Genius Master

Chapter 619 Challenge on

For Tyson, basically everyone who pays a little attention to boxing knows that he once dominated the world of boxing and was as famous as Ali, the boxing champion of that year.

Tyson and Holyfield's war of the century ended with two dramatic ear bites, which added another comedy to him. Almost everyone in the world is a household name for him.

But it is undeniable that Tyson is a great professional boxer. Such a person has fought with a black market boxer, which makes Ye Tian quite curious.

Tyson has been in prison twice. When this happened, he was sentenced in 1991 for being a strong woman to be a black girl.

As soon as he entered the prison, Tyson immediately felt everyone's hostility. The outlaws not only disdained the world boxing champion, but also were very eager to "b Beat him".

One of them is named Jin Haag, a famous killer in the black market Muay Thai. In a game before entering prison, he killed his opponent on the spot with a high sweep.

Tyson began to be careful. He never practiced boxing so as not to be regarded as showing off. As long as he passed the gym, King Haag and others would frantically sweep and hit the sandbag on his knees. The swing of the sandbag made the boxing champion feel scared.

Tyson really felt that in this legal blind spot, everyone worshipped power and fighting crazily. The boxing champion from the "civilized world" was bound to be regarded as an enemy by them, just as he was regarded as a bad boy on the ring.

Finally, one day, Tyson's long-accumulated anger against King Hagg broke out, and the two fought after an argument.

But in a real fight, all of Tyson's advantages in the boxing ring do not exist. King Haag kicked him hard on the head and hit his ribs with his knees. Although Tyson fought back with all his strength, he was still hit hard.

After diagnosis, Tyson's head was strongly shaken, the bridge of his nose was kicked off, three ribs were broken, and there were multiple injuries on his body.

Because of security, it has become a very real problem. The face of the boxing champion became less important. Tang Jin spent 1 million US dollars to fight up and down and obtained the understanding of Jin Haag and others.

So in the eyes of Dong Shenghai and other people who operate black market boxing. The so-called world boxing champion Tyson is just a joke. At best, he can only entertain the people of the world on TV.

"There are too many restrictions on professional boxing. Tyson is indeed no match for black market boxing.

Thinking of Andrevic, Ye Tian nodded. With Tyson's strength, if he fights with Andrevic, I'm afraid he will be KOed by the other side in one round. The heavy punch he became famous on is nothing in Andrevic's eyes.

"Old Dong, who is this man named Anthony Marcus? Is he really stronger than Andreevich's?

After listening to Tyson's gossip, Ye Tian pulled the topic back to Anthony Marcus. He didn't know much about black market boxers, and Andrevic was already the best black market boxer he had ever seen.

"Anthony Marcus. He...he's just a killing machine!"

When it comes to Anthony Marcus, Dong Shenghai's face suddenly became extremely ugly. He didn't want to mention this guy who was about to be his opponent.

"For me, this is indeed a difficult person to deal with..."

As a practitioner of black market boxing, it is obvious that Zhu Weifeng has also heard of Anthony Marcus. At present, he took Dong Shenghai's words and told Ye Tian about Anthony Marcus's past record.

Anthony Marcus made his debut in 1988. From then to now, he has been known as the most powerful boxer in human history by the black market boxing world.

No one can match him in terms of freehand killing skills. He is a frightening killing machine. No one can achieve his achievements in the field of fighting, and his chilling "steel sweep" makes his opponent despair.

As the saying goes, if you meet the brave to win and play black market boxing, you must have momentum and confidence. Every black market boxer firmly believes that he can win before playing, which is the prerequisite for them to survive. If his confidence collapses, it is not far from death.

Anthony Marcus can defeat the confidence of the strongest person, because you can hardly find his weakness.

So far, no one has been able to break through the fire network formed by his sweeping legs. Everyone has only one chance. As long as you are hit by his sweeping legs, you can only strive to save your life, even those natural killers are no exception.

Many people try to find a chance to fight back at the moment he gets up, but in the face of his amazing speed and strength, few people can catch the fleeting opportunity.

Anthony Marcus has played a total of 167 games so far, with a complete record of winning, of which 114 have killed his opponents. Like Andrevic, he is also trained in Siberia.

However, when Marcus entered the training camp, Andrevic had already left, and the legends of the two generations in the training camp had never met.

But many people who have watched the Anthony Marcus game think that Anthony Marcus is the strongest black market boxer in the world today, and Andrevic is old.

"Is it really so powerful?" After listening to Zhu Weifeng's speech, Ye Tian was also shocked.

You know, Andrevic's attack power is equivalent to the master of the peak of dark power, and if a master of dark power is really allowed to fight against Andreevich, I'm afraid it's still the other party who will die.

In Zhu Weifeng's words, Anthony Marcus's strength is even higher than Andreevich's. Doesn't that mean he has the attack power to fight with the masters of Huajing?

"Master Ye, I'm afraid I'm going to fall this time, damn it, I didn't expect Rudolph to be so insidious?"

Since he knew that the person who was going to fight with Andrevic was Anthony Marcus, Dong Shenghai did not smile on his face. Obviously, he was not optimistic about the boxers under his command.

"Lao Dong, I haven't played yet. Who knows who loses and who wins?"

Ye Tian patted Dong Shenghai on the shoulder and said, "Didn't Tang Long also be plotted in those years? If you let Andrevic learn, maybe he can use it."

Dong Shenghai shook his head with a bitter face and said, "It's impossible. Andrevic is originally a powerful boxer. Let him go to Taitung to hide. I'm afraid he will die faster."

"Let's finish this meeting first. Your game time is tomorrow night, and you can still find a way."

Seeing that there were only a few of them left on the deck, Ye Tian raised his feet and walked to the cabin and said, "If it really doesn't work, let Andrevic abstain. Human life is always more important than money!"

"It's impossible. Even if you lose, you have to lose in the ring. I won't participate in this meeting. I'll discuss it with Andrevic first!"

Seeing that his family business, which had worked hard for decades, Dong Shenghai was not in the mood to attend this meeting at this time. He pleaded guilty to Ye Tian and left in a hurry.

"Ye Tian, don't you want to help him?"

After Dong Shenghai left, Zhu Weifeng looked at Ye Tian and said, "Anyway, he is also from your Hongmen. Why don't I ask someone to pick up Master Hu?"

Anthony Marcus's reputation is too ferocious. Zhu Weifeng dares not say anything to let Ye play, but Hu Hongde is old and strong, and may be able to defeat Anthony Marcus.

"Don't come up with such a bad idea, or I'll fall out with you!"

After hearing Zhu Weifeng's words, Ye Tian was shocked and asked Hu Hongde to come, which was simply sent to death.

You know, when Hu Hongde fought with Andrevic, if it hadn't been for Ye Tian's practice, Hu Hongde would not have even been able to beat Andrevic. Why did he fight against Anthony Marcus?

Seeing Ye Tian's reaction so fiercely, Zhu Weifeng said anguously, "Well, you think I didn't say it. Let's go. It's all over."

The service of the Queen was very thoughtful. Even if there were only two people left on the deck, there was still a waiter waiting beside him. Seeing that they had left, he walked to the front to lead the way.

The so-called World Black Boxing Conference is actually an annual gathering to re-divide forces and territory in the black boxing world, and the standard is to see who has a big fist and who is more ferocious.

So the venue is not very formal. It is held in the banquet hall, which can accommodate thousands of people at the same time. Now there are only three or four hundred people sitting, which seems very relaxed.

After a glance at the court, Zhu Weifeng whispered, "Those boxers have not come. In addition, at night, some of the world's top millionaires will come to gamble on boxing. Now they should be the heads of the black boxing arenas all over the country."

"Damn it, no one is a good person!"

Ye Tian looked around. These black boxers all showed fierce faces. Even if there were a few people with glasses, they could feel a strong sense of anger from them.

"Gentlemen and ladies, I'm glad we're here again..."

Ye Tian and the others came a little late. As soon as they sat down, Clementson's voice sounded.

"Everyone knows that this boxing champion conference will be held for a total of three days. Tonight is the boxing champion battle, which is used to determine the ranking of next year's boxers. Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow will be a challenge. Friends who have signed the contract will fight tomorrow.

Well, I know that I'm more interested in the food on the table than my old man, so I won't talk nonsense. I hope my friends can spend these three days happily!"

Clementson's speech was shorter than what he said before, and it took him a minute to explain the matter, because before these people came to the meeting, they were told the process and the rules on the Queen.

"I said, what's going on with this challenge? Can it be challenged without signing a contract? If there are still people who don't know the rules in the field, there is only Ye Tian.

"Yes, you can challenge without a contract. To put it bluntly, it is to grab the territory. If others like your territory, they can challenge you. Of course, you can also refuse."

Zhu Weifeng nodded. In fact, the main reason why he was going to give up participating in the Black Boxing Conference before was because of this challenge... First update, thank the old friend Xiao Wei brother, Tian Yiming and the fashion hot mom, I love reading and other friends for their rewards. Thank you for your encouragement!

The fat man will deal with his own affairs as soon as possible. I hope my friends can use monthly tickets and recommendation tickets to make the prime minister go on more firmly!

. ( To be continued) RQ