Genius Master

Chapter 402 Sticks and Sticks

After coming out of the forest farm, Hu Hongde took Ye Tian into the old forest. The deep fallen leaves were thickly spread on the ground, and stepped on it to make a "kap" sound, which could spread far in the silent mountain forest.

The forests in the northeast are completely different from the jungles of Maoshan. The towering trees and endless mountains are not available in Maoshan, giving people a primitive and rugged feeling.

"Lao Hu, didn't you say that guns are banned? How can you beat the stinging? Walking on the way to Hu Hongde's residence, Ye Tian casually chatted with him.

"The gun ban is aimed at the people in the city who live in Changbai Mountain. Who doesn't have two shotguns? Can you stay in the house?"

Hu Hongde shook his head and then said, "There are many deer in the mountains, and it's easy to fight. Let's see if we can meet it tomorrow. I'll let you try the deer meat."

"Good, it's good to meet a tiger."

Ye Tian has no concept of protecting wild animals in his mind. He has been harming the animals on Maoshan since he was eight years old. Some small foxes that could be seen everywhere on the periphery of Maoshan were driven to the depths of Maoshan by Ye Tian.

"There are not many tigers, but there are many foxes, but that thing is more cunning. The fire fox skin on my body was hit more than ten years ago."

Speaking of the fox skin on his body, Hu Hongde looked proud. Once a fur merchant offered 400,000 US dollars after seeing it, and he was not willing to sell it.

The fire fox is a mysterious animal in nature. Few people see its panorama in person. It has always been regarded as a mysterious and strange incarnation.

Moreover, the fire fox has a strong explosive power, can start in an instant, and can compete with the cheetah, the fastest running animal in the world, in a certain period of time.

Everyone in the hunters around Changbai Mountain knows that there is a fire fox in the mountain, but no one has ever hunted it. Hu Hongde caught this fire fox in those years, which caused a great sensation.

Ye Tian said half jokingly, "Lao Hu, you Sun and Moon believe in the fox immortals. If you hit them, no wonder you can't invite the fox fairy."

"What? Did you say it to me?" After Ye Tian said this, he was stunned to see Hu Hongde's face immediately.

"You really told me about it."

Hu Hongde sighed and said, "Since I hit this fox, I can't use some simple spells that I used before, otherwise my wife would not be..."

Most of the people who practice martial arts are mental appraisals. After Hu Hongde saw this fire fox, he didn't think about what it had to do with his magical power to invite the immortals. He tried his best to kill the fox.

Although there is nothing to blame for the fox fairy later, the shallow spell he knows can no longer be used.

"Come on, let's not talk about it, let's find the soul-returning grass quickly. I said Lao Hu, the plants in the mountain have withered. Can you still find the soul-returning grass?" Seeing that he mentioned Hu Hongde's sadness, Ye Tian quickly changed the topic.

"Yeah, I remember that there are donkey sandwich vegetables in the woods next to the mountain and the foothill stream in front of me. Let's dig tomorrow morning and we will know."

Hu Hongde and Ye Tian are both people who walk the mountain road for a long time. Although they talk, they are not slow at all. After more than half an hour, they have climbed into the middle of the mountain, that is, Hu Hongde's home.

The three wooden houses are arched into triangles, with a small yard in the middle. Around the wooden house, there is a row of fences with some small bells hanging on the fence, which are used to warn and expel beasts.


With a burst of dog barking, an old yellow-haired dog jumped out of the fence of the yard and shook its tail at Hu Hongde. He immediately stared at Ye Tian with his eyes.

The dog's ability to predict danger far exceeds that of human beings. The old yellow dog has fought with the leopard wolf in the mountain forest, and he found the surging blood on Ye Tian's body at the first time.

Hu Hongde patted the yellow dog's head with his hand and said, "Ralhuang, this is our most noble guest. Friendly point!"

"Woo-hoo..." seemed to be able to understand Hu Hongde's words. The big yellow dog made a whimper in his mouth, sniffed Ye Tian's feet with his nose, turned around and ran away.

"Don't think Rhubarb is a naughty dog, the wolves on the mountain can't bite it."

Hu Hongde pushed away the wooden fence with a smile and said, "Ye Tian, come in. I'll pack some food. Let's drink more. You can live in Xiaoxian's room later."

These three wooden houses are the residences of Hu Hongde and his granddaughter, and another one is for sundries. Sometimes passing hunters will also sleep in them.

"Yes, is this place really primitive?"

Everything in front of us is very fresh for Ye Tian. The wood of this wooden house is even connected with dry bark, which is definitely the most original and original building.

Staying here, Ye Tian even has a feeling of returning to the primitive society. Tens of thousands of years ago, his ancestors may have been like this, fighting against nature with the simplest conditions.

"The vitality is not weak. No wonder Hu Hongde can practice his husband from the outside to the inside."

Ye Tian took a deep breath. Although the free vitality on that day was not as thick as the quadrangle courtyard, it was very pure. The threads overflowed into Ye Tian's body and suddenly felt refreshed.

You should know that the spirit of heaven and earth is not only useful for monks, but also for ordinary people to stay in a pure place for a long time, and their bodies will be nourished without disease and disaster-free.

Hu Hongde, who himself is a kung fu practitioner, has lived here for a long time. The internal injuries accumulated in his body because of the external kung fu have been healed by these vitality imperceptibly.

"Ye Tian, come to dinner. It's late today, or I'll go into the forest and give you some flying dragons to eat."

Hu Hongde's room was full of wild boar and some dried game. After cooking a few dishes in person, he greeted Ye Tian to sit on the table.

There was a bonfire in the room, drinking a knife of more than 60 degrees, listening to Hu Hongde's story about decades ago, and occasionally the howling of wild wolves in the mountains came to his ears, which can't be experienced in the city.

Ye Tian didn't use his energy to control the amount of alcohol. He was drunk and slept very well this night. He got up early the next morning and pushed open the wooden door. The cool breeze blew on his face, and he was refreshed.

Hu Hongde was preparing in the yard. When he saw Ye Tian coming out, he said, "Ye Tian, let's go early and come back early!"

"Lao Hu, what are you doing with a ball of red rope?" Seeing Hu Hongde with a shotgun on his back and stuffed a red rope into his backpack, Ye Tian couldn't help but feel a little strange.

Hu Hongde smiled and said, "I left an old mallet in the mountain. This time I pick it in the mountain and you can bring it to my uncle to mend his body.

"The mallet? What is this?" Ye Tian was stunned for a moment.

"It's our name, it's ginseng." Hu Hongde looked regretful, "Alas, I sold a 300-year-old one last year. If I had known it, I would have left it to my uncle. There are fewer and fewer old ginsengs on the mountain."

"Three hundred years of wild ginseng?" Ye Tian asked, "Lao Hu, how much did you sell it?"

Hu Hongde pouted and said, "Three million, it's an old customer who came to collect it. I'm embarrassed to raise the price."

"Three million?!"

Ye Tian didn't care that Hu Hongde was already in his sixties, so he almost scolded directly, "I said Lao Hu, aren't you a prodigal? A hundred-year-old ginseng can be sold for seven or eight million yuan, and you can sell these three hundred-year-old ginseng for three million yuan?!

When Ye Qiantian gave Tang Xuexue a pulse, Tang Wenyuan almost wrapped the wild ginseng in the medicinal material market in Hebei, spending tens of millions of yuan. The hundred-year-old ginseng king alone spent nearly 10 million yuan.

At present, I heard that Hu Hongde sold three million yuan of three hundred-year-old ginseng. Ye Tian is distressed. You know, not to mention the hundred-year-old ginseng, it is rare for decades.

"I also know that the price is low, but it's useless for me to ask for so much money. In addition, the other party is an old guest, so I gave it to him. Ye Tian, do you want ginseng?"

Ye Tian in front of him is actually a generation older than Hu Hongde. Although he is rude, Mr. Hu has no temper at all. Who let Ye Tian's brother and his own brother drink blood wine?

"Lao Hu, how fresh your question is. Can the effect of ginseng be useless to people who practice martial arts?" Ye Tian said angrily.

"Well, the mallet I left is more than 200 years old. You can bring it to my uncle, and there are also a few more than 50 years old. If you can use it, I will pick them out!"

Experienced ginseng pickers will not pick ginseng when they see it. People like Hu Hongde often leave some marks next to them after encountering good ginseng, and will not pick it until it can be used.

" OK, I'll see you then."

Ye Tian ate the person in his stomach, at least one hundred and eighty plants, but he really hadn't seen the process of picking ginseng. Hearing Hu Hongde's words, he was a little moved.

The two talked and went out of the wooden house. The big yellow dog wagged its tail in front of him to lead the way and quickly climbed over the top of the mountain.

The forest behind the mountain has become thicker and thicker. It can be imagined that if it were a summer with luxuriant branches and leaves, I'm afraid I can't see a trace of sunshine overhead.

"Ye Tian, slow down!" Just as he passed through a dense forest, Rhubarb suddenly stopped, and Ye Tian was also stopped by Hu Hongde behind him.

"What's the matter, ginseng?"

Ye Tian was looking around all the way to find a ginseng, but it was not the season for ginseng to bloom at this time, and only the rhizome was buried deep in the ground, far from what Ye Tian could find.

Hu Hongde shook his head and said, "No, someone dug a trap in front of him."

Hu Hongde took a few steps forward, squatted down and put his hand in the dead leaf layer. He pulled hard, and a dark hole appeared on the ground.