Genius Master

Chapter 540 Recognition

Original "You... Who are you? Why did you break into my house?

Looking at the coming person, Boss Ji's brain is turning quickly, but he dares not take out the pistol under the pillow, because he understands that in the face of some people, the firearm may not be the sharpest 5 original starts]

Among other things, with the hand that the other party has just revealed, Boss Ji knows that the other party has shown mercy, otherwise the dagger will be inserted in the middle of his forehead.

And Boss Ji still remembers that when his father was kicked open the door, although he was galloping on the woman, the two guns at the head of the bed were held in his hand for the first time.

It was just for this reason that the man who broke into the room did not give his father any chance at all. After a cold dart hit Zhou Mariko's throat, he cut off his head with a knife.

So Boss Ji raised his hands very cooperatively and did not dare to make any abnormal movements. He also guessed a little about the other party, and he was not very scared.

"Big lucky, right? My name is Ye Tian..."

Ye Tian had a smile on his face, but he had already held a copper coin in the palm of his hand. He could sense the murderous intention from under Boss Ji's pillow. There must be a gun hidden there.

"I have invited many seniors and elders in the Beijing and Tianjin area, just waiting for you to come, but if you don't give face to your younger brother, you have no choice but to come to my door!"

Seeing Boss Ji, Ye Tian was a little disappointed, because in him, Ye Tian could not feel the existence of any vitality at all. In other words, he was just an ordinary person, but he was not the collateral remnant that inherited Zhou's magic.

"Sure enough, it's a hero out of a teenager. Mr. Ye is so young. What a good way!"

Boss Ji laughed, slowly sat up from ** and said, "Mr. Ye, Mr. Ji admits defeat. Please tell me the rules. Ji, just do it!"

He often floats in the world. There is no one who doesn't get a knife. It's not when the boss Ji hasn't been blocked in the alley and his nose is blue and his face is swollen. It's right to find a way to solve it.

Since Ye Tian put forward the rules of the world, Ji Lao's nature's snakes are on the stick. The previous episode is that he is wrong, but these can be talked about. At worst, he will pay more compensation.

"All in. Get up and let's talk in the hall downstairs!" Ye Tian nodded and took a look at Boss Ji. He said, "Slow down, don't bring down the thing under the pillow!"

Boss Ji's heart was stunned, and he originally wanted to touch the gun while taking his clothes. He stopped. Although the person named Ye Tian in front of him was not very old, his experience in the world was extremely old-fashioned.

Things have not reached the point where the fish is dead and the net is broken. Boss Ji will not provoke Ye Tian because of this. At the moment, he slowly put on his coat. After Ye Tian took back the traceless, the two came to the living room on the first floor.


Seeing the boss coming down from upstairs, Lin Xuanyou struggled desperately, but his limbs were dislocated by Ye Tian. The chin was also removed, and he could only make a few meaningless syllables in vain.

"Damn it, a bunch of rubbish!"

When he saw Lin Xuanyou lying on the sofa, the trace of luck in Boss Ji's heart was completely lost. The other party was absolutely prepared, and there were too few people in his villa.

"Master, I'm careless. I was shouted at by this guy!"

Ye Tian and the two just came to the living room. Zhou Xiaotian also came in with a man in his hand, with a look of shame. He used his skills to deal with an ordinary person, and even let him shout out.

" are just the two of you?"

Boss Ji looked around the room. He was shocked that several of his men were equipped with firearms. I didn't think it was the same as myself, and no one could use it.

"Master, is he the lucky boss?"

Zhou Xiaotian looked at the lucky boss sitting on the sofa, and he was also a little disappointed. This man did not have the characteristics of a martial artist. He should not be a son of the Zhou family.

"All right, don't talk nonsense."

Ye Tian waved his hand and said, "Elder Ji, you sent Bao Fengling and Liu Laoer to Beijing to cheat me, but this is your job to eat. I don't mind, but you let out the rumor to talk about it, but in the end you avoid it. Is this your bad rule, right?"

In fact, it is not uncommon to beg for food in the world. At first, Ye Tian only wanted to recover the money, but Boss Ji's behavior fooled Ye Tian. Naturally, he refused to give up.

Boss Ji nodded and said, "Yes, Brother Ye, it's my old Ji who broke the rules. Do you want to fight or be punished? Please give me a charter. I will do it."

As the saying goes, a good man doesn't suffer losses in front of him. Boss Ji is a smart man. If you don't have money, you can earn it again, but you can't grow another one without a head.

"Shall I give you a constitution?"

Ye Tian glanced at Boss Ji when he heard the words, and the index finger of his right hand knocked slowly on the sandalwood armrest of the sofa. He didn't expect Boss Ji to be so single, which made Ye Tian a little difficult to do.

If Boss Ji is tougher, then Ye Tian has many ways to punish him, even if it kills him, and Boss Ji breaks the rules first, but when he looks like this, Ye Tian really doesn't want to bully him too much.

After thinking about it for a moment, Ye Tian said, "I don't believe it. According to the rules of the world, you have to be stabbed three times. I'll subtract one knife and ask you to have one hand and one foot. What do you think?"

As long as you admit that you have done something wrong, you will not be punished? There is no such cheap thing in the world. With Ye Tian's heart, he originally wanted to cut off his tongue. Seeing that Mr. Ji was on the road, the conditions were relaxed.

"Ye... Ye, this... can't kill people without a nod, you... you want me to do it, how can I still fool around on the Jianghu Road in the future?"

Ye Tian felt that he was already very kind, but when he heard this in Boss Ji's ear, it was not the same at all. When he was a child, he saw many disabled people with broken hands and feet begging along the street, but he didn't want to become like that.

"Are you going to continue to cheat?"

Ye Tian laughed when he heard the words. Was he too talkative? How dare the lucky boss in front of him bargain with himself?

"Master Ye, you can take all my family money. In addition, I... I can also wash my hands in the golden basin. You... Can you let me go and leave my arms and legs for me!"

Feeling the trace of murderous air emanating from Ye Tian's body, Boss Ji knew that the other party was not joking with him. He knelt down in front of Ye Tian with a "popping" and kowto-dong on his forehead through the thick carpet.

Boss Ji has grown up in a place like a railway station since he was a child. His psychology of people~~ Book Network first release~~ It can't be more thorough, just like the first time he was caught for stealing, as long as he knelt down and begged for mercy, You can get people's forgiveness in the past.

As for dignity, Boss Ji doesn't have this concept at all. He thinks the same as his ancestors who defected to the Japanese as traitors: "Dignity... Can it be eaten as a meal?"

"Damn it, is it a bad product?"

Seeing Boss Ji posing such a posture, Ye Tian couldn't help but be worthless for his father. Such a personal man could actually cheat his father out of 30 million yuan. I don't know what kind of expression he would look after telling his father?

"Don't kowtow. I, Ye Tian, will not swallow it back. One hand, one foot, or a life. You can choose by yourself!"

After walking with the old road for so many years, Ye Tian understood that it is not a good habit to eat soft without eating hard, so he developed a soft and hard-eating nature when he was a child, "You... Do you really want to do things absolutely?"

Boss Ji suddenly raised his head, with a trace of cruelty on his face. Naturally, he understood the rules of the world and knew that Ye Tian was right.

However, these rules have always been used by Boss Ji for others. Now they are put on himself, but he can't accept them anyway.

"I've already left you a way to live. Are you still not satisfied?" Ye Tian said with an expressionless face.

Boss Ji quickly turned his eyes, but there was a trace of sadness on his face. He said, "Okay...Okay, I've admitted defeat!"

Ye Tian nodded and asked, "Where's the money? Don't tell me that you have spent money."

Boss Ji pretended to be doomed and said, "In the basement, I'll get it for you!"

"The basement? OK, let's go."

Ye Tian saw the deep hatred in Boss Ji's eyes, but he didn't think so. No one would smile at the people who wanted to cut your hands and feet.

Watching Boss Ji walk to the shadow wall under the stairs and open the secret door, Ye Tian pointed to Lin Xuanyou, who was lying on the sofa and couldn't move, and said to Zhou Xiaotian, "Xu Tian, put his chin on..."

It can be seen that this man with glasses is Boss Ji's confidant. Ye Tian wants his apprentice to interrogate him. He always feels that Boss Ji's performance is pretending, and this guy should hide something else.

"I'll go first!" Seeing that Boss Ji was ready to enter the secret door, Ye Tian stopped in front of him.

Before liberation, the people in the world had more or less some enemies. It is very common to build a secret room at home. Generally, organs will not be arranged in this secret room.

However, Ye Tian didn't know if there were any tricks in the secret room under the secret door. Just in case, he still didn't dare to let Boss Ji go ahead.

"Ap, you go first."

Boss Ji secretly shouted bitterly. This young man was too difficult to deal with. If he had known that he should not have cove for the 30 million, how good would it have been to quell things according to the rules at that time?

"This...who is this?"

After reaching the bottom, Ye Tian pushed open the door. The sight he saw on his face stunned. The buddy tied to the stake was really miserable.

However, Ye Tian did not recognize that this is Liu Laoer. After all, his face has long been deformed. Not to mention Ye Tian, even Liu Laoer's mother came, and I'm afraid he can't recognize it.


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. To be continued