Genius Master

Chapter 428 Dragon

A pair of big light bulb eyes looked back and forth on Ye Tian. This dragon was obviously very strange. Why does the same kind in front of him look so similar to the reptiles he swallowed yesterday?

Being stared at by the dragon, Ye Tian was also slightly nervous. Although he expressed his goodwill as much as possible, who knows if this big guy can understand?

Thinking of this, Ye Tian released his qi and agitated all his body. He was afraid that if the other party wanted to attack him, he could retreat in time.

However, when he felt the huge essence of Ye Tian's body, Jiaolong was very happy. After barking at Ye Tian twice, he put his huge head under Ye Tian's feet and gently rubbed his trousers.

The dragon-like creature actually approached Ye Tian. Looking at Hu Hongde, who was far away at the mouth of the valley, was frightened, and his hand holding the gun couldn't help tightening a little.


This dragon has a very strong ability to sense the crisis. As soon as Hu Hongde moved, he turned his head angrily and shouted at the mouth of the valley. Two claws with flaws propped up to the ground, as if to run to Hu Hongde.

"Don't pay attention to him, he doesn't mean any harm!"

Ye Tian could feel the goodwill expressed by Jiao Long's move just now. Seeing that it wanted to attack Hu Hongde, he quickly patted it.

It's just that there is such a dragon that only exists in mythology and legend in front of him. Ye Tian doesn't know what to say. After holding back for a long time, he asked, "I said................... Have you always lived here?"


Although the dragon has opened its wisdom, it has never learned the human language. Hearing this, it is very puzzled to look at Ye Tian.

"I said, did you live in this pool when you were born?" Ye Tian pointed to the dark black dragon pool and said for a long time, and then the dragon nodded his huge head.

"It is said that the dragon is a dragon for thousands of years, and the dragon is five hundred years. This guy is about to grow horns on his head. I don't know how many years he has existed here."

Ye Tian can clearly feel that the surging qi and blood on this dragon is much more exuberant than himself. He has never seen such a spiritual thing. Ye Tian doesn't know how they practice, nor does he know what level it has reached.


After living in this mountain for hundreds of years, this dragon is the top of the biological chain in Changbai Mountain, and other animals are just its food.

At present, he saw a similar person with the same breath as himself, which made him very excited. He gently opened his mouth and bit Ye Tian's trousers and was about to drag it into the pool.

"Damn it, what are you doing?" Ye Tian hurried back, if he hadn't noticed the hostility of the other party, Ye Tian had the idea of taking action.

However, in the face of this monster with a layer of scales all over his body except his chest and abdomen, Ye Tian really has nothing to do with it, and simply from the essence contained in his body, Ye Tian asked himself not necessarily his opponent.

Seeing that the dragon climbed to the pool and couldn't help screaming at himself, Ye Tian asked tentatively, "You want me to go into the water?"

"Wow!" Jiao Long couldn't help nodding his head up and down, and there was a trace of joy in his eyes, as if he was very happy that Ye Tian could understand its meaning.

"Why is this water so cold?"

Ye Tian hesitated to go to the pool and stretched out his hand to try it. A cold chill made him shiver.

Looking at the 100-meter-sized but bottomless pool, Ye Tianlian waved his hand and said, "No, it's too cold. I can't get down."

Although his cultivation has reached the realm of invulnerability of cold and summer, this pool of water seems to freeze people's souls. Ye Tian estimated that even if he closes the pores of his whole body, he can't resist the erosion of the cold after going down.


When the dragon saw that Ye Tian refused to go into the water, he did not force it. He jumped into the water and rolled up. For a moment, the waves in the pool rolled around.

Although the dragon is much older than Ye Tian, its intelligence is similar to that of a human seven- or eight-year-old child. After playing for a while, the dragon suddenly dived into the bottom of the pool, and the pool gradually calmed down.

Until now, Ye Tian had time to look around the Black Dragon Pool. The invisible pressure with Jiao Long just now made Ye Tian a little breathless.

Perhaps because of the weather factors and the influence of miasma at this time, there is no grass in the depths of the valley, but on the rock walls on both sides, there are some low trees and dead grass roots. Presumably, there are plants here in spring and summer.

In addition, there are many animal corpses scattered around the pool, which should be all mountain animals with dragon fruit. Of course, the people who were pulled in last night are probably among them.

Another thing that surprised Ye Tian was that this extremely cold water pool, like the hot spring in the belly of the mountain not far away, overflowed with a trace of aura.

If it is placed in ancient times, whether it is this black dragon pool or that hot spring, it is the best place to practice, and it is also what the monks call a blessed place.

Although the pool of water felt very cold, Ye Tian suddenly felt refreshed when he stood on the edge of the pool and put the trace of aura into his body.

Seeing Ye Tian standing there motionless, Hu Hongde, who was standing at the mouth of the valley, was a little anxious and shouted, "Ye Tian, what's going on? Are you all right? Come out quickly!"

Hu Hongde's shout woke Ye Tian up and frowned slightly. Ye Tian said, "Lao Hu, I'm fine. I'll go later. I'll communicate with this dragon. I can't let it harm human beings again in the future, right?"

To be honest, Ye Tian really has this idea, because one hundred years ago, the muskets used by people were not very powerful, and those iron sand grains could not penetrate the defense of dragon scales at all.

But it's different today. If this dragon still eats people everywhere and leads the army, then it has great skills and can't escape encirclement.

As the only dragon-like existence in the world, Ye Tian does not want the world to disturb it, but this requires some cooperation from Jiaolong.

The dialogue between Ye Tian and Hu Hongde seemed to startle the dragon at the bottom of the pool. In the rolling of the water, its huge body loomed out and swam straight to Ye Tian.

"Wow!" Jiao Long suddenly took a mouth, and a stone as long and dark as a forefinger fell in front of Ye Tian.

"What is this?"

Ye Tian was stunned for a moment, squatted down and took the small stone strip in his hand, but as soon as his palm touched the stone strip, Ye Tian trembled violently all over.

Cold, a feeling ten times colder than the pool water. From Ye Tian's fingertips to his body, the coldness seemed to freeze Ye Tian's blood all over his body. Between Xumi, Ye Tian's hair actually formed a layer of ice crumbs.

However, the qi and blood in Ye Tian's body also operated at the same time. A warmth rose from his heart and slowly swam in the meridians, helping Ye Tian drive away the chill.

Although he suffered a small loss without defense just now, when Ye Tianzhen wandered away, the cold air merged with the vitality in the Ye celestial body. In just a few minutes, Ye Tian actually felt that the vitality in his body seemed to have grown a lot.

After seven or eight minutes, Ye Tian opened his mouth and vomited, and a white practice like a sword shot out, but it was much stronger than the breath he vomited in the morning, just like a sharp blade out of the sheath.

"What is this thing? How can there be such pure spiritual power? Why is this spiritual power so cold?

His fingers left the small black stone strip, and Ye Tian's eyes were full of surprise. As long as he didn't touch this thing, it seemed to be completely harmless, like a piece of ink jade, not very eye-catching.

"Wow!" When Jiaolong saw that Ye Tian did not pick up the small stone, he pushed it in front of Ye Tian with his weed claws.

"Are you going to give it to me?"

Ye Tian asked, this stone is extremely cold, but it is of great benefit to Ye Tian's skills. As soon as he integrated the cold air in his body, Ye Tian felt that the vitality around him had condensed a lot. Looking at the dark pool of water like ink cold and clear heart, Ye Tian had a trace of understanding in his heart. Maybe this black The appearance of the pool has a lot to do with this stone.

"Wow......" After hearing Ye Tian's words, Jiaolong nodded.

"Well, then I'll take it!"

Ye Tian was naturally not polite to such a good thing. At that moment, he tore off a piece of cloth, wrapped the ink jade-like object, and put it in his pocket.

"Your whole body is almost black, so I'll call you a black dragonfly."

Ye Tian was very happy to get such a strange thing. He casually named the black dragonfly and said, "Black dragonfly, with your current cultivation, as long as you absorb the essence of heaven, earth, sun and moon, you should be able to survive. Don't swallow your life in the future."

In order to make Hei Jiao understand his words, Ye Tian explained to the corpses for a long time, and finally made the big guy understand.

"Wow..................Wow!" Although Hei Jiao understood Ye Tian's words, he did not understand. His originally indifferent eyes also showed a puzzled look.

"If you are found, you will be killed!" Ye Tian said helplessly that the top of the food chain on this planet is still human after all.

Hearing Ye Tian's words, there was a trace of disdain in Hei Jiao's eyes. The tail with inverted thorns shook, and the rocks flew on the rock wall of more than ten meters next to him, and the hard rock became as soft as tofu under this blow.

"Good boy, how can it be so powerful?"

Originally, Ye Tian had tried to overestimate the combat effectiveness of the black dragonfly, but after seeing a pile of gravel on the ground, he knew that he still underestimated the black dragonfly.

PS: First update, thank you for your support of the monthly ticket and recommendation ticket. It's already the end of the month. Let's vote for everyone. The teacher needs the support of the monthly ticket!