Genius Master

Chapter 589 Uncle Lei

"Vilan, things are more complicated than you think..."

Du Fei looked up at Ye Tian and said, "Uncle Lei called back all the people who made friends with you in the door. He... He should have contact with Song Xiaolong. I think it's likely that Song Xiaolong gave him some promise!"

Ye Tian asked Du Fei to help him pay attention to Song Xiaolong's affairs, so after returning to the San Francisco Hall this time, Du Fei was also intriguing about Song Xiaolong's news intentionally or unintentionally.

Just a week ago, Du Fei saw with his own eyes that Song Xiaolong, who was supposed to be in Africa, appeared in a teahouse in Chinatown, which was Uncle Lei's property and the place where he could not drink morning tea every day.

"Xiaolong? Is it really him?"

Song Weilan didn't seem to be surprised by the answer given by Du Fei, but there was a trace of sadness on her face. She shook her head and said, "Fourth brother, my father has been friends with Uncle Lei for many years. He treats me like a niece. Why did he help Xiaolong?"

Originally, Song Weilan could safely hand over the huge business empire to the fund's custody, which was to reassure Uncle Lei's behavior, but Song Weilan did not expect that it would happen to the person she trusted most.

"Mom, please wait first."

Ye Tian heard some clues beside him, but he knew nothing about Uncle Lei. After interrupting his mother's words, Ye Tian looked at Du Fei and asked, "Who is this Uncle Lei?" What is your status in Hongmen?

Ye Tian knew that his mother had transferred Song Xiaolong to Africa, that is to say, Song Xiaolong had left the center of the consortium. Uncle Lei must play a vital role in the middle of the current situation.

Du Fei sighed. He said, "Master. Uncle Lei's name is Lei Zhenyue, and he is the same generation as my father. When my father was the leader, Uncle Lei was the elder of the door..."

It turned out that Uncle Lei went to the United States from China with Du Fei's father. At that time, the Hongmen power in the United States was already very large, but the organizational structure was relatively loose, and each elder was responsible for a chassis. They are also unconvinced by each other.

In this case, Uncle Lei and Du Fei's father led a group of brothers brought from China to fight in San Francisco. Because of the people in Hongmen at the same time, they were not embarrassed by the brothers in the door, and soon drove the Japanese Yamaguchi group and an Italian mafia family out of San Francisco, thus owning their own Chassis.

Although Du Fei's father was not famous in Shanghai/Beach, he showed great ability after arriving in the United States. He first emphasized the purpose of Hongmen in the door. Then he began to get involved in various industries, and his strength quickly developed and grew.

After the war, the U.S. economy recovered quickly. After he had money in his pocket, Du Fei's father began to infiltrate the local forces. As the saying goes, if you have money, it is easy to do things. If you throw out a lot of money, you will immediately get the recognition and good impression of the local Hongmen.

Hongmen was originally an organization that paid attention to identity and generation, and Du Fei's father's generation was not very low. With the support of several local elders, he soon became one in Hongmen, San Francisco. In the 1960s, Du's father finally became the leading brother of the Hongmen Association.

After successfully taking power, Du's father began to carry out a drastic reorganization of Hongmen. In those years, all the incense halls that were in vain also began to operate. As Lei Zhenyue, who fought the world with himself, he also became a real-power elder in the door, responsible for external business. Open up.

Hongmen's early external business. It doesn't mean a commercial act. To put it bluntly, it is to grab territory.

Lei Zhenyue, with his good hand in the door, set off a bloody storm in San Francisco, killing all the inherent forces in San Francisco, thus truly establishing Hongmen's hegemony in San Francisco.

As the main force of this battle, Lei Zhenyue is the first line in every battle, and has also been recognized by all the brothers in the door. The position in the door is only under Du Fei's father. Since then, everyone in the door has called him Uncle Lei instead of calling him by his name.

After the death of Du Fei's father, Uncle Lei was originally the most powerful candidate in the family, but he refused the position in the family because he was too old, and retired to become the elder in Hongmen, and he was also the most famous figure in Hongmen.

As early as the 1940s and 1950s, Lei Zhenyue and Du Fei's father had made friends with Song Haotian, so Lei Zhenyue has always been responsible for the relevant business and contact with the overseas Song family.

After Song Weilan was in charge of the overseas Song family, the relevant matters of Hongmen were also in charge of Lei Zhenyue. Otherwise, as Du Fei, who else dared to instruct him to follow Song Yinglan's side besides Lei Zhenyue?

So after learning that there was something wrong with the custody fund, Song Weilan immediately thought of Uncle Lei. He was the only one in Hongmen who could have such a great impact on his industries.

Song Weilan naturally knew a lot about Uncle Lei's past. Seeing her son meditating there, Song Weilan looked at Du Fei and said, "Fourth brother, I have always respected Uncle Lei, but he asked for something. I have never refused. He... Why did he do this this time?"

In Song Weilan's impression, Uncle Lei is an extremely forthright person. He does not show much desire for money or anything. In addition, he is in his 80s, but he doesn't know why he participated in this matter, which is also what makes Song Weilan puzzled.

"This...this, if I guess correctly, there are two reasons..."

After hearing Song Weilan's words, Du Fei looked a little hesitant. He took a look at Ye Tian and said, "Some time ago, there was a rumor in the door that Wei Lan was going to hand over the Song's property to outsiders, and then remove all the disciples of Hongmen. At that time, the influence in Hongmen was

Hongmen has a layer of umbrella significance for the overseas Song family. Many important members of the Song family have Hongmen disciples around them. Not only that, but also in some important positions in Song Weilan's enterprise, there are also some Hongmen elites in charge.

When Song Weilan decides to entrust her huge wealth to the fund, many children of Hongmen will be affected.

This is exactly the case. Before completing the trusteeship, Song Weilan had made some major adjustments to the consortium and transferred some people, including Song Xiaolong. Of course, there were many people in Hongmen.

At that time, Song Weilan just wanted to complete the reorganization quickly, and then leave this circle and return to China. She was always cautious and did not pay attention to this detail, or she was confident in her control over the consortium, but Song Weilan did not know that at that time, the overseas Song and Hongmen had already It surged through the undercurrent.

After hearing this reason, Song Weilan was silent for a long time and said, "Xiaotian is unwilling to take over those industries. At that time, my mentality was a little too hasty. In fact, I should be able to deal with it more safely."

A large consortium with a market value of hundreds of billions of dollars often takes years or even longer to make some changes. Song Weilan originally planned to do so, but her missing her son and family made her fail to deal with this matter well.

"Mom, you don't have to blame yourself. It's not that simple."

Ye Tian waved his hand and said, "Du Fei, let's talk about the second thing. I think... This should be the main reason for Uncle Lei to change his mind, right?"

Ye Tian believes that as long as he is a person, there must be weaknesses. Uncle Lei may not be the kind of person who is dedicated to Hongmen. Otherwise, in his capacity, he can complain to Song Weilan, and there is no need to secretly do this kind of thing.

Du Fei nodded and said, "Master, you're right. According to the news I got, Song Xiaolong promised that after he took over the overseas Song family, he would provide Uncle Lei with a huge amount of money!"

Song Weilan was stunned when she heard the words and asked puzzledly, "Uncle Lei, what is he doing for money?" Why didn't he ask me for it?"

After knowing Uncle Lei for 20 or 30 years, Song Weilan knew that Uncle Lei was a very self-disciplined person. Although he had a lot of opportunities to get a lot of money, he had never crossed it. Speaking of Uncle Lei wanted money, Song Weilan really couldn't believe it.

Du Fei smiled bitterly and said, "The current Helmsman of Hongmen has not been in good health. He was bedridden last year. If there is no accident, he will definitely not survive this year..."

"Du Fei, how old is Lei Zhenyue? You won't even peep at this position, will you?

Before Du Fei finished speaking, he was interrupted by Ye Tian. If Lei Zhenyue is of the same generation as Song Haotian, he should be at least 80 years old. How can he have the energy to deal with trivial matters?

Du Fei shook his head and said, "Master, of course, Uncle Lei himself will not do this position, but his youngest son Lei Hu is only in his early forties this year, and there is a lot of hope to take office. This man is old and always wants to do something for his children..."

When Du Fei's father died, Lei Zhenyue's son was only in his twenties. He had no reputation in Hongmen, who ranked seniors. The position of the leader was not his turn to do it. Uncle Lei had no such a thought at all.

But after more than 20 years of cultivation, Lei Zhenyue's son is now in his prime, and he has gradually gained his own power in Hongmen. People have great power, and ambitions will unconsciously breed.

The helmsman of Hongmen was bedridden, and the secret fight below gradually developed into a clear struggle. Leihu also expressed his idea to his father, but he had a shortcoming, that is, he had no money.

Don't underestimate the role of money in Hongmen. Just like the American election, every successful president has the support of a huge consortium behind it.


PS: It's Monday. Fatty asks for recommendation ticket support, and the monthly ticket has reached the tenth. Please support it!

. ( To be continued)