Genius Master

Chapter 490 Devil's Mountain

A chaotic situation in Myanmar is undoubtedly more in line with the interests of some countries and regions. Whether it is the Myanmar military government or the resistance of the Haish State coalition, there are shadows of some interest groups behind it. Otherwise, the pure Hawish clan will not be able to support it for so many years in any case.

Deqin Baden is only one of the most ordinary farmers in Shan State. Due to the remote geography of the mountain village, it has not been disturbed by the war. But even so, when Naoki Beigong found the leader of Shan State and sent out a batch of urgently needed materials, Chin De Baden Ding became the friendly relationship between Shan State and the Japanese It's a link.

Yanjun Kitamiya looked at the time and said, "Naoki, go there early. It's getting late now!"

To be honest, Yanjun Kitamiya is not optimistic that the owner will find gold this time. That was more than half a century ago, and some people in China at that time also escaped. Maybe they had already taken the gold.

And Yanjun Beigong still doesn't understand. The total amount of that batch of gold is only 20 tons. According to the price of one gram of gold in 1998 is about 20 US dollars, and 20 tons of gold is only 300 to 400 million US dollars.

But in order to search for this batch of gold, over the past few decades, the human and material resources invested by the Beigong family, coupled with this five-star hotel built in Myanmar, may be almost the same as this number, which is also the main reason for the dissatisfaction of many members of the Beigong family.

With Dechinba to the top, Beigong Yanjun and others returned to the presidential suite on the 18th floor. Sitting on the tatami, the hero of the North Palace opened his eyes slightly, took a look at the top of Dechinbaden, and said, "Naoki, let him tell me what happened. I can understand Burmese!"


Naoki Kitamiya's face did not have any strange color because of the conversation just now. After agreeing, he gently patted Dechin Baden on the shoulder and said, "Tell the owner everything you know, and we can send you back!"

When the old-eyed Dechin Baden Top did not see Naoki Kitamiya saying this, several people in the room smiled sarcastically at the same time and said happily, "Okay, I must tell you all, but it's been too long, and I can't remember some things."

"It doesn't matter. Take your time to think about it." The hero of the North Palace waved his hand and did not urge Deqin Baden to the top.

"That was in 1950. At that time, I was only 18 years old and my family was very poor. I had to go up the mountain to pick wild fruits every day to eat..." There was a trace of remembrance in Dechin Baden's eyes, and the story that happened nearly half a century ago was recalled. Because Myanmar became one of the main battlefields for the Sino-US-British coalition forces to attack Japanese forces in Southeast Asia during World War II, the war damage they suffered was much higher than that of neighboring Laos, Thailand and other countries, and it was not an exaggeration to describe it as a devastating disaster.

Although the 1950 war had ended five years, the economy of Myanmar, which was not smooth in the mountains and forests, did not have any economic development. Instead, it became poorer because domestic materials were plundered by the Japanese during the war.

At that time, Deqin Badeng was located in the mountainous areas of Shan State on the border between Myanmar and Laos and China. It was not involved in the war, but people's lives were also very difficult. If they didn't rely on the mountains, they would not be able to live at all.

But even so, Deqinba, who lacks salt, will be extremely thin and weak. At the age of 18, he looks only twelve or thirteen years old. The family picks some medicinal herbs from the dense forests of the mountains and sells them out in exchange for some necessities of life.

Deqin Badeng clearly remembered that the arrival of a team of more than 20 people made their small village with only more than 100 people boil, because these Chinese people actually brought a lot of salt and other materials they lacked the most.

The conditions for those people to return are a little strange. They need to borrow more than 40 mule horses in the village, and they can return them in just one day.

The border between the state of the state and the cloud/south of China was not clearly divided at that time. The people of the two countries can move around casually, and the trade is frequent. In addition, the residents of the two places are very simple, and there is no word profiteer in their minds.

So the transaction was successfully concluded, and in the evening of the next day, the Chinese returned the mules and horses as promised, but three mules and horses were killed in the mountains, and they compensated some other money.

Normally, this is just an ordinary transaction, and there is nothing strange about it, but as the top of Dechin Baden, who sent mules and horses to the Chinese at that time, what he saw was not so simple.

After sending the mule and horse to the place designated by the Chinese, the top of Dechin Baden was out of curiosity. At that time, he did not go far, but climbed to another mountain and observed the behavior of these Chinese people from there.

He found that the Chinese hung dozens of wooden boxes on mule horses and entered a forbidden place in their mountainous area, which was the Devil's Mountain that the locals had heard of.

In the hearts of Burmese people, there are two places that must not be involved in. One is the "Savage Mountain" located in Michina, northern Myanmar, where the mountains are densely forested and rampant. It is said that there used to be savages, so the place within a radius of 100 kilometers has become a no man'

During the Anti-Japanese War, 15,000 Chinese Fifth Army crossed the Savage Mountain and arrived in India, leaving only 3,000 or 4,000 people, not even a fraction. Among the 100,000 troops of the entire Chinese Expeditionary Force, more than 10,000 Chinese soldiers who died for the battle at that time, but 50,000 people died in the Savage Mountain. .

As a result, the Savage Mountain shocked the whole world. After the war, although scholars from all over the world entered it to investigate, it was only because the geographical environment was too bad, and in the end, it was useless.

Another forbidden place in Myanmar is Devil's Mountain in the Shan State, where the mountains are also overlapping, the forests are like the sea, the swamps in the woods are endless, the valleys are dense, the wolves and beasts are rampant, and malaria is spreading, but in the depths of Shan State's hinterland is not known

And the scary place of Devil's Mountain is more than that. There are many caves in the mountain, and the openings of many caves are like canyons. When you enter, you can't feel anything, but when you go deep inside, you will suddenly find that you are already in the cave.

These caves are crisscrossed like a labyrinth, and there are a large number of shady forest anodlings living in it. The eyes of these forest azaleas are almost completely degraded and blind, but their sense of smell and hearing are extremely sensitive. Once there is any movement, it is very likely to attract

So as long as people walk in, it is basically difficult to survive. For those Shan natives, they may be able to enter Devil's Mountain alive, but if they inadvertently enter these caves, there is only a dead end.

Shan people born near Devil Mountain will be warned by their elders since childhood that they should never enter the mountains. They never dare to step into the mountains before the age of 18 in Dechinbaden.

So when he saw those Chinese driving mules and horses into the mountains, his first reaction was that there were no more animals to cultivate in the village in the future, because in his impression, no one or animals could come out alive when they entered Devil's Mountain.

Out of curiosity, Dechin Baden had been waiting at the top where he could watch the entrance of Devil's Mountain. A day later, something that shocked him happened. Those Chinese actually drove their mules and horses out of the mountain again.

The careful Deqinba climbed to the top and found that a total of 56 mules and 28 people entered, but when they came out, there were only 50 mules and 25 people left, that is to say, the loss of their trip was only six mules and three people.

After those Chinese returned the mules and horses to compensate for the losses and left, the young heart suddenly rose to the top. What did the Chinese do in the Devil's Mountain? Why did he come out safely? These mysteries have always puzzled him.

Two years later, the civil war broke out in Myanmar, and the small mountain villages, which were already difficult to make a living, were also affected. Many materials that needed to be obtained from the outside world were no longer available. Many young people in the villages left the mountains and joined the struggle with the government army.

But Dechin Baden did not leave. He told the three partners who had grown up together with the secrets hidden in his heart for two years.

According to the observation observed at the top of Dechin Baden, they soon came to the conclusion that there must be a huge amount of wealth hidden in the wooden boxes brought by the Chinese, and that wealth is hidden in the Devil's Mountain at this moment.

As the saying goes, wealth touches people's hearts. If they can get that wealth, they can leave poor Myanmar and live in other countries. Under this huge **, Deqinba ascended the top and others finally decided to enter the Devil's Mountain!

This decision made it difficult for Dechin Baden to forget for a lifetime. Even for more than 40 years, he was always in a state of extreme mental abnormality. It was not until he met Naoki Kitamiya. After some medical treatment, Dechinba was gradually recalling the past that had been sealed by him for more than half a century. .

When he said this, Dechinbaden's turbid eyes showed panic again. His mouth suddenly closed tightly, waved his hands in the air, and shouted, "Leave me, devil, leave me quickly!"

"Ba Ga? What's going on?" At this tangle of the bone, the top of Deqin Baden suddenly closed his mouth, and the hero of the North Palace was suddenly furious and stood up, eager to stretch out his hands and hold the neck of the top of Deqin Baden.

You know, this is the most valuable news the heroes of the North Palace have heard in nearly 50 years of searching for that gold.


ps: The first update, I was too tired yesterday and didn't write it. I got up at six o'clock this morning to code words. Alas, let's not talk about it. I asked for it. Let's give a few monthly ticket recommendation tickets to comfort the fat man!