Genius Master

Chapter 516 Transactions

Whether it is jade jade or diamond agate, the kind of thing that has been formed by chance and nourished by heaven and earth for ten thousand years, its interior contains strong or weak aura. Ye Tian did not have a perspective, but he could judge the dazzling world in the original stone by the existence of aura.

The right hand gently stroked the smooth section of the original stone, and an air machine overflowed from Ye Tian's body and quietly emptled into the inside of the stone.

"Huh? What's going on?"

Ye Tian squatted down to look at the original stone just to get rid of Master Wu and Mr. Zheng, but when the air machine overflowed into the original stone, his face suddenly became rich.

Because just when the air machine entered the original stone with only two fingers, Ye Tian sensed that a slightly hot breath came into contact with his air machine. The warm breath nourished Ye Tian's spiritual consciousness, just like returning to the mother's fetus wrapped in amniotic fluid, which was very comfortable.

Ye Tian also explored the raw stone before and knew that the hardness of jadeite was greater than that of Hetian jade, slightly lower than minerals such as diamond and diamonds. The aura contained in the jadeite has a clear breath, which gives people a cold feeling. It is the first time he has encountered aura like today.

Although I don't know what is contained in this ugly stone, Ye Tian knows that everything in the world has a spirit, and the object that can contain aura must not be ordinary. No matter how bad it is, it is also a rare mineral.

Taking a deep breath, Ye Tian's air machine continued to explore the depths of the original stone, and the warm feeling became more and more intense. This made his face show a trace of joy. It seems that the volume of this object that can contain aura is not small. And the more you go in, the higher the purity seems to be.

However, Ye Tian's trip was to find jade that could be used as a conductor to accommodate aura. After a little thought, Ye Tian's right hand overflowed with a pure true spirit. It is transmitted to the inside of the original stone.

When the true qi wandered around the original stone, Ye Tian suddenly withdrew his hand and left the true qi in the original stone, and then sensed it with the qi machine. Ye Tian was surprised to find that the warm breath in the original stone had merged with the aura cultivated by himself.

"Haha, good stuff!"

This time, Ye Tian had no doubt in his heart. The minerals in this raw stone. It can definitely be used as a tool for the layout of mansions on other Hong Kong Island. And its efficacy is no worse than that of the top-quality Hetian jade.

"Grandma, this gambling stone also depends on the appearance?"

After carefully sensing the volume of the mineral containing aura with an air machine, Ye Tian stood up and looked at the number next to the jade. He couldn't help laughing and cry. The number of this original stone was 1414.

The most taboo number for Westerners, especially Christians, is "Thirteen". In real life, people do everything they can to avoid it. It is difficult to find the number of Building 13 and No. 13 in the Netherlands. They replaced it with "12A". There are no 13 rows and 13 seats in British theaters, and there is usually a passage between 12 and 14 rows in France.

Chinese people, especially those who live in coastal areas, pay the most attention to auspiciousness. The license plate number is 168, and the mobile phone number is as many as 8 words, the better, but the most taboo is 4 characters, which is the same as in the West, many real estate that pay attention to feng shui. There is often no 14th floor, which is also the cultural difference between East and West.

I don't know if the Burmese are watching the dishes and set the number of this ugly raw stone at 1414. I'm afraid this is also the main reason why none of the raw stone merchants are willing to stop here, right?

However, this is exactly what Ye Tian thought, because the price of this material is only 999 US dollars. In 1998, it will be converted into RMB, that is, 8,000 or 9,000 yuan. In Ye Tian's opinion, this is almost the same as a free gift.

Lao Wu saw Ye Tian stand up and stared at the bottom of the standard next to the original stone several times. He couldn't help laughing and asking, "Little brother, you don't really like this material, do you?"

"Hehe, I don't understand this thing either. Let's take a look and talk about it later." Ye Tian smiled without hesitation, remembered the number of 1414 in his heart, and continued to walk forward.

From Ye Tian's performance just now, Mr. Zheng seemed to see that he did not know much about gambling. At present, he also lost interest in Ye Tian and took Master Wu to choose some excellent materials. The downturn in the jade market was extremely beneficial to a large merchant with strong capital like him.

Without the harassment of the two people, Ye Tian inspected the speed of the stone suddenly accelerated. With the exposure of the air machine, the distribution of aura within more than ten meters around the body appeared in the induction, and there was no need to check it piece by piece at all.

Compared with the gambling stone on Hong Kong Island, the quality of Burmese raw stone is undoubtedly much better. Almost every cut raw stone contains jadeite, but most of these raw stones are very small in size, and Ye Tian is not very interested in those jadeite that is only the size of nails.

After going around the area of the semi-gambling stone, Ye Tian chose a piece of wool of more than 70 kilograms in size. Although the aura in this piece is not as pure as the 1414, it is better than the large number. Almost you can see the jade meat under the stone skin. You can take out 40 or 50 kilograms of

And the cut surface of this jade is not very good. Although it reveals a little jade meat, it does not bring green. The price is only 12,000 US dollars, and there are not many people who pay attention to it.

After being in the middle of these two materials, Ye Tian wandered around and found Liu Xiguo in the whole gambling stone area.

"Uncle, I was just about to find you. How about it? Have you found the right material?"

Seeing Ye Tian coming, Liu Xiguo quickly stood up from a piece of wool and said, "I told my father, and he also agreed with you and decided to hoard all the three million dollars of raw stone."

Zuo Jiajun's jewelry store does the most gold and silverware. The jade business has only developed in recent years, but Ye Tian's emperor green jewelry has added a lot of color to his jewelry store, so Zuo Jiajun also decided to shift the store's future sales focus to jade.

Three million US dollars is already a lot of money at this meeting, especially in the current sluggish jade market. If you have a vision, you can hoard a large number of good quality raw stones.

"I picked two pieces of material, Xiguo, how can I buy and sell this thing?"

To be honest, Ye Tian was still a little nervous. He searched the whole semi-gambling stone area, and there was no better original stone than those two. If this was taken away, Ye Tian would probably even have the intention of hitting the wall, so he hurried to find Liu Xiguo.

"Uncle, what kind of material did you buy? How much does it cost in total?

After hearing Ye Tian's words, Liu Xiguo was stunned for a moment. He originally thought that Ye Tian was just looking at the hot lot and would not take action, but he didn't think that Ye Tian really wanted to buy it?

In this way, Liu Xiguo's funds may be tighter. After all, he has also selected a lot of materials for all gambling stones, which add up to more than two million dollars.

Ye Tian didn't pay attention to Liu Xiguo's look and said, "It's not expensive. One piece of material is 12,000 US dollars, and the other 300 US dollars, which adds up to 12,300 yuan. Xiguo, I'll pay the money myself. Let's go to your account first."

"Three hundred dollars of material?"

Liu Xiguo laughed when he heard the words. Although he bought a lot of raw stones this time, he could still turn around for hundreds of thousands of dollars. At that moment, he said, "Uncle, don't say that money is not money. If my father knew that I asked you for more than 10,000 dollars, he would go home and set up with me

"After talking about these later, how can I buy those two pieces of material? I heard you say it's going to be auctioned?" Ye Tian is now afraid of long nights and dreams. Only by making those two raw stones his own can he settle down.

"If it had been auctioned two days earlier, it would have really been auctioned, but I don't need it now." Liu Xiguo smiled and said, "Uncle, give me the number of the original stone, and I'll trade it."

It turns out that all public markets have a habit, that is, after a large-scale raw stone transaction, it will be carried out in a free way of trading in the last three days.

The owner of the original stone will mark the price of his own material. As long as you can afford the money, you can trade directly with the organizing party. This is to attract those guests who come to Myanmar to travel. On the other hand, it is also a bit like a tearful sale and dispose of some of the raw stones that you are not optimistic about.

Take Ye Tian to a window of the organizing committee. Liu Xiguo handed in the note with two wool numbers and his own transaction number. After a while, the two forklifts roared, and it was the two pieces of material on it.

In order to ensure the return of these raw stone merchants or tourists, the transactions in the last few days can only be confirmed by the other party.

Just when Liu Xiguo saw the two pieces of wool on the forklift, his eyes couldn't help staring round. After rubbing it, he found that he had no dazzle. He looked at Ye Tian with a wry smile and said, "Uncle, this... Is this the original stone you want to buy?

"Yes? What's the matter?

Ye Tian glanced at Liu Xiguo and was very dissatisfied with his reaction. When he saw that some people around him seemed to gather around to watch the fun, he quickly said, "I said you should confirm and pay the bill quickly. If something is cut off, I can't forgive you, boy!"

"Good, good, as long as you are happy!"

Seeing Ye Tian staring, Liu Xiguo did not dare to talk nonsense. After confirming with a wry smile, he made a transaction at the window. Because there were not many funds involved, he did not even transfer money, but directly paid $12,300 in cash.

"Is this ours?" After Liu Xiguo's transaction was completed, Ye Tian smiled, as if he had got some rare treasure.

PS: Urgently ask for double monthly tickets and recommended tickets. These are all up and down, and with the support of friends with monthly tickets, continue to code!