Genius Master

Chapter 424 The Paradise

The position on this side of the cave is slightly more spacious than that inside. Ye Tian opened the body side, allowing Hu Hongde to stand side by side with himself.

"What kind of place is this?" Seeing the situation outside the cave, Hu Hongde was also stunned. The scenery in front of him was something he had never seen in his life.

The cave is about ten meters away from the ground, and you can clearly see the scenery outside.

What appeared in front of the two of them was a sunken valley, about 3,000 to 4,000 square meters in size, surrounded by cliffs, wrapping the whole valley.

There are many low fruit trees growing in the valley, which are actually full of fruit and shaded by green grass on the ground. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, Ye Tian and the other two were almost suspected of being in a dream.

In the middle of the valley, there is a hot spring about 70 or 80 meters in size, constantly surging bubbles, making a "coo-dong" sound.

Due to the closure of the valley, the heat emitted by this extremely hot spring steamed up, unexpectedly blocking the piercing cold wind outside, forming a unique geographical space.

Next to the fruit forest, there is also a wooden house with wooden stakes, about one meter higher from the ground. The unpeeled bark on it remains green under the moisture of the hot spring.

Looking at the top, the pine trees in the cliff are still covered with snow, and the two distinct heavens and earth make people have to sigh at the magic of nature's creation!

And what excites Ye Tian most is that the aura in the valley is extremely abundant, and it is very pure, as if a man-made array has imprisoned the aura here.

"Lao Hu, this should be the place where Meng blind man is hiding, right?"

Looking at the beautiful scenery in front of him, Ye Tian muttered to himself, "Grandma, this old boy can choose a place, and he doesn't know how he got here?"

From the trace of the hole when entering, it can be seen that the original hole should be very small. Only after the transformation of Meng blind man can people pass through. Presumably, there is also an unknown story here.

In fact, Meng blind man chased a white fox to come here. The white fox went into the hole and disappeared. Meng blind man set a trap at the mouth of the cave. After waiting for five days, he did not see the white fox come out again.

This made Meng blind man feel strange. He didn't eat for five days, and the fox starved to death. Curiosity drove him to expand the hole and get in, thus discovering this peach blossom place.

Since then, Meng Shizi has used this place as his most secret hiding place. He couldn't help building a wooden house in the valley, and also stored a large amount of food and materials, and even the money he had gained for many years was put here.

It's just that it took nearly ten years for Meng blind man to arrange a place to settle down. With his death, it has no meaning, or it has benefited Ye Tian and the two for nothing!

Feeling the strong aura in the valley, Ye Tian couldn't help pushing Hu Hongde gently and said, "Let's go down and have a look."

In order to make it easier to get in and out, Meng blind man made a wooden ladder on the rock wall outside the cave, and went down the wooden ladder to the valley.

Step on the green grass, feel the softness under your feet, and then think of the snow outside the cave, which is almost like a fairyland.

Around the hot spring, it is full of hawthorn, soft jujube kiwi, northeast apricot plum and other trees. After the fruits falling from the trees decay, the land is cultivated into a fertile land, forming a good ecological environment.

"Good boy, why is this water so hot?"

Ye Tian walked to the hot spring. He reached out and tried the temperature in the pool. As soon as he put it in, he hurriedly took out his hand. He didn't protect it with real air just now, and the back of his hand was already red.

Hu Hongde also learned from Ye Tian to put his hand in the water to feel the temperature. He raised his head and smiled and said, "Ye Tian, the hot spring boiled eggs in Changbai Mountain can be cooked in an instant. The water temperature is probably above 70 or 80 degrees."

Ye Tian looked at the circular valley and said thoughtfully, "Then this should be a crater, but why is it wrapped in these rock walls?"

"What if it's so much, Ye Tian, let's go and have a look in the room built by Meng blind man!"

Hu Hongde did not have the idea of Ye Tian tracing the source. There are many wonders in Changbai Mountain. After the initial shock, he is no longer used to it.

Before coming to the wooden house, Hu Hongde's face showed shock again. He stroked the wood with his hand and said, "Oh no, Ye Tian, this is all walnut wood!"

Meng blind man obviously spent a lot of energy here. The wood used in this wooden house is the walnut in the valley.

The texture of walnut wood is very hard, and it is very resistant to bending and corrosion. Even in this perennial foggy valley, it will not easily deform and corrode.

You know, walnut wood is generally made of precious furniture and carved handicrafts, but the wooden house in front of you is actually built of walnut wood. If you put it outside, this wooden house is worth a lot.

"Lao Hu, it's a pity that Meng blind man doesn't become a carpenter." Ye Tian didn't know much about walnut at all. He just felt that the wooden house was well built.

"Let's go, go in and have a look!" Walking up the three wooden stairs, Ye Tian pushed open the wooden door.

Heilongtan was originally a Jedi in Changbai Mountain. Not to mention people, even animals rarely dare to come here. Therefore, Meng blind man did not set any traps at all, and even the door lock was not installed.

The wooden house is divided into three rooms, each of which is connected. There is a door panel in the middle. There is a bed in the outermost room, a wooden table at the head of the bed, a kerosene lamp on it, and a hunting and machete hanging on the wall.

After lighting the kerosene lamp, the two saw that there were three dark red wooden boxes side by side under the bed, and there was nothing else in the rest of the room. Ye Tian squatted down and touched the ground with his hand. There was not a lot of dust. Presumably Meng blind man had been here not long ago.

Pushing open the doors of the other two rooms, a smell of grain spread to their noses. These grains are tightly wrapped in that kind of greenhouse plastic bags to avoid being invaded by the moisture outside the house. In addition to grain and rice noodles, the other room is full of air-dried bacon, which is marinated with salt and preserved. It's not a big problem for two years.

"If this guy really hides in, even if he doesn't go out for a few years, I'm afraid he won't starve to death!"

Looking at the supplies in the two rooms, Hu Hongde shook his head. If it hadn't been for the traitor and evil man, how could he have spent so much time in stockpiling these things in peacetime?

"Look at what's in that box!"

Ye Tian went to the bed, reached out and pulled out a box, which was also made of walnut wood. I'm afraid that the original walnut trees in the valley were cut down by Meng blind.

"Damn, so much money?"

When he opened the box, Ye Tian couldn't help but swear. The box, which was about 50 centimeters wide and about one meter long, was full of a pile of brand-new piles of brand-new hundred-yuan bills wrapped in plastic paper.

On these bills, there are still six golden yellow croakers neatly. This thing was a hard currency before liberation, and I don't know where Meng blind man got it from?

Ye Tian estimated the money in the box, and then thought of the villa Hu Hongde gave to his granddaughter beside him. He couldn't help saying animally, "There are at least four million here. I said, Lao Hu, you people in the mountains are so rich?"

In 1998, if you can have a fortune of four million yuan, no matter which city you go to, you can be called a rich man. If this blind man is a businessman, it's okay, but he is just a mountain man, which is the real wealth.

Hu Hongde shook his head and said, "It's just that it's easy to make money in the past few years. When you put it more than ten years ago, even if you dig out old ginseng, you can't sell much money."

In the era of planned economy, private individuals are not allowed to buy and sell medicinal materials, otherwise you will be sentenced to speculation. Therefore, precious medicinal materials such as ginseng dug out by ginseng can only be sold to the country, and the low price is outrageous.

However, people like Hu Hongde would rather keep medicinal materials in their hands than sell them, so when the market is released, their family will immediately rise.

This blind man is also a famous old seng in Changbai Mountain. The treasure he dug out is definitely no less than Hu Hongde, so he has so much money, which is reasonable.

Ye Tian moved his mind and pushed the box containing the money in front of Hu Hongde and said, "Lao Hu, I don't want this money, but I like the things in those two boxes. You can't compete with me. "You don't want to lose. I'm afraid the things in that box are more valuable than these, right Hu Hongde laughed when he heard the words and didn't care. Meng blind man was originally intercepted by Ye Tian, and these things should belong to Ye Tian.

"Lao Hu, come and have a look. Is this thing real or fake?" Although he was prepared for a long time, when Ye Tian opened another box, he couldn't help breathing quickly.

There are only four objects in this box. In addition to three ceramic jars, in the middle of the box is a dried Ganoderma lucidum as big as a fan. The shell is reddish brown, the color is very bright, and the length of the stalk is almost half a meter.

In Taoist legend, Ganoderma lucidum can cure all diseases. Its function is fulfilled and effective. Therefore, it is called Ganoderma lucidum, also known as "the elixir", which is also known as " Ganoderma lucidum grass". This thing is basically used in the prescription left by Li Shanyuan.

"Of course it's true. The year of Ganoderma lucidum is about 300 years, which is very precious. Ye Tian, the things in this jar are much more valuable than Ganoderma lucidum!"

For people living in Changbai Mountain, although Ganoderma lucidum is also relatively rare, it is not uncommon in the mountains. Hu Hongde's eyes are staring at the three ceramic jars.