Genius Master

Chapter 525 Preparation

"Huh? Little brother, do you see it?

Looking in the direction of Ye Tian's finger, Zuo Jiajun couldn't help laughing, "Although Xiang/Hong Kong is full of feng shui treasures, there are also some unsatisfactory places. Little brother, the place you are referring to is Stanley, which is the place where the yin of the whole Hong Kong island gathers."

In many cities in the south, especially in coastal areas, urban construction is often inextricably related to feng shui. Xiang/Hong Kong, especially in this way, during the British governance, the urban planning of Hong Kong Island has been passed by several feng shui masters.

Due to its geographical location and excessive yin, Stanley was designated as a prison. Hong Kong Island is full of business opportunities, and this is also the least visited place. The evil spirit that Ye Tian just sensed came from the direction of Stanley.

"Brother, I don't need yin and yang in this array. If the evil spirit is not resolved, it will affect the operation of the whole magic array. How about it? Can you build a feng shui column there?"

The only flaw of Gong Xiaoxiao's house is that it is facing the Stanley Prison on the side. Although it is far away from each other, it will still be affected. If you just live normally, the impact is not very big, but if Ye Tian wants to arrange a gathering array, he will break this hidden danger.

The place Ye Tian refers to is a necessary place for coastal landscape. The road there is smooth. If he wants to promote feng shui there, Ye Tian asked himself that he could not do it.

Zuo Jiajun followed Ye Tian's fingers for a long time and muttered, "That place is usually not very popular, and there are not too many tourists. It's not impossible to do this, but little brother, we have to pay for the money we spend. Well, I think of a way, but I can attract some people to invest together. !"

Zuo Jiajun once participated in the feng shui of many famous buildings on Hong Kong Island, and was also the chief feng shui consultant of the former Governor of Hong Kong. What he said had a great influence in the society of Hong Kong Island.

So as long as Zuo Jiajun points out that the feng shui in that place is not good. It will affect the feng shui of the mansion halfway up the mountain. I believe that Ye Tian's neighbors who are not rich or noble will be anxious first. With their social influence, it is really not difficult to push the government to rebuild a road.

"Brother, money is not a problem. The 200 million yuan is prepared for this.

After hearing Zuo Jiajun's words, Ye Tian nodded and then said, "In the middle of the road, a disk should be built first, and a crystal feng shui stone should be placed in the middle. Go left and right to drive the popularity there. It doesn't cost a lot.

"Good! Little brother, Gao... really smart!"

As soon as Ye Tian's words fell, Gou Xinjia praised loudly. Zuo Jiajun was a little stunned for a moment. Ye Tian set up a spiritual formation. It seemed that there was no need to help the Hong Kong island government go to the tourist attraction of Daiwang, right?

Everyone is one of our own. Of course, Zuo Jiajun won't pretend to understand. At that moment, he asked the question in his heart: "Big brother, didn't the little brother say at the beginning that he wanted to build a feng shui column? Why do you want to make a feng shui stone again?

"Jijun, build a feng shui stone in the middle of the road, left in and out right. It should be carried out around the feng shui stone, and when it goes, it will return to yang to yin. The yin and yang rotate endlessly, but it can breed the auspicious spirit of birth. It is equivalent to building a door on the right side, blocking all the evil spirit on the other side of the Stanley.

Gou Xinjia has not been wasted for decades. He has almost studied the formations handed down in China for thousands of years. As soon as Ye Tian said that, Gou Xinjia understood his intention.

Generally, the array method of using feng shui stone is a seven-star array, that is, looking around the seven stars, using feng shui stone as the eye to make its yin and yang blend, so as to change feng shui, while Ye Tian abandoned the idea of using the seven-star array to directly build feng shui stone

After figuring out Ye Tian's idea, Zuo Jiajun said, "Little brother, if you only build a feng shui stone alone, it will be simple."

According to Ye Tian, you only need to build a round road around the left and right. There is no need to change the municipal drawings. In the relationship with Zuo Jiajun, as long as a few super-rich people living in the middle of the mountain come forward, it can be done.

"No, the feng shui column still needs to be built, but it can be built at the foot of the mountain."

Ye Tian's mansion is located in the back two directions around the mountain, and the first two directions on the right are facing the sea. At a depth of eight kilometers, there is an isolated island, like a dragon playing with beads, but on the right side is the direction of Stanley, which leaks the wind leads to evil spirits. Although the layout of a feng The feng shui column still needs to be built.

"Good, three days at the earliest and half a month at the latest. I will definitely ask the government to hold a hearing and strive to start work as soon as possible!"

Although Zuo Jiajun has given some rich people on Hong Kong Island the feng shui of yin and yang houses over the years, compared with Ye Tian's big hand, he is much worse, and he is also a little excited.

You know, Ye Tian is no longer simply to change the feng shui of Yangzhai, but to attract the surrounding qi of a hundred miles, combined with the aura of the sea, to put a super gathering array. This kind of formation has far beyond Zuo Jiajun's cognition.

As the saying goes, kung fu lies outside the body, and the key to the success or failure of this formation is not the layout of the Yangzhai itself, but the cooperation of many external factors. In addition, the gold and jade needed by Ye Tian have not been shipped. In less than ten days and a half months, this luxury house is temporarily unable to break

Ye Tian simply surveyed the house. After setting the position with a compass, he left here with two brothers. After Zuo Jiajun sent them back to his house, he drove out alone. It was really not an easy thing to build a big house on Hong Kong Island.

For several days, Zuo Jiajun went out early and came back late, and occasionally wore a gossip suit. It was really not a blow to say that the reputation of "Master Zuo" was really bragging. A week later, the Hong Kong island government held a hearing on road reconstruction and decided to build a scenic spot in the middle of the mountain.

Just three days ago, a batch of gold weighing five tons from the mainland to Hong Kong Island was quietly received by Ye Tian. The person who came to deliver the gold was Lieutenant Colonel Song Fei, but this time the Lieutenant Colonel's attitude was much more respectful than last time.

In addition to gold, Liu Xiguo also sent nearly a thousand red jade ornaments, most of which are flat jade pendants. Ye Tian's recent days of work are mainly to engrave arrays on those jade pendants to increase their effect of containing aura.

"Ye Tian, how about it? I've done it for you on the government's side, but you need to design this feng shui column.

Zuo Jiajun, who returned home on this day, was a little tired. He could smell the smell of alcohol in his mouth from a long distance. Even if his position was as extraordinary as him and wanted to ask others to do things, he still had to put down his airs and do something he didn't want to do.

"Brother, I've been ready for a long time. You can just build it according to this construction."

After hearing Zuo Jiajun's words, Ye Tian put down the carving knife and jade pendant in his hand, picked up a piece of paper and handed it to Zuo Jiajun. He pointed to a sketch on it and said, "This pillar must be built into the shape of the inner circle and the outer circle. From the perspective of feng shui, the

In addition, this place should be carved with dragons and phoenixes and unicorns. It is surrounded by three circles below, and the inner circle is three meters high. The four positions are the front rosefinch in the south, the back Xuanwu in the north, the left green dragon in the east, and the white tiger in the right in the

The second circle is one meter high, which belongs to the eight trigrams. Fuxi opens the world, Nuwa mend the sky, Houyi shooting the sun and Dayu Zhishui. These four sages must be engraved on it, all of which are indispensable.

The outer ring is 20 centimeters from the ground, which is divided into twelve directions. This position is for the gods of wind, rain, thunder and lightning. This is three circles, and it is also the most important place of the feng shui column. Brother, you have to supervise the manufacture in person.

Ye Tian paused here and pointed to the pattern in front of the feng shui column and said, "Surrounding the feng shui column, it is a Taiji pattern, front yin and back yang. In this way, the evil spirit of this direction can be blocked outside, and this radius of a hundred miles will be outstanding and the source of

Of course, there is another sentence that Ye Tian didn't say, that is, after the feng shui column is built, its height is just slightly lower than that of the mansion in his home. It can not only play the role of blocking the evil spirit, but also inject the aura in the sea into the formation when the formation is completed. Its effect is

Of course, the money consumed by this formation is also amazing. The interior of the feng shui column must be surrounded by white jade produced by Fangshan in the capital. This alone will cost nearly 40 million yuan.

And in the underground of the yin and yang eyes, hundreds of jade pendants engraved with arrays need to be buried. These jade pendants are supported by Ye Tian's magic. Although they can't achieve the effect of magic weapons, they are many times stronger than ordinary amulets. If he wants to sell out, it is absolutely impossible to sell tens

After introducing the magic array to Zuo Jiajun in detail, Ye Tian told him, "Second brother, this array should run for at least more than a hundred years, and all the materials used should be the best. You have to check this in person."

Wei Hongjun is engaged in construction in the capital. Ye Tian knows that there are a lot of tricks in it. He doesn't want his feng shui column to collapse because of construction or quality within a few years.

"Don't worry, the quality is absolutely guaranteed. This is not the mainland." Zuo Jiajun said with a smile.

"That's good..." Ye Tian nodded with a smile and was about to speak when the mobile phone on the table suddenly rang, "Wait, second brother, I'll answer the phone."

"Bad boy, it's almost wild outside. It's time to go home!"

After the phone was connected, Ye Dongping's voice came out of the microphone, but no matter how Ye Tian listened, he felt a sense of joy in the sound.


PS: This chapter was written on the train. Sweat, the battery of the notebook has just been used for three hours. It's Monday. Please recommend tickets. For the sake of the fat man's diligence, you can do it!