Genius Master

Chapter 492 Arrive first

Chapter 492 Arrive first

In the next few decades, that fear has been accompanied by the life at the top of Dechin Baden, making his spirit sometimes sober and sometimes abnormal, and his whole body became crazy, and he rushed around the village every day.

When he was awake, Deqin Baden regretted that his greed had harmed him and his partners. In the end, three friends lost their lives, and the gold wrapped around his waist was lost. I don't know when

When the top of Dechinbaden is insane, they shout loudly that there are gold and demons in the mountains. All the gold is the devil, and they can swallow life into their stomachs.

With the ancient legend and the appearance of the top of Dechin-Baden, how dares anyone enter the Devil's Mountain again? Not to mention that the matter of gold comes from the mouth of a madman, it is true that the miserable appearance of Dechin Baden is enough to deter people from the Devil's Mountain.

If it hadn't been for decades, when Dechinbaden's crazy words had been heard by Naoki Kitamiya, maybe he would still be able to extricate himself in that kind of self-blame, regret and fear.

"Dutchinbaden to the top, is there any font written on the gold you found?"

After listening to the story of the top of Deqinbaden, a wisp of light appeared in the eyes of the heroes of the North Palace. He could almost conclude that the lost gold treasures of his family were hidden in the Devil's Mountain.

You know, after searching in Myanmar for so many years, the heroes of the North Palace have also heard of Devil's Mountain, and have sent people to search in the mountains, but he has sent more than a dozen people back and forth, and no one has survived from the mountain.

The people sent by the Heroes of the North Palace are all the elites in the family and were completely destroyed in the mountains, which also makes the Heroes of the North Palace think that it is a Jedi, and it is absolutely impossible for the Chinese to enter and hide gold in it.

In addition, the crazy Dechin Baden was running around at that time, which was not discovered by the people of the Beigong family, so it was only now that the heroes of the Beigong got the conclusive news of the wealth.

"I can't read, but there are some crooked patterns on it!" Dechin Baden had never been out of that mountain village in his life. Because of the closed news, he didn't even know that the Japanese had occupied the whole of Myanmar, let alone the Japanese language.

"Can you draw it?" The voice of the heroes of the North Palace trembled a little. Although he had concluded in his heart that the gold he saw at the top of Dechinbaden was lost in Myanmar, after nearly half a century of searching, the heroes of the North Palace could not calm down.


In the past decades, the most thing that has appeared in his mind is gold and those pythons. The pattern lines on the gold have long been firmly remembered in his heart. He took the pen and paper handed over by Naoki Kitamiya and drew it on it.


Although the strokes on the top of the paper of Deqin Baden were crooked, the hero of Kitamiya still recognized it at a glance. The word on it was the word "Showa", which was also the year of the notorious Japanese emperor who launched the Japanese invasion at that time.

During World War II, the Japanese had a habit that after plundering materials such as gold and silver, they would often melt gold locally and cast them into gold bricks of the same size, and then shipped it back to Japan.

In order to show their military power and the supreme status of the Japanese emperor, the name "Emperor Showa" is generally engraved on these gold. After seeing those two words, the heroes of Kitamiya have no doubts.

"I've said everything I know. When can I go home?"

No matter how stupid the Deqinbaden was, he could see that the goal of these people was for that batch of gold, but at this time, he had already lost the ** of that wealth, and only wanted to die in the small mountain village where he gave birth to him.

"Dutchin Baden, you can go to rest. Don't worry, we will send you back soon, soon!" The hero of Beigong made a serious promise to the top of Deqin Badeng, signaling that Naoki Beigong would send him back.

"Master, do we want it?" After asking his men to take the top of Dechin Baden out of the room, Naoki Kitamiya made a gesture around his neck.

"Baga, didn't you hear what I just said?"

The hero of the North Palace was furious. He slapped Naoki Kitamiya in the face and scolded loudly, "He is the only one who survived in the Devil's Mountain. If we want to get that gold, we still need to borrow it from him. Do you want him to die so much?"

"Hay, I'm reckless!" Although the corners of his mouth were pumped and overflowed with blood, Naoki Kitamiya did not dare to wipe it at all. He paused his feet and lowered his head, but his chest was straight.

In Japan, whether it is the government or the civilian family, there is a habit of elders beating the younger generation or the boss to slap their subordinates. If they are still cheap, they are absolutely not allowed to dodge after being slapped, and they must stand up and lower their heads.

The Japanese believe that the most noble thing of a person is the head. The lower your apology is, the deeper the apology is to people. Therefore, whether in film and television dramas or in reality, the most memorable thing for the Japanese is the heavy images that have been slapped in the face.

"Master, according to what Deqin Badeng said, we should be careful about the abnormal danger in the Devil's Mountain!"

Seeing his cousin being beaten, Beigong Yanjun quickly changed the topic. The description of Deqin Baden just now also made him tremble, and a group of pythons competed for food for living people appeared in his mind.

And the people who came this time were all the elites of the Beigong family. Yanjun Beigong was also afraid that the loss would make the Beigong family depressed, so that even if he took over the head of the family, it was not of great significance.

"These locals are ignorant. Do you people who believe in Tianzhao God also believe in it?"

The hero of Beigong did not give any face to his heir. "Naoki Beigong, immediately start to prepare the medicine and other materials needed to enter the mountains. Tomorrow morning, everyone will rush to Shan State, which is an opportunity for our Beigong family to rise again!"

"Hay!" Just now, he was slapped again, and Beigong Naoki, who was still in a trance, did not dare to go against the old man's wishes in front of him at all. After agreeing, he hurried out of the room, and didn't even notice the eyes that Beigong Yanjun gave him.

As the saying goes, money is easy to do things. Driven by huge financial resources, the preparations were quickly completed. Several Beigong Naoki mobilized more than 30 off-road vehicles to travel to the Shashi area, while the Beigong family took a bus to the next morning.


At the time when Naoki Kitamiya arrived in Myanmar and made a treasure hunt mobilization, Ye Tian and others were driving those armored vehicles in the direction of Dongzhi.

Due to the mountainous terrain of Myanmar, the terrain is high in the north and low in the south, the Shan State Plateau in the east, and the Kaikabo Peak, which is known as the highest peak in Myanmar, the road is very difficult to walk. If you hadn't borrowed these armored vehicles, it would take several days to get to Dongzhi.

When the night was about to fall the next day, Ye Tian and his party came to Yinlai Lake, located more than ten kilometers south of Dongzhi.

"Boss, we are living in the wild today. I'm really worried about these things left outside."

Maracay parked his armored car near a valley not far from Lake Inle. His car is simply a small arsenal. Even if there is a pass issued by General Bogang, it is not very safe. In case they are found, they will be unable to walk in Myanmar.

Ye Tian nodded. After looking at his map for a while, he said, "Tomorrow you will go directly to the Dangyang area of the State of Shehu, but you may not be able to make it in one day. Let's stay on the road for another day."

Although Kunsha, the leader of Shan State's armed forces, has surrendered, and their convoy will not be disturbed by the Shan State Resistance Army, the more they go in the direction of Shan State, the more rugged the road is. Ye Tian gave a two-day journey, which is already very optimistic.

After scheduling the trip with Maracay, Ye Tian and others drove armored vehicles to Inle Lake. Over the years, the war has been continuous. Many private drug lords or millionaires are armored vehicles, but Ye Tian's two cars have not attracted much attention.

Inle Lake covers a large area. There are many floating islands formed by the accumulation of rotten water plants in the lake. Local residents have built houses on the floating island to provide guests with accommodation, forming a unique landscape, attracting many foreigners to visit.

I ate a little of Myanmar's local specialties. When the night fell completely, the Inle Lake was brightly lit. The local Inda people lit a bonfire on the floating island one by one and performed a boating performance for the guests living on the island. It was not until very late that the lake calm was restored.

The next morning, Ye Tian and others left Inle Lake and continued to march in the direction of the State of Haw. At the same time, in Mandalay City, where Dongzhi is almost on a plane, a huge team began their journey to Myanmar.

However, the distance between Mandalay and Shan State is closer than that of Dongzhi. When Ye Tian and others were camping on the way, 30 or 40 off-road vehicles had gathered in a mountainous area in Dangyang, Shan State, and this is the small mountain village where Deqinba ascendedeng lived.

The huge team of more than 100 people made the whole mountain village boil, but I heard that the heroes of the North Palace and others came to solve the curse of Devil's Mountain, and under the material strategy they brought, these villagers took the heroes of the North Palace and others as distinguished guests and did not resist their arrival.

"Master, it's getting late. Shall we go to the mountain tomorrow?"

Looking at the entrance of the dark Devil's Mountain in the distance, somehow, Kitamiya Yanjun had an ominous omen in his heart. If he was allowed to choose, he would lead the clan to turn around and leave, and would never enter this place.

The hero of the North Palace said in a low voice: "Send a team to spray the resulting sulfur along the road, and the rest of the people will enter the mountain early tomorrow morning... First update, not to say more, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a recommendation ticket... RQ