Genius Master

Chapter 527 Meet on

"Master, didn't you say you would come back a few days before the New Year? Is there anything urgent at home?"

At eight o'clock in the morning, when the first flight from Hong Kong Island to Beijing landed at the Capital Airport, Zhou Xiaotian waited outside the airport in the Land Rover.

Zhou Xiaotian and Hu Hongde returned to the capital early, but Ye Dongping did a good job of secrecy and did not publicize his wife's return to China, and only a few sisters in the family knew about it.

"All right, let's drive."

Ye Tian leaned on the seat and pinched his eyebrows. It was said that he would not let him do this last night, but Ye Tian didn't know why he was a little nervous and even tired.

After a short rest, Ye Tian opened his eyes and asked, "Come on, those people from Wu Chen, have you placed them?"

At this time, Ye Tian already knew that the Japanese side had begun to investigate the disappearance of Kitanomiya Hero and others, but he asked himself that he had not left any horse feet in Devil's Mountain. Even if the Japanese found General Bogang, they could only suspect that they had done it, but there was no evidence.

The only person who may leak this matter is Wu Chen. If Myanmar is willing to disclose the entry information to Japan at that time, it is very likely to find Wu Chen and others.

So Ye Tian told Zhou Xiaotian and Hu Hongde, and then called Qiu Wendong specially, asking him to arrange a few people to leave the capital for a period of time, at least until the limelight passed.

"Master, don't worry, they didn't even return to the capital, so they went directly to Jibei Cang/Zhou Feng Hengyu's place. The Japanese must not be able to find it."

While driving, Zhou Xiaotian smiled and said, "I just went there yesterday and gave each of them a gold brick, but Master, when will you give them the million?"

To be honest, Wu Chen was still a little nervous when he heard that he could not return to the capital at the beginning, because what happened in Devil's Mountain was really too grand. It's like a war.

Coupled with this huge amount of gold, they are even more worried. For fear of being killed by Ye Tian, if Zhou Xiaotian hadn't sent the gold yesterday, maybe some timid people would have sneaked away.

After hearing Zhou Xiaotian's words, Ye Tian pondered for a moment. He said, "I'll make 10 million yuan into your card later, and you can send it to them today. The extra 2 million won will be kept by yourself!"

Ye Tian knew that Zhou Xiaotian followed his father and his little brother-in-law to work in the antique shop. He has always been paid, usually one or two thousand yuan. Although he has enough food and accommodation, he is still short of money.

Although Zhou Xiaotian has never mentioned these things, Ye Tian can't be too stingy. Outsiders have given 1 million, and of course their apprentices will give more.

Zhou Xiaotian, who was driving, couldn't help shaking his hands when he heard Ye Tian's words. He quickly stabilized the steering wheel. He said, "Master, I... I don't want it, I didn't do anything, and then... again. Why do I need so much money?"

In fact, Ye Dongping had already told Zhou Xiaotian that he would raise his salary, but Zhou's mother had never agreed. Therefore, Zhou Xiaotian is a little shy. Some time ago, she just bought the cheapest pair of gold earrings for her mother's birthday.

"Of course, it cost you money..."

Ye Tian paused for a moment and said, "Wu Tian, in the past, many strange people have gone the evil way because of money. In the end, few of them can come to a good end, so if you don't have money, ask the master if you can't do those treacherous things!"

People in Qimen also want to eat, drink, and eat grains. In addition, with their ability, some people who are not very strong-willed will easily risk doing something against morality.

It's like the famous thief "Swallow Li San" before liberation, who is a person in Qimen, but on the one hand, he likes women, and on the other hand, he likes big smoke, and in the end, he fell on these two.

At that time, Li San stole something from the National Party and was surrounded in a brothel. This was originally difficult for him, but when he was in the house, he was addicted to opium, and in the end he could only be captured.

Ye Tian didn't know about this, but he listened to him when he was chatting with his eldest brother.

At that time, Gou Xin's family originally intended to let Li Sanyima and let him work for himself, but they didn't think that this buddy was addicted to smoking and died suddenly in prison, but it was not like the legend that he was shot to death.

Although Ye Tian observed Zhou Xiaotian's good conduct, and he had no choice but to do tomb robbery in those years, as the saying goes, it is difficult to defeat the hero with a penny. If he is generous, he will naturally not do those villains.

"Master, I'll ask you when I don't have money. I can't spend much money now."

Zhou Xiaotian shook his head and still refused to agree, because he didn't know how to explain the money to his mother, and he had to send the money back after being scolded.

"Let you hold it. Don't you want to fall in love with that girl? What if you don't have money in your hand? Ye Tian glanced at Zhou Xiaotian and said, "I'll tell your mother that she won't scold you."

Hearing Ye Tian mention Liu Dingding, Zhou Xiaotian's face turned red, but he did not refuse. After returning from Myanmar, he has been with Liu Dingding these days. In addition to physical contact in the martial arts competition, he can now hold a small hand.

However, as Ye Tian said, Zhou Xiaotian is the last reluctant to go shopping with Liu Dingding, because every time she goes shopping, the girl will buy a bunch of clothes and other things, many of which are Zhou Xiaotian and Zhou's mother.

Liu Dingding was not wronged in terms of money. He bought clothes for at least tens of thousands of yuan, so every time he paid the bill, Zhou Xiaotian felt a little ashamed. The eyes of the waiters made him feel as uncomfortable as a needle.

"Go and go to the bank to transfer money to you." Seeing a Bank of China on the roadside, Ye Tian asked Hu Hongde to stop the car.

Although there is no VIP system in domestic banks, there is no need to wait in line with the amount on Ye Tian's passbook.

Accompanied by a manager, he handled eight bank cards of one million each, and Ye Tian deposited 2 million into Zhou Xiaotian's card, which was regarded as fulfilling his promise.

Back in the car from the bank, Ye Tian looked at Zhou Xiaotian with a happy face and told him, "Xiutian, the money that should be spent must be spent, but drug gambling must not be touched, otherwise the master will turn against others at that time?"

"Master, don't worry, I don't have those hobbies!" Zhou Xiaotian started the car, nodded heavily, and remembered Ye Tian's words in his heart.

The two chatted all the way, not too far from their home. When passing an intersection, Zhou Xiaotian used to turning right. Ye Tian suddenly came to his senses and shouted, "Oh, don't turn right, turn!"

"Master, aren't we going home?" The car had turned over, and Zhou Xiaotian quickly hit the steering wheel and leaned the car to the side of the road.

"I... Did I say I'm going home?"

Ye Tian couldn't turn around when he saw this. He waved his hand and said, "Go back, go back to my house first to get something, and tell my aunts that I'll go there later!"

Although Song Weilan has come to the capital, she did not live with her old father or Ye Dongping's home, but in a five-star hotel in the quadrangle house of her old father and Ye Dongping.

Ye Tian originally wanted to go directly to his mother's place, but Zhou Xiaotian went the wrong way, and he felt a little guilty. In addition, he was empty-handed, so he decided to go back to the old house first.

"Ye Tian, why did you come back?" Entering the house, he met Hu Hongde, who was practicing in the yard.

Gou Xin's family passed on Hu Hongde's internal skills, combined with the strong aura of heaven and earth in the yard. The old diseases left by the early practice in Hu Hongde's body were solved. Hu Xiaoxian once made several phone calls to urge his grandfather to go home, and Hu Hongde was not willing to leave here.

Put away his boxing air, Hu Hongde followed Ye Tian and said without saying, "Ye Tian, I said that you are full of red light. Is there something good happened to you?"

"Lao Hu, with your half-level, are you still showing off in front of me?"

After hearing Hu Hongde's words, Ye Tian couldn't laugh or cry. He hasn't had a good rest these days, and even stopped his morning exercise for a day. Where did he get his red face?

"What are you doing with me?"

Ye Tian stared at Hu Hongde angrily and said, "You drive to Cang/Zhou with Xiaotian, and warn those guys to live in Cang/Zhou for half a year before returning to the capital!"

Hu Hongde nodded and said, "Don't worry, those kids don't dare to say anything more. I went to say hello to Qiu Wendong."

"Then why are you following me?" Ye Tian looked back angrily and stared at Hu Hongde and Zhou Xiaotian out of the yard.

Back in the backyard, Ye Tian removed the bookcase and took out an object wrapped in red cloth from the safe behind. After opening it, there were two green bracelets in it.

This is the imperial green material obtained by Ye Tian from the gambling stone on Hong Kong Island. After being placed in Zuo Jiajun's shop for half a year, he received it at home, and even Yu Qingya had never seen it.

It's not that Ye Tian is stingy. The main reason is that he wants to surprise Yu Qingya when he gets married, but now that his mother is here, Ye Tian doesn't want to give one to another most important woman in his life.

Fortunately, unlike accessories such as earrings, bracelets can be given as a single gift. In addition to the other best red jade bracelets that Zuo Jiajun is making, Ye Tian can take out a lot of things.

After collecting the emperor's green bracelet, Ye Tian thought for a moment, took out a square object wrapped in tin foil from the refrigerator in the room, put it in the bag and went out of the yard, and took a taxi to the hotel.


PS: I'm tired and haven't recovered. I will continue to write the second update. If you don't vote for the recommendation vote, just click it!

In addition, I recommend a good book: He Chang's "Gun Yun", a rare good book in the official text. Let's go and support it!