Genius Master

Chapter 407 Under the Soul

After entering the room, Ye Tian looked back at Hu Hongde and said, "Lao Hu, I'm optimistic that no one can be put in!"

Most of Ye Tian knows the origin of the secret method inherited in his mind, but only this soul trick, Ye Tian has never known what the principle is, so he is more careful in his heart.

"All right, don't worry, I won't let him in!"

Hu Hongde agreed, looked left and right, went straight to the bedside, moved the bedside table to the door, and then sat on it.

"Lao Hu, if you were born 30 years earlier, you would definitely have a better reputation than your family!"

Seeing Hu Hongde's behavior, Ye Tianzhen couldn't laugh or cry. This old man was worthy of being born in a bandit's nest. He was sixty or seventy years old and acted with a banditry.

shook his head with a smile. Ye Tian took Hu Hongde's package and took out an alcohol lamp and the set of needles he had just bought inside.

After lighting the alcohol lamp to disinfect the needle, Ye Tian stood in front of Hu Xiaoxian, twisted a silver needle with his right thumb and forefinger, and inserted it lightning into a meridians in Hu Xiaoxian's chest and abdomen

After inserting a needle, Ye Tian kept his right hand and inserted five silver needles into Hu Xiaoxian's body through his clothes one after another. Hu Hongde, who was stunned by the door, was stunned for a while. He had been an old Chinese medicine doctor all his life. Only now did he know that acupuncture can still play like this?

After the five needles were inserted, Ye Tian was also slightly panting. Among these five silver needles, each of them contained the power of life, which was inserted in five places of Hu Xiaoxian's heart meridian, spleen meridian, lung meridian and kidney meridian.

The heart meridian, spleen meridian, lung meridian and kidney meridian are the five organs of the human body, corresponding to the five elements of wood, fire, earth, gold and water.

Ye Tian used the power of a silver needle to shock Hu Xiaoxian's five organs, so that her body function could recover as before in a short time.

After piercing these five needles, Ye Tian took out another silver needle and inserted it into Hu Xiaoxian's Yintang hole, which was used to calm the soul.

The human body has three souls and seven souls, which is the place of the human spirit. The human soul is usually attached to the human body. When a person is accidentally or frightened, his soul will fall away from the body and it is difficult to return.

Losing one soul and one soul can make people depressed and in a trance. Losing two souls can make people bedridden, and the three souls and seven souls are all dispersed, which is the time of death.

Hu Xiaoxian still has the breath of life, indicating that she is not attracted by three souls and seven souls. Ye Tian's needle can fix the soul in her body and enhance Hu Xiaoxian's self-consciousness.

After doing this, Hu Xiaoxian, who was originally pale, actually showed a trace of rosyness on his face, and the ups and downs of his chest gradually became stable. Ye Tian knew that this effort was not in vain.

Taking out the incense burner, Ye Tian put the soul-returning grass ground into powder into it, rubbed it into a wisp of silk thread with his hand, and then lit the thread with a lighter.

Maybe it has the effect of burning incense. A wisp of smoke came out of the incense burner, but it burned much faster than burning incense. Soon, the whole ward was shrouded in a slightly bitter smoke.

Hu Xiaoxian, who had been lying down for three days, suddenly trembled after smelling the smell, and a stream of essence that could not be seen with the naked eye overflowed the body surface and stayed on the body out of thin air.

"The so-called soul is actually the condensation of the human essence. The reason why the little fairy is unconscious should be that the essence is pumped away!"

Seeing the essence emanating from Hu Xiaoxian's body, Ye Tian suddenly understood that the essence is the essence of the human body. If the essence is lost, people will naturally die.

However, this is not a good time to think about the magic. Ye Tian raised his hands, drew two formations in the void, and shouted in his mouth, "Go!"

After Ye Tian stopped drinking, the temperature of the whole ward suddenly dropped. The curtains by the window raised high without wind, and Hu Xiaoxian seemed to flash a flash of light, and then disappeared.

Ye Tian closed his eyes and sat down cross-legged on the ground three meters away from Hu Xiaoxian's bed. He pinched his fingers one after another in his hand and kept hitting Hu Xiaoxian's body. At the same time, he shouted in a low voice: "The Hu family has a daughter, called Xiaoxian, and the soul is back!"

As Ye Tian kept reciting this sentence like chanting, the vitality in the ward became more and more disordered. The formation drawn by Ye Tian's void on Hu Xiaoxian gave birth to a suction force, which made the vitality in the room rush to Hu Xiaoxian crazily.

It's just that after touching the layer of essence that wrapped Hu Xiaoxian, these vitality dispersed in all, and the two could not be integrated at all.

However, Ye Tian's deep recitation, like magic, guided Hu Xiaoxian's wisp of essence through the window and into the endless night, as if he was looking for his dissipated soul.

"Is this soul-inducing or soul-inducing?"

Ye Tian sat on the ground and used his own spells. Hu Hongde by the door was a little unbearable. Ye Tian's voice was like a magic spell, which made his head swell and pain, and his consciousness showed signs of coming out of his body.

After taking a deep breath, Hu Hongde held his mind tightly, and then he woke up a little. He quickly tore off two pieces of cloth from his body and firmly blocked his ears.

It snowed heavily all day and night, covering the whole Changbai Mountain in ice and snow. In the northern foothills of the mountain, more than 60 kilometers away from Hu Hongde's residence, there is a small village with more than a dozen families.

The countryside was unusually quiet in winter, and even the hounds shrank back into the nest, but in a wooden house on the hillside at the head of the village, the lights were bright, and from time to time there was a sound of shouting.

This house is not suitable for the front and back, and it is far away from other houses in the village. It is very eye-catching. On the left side of the door of the house, there is a long bamboo pole erected, and at the top of the bamboo pole, there is a red cloth more than three feet long.

The red cloth is inlaid with a triangular black cloth head, which is torn into three pieces. The middle width is wide, the edges are narrow and slightly short, the bottom is inlaid with five-finger black spikes, and the middle edge is inlaid with serrated black spikes.

If Ye Tian or Hu Hongde is here, you can recognize it at a glance. This is the unique soul-inducing flag of the Manchu people, and the name of Hu Xiaoxian is also written on the cloth in the middle of the flag.

There are five people sitting in the room, drinking wine. The table is full of wild animals in the mountains. The pot of soup in the middle is the flying dragon soup in Song Chang's mouth.

"Master Meng, come on, I'll give you a bowl!"

A man in his early thirties, after drinking a bowl of wine, wiped his mouth and said, "Master Meng, those sets we put on have been destroyed by Hu Hansan. If the goods can't be delivered, the money will fly!"

This man's name is Guo Zichen. He was originally a scoundrel in this village. In the early 1990s, he went to Russia alone. When he came back three years later, he became rich.

At first, others thought that he made a fortune in trade, but in fact, he was poaching rare animals in Changbai Mountain and selling them abroad, making huge profits from it.

After walking too much at night, he would eventually meet a ghost. When he was hunting a Siberian tiger, Guo Zichen met Hu Hongde and was pulled into the police station by him and sentenced to three years in prison.

People who commit this crime have a common problem, that is, they want to get something for nothing. After Guo Zichen was released from prison, he went home and ate his old capital for two years. Finally, he couldn't help it and took another business.

It was just that he was afraid of Hu Hongde. In addition to contacting several people who had the same experience as him and had been repaired by Hu Hongde, he also found Meng blind man in the village.

Meng blind man is not an old family in the village. His grandfather is said to have been a senior official in Fengtian, but Meng blind man's family came here after the last emperor was captured.

However, Meng Shizi's father was not very lucky. After Hu Yunbao returned to seclusion, he joined the National Party. In 1949, he was not qualified to go to Taiwan. After liberation, he was exposed and reported, and finally he was shot.

Although Meng blind man was only twelve or thirteen years old at that time, he would never starve to death by relying on Changbai Mountain. Over the past few decades, Meng blind man also made a great reputation in Changbai Mountain.

It's just that since his father was shot, Meng's bad temper has become a little strange. In addition, he doesn't know where he learned to be a jumping master, which usually looks gloomy, which also makes the villagers respect him.

However, Guo Zichen knew that Meng blind man was good at shooting. If he wanted to say who could compete with Hu Hongde for hundreds of miles of Changbai Mountain, only Meng blind man was the only one, so he was pulled into the water.

"That condom was not for the Siberian tiger in the first place." After a bowl of liquor, blind man rolled his eyes. He had a lot of white eyes, and he couldn't see the black eyes.

"Master Meng, Hu Hansan has been in this mountain for decades. I'm afraid he can't help him, right?"

When Guo Zichen mentioned Hu Hongde, his eyes were full of resentment. This Changbai Mountain was not Hu Hongde alone. Why didn't he let them hunt animals for money?

"I can't help him. I can help his granddaughter. In another seven days, Hu Xiaoxian will definitely die. Take advantage of this time to get the matter done quickly, and I'll clean up the old thing later!"

Meng blind man tore off a roasted yellow wild boar leg and took a fierce bite. His resentment against Hu Hongde did not go down to these people in the room at all.

As the saying goes, Sheng Mi En fights against rice. After Meng Shizi was shot, Hu Yunbao took a lot of photos of his family and gave a lot of rice noodles to Meng Shizi's wife every month.

It's just that Hu Yunbao himself hid in the depths of Changbai Mountain. In addition, the natural disasters were serious in those years. Hu Hongde's family also had a last meal, so naturally they couldn't take care of Meng blind man.

But Meng blind man, who is narrow-minded, hates Hu Yunbao's family. When he becomes an adult, he will go against Hu Hongde in everything. No one in the vast Changbai Mountain area doesn't know that the two don't deal with it

"Dingling, ringing!" While several people were discussing the hunting of the Siberian tiger, a bell in the corner of the room suddenly rang without wind.

PS: The third update, and the fourth update, monthly ticket, brothers, the teacher needs monthly ticket support!! RS