Genius Master

Chapter 511 Exit

"Is this the key? Isn't it a handicraft?"

Ye Tian was stunned when he heard the words. He took the metal back and looked left and right, but he didn't see any similarity between it and the ordinary key. Looking at the hollow pattern engraved on it, it was more convincing to say that it was a handicraft.

Maracay shook his head and said, "Boss, I'm not sure that if it's really the key, the safe it can open must be the most complicated in the world."

"Well, whatever it is, keep it for fun."

Ye Tian saw with his own eyes the North Palace hero take out this thing from the password box. No matter what it is, the value must not be low. Unfortunately, the password box was put in the armored car, otherwise Ye Tianda could take it back to someone to ask.

shook his head and drove those useless thoughts out of his mind. Ye Tian clapped his hands and said, "Lao Hu, ask Wu Chen's gang to drive all the armored vehicles in, load them into the three cars first, and then evenly put them in these off-road vehicles if they exceed the load."

For the sake of good reason, Ye Tian left three people other than Maracay at the entrance of Devil's Mountain. They were blocked and made dumplings like the heroes of the North Palace. Of course, it can't be blamed for the improper layout of the heroes of the North Palace. It only shows that Ye Tian and others are too powerful.

When Wu Chen and others saw the gold, they were much more unbearable than Malakai's. They were all stunned for a long time and didn't come to their senses. If it weren't for the blood all over the ground and the armored car that was burning and emitted a burning smell of corpses, it would be difficult to guarantee that they

Ye Tian's cold and murderous spirit beat their hearts even more. After the initial consterestal, several people worked as porters honestly. They were also smart people and knew what money they could keep in mind.

"Lao Hu, watch it. I'll take a break first."

These more than ten tons of gold are not a small amount. It still takes some time to carry it. Ye Tian explained to Hu Hongde and found a place to sit cross-legged. The tossing last night also made him feel exhausted.

More importantly, Ye Tian killed dozens of people day and night, and the death stained on his body was extremely evil. It has faintly affected his mind. At this time, Ye Tian felt extremely irritable in his heart, which was unprecedented since he practiced the magic of Ma Yi.

"The best of the best. Ten times people, hundreds of demons hidden rhyme, clutch nature, mixed hole red text, supreme truth..."

In his mouth, Ye Tian only felt that the resentment entangled all over his body was pulled away, and there was no way to do what the people in Qimen said. That is, there is a means to resolve the evil spirit. If it were an ordinary person, sooner or later, he would be entangled by this evil spirit.

Just like some old generals who have experienced many battles, after the war, they often cultivate their mind and practice some internal boxing techniques in order to decond the evil spirit contaminated on the battlefield.

But there are also some people who don't agree. In their later years, their temper will become extremely irritable, because there is no evil spirit in the disintegration. After old age, I could no longer suppress the attack of evil spirit.

After three or four hours, when the sun rose overhead, Ye Tian stood up, and the evil spirit that had been wrapped around him was all gone. At this time, Ye Tian looked like the big boy with a sunny face.

"Ye Tian, have you had a good rest?" Seeing Ye Tian coming, Hu Hongde said, "Everythings have been moved to the car, except for the three armored vehicles. Five off-road vehicles are still needed.

Twenty tons of gold is a full 20,000 kilograms. If it is not for the high load of the armored vehicle, transportation alone will give Ye Tian a headache.

"Boss, you, these things. Do you want me to help you ship it out?" Maracay came over. He has been abroad for many years and has done a lot of smuggling. There are really some special channels to bring gold out of Myanmar.

"No, Lao Ma, separate all your people and help me drive." Ye Tian shook his head, looked at the sky and said, "Let's go. It's getting late. Let's go out of the mountain!"

The remaining off-road vehicles were gathered by Ye Tian and released the fuel in the fuel tank of the car. When the motorcade left the mountain pass, a fire ignited it, and the thick black smoke suddenly filled the Devil's Mountain.

Because Ye Tian and others did not have any contact with the village, until they left, the people in the village thought that the Japanese were still in the mountains. Out of fear of the Devil's Mountain, these people did not dare to enter the mountain to inspect.

When night fell, Ye Tian's motorcade was already more than 200 kilometers away from Devil's Mountain, outside a small town called Meng Pu, and dozens of kilometers ahead, it was the border between China and Myanmar.

Ye Tian, a motorcade full of gold, naturally dared not enter the town. He asked Maracay and others to buy some food, and everyone simply ate in the car.

Hu Hongde picked up a piece of gold brick, came up to play with it, and asked Ye Tian, "Ye Tian, how can we take these things out? Breaking into the border?"

"I haven't lived enough!" Ye Tian rolled his eyes, took out the mobile phone that Tang Wenyuan had sent him before he came, pushed the door down the SUV, and walked more than ten meters away from the motorcade.

"Hey, I'm Ye Tian. I'm looking for Song Haotian!"

After the phone was connected, Ye Tian did not talk nonsense. He directly reported his name and the person he was looking for. He knew that all calls from people like Song Haotian were answered by work or personal secretaries, and it was impossible for him to talk to him directly.

"Ye Tian, can't you shout at your grandfather?"

Sure enough, when Ye Tian's words fell behind, the phone was silent for a long time. After about three or four minutes, Song Haotian's voice came, and the old man's voice was full of helplessness.

"I haven't even seen my mother. Where did my grandfather come from?"

Ye Tian didn't save face for Song Haotian at all. He said directly, "Big brother should have told you that I have a pen of gold to bring back to China. Can you arrange it?"

"What? Have you got the gold? Did anything happen?"

Ye Tian's words made Song Haotian feel a little surprised. He knew that Ye Tian had gone to Myanmar, but Song Haotian was not very optimistic about whether Ye Tian could get that gold. He had ordered a special forces stationed on the China-India border to rush to the China-Myanmar border through some interest exchange, ready to carry out against Ye Tian Support.

"Accidents, hehe, there are some accidents, but they have all been solved."

Ye Tian smiled softly. The past day and night were also extremely thrilling for him, especially the two-headed giant snake that was not weaker than the black dragonfly, which made Ye Tian see the magic of nature's creation again. Ye Tian did not know what happened in those unknown human forbidden areas. How many such supernatural creatures still exist.

"Are you hurt?" Song Haotian's voice seemed a little anxious. Although he had recognized Ye Tian for a short time, as the eldest grandson of the outer door, Ye Tian still had a certain weight in Song Haotian's heart.

"No, I'll give you the coordinates. When can I send someone to pick them up?"

Ye Tian was too lazy to say these nutritious nonsense to Song Haotian. If Gou Xinjia had not insisted on letting him contact Song Haotian, maybe Ye Tian would use Maracay's way to smuggle gold out, and he would not have the courage to calculate himself.

"Within three hours, someone will pick you up there!"

Knowing that Ye Tian was not hurt, Song Haotian was also relieved. After carefully asking Ye Tian about the location coordinates he is now, he said, "After seeing them, just follow them back to China!"

"I have something else to do. Then I'll transfer to Hong Kong and go back!" Ye Tian shook his head and refused Song Haotian's suggestion. He hung up the phone without waiting to speak.

"This son of a bitch, he looks like a bear!"

Even if Song Haotian was well taken care of, he was almost dropped by Ye Weather. He has been in a high position for so many years and has never been hung up like this. Even when he talked to the head of No. 1, everyone also hung up the phone after greeting each other.

"Ye Tian, why are you so happy?" Seeing Ye Tian return to the car with a smile on his face, Hu Hongde asked with a surprised face. He and Ye Tian have also been together for a lot of time, and it is rare for him to show such a childish side.

"Am I happy?"

Ye Tian was stunned when he heard the words, and then reacted, and an indescribable feeling gushed out of his heart. Did he enjoy fighting with old man Song and watching him eat? Perhaps his deep resentment against him is not as deep as he thought.

"Let's take a break, and someone will come to take us in the country later!"

Ye Tian didn't know how Song Haotian used to take his convoy out, because the troops stationed at the China-Myanmar border were on both sides, but people with such a status as Song Haotian naturally would not talk.

After hearing Ye Tian's words, the people who had been exhausted for the past two days were drowsy. After about two hours, the roar of the helicopter woke up the sleeping people.

"Damn it, helicopter?"

After seeing the dazzling strong light on the helicopter, Ye Tian was also stunned, because the helicopters circling in the sky were all huge transport helicopters. When they entered the territory of other countries so brazenly, he didn't know what Song Haotian did.

The place where Ye Tian's motorcade is located is an open space surrounded by dense forests. The space is very large, and a total of five helicopters slowly landed.

A middle-aged man with the rank of lieutenant colonel jumped down from the front helicopter, walked to Ye Tian and others, and said, "Who is Ye Tian? I'm Song Fei. I'm ordered to come!"


PS: First update, strive for the third or fourth update, October update must be more ferocious than September, ask for monthly ticket recommendation ticket support!

. ( To be continued)