Genius Master

Chapter 500 Burning Python

At the beginning, the Beigong family pushed very fast. Twelve flame guns took turns to erupt, burning the cave into a sea of fire, condensing the cold evil spirit for nearly half a century, and were immediately expelled.

However, after going 30 or 40 meters deeper, Beigong Heroes and others felt that there was obvious wrong. The evil spirit permeated the cave was almost like substance, and wisps of black mist gas filled every corner of the cave.

The walls of the cave are covered with large pieces of moss, and the water on the uneven ground is as black as ink. After some people accidentally step on it, their feet are like falling into an ice cave, and they are freezing all over.

Although the flame gun still plays a huge role, and can even evaporate the accumulated water in the puddle on the ground, to everyone's panic, just a few minutes after the flame gun stopped erupting, the ubiquitous evil spirit slowly gathered the place that had just been cleaned up.

"Speed up, hurry up, hurry up!"

Feeling the trace of evil that made the goose bumps all over his body suddenly rise, the hero of the North Palace was also anxious. He could not blame Elder Fujio Kitanomiya, because if it hadn't been for his idea, maybe they wouldn't even come here now.

It's just that every time the flame gun ejects a flame, the air in the open space will also be burned out, and the team must take a period of time to enter, even if you want to get up quickly.

After thinking about it, the North Palace Hero asked several people from the Dead Corps to change up. They could briefly close their breath and pass through the burning section. In this way, the advance speed of the team suddenly accelerated a lot.

According to the top of Dechinba, the cave where the gold is hidden is not very far from the entrance of the cave, that is, one hundred and ten meters away, but this short one hundred and ten meters is enough to make the people of the Beigong family walk for nearly half an hour.

"Yes... there, there is the treasure of the family!"

After turning a fork, a large open area appeared in front of everyone. The cave was more than 30 meters high, and the top rock was broken, cracking a large hole with a radius of seven or eight meters.

The bright white moonlight that has just risen comes in from the mouth of the cave, just like opening a skylight. Even without the light of the strong light, you can faintly see the situation in the cave.

This is not so much a cave, but more like an underground palace. It covers a huge area. Seven or eight natural stone pillars are erected in the cave, and the stone stalactites are suspended upside down from the top of the cave.

Perhaps because of the crack at the top of the cave, the ground in front of the heroes of the North Palace was full of water, forming a circular arched pool, but the clear pool at the top entrance of Deqin Baden, it was as black as ink at this time, and extended behind the cave. No one knows where the pool leads to.

In the middle of this strange pool, it is a platform more than one meter above the ground. On the platform, there are piles of gold bricks the size of a baby's palm. Due to the age, the wooden box containing gold bricks has long been rotten, and the gold inside is piled up all over the platform.

Strong lights shone on the platform one after another, and the gold that had been sealed by the dust for decades reflected the dazzling golden light, which made everyone squint their eyes one after another, and their faces were full of joy.

When entering Myanmar, many people did not know the purpose of the trip, but when they saw the mountain-like gold piled up in front of them, how could they not understand?

Some younger children of the family couldn't control their excitement and couldn't wait to get into the pool. When they found that the water in the pool was only as deep as the waist, those people shouted and ran to the platform where gold was piled up.

"Come back, Ba Ga, give it all back to me!"

The appearance of gold made the formation completely chaotic, which was not expected by the hero of the North Palace. Although he shouted loudly, there were more than a dozen children of the family who had come to the middle of the pool.

Just when many people were inexplicably angry with the owner, the originally calm pool suddenly rolled up, and the dark pool splashed everywhere, and huge figures came out of the pool, and the screams sounded.

"This...what kind of monster is this?"

Under the light of many strong lights, this huge space is absolutely as bright as day. All the people standing on the edge of the pool can clearly see that the bodies are scaly scaly, and the dark pythons rushed out of the water, bit or entangled, pulling more than a dozen people who entered the pool into the water.

No one knows how many pythons are hidden in the pool, but at this time, the pool is absolutely very lively, like boiling water, constantly churning out. From time to time, a broken limb and a broken arm is thrown out of the water, and then a huge mouth will be exposed to swallow it.

This sudden scene not only scared the children of ordinary families who were not prepared at all, but also the heroes of the North Palace, who had long known that there were pythons in the pool, were stunned. Only when they were they were immersed in it, could they feel the shock at the top of Deqinbaden in those years.

This change came and went quickly. After only a minute or two, the boiling pool calmed down.

I don't know why the pythons in the pool did not come to the shore, but the people who had already been scared out of their courage did not need the heroes of the North Palace to give orders at all. They retreated Qiqi. It was not until more than ten meters after exiting that they pointed the guns at the pool one by one and stood

"Kill them, kill them!!!"

I don't know if it was because of the bravery of the weapon in his hand or the excessive stimulation just now, some people couldn't help pulling the trigger against the dark pool. For a moment, the sound of gunfire and smoke in the cave was filled with gunfire, and the huge echo made everyone's eardrums "buzz".

"Baga, a bunch of bastards!"

Seeing these so-called family elites running around like headless flies, the Beigong hero was furious and reached out to grab a man who was shooting at the pool, and repeatedly fanned more than a dozen ear photons on his face.

Although I don't know why the pythons in the pool didn't go ashore to chase the crowd, the hero of the North Palace understands that in case these pythons rush to the shore, more than a hundred of him will not look at all. At present, these fools are purely angering those terrible creatures.

To the joy of the heroes of the North Palace, those bullets were fired into the pool, like stones sinking into the sea. They did not cause any waves or anger the python. In addition to a smell of gunpowder, silence was restored in the cave.

Seeing that it was impossible to approach the platform from the water, Beigong Yanjun frowned and said, "Master, can you build a floating bridge?"

Previously, considering the complex terrain of Myanmar, some of the children of these families from Japan were also built. The pool was only more than ten meters wide, and it took half an hour to build a simple pontoon bridge.

"No, as long as you enter the pool, you will be attacked by those anes."

Before the hero of the North Palace answered, Elder Fujio shook his head, "I also saw forest anaccust when I was young, but it is so huge that it may only exist in Amazon. I suspect that the pythons here are mutant animals. If you can't catch them all, it's better not to provoke them."

The Amazon python mentioned by Elder Fujio is the largest, strongest and most powerful snake in the world. The full-grown grows up to 30 feet and weighs nearly 150 kilograms, while the forest pythons that just appeared are three points larger than the Amazon python.

Insids like water by nature. They usually inhabit mud banks or shallow water, prey on waterbirds, turtles, captivers, tapirs, deer, etc., and sometimes even devours crocodiles up to two and a half meters long. It can be said to be the top of the jungle biological chain,

Moreover, snakes have strong vitality. Only when the snake's heads are cut down can they really die, so Elder Fujio will say such a thing. In his opinion, using these weapons to deal with pythons is undoubtedly the stupidest.

"What should I do? How can we kill them?

Looking at the gold under the light, the North Palace Hero is simply unwilling to wait any longer. For these treasures that can revive the prestige of the family, he has received too many doubts and accusations for decades, and as long as the treasure is successfully brought back, he will become the greatest head of the family's history.

"Burn them all with fire!"

After hearing the question of the hero of the North Palace, Elder Fujio's face showed a trace of murderous air. "The snakes like shade. The strong evil spirit here is the main reason why they don't want to leave. How can we ignite this pool? If they don't want to die, they can only leave!"

Kitamiya Fujio is an old devil who participated in the whole World War II. He doesn't know how many people's blood he has been stained. Human life is meaningless in his eyes, not to mention dealing with these cold-blooded pythons. As soon as he turns his eyes, he thinks of a vicious idea.

"Okay, just do what Elder Fujio said!"

The hero of Beigong was overjoyed to hear this and quickly ordered a team of people to go out and move all the spare oil barrels on the cars outside the cave. Half an hour later, more than 20 oil barrels of nearly one ton of gasoline were neatly placed on the edge of the pool.

Under the order of the hero of the North Palace, more than a dozen members of the family, who were a little bolder, poured the oil bucket with the lid open into the pool one after another. A strong smell of gasoline suddenly filled the whole cave.

After letting everyone retreat for dozens of meters, a group of dead men with flamethrowers stood more than ten meters in the pool. Five or six pillars of light like fire dragons were thrown straight into the pool.


ps: First update, ask for a few recommended tickets, and keep the monthly ticket after 12 o'clock. It seems that there are double