Genius Master

Chapter 497 Yellow Sparrow in the Back

"No contact, owner, there may be a special magnetic field here, and the communication equipment cannot be connected.


Yanjun Kitamiya shook his head and said, "I just sent three people back to the village, but there were many snakes and insects on the way back, and all three of them were bitten. We can only wait until we get the batch of gold and go back together."

When the people of the Beigong family entered the mountain, they opened the way with armored vehicles, supplemented by fire-breathing guns to clean up the bushes, and sprayed sulfur and other snake-repellent drugs on both sides of the road. Few poisonous snakes and mosquitoes approached.

But after everyone passed by, the poisons gathered again. I don't know if it was because of the mutation. These poisons were not very cold to the sulfur drugs, and some of them returned to their territory. When the three people passed by, they inevitably suffered another snake kiss.

"Master, anyway, I already know that the treasure is hidden here. Otherwise, let's go back first. Can we make a long-term plan?"

I don't know why, Yanjun Kitamiya has always felt a little uneasy in his heart. This feeling had also arisen before the family failed to invest in the stock market, but at that time, people spoke lightly and no one listened to him.

After that time, Yanjun Kitamiya entered the vision of the owner of the family and began to copy the family's foreign investment and other businesses. It was not until the year before last that he was designated as the successor of the owner of the family.

"I don't feel good either, but this time, I have to get that batch of treasures!"

The hero of the North Palace shook his head. He is also in his seventies, and recently, the evil spirit in his body has been more and more frequent. The hero of the North Palace does not know how long he can support it. If he can't find the treasure, he will never close his eyes.

"Master, the treasure can be picked up at any time, but if we are surrounded here, it will be related to the survival of the family!" Although he didn't dare to reprimand, Beigong Yanjun's tone was already very unpleasant. After saying that, he was also thinking in his heart for fear of angering the hero of Beigong.

"Yan Jun, time can't wait for me. It has been delayed for more than half a century, and it can't be delayed any longer!"

The hero of the North Palace looked left and right, seemed to have made some determination, and said to the North Palace Hetian, "You all retreat, shadow killing team, alert within 30 meters!"

In the Beigong family, there are two very special existences. One is a shadow team composed of ninjas, which is responsible for sneak attacks, assassinations and intelligence, and the other is a dead team, which is responsible for attacking and killing. The two are called shadow killing together.

In the world from the Warring States period in Japan, there are basically such secret teams. The most famous are Iga, Koga, Musashi and other ninja families. Their force is even better than that of the Kitanomiya family.

Under the order of the heroes of the North Palace, the Shadow Killing Team, with a total of more than 30 people, was immediately distributed and spread out, driving the family members dozens of meters away, forming a round arch. In the field in the middle of this round arch, there were only a few people standing.

After the alert was completed, the Beigong hero said to an old man standing next to Beigong Fujio just now, "Elder Zhengtai, Yanjun is the leader of the younger generation of the family. I don't think... should hide it from him anymore."

In the face of this elder, the hero of the North Palace is less respectful, because his age and status are not too low than the North Palace in front of him, but he is unwilling to enter the Presbyterian.

After hearing the words of the hero of Beigong, Elder Zhengtai nodded and said, "Yanjun, this is the top secret of my Beigong family. Can you guarantee that it will not be passed on?"

"Elder, Yan Jun will never pass any word he heard today into the ears of outsiders!" Seeing the serious appearance of the owner and the elder, Beigong Yanjun was shocked. He originally guessed that this batch of gold was definitely not that simple. The fact was indeed as he expected, and there were other secrets in it.

"OK, Yanjun, do you know Masatake Kitamiya?" The hero of the North Palace is straight.

"I know that he is a hero of our family. He used to be the head of the Burmese Division." Yanjun Kitamiya is a little puzzled about the problem of the heroes of Beigong. This batch of gold in Myanmar is hidden by Beigong Zhengmu, and everyone with a slight status in the family knows it.

The hero of the North Palace said in a low voice, "He is the division commander of the Burmese division, but he is also the head of family financial management!"

After hearing the owner's words, Kitamiya Yanjun opened his mouth in surprise. The person in charge of financial management of a family is no less important than the head of the family. He usually keeps it in the clan. Yanjun Kitamiya did not expect that in that era, it was Masatake Kitamiya who was in charge of the family's money.

The lineage of the Beigong hero is the most direct lineage of the Beigong family. The Beigong hero himself is the son of the former head of the family, and the Beigong Zhengtai standing beside him is his cousin. The Beigong Zhengwu mentioned just now is the brother of the elder Zhengtai.

Yanjun Kitamiya vaguely thought of something in his heart at this time, but he couldn't grasp it. He couldn't help asking, "Master, you...what you mean, I... I don't understand..."

The hero of the North Palace said slowly, "Yanjun, do you know why the development of my North Palace family was far worse than that of other families after the war?"

"I don't know." Yanjun Kitamiya shook his head. He was born after the war. It was not until the late 1980s that he was appreciated by the heroes of Kitamiya. What he knew was very limited.

However, after taking over the financial power of the Kitamiya family, Yanshun Kitamiya has also been wondering, because in his opinion, the huge Kitamiya family actually has very limited funds, most of which are real estate, which is quite inconsistent with the status of the Kitamiya family in Japan.

"Most of the assets of our Beigong family are in the hands of Beigong Zhengwu. He died in Myanmar that year, and the whereabouts of those assets have become a mystery, but I believe that Zhengwu's cousin will definitely keep those wealth..."

With the story of the heroes of Kitamiya, a core secret that only spreads in the Kitamiya family is displayed in front of Kitamiya Yanjun.

It turned out that in order to maximize the benefits from the war, the Beigong family sent almost all the elites in the clan at that time, and Masatake Beigong, who was in charge of financial power, was also promoted to the division head of the Burmese division.

At that time, the huge wealth obtained by the Beigong family from various battlefields was gathered in the hands of Beigong Zhengwu through various channels.

After the United States entered the war, Japan gradually showed a decline. Masatake Kitamiya was the first to realize that the war situation could change, so he went to Europe and deposited all the family wealth under his control in the Swiss bank of the neutral country.

Because Switzerland has maintained political and military neutrality in history, its financial industry is also the most developed in the world. The perfect financial system and the famous "bank secrecy" system have a great attraction to international cash flows. Even in times of war, its credibility is enough to make the Japanese The money is in it.

No one knows how much wealth Masatake Kitamiya has deposited in Swiss banks, but one thing is certain that 70% of the money accumulated by the Kitamiya family over the past hundreds of years is included.

It's just that no one could think that Masatake Kitamiya was loyal to the emperor in Myanmar. Although the buddy may not be so loyal, the bullet did not have long eyes, and he didn't even have time to explain a last word.

Fortunately, the children of the family who followed Masatake Kitamiya at that time spread the news, but he was not responsible for hiding the gold. He only knew the general location, which was also the main reason why the Kitanomiya family found out the specific location of the gold and sent people to Myanmar five years after the surrender of Japan.

"So that's it, my lord, I misunderstood you, and please punish me!"

After listening to the story, Beigong Yanjun suddenly realized. No wonder the hero of Beigong, despite the opposition of many people in the family, spent a lot of money to build a five-star hotel in Myanmar, and invested money in Myanmar every year. It turned out that his purpose was not just for the gold, but to find it deposited by Beigong Zhengwu The wealth of the bank.

At the time of World War I, Japan once joined the war, and it swept the whole Southeast Asia during World War II. The wealth they robbed is simply an astronomical figure. Even if it is conservative, I'm afraid it will be more than 10 billion US dollars. Compared with this money, the investments of the North Palace heroes are nothing at all.

"Yan Jun, this is the top secret of the family, and you can't say it to anyone!"

After talking about this secret, the hero of Kitamiya was also relieved and felt a deep fatigue in his heart. Perhaps after returning to Japan after returning to this batch of treasures, he can enter the Presbyterian society for cultivation.

"Yes, the owner!" After hearing the owner's words, Beigong Yanjun was excited. This was the first time that the owner revealed his intention to hand over power to him.

Gou Xin's family has put down the array in those years. After so many years of accumulation, the evil spirit gathered around the array has reached a level of horror. Although Kitamiya Fujio knows a little about the Qimen array, it is also very difficult to crack it, and the time is passing by.

When the color gradually faded, Ye Tian and his party finally arrived at the periphery of Devil's Mountain. The huge roar of armored vehicles caused the villagers who were cooking to go out of the house to watch.

However, Ye Tian and others dressed up similar to those of the Japanese. They were all in the same camouflage clothes. The simple villagers did not expect that the people who were still swimming around the village had turned into corpses and lay neatly in the woods four or five hundred meters away from the village.

"Old horse, you did a good job!"

Around the twenty-three corpses, Ye Tian and Maracay are standing at this moment, and the other three people of the mercenary team are guarding the entrance of Devil's Mountain, because in the task assigned by Ye Tian, they also have to block all the Japanese who entered the mountain.


ps: The second update has been sent. Please recommend the ticket. After reading the book, I will vote for the fat man by the way. Please!
