted to stay here. He returned to the mountain pass with Team Leader Xu, and his face became as ugly as the previous soldiers.

Although Foguang Mountain is not big, it is also one or two hundred meters high. In addition, the mountain retains its primitive style, and the mountain is full of jungle, which is very difficult to search.

Three search teams were sent in a row, and it took more than ten hours. Until noon the next day, the whole mountain was finally passed through the sieve, and the situation presented in front of everyone was also chilling.

Twenty-two dead bodies were placed on a gentle slope at the foot of the mountain at this moment. After being busy all night, the forensic doctor also roughly identified the cause of death of these dead, and the result was very strange.

Whether the dead were cut in the throat or beheaded, all of them were killed by a blow, and the dead with broken chests were even more exaggerated. Judging from the injury to their chests, it was like being hit by a locomotive.

Although everyone knows that this is done by people, they are more willing to believe that this is done by the mountain ghost, otherwise this man will be more perverted than Stallone in The First Blood.

More than 20 dead and miserable bodies were neatly placed on the ground, which immediately made the temperature here drop a little.

Director Zhou's face was extremely ugly. Although there was no Ye Tian in these dead bodies, Director Zhou was to blame for such a major vicious case in his jurisdiction.

"Congressman Chen is here..." Just when Director Zhou felt that the situation was beyond his control, several police officers came over with two people.

The members of the Taiwan Legislative Yuan have "financial power, legislative power and questioning power", and even have the right to dismiss the president and ejection the president, which is a group of people in the highest class of Taiwan society.

In the face of Senator Chen, who often fights in parliament and has always had the upper hand, Director Zhou did not dare to neglect and hurriedly greeted him.

"Has Ye Tian found it?"

To Director Zhou's surprise, Senator Chen had not spoken yet, and a middle-aged man who seemed to be only in his forties next to him spoke first.

"This is..." Director Zhou looked at Senator Chen with some hesitation.

Seeing Director Zhou's hesitation, Senator Chen said, "This is Mr. Zuo from Hong Kong, Director Zhou, tell me what you know!"

It was Zuo Jiajun who followed Senator Chen. Although he flew over last night, it was just a high bear rainstorm and lightning, and the plane could not land. In the end, he had to stop at another airport and rushed over.