Genius Master

Chapter 487 Armored Vehicle

"Mr. Ye, I'll leave you a few soldiers. They are all from around here. It's good to be a guide for you."

This time, it's not that Zhang Shan is still doubting that Ye Tian has any other motives. He just received such a heavy gift as Tang Wenyuan. Zhang Shan wants to do his best to the friendship of the landlord. After all, there are not many tigers in the mountains and forests. Ye Tian and other outsiders may not be able to fight.

"Thank you, Colonel. That's the best. I'm worried that no one is familiar with the terrain." Hearing Zhang Shan's words, Ye Tian suddenly cried bitterly in his heart, but the other party's suggestion was reasonable, and it was unreasonable for him to refuse. Ye Tian could only bravely agree.

"Do you kill them after finding gold?"

Such an idea came to Ye Tian's mind, but then he was eliminated by himself. He offended the local warlords in Myanmar. It was purely a tiger slapping flies on the head... Looking for death, it wouldn't matter if Ye Tian was alone, but with so many people under his men, they could definitely not escape the local forces

When he saw Zhang Shan turn around to pick the soldiers, a green jade Guanyin hanging around his neck was exposed. Ye Tian's heart suddenly lit up, took a step back quietly, and whispered a few words in Hu Hongde's ear.

Just as Zhang Shan picked four or five people and was about to introduce them to Ye Tian, Wu Chen behind Ye Tian suddenly knocked on the head of a young man beside him and cursed, "Erhu, did you drink the foot washing water of Guanyin Bodhisattva yesterday? Why is your mouth so smelly?"

Erhu was not angry and said with a smile, "Brother Wu, the old woman of Guanyin Bodhisattva is a man. If you want to drink, I will find a female Bodhisattva!"

Dongzhi is not particularly far from the China-Myanmar border. Many Burmese can speak Chinese and some dialects in the Yunnan-Guizhou region. After the words of Wu Chen and Erhu reached the ears of Zhang Shan and others, the faces of those people suddenly changed.

"How dare you... desecre the Buddha?"

A soldier standing behind Zhang Shan. He reached out and pulled the bolt, and the black muzzle of the gun aimed at Wu Chen and the two of them. Look at his excited face. It is likely to pull the trigger at any time.

It was not only the soldier, but the rest of the soldiers who heard the dialogue between Wu Chen and the two were also angry, with the gun in their hands. The scene became a little out of control for a while.

"Hey... hey, this...what's going on?"

Ye Tian is the originator of this matter. I didn't expect that the reaction of these soldiers would be so fierce that they quickly grabbed Zhang Shan, "Mr. Colonel. What happened. He...why did they put their guns at us? We are friends, not enemies!"

"No...the two of them are not friends!"

Zhang Shan, who was originally pleasant-looking, was also gloomy at this time. He looked at Wu Chen and said, "They can not believe in Buddha, but they must not blasphrode the Bodhisattva. Mr. Ye, I want you to give these two people to me!"

The most magnificent building in all parts of Myanmar. There is no doubt that they are all temples. It can be seen that Myanmar is a typical Buddhist country. Everyone who enters the temple must drag his shoes down and walk in barefoot. This is one of the ways they show respect for the Buddha.

It can be said that Burmese are even more religious than India, the birthplace of Buddhism. Although Burmese are relatively gentle, the dialogue between Erhu and Wu Chen still touches the bottom line in their hearts.

"Oh, no, colonel, they don't know the taboos of your country, and they didn't mean to offend..."

Hearing that Zhang Shan actually asked for someone, Ye Tian suddenly felt that he was playing a little big this time. He quickly took out a pile of dollars that Tang Wenyuan gave him in his pocket, and stuffed it into Zhang Shan's arms and said, "For Mr. Tang's sake, please forgive them!"

Feeling the thickness of the stack of dollars in his hand, Zhang Shan's face slowly eased. Although he was also a Buddhist, in the face of this pile of wealth of at least thousands of dollars, the Buddha's image was suddenly weakened countless times in Zhang Shan's heart.

After meditated for a while, Zhang Shan waved his hand and asked the men behind him to lower the muzzle of the gun and said, "Well, for Mr. Tang's sake, I'll let them go this time!"

In 1998, Myanmar's per capita annual income was only a few hundred RMB, which is one of the poorest countries in the world. Even if Zhang Shan is high in power, these thousands of dollars is a wealth that he can't refuse. These face printed with Washington's head banknotes seem to be a little bigger than Buddha's.

"Thank you, thank you, Colonel. I will teach them a lesson!"

Seeing Zhang Shan relieved, Ye Tian also breathed a long breath. If Wu Chen was hurt because of his own idea, Ye Tian couldn't say anything in his heart. Fortunately, it was just a false alarm.

"Mr. Ye, my soldiers will not get along with them. It's a pity that you have to do this hunt alone."

Although Ye Tian has apologized and sent a valuable "sincerity gold", Zhang Shan still has a little grudge in his heart. Several tour guides he had originally selected were unwilling to send to Ye Tian.

And even if Zhang Shan insists on sending, I'm afraid those soldiers will not be happy. If there is any more disturbance to kill a few people, he can't explain to General Bo Gang.

"Oh, how can that work?" Ye Tian exclaimed, looked back at Wu Chen and Erhu, and scolded fiercely, "These two damn guys!"

"Mr. Ye, our task has been completed. After you finish hunting, just drive the car back here or park somewhere."

Perhaps because of this unpleasant thing, Zhang Shan's face returned to his cool appearance. After throwing a few car keys to Ye Tian, he took dozens of soldiers into several other cars and drove away.

"Damn it, it scared me to death!"

When the Burmese soldiers left, Erhu exclaimed and collapsed on the ground with soft feet. He didn't expect that just acting in a scene almost led to a murder. When the muzzle was pointed at him just now, he almost thought that the other party was going to shoot.

Although Wu Chen had been in the world for a long time and did not collapse to the ground, he was also scared. He looked at Ye Tian and smiled bitterly and said, "Master Ye, let's not play this kind of exciting thing next time!"

"Ha ha, it's okay. They dare not shoot casually. Myanmar used to be our vassal state." Ye Tian comforted the two with a smile, but even what he said had no confidence.

You know, if it is an occasion like a hotel, Zhang Shan naturally dares not kill them in the eyes of the public.

But you can't even see a bird in the barren mountains here. After killing yourself and others, you only need to push it to a big drug lord and everything will be fine. Anyway, I don't know how many times those drug lords in the Golden Triangle have helped some people take the blame.

"Wow, you drive a car, Wu Chen, someone here should be able to drive, right? The other car is for you to take. Seeing that the people in the martial arts school didn't look good, Ye Tian changed the topic with the armored car in front of him.

"Yes, I can drive, grandma. I've played with all kinds of good cars, but I've never driven an armored car."

Sure enough, after hearing Ye Tian's words, Wu Chen immediately focused on the armored car, surrounded it with his brothers, opened the door and slipped into the cab.

"Hey, this car is really good, with a winch?"

Ye Tian didn't have time to observe these armored vehicles before. Now he looked over and his eyes suddenly lit up.

It turns out that the machine guns and various weapons on the armored vehicle have been removed, but at the rear of each car, in addition to the traction rope, there is also an electric winch, and the wire wrapped around the winch is at least 70 or 80 meters long.

This winch is too much for Ye Tian to transport gold. The speed and efficiency of handling it with a winch must be far beyond manual, which means that as long as the gold is found, Ye Tian can transfer it as soon as possible.

"Master, you only found two people to drive, and what if you still have a car?" After playing with the car excitedly for a while, Zhou Xiaotian looked at Ye Tian.

"That car is reserved for others." Ye Tian took out the walkie-talkie and shouted, "Lao Ma, you've seen enough of the hustle and bustle. Can you come out?"

As early as when he negotiated with Zhang Shan just now, Ye Tian found that the ground under his feet trembled slightly, and then sensed the aura of Marakai and others, knowing that these brothers had finally arrived.

Ye Tian just turned off the walkie-talkie. On the other road when they came, there was the sound of the car starting, and then a business car bumped over.

"Oh, boss, where did you get these cars?"

After stopping the business car, Malakeira opened the door and jumped down. He had observed Ye Tian and Zhang Shan with a telescope one kilometer away, but although the image was clear, he didn't know what they were talking about.

"Don't worry so much, Lao Ma. You drive this one. Let's meet in Lake Rhine."

Ye Tian waved his hand. He had no obligation to explain the origin of these cars. After a brief explanation, Ye Tian's face became solemn. "Lao Ma, if you meet the Japanese when you go to Dongzhi, you must be careful. It's better to do it first.

According to Gou Xin's family, I'm afraid that the people who can still survive in the Golden Dark War in those years will be given to him and the person in the Miyamoto family. If they meet the Japanese in the barren mountains, then the ten ** will be the Beigong family who is immortal.

"This car is really great. It can reach a speed of 80 kilometers per hour in the hilly area."

Malakai whistled excitedly, poked his head out of the cab and said, "Boss, don't worry. I also hate Japanese people the most. Of course, I still like Japanese girls very much."