Genius Master

Chapter 415 Prodigal Son

"Yes, I won't dig, but Lao Hu, if I find something by myself, don't care so much."

Seeing Hu Hongde's crying face, Ye Tian patted him on the shoulder with a smile and asked, "Lao Hu, where do most of these ginsengs grow? Tell me about it."

Changbai Mountain is so big that it is impossible for Ye Tian to release his consciousness from time to time, right? Before he has practiced to the realm of refining the god and returning to the virtual world, he will feel tired after a little longer.

With Ye Tian's target, he can only explore the place where the wild ginseng may survive, otherwise it is estimated that the ginseng can be exhausted to death if he is not found.

"Do you still want to find ginseng like this?"

Hu Hongde couldn't help slandering. He also saw that the reason why Ye Tian was so skilled in digging ginseng was entirely due to his strong physical control ability, which had nothing to do with anything else. However, since Ye Tian asked, Hu Hongde still had to answer. After thinking about it, he said, "Gin has requirements for the It is very strict. It likes to grow in deep mountains with cold climate and deep layers of corrosion. The sun is not directly illuminated and the precipitation is abundant.

As for the specific place, it's hard to say. You see... For example, there may be ginseng on the hillside, and there may be some in the woods. Even in the mountains, there are also people who have dug a hundred-year-old ginseng.

In ancient times, Tao Hongjing once said in the Collection of Herbs: Three leaves and five leaves, the back of the sun to the yin, if you want to come to me, the linden trees look for each other, these words can summarize the place where the ginseng grows!"

Hu Hongde didn't go to school for a few years, and he still learned literacy from the old traditional Chinese medicine grandfather.

If we talk about the knowledge of ginseng and traditional Chinese medicine, if Hu Hongde claims to be the second, no one dares to boast that he is the first.

Ye Tian pointed to the section of the forest on the flat slope and asked, "The linden tree? Are you talking about those purple lias?

"Yes, there is a high chance of ginseng under the linden tree."

Hu Hongde nodded. He relied on years of experience in releasing mountains, which can't be understood with a few casual explanations. Otherwise, Changbai Mountain would have long wanted to find a ginseng seed.

After digging out a ginseng with his own hands, Ye Tian's interest increased greatly. He couldn't wait to find a thousand-year-old ginseng immediately. He couldn't wait to urge him, "Let's go to the six-grade leaves you mentioned. Maybe I can find the legendary seven-grade leaves!"

After hearing Ye Tian's words, Hu Hongde's mouth twitched, but he didn't say much. He lived in Changbai Mountain and had never seen the ginseng of Qipinye.

Many ginseng pickers even believe that when the ginseng grows to the seventh grade leaf, it will produce spirituality, that is, the folklore of ginseng dolls, which can seek good luck and avoid evil, and ordinary people can't see it at all.

Seeing Ye Tian walking happily in front of him and looking at the ground from time to time, Hu Hongde followed him with tears and laughter, and the two climbed another mountain along the hillside.

There are dozens of peaks in Changbai Mountain at an altitude of more than 2,500 meters. Strictly speaking, Ye Tian and Hu Hongde are still on the edge. More than an hour later, they walked to the north of the mountain.

Although Ye Tian will release his consciousness when he sees the lint forest, his good luck seems to have run out. There is no ginseng on this mountain, which seems to be really spiritually avoiding Ye Tian.

"Ye Tian, stop for a stop. It's been five or six hours. Let's get something to eat!"

Seeing that Ye Tian was still looking around, Hu Hongde couldn't stand it. He was full of qi and blood, but he was always in his sixties. The food must be supplemented.

"Grandma, are these mallets hidden? Unexpectedly, I didn't find one!"

After hearing Hu Hongde's words, Ye Tian also stood still. Along the way, he released a lot of consciousness. Although his body was not tired, his spirit felt a little tired.

Ye Tian put his backpack on the ground and remembered the delicious taste of Feilong Soup. He smacked his mouth and said, "What do you want to eat? Lao Hu, how many flying dragons can you fight?"

When he passed through the woods on the way, he saw several flying dragons, but Ye Tian was thinking about the mallet at that time, so he didn't care. Now when he heard Hu Hongde mention food, the herniths in his stomach were suddenly hooked.

"Swer the voice, let me see..."

Hu Hongde stretched out a finger and booed to his mouth. At this time, they were on a flat slope halfway up the mountain, and further down was a birch forest, which was also the favorite place for flying dragons to hide.

The temperature in the mountain is several degrees lower than that outside. The heavy snow that fell a few days ago did not melt at all. After Hu Hongde took a few steps forward, his face showed joy and whispered, "Ye Tian, we have a good mouth. There is a nest of flying dragons in this forest!"

Ye Tian followed Hu Hongde's eyes. Sure enough, on the snow seven or eight meters ahead, there was a line of small claw marks extending all the way to the woods.

Hu Hongde took out a well-made crossbow from his backpack and said, "It's best to fight the flying dragon in winter. Ye Tian, you pack some dry wood and burn the fire, and I'll come!"

Ye Tian really didn't see Hu Hongde put this thing in his backpack before. He asked curiously, "Hand crossbow? Don't you need a gun?"

Hu Hongde laughed and said: It's not okay to shoot the flying dragon with a gun. Half of the birds are gone after one shot. It's better to use this thing. "Let me go and have a look with you." Ye Tian ate dragon meat twice, but they were all bald birds plucking hair. He had never seen the real hazel chicken.

"Ocise, keep your voice down, don't be shocked!" Hu Hongde nodded, and the leader took a breath to Ye Tian in the woods. His body suddenly became much lighter, leaving only a faint footprint on the snow. Hu Hongde's old face turned red, and it seemed that his voice was louder.

The trunks in this birch forest are scattered, and there are still many low miscellaneous trees on the ground. Hu Hongde made a silent gesture to Ye Tian and quietly walked to the densest miscellaneous trees.


Just when Hu Hongde was still seven or eight meters away from what he thought was the flying dragon's nest, a birch branch couldn't stand the heavy pressure of snow and broke down at this time.

With this sound, four birds suddenly flew out of the low bushes, shaking their wings and flying out of the birch forest.

"Grandma, there are four of them?!"

Hu Hongde reacted very quickly. He raised the crossbow in his right hand and didn't even aim. He pulled the trigger directly, and an alloy arrow shot out with a "snoring" sound.

After Hu Hongde shot this arrow, he turned over his left hand, and an alloy arrow with only the length of his fingers was buckled to the crossbow. As soon as he raised his hand, he shot down another flying dragon that had not yet flown far.

But hit two birds, which also reached Hu Hongde's limit. He no longer had time to deal with the two flying dragons that had flown out of the birch forest.

Just when Hu Hongde felt a little sad, the two hazel chickens, which had already flown about ten meters from the ground, suddenly flapped their wings and fell from the air.

Hu Hongde's eyesight was very good. He could see that as the hazel chicken's body fell, there were also two snowflakes. Looking back at Ye Tian, who was clapping his hand, Hu Hongde's eyes showed a trace of embarrassment.

The hazel chicken flies very fast, especially at an altitude of more than ten meters. Unless it is shot with a gun, it is generally difficult to get them. Unexpectedly, Ye Tianzhi rubbed two snowballs casually and shot them down.

Now Hu Hongde believes that if he and Ye Tian live in this old forest at the same time, Ye Tian must have lived a much better life than him.

This made Hu Hongde, who self-defame the best hunter in Changbai Mountain, very unhappy and said, "Ye Tian, you boil the pot of water, and I'll beat a stupid deer again!"

"It's done! These flying dragons really don't have enough to eat!"

Ye Tian nodded. The flying dragon meat is fragrant, but after removing the hair and viscera, it is only two or three hundred grams at most, and it is absolutely impossible to taste fresh.

The forest in winter is full of dead branches. Ye Tian picked up a bundle and put it on the gentle slope, then cleaned up an open space of more than ten meters with a spade and dug a hole in the middle of the open space.

After lighting the dead branches, Ye Tian put the pot on the bonfire, took a few pieces of snow frozen into ice and threw them into the pot. After more than ten minutes, the snow melted and slowly emitted hot air.

"Life in this mountain is also quite interesting, much more fun than Maoshan!"

Ye Tian is still a young man. Whether it is the previous digging mallet or the current picnic, it is a very new thing for him, and this kind of experience he has never had before.

While boiling water, Ye Tian pulled out the internal organs of the four flying dragons. After the water boiled, he directly threw the flying dragon into it.

Seeing that Hu Hongde had not come back yet, Ye Tian turned his eyes, took out the wooden box from his backpack, and took out the mallet inside.

"Hey hey, Lao Hu, what a pity it is not to eat this good thing?"

With a bite, Ye Tian bit off half of the rhizome of the four leaves, and half of the ginseng whiskers was thrown into the dragon soup pot.

"Good stuff!"

In this half of the ginseng entrance branch, Ye Tian suddenly felt a slightly bitter smell filling his mouth, and at the same time, a stream of heat went down his throat to his chest and abdomen.

"This medicine is a hundred times stronger than dried ginseng!"

Ye Tian didn't dare to neglect. He directly crossed his knees to the snow and started to run on Sunday. Such pure vitality would be a pity if it dissipated in his body.

For Ye Tian, the essence contained in the 50-year-old mountain ginseng is still a little less. One Sunday, the essence in the half of the mallet has been absorbed by him.

After a day of fatigue in the old forest, and the divine consciousness that Ye Tian had lost before, all of them were added back. After standing up, Ye Tianzhi felt refreshed.

"Ye Tian, did you eat that mallet? Isn't this... a prodigal son?"

Ye Tian just got up, Hu Hongde, who rushed back with a deer, looked at the empty wooden box above the ground and suddenly wanted to cry without tears.