Genius Master

Chapter 633 Breaking up on

Although there are many games with great disparity in strength in black market boxing, there are very few games, so the organization of the conference has made some outrageous odds, because they also think that Andriovic is unlikely to win.

Clementson went down from the boxing ring and returned to the office. Looking at the number on the screen in front of him, a thin layer of sweat appeared on his forehead, because in just a few minutes, the amount of the bet had risen to 12 billion US dollars.

And the 12 billion US dollars were basically won by buying Graquinte. Although there were also three or five small singles on Andrevic, those people just wanted to be unpopular, and the total bet was less than 100 million dollars, which was just a drop in the bucket compared with the huge number.

If Graquint really wins, even if it is a one-to-eight odds, the Queen will also lose nearly 10 billion dollars, which makes Clementson a little restless, and the matter is obviously out of his control.

It's not that the Queen can't afford to pay the money, but if more than 10 billion yuan is lost, the Queen's profit will be greatly reduced this year. It is difficult for Clementson to explain to the shareholders behind him. Maybe the Queen, which he has held for nearly 20 years, will be taken over by others.

However, in such a game, even Clementson dares not do anything. At present, he can only pray to God for a miracle.

"Ye Tian, where are you going?"

After seeing Ye Tian's bet, he stood up. Zhu Weifeng asked strangely. In another two hours, it would be Andrevic's game. Ye Tian won't even watch this game, will he?

"I'll go to see Andrevic. I'm afraid Lao Ann needs encouragement now!" Ye Tian smiled and went straight to the safe passage to the rest of the boxers.

"I'm sorry, sir, guests are not allowed here!" To Ye Tian's surprise, at the door of the lounge, there were two white people holding submachine guns. Directly point the muzzle of the black hole at yourself.

In the early black market boxing market, just like the rules of black market boxing itself, that is, there are no rules to speak of. So in order to win the game, the killing of the boxer happens from time to time, so during the period before the boxer is on the stage. They will all be treated above the protection level of the President of the United States.

"My name is Ye Tian. I want to see Andrevic. You can ask him if he has seen me." Ye Tian took a step back a little. He didn't like the feeling of being pointed at by the muzzle.

"Wait a minute..." A guard clicked on a box next to the door and informed Ye Tian's name.

"Come in, he's my coach!" Andreovich's voice came out of the lounge.

Before the boxer played the game, in addition to the position of coach, only his boss could see it. Andreevich's words made the two guards lower the muzzle and give up the door.

As the most luxurious gambling ship in the world. The boxer's lounge on the Queen is also equipped with various facilities. In addition to a small training ground, there is also a sofa bed and a bathroom for boxer to take a shower, which can be said to have everything.

"Andrevic, what's wrong? Is there pressure?"

However, Andrevic's interest is not very high at this moment. Ye Tian pushed the door and saw him sitting on the sofa in the corner of the room, with a blanket on his head, and his whole figure seemed a little lonely.

"Ye, my next opponent is Graquint. Do you think I have any hope of defeating him?"

Andrevic ripped off the blanket on his head. He looked up at Ye Tian. At the end of the last game, he received a notice from his opponent in the next game.

To be honest, even against Anthony Marcus, Andrevic asked himself that he still had the power to fight, but in the game against Graquint, Andrevic's brave heart was shaken, because he was really afraid of facing the speed-type boxer.

At their level of game, the so-called skills are no longer so important. It depends on who is faster to attack, who is stronger, and who can knock down the opponent first.

In addition to his extremely fast position, Graquint's leg strength is also very strong, which is also the main reason why he can occupy the second place in the world. Some people even assert that if Graquint fights the "killer" Anthony Marcus, the world's first ranking is likely to change.

So at this moment, even Andrevic has a strong sense of powerlessness in his heart. His strength is stronger than that of Graquint, but the opponent's stormy attack is enough to make up for this and make him exhausted.

Looking at Andreovich's decadent expression, Ye Tian stroked the sandbag in the [room] with his hand and said with a smile, "Lao Ann, do you think if you have the power of me to break ten years, can't beat Graquinte?"

"What?" Andrevic suddenly raised his head, and his breathing became a little short. He said, "Ye, can I really have that kind of power?"

Ye Tian's one-handed act of piercing the sandbag is like magic to Andrevic. Although he doesn't know what it means to break ten meetings with one force, Andreovic knows that in the face of absolute power, the advantage of speed is nothing at all.

Ye Tian shook his head and said, "That kind of power is unlikely, but Lao An, the power I give you will overwhelm Graquint with an absolute advantage, and you can feel it then!"

Andrevic's squat score exceeded 600 kilograms. After he stimulated his physical potential, Ye Tian believed that this number would exceed 1,000 kilograms. In the black market boxing ring, this is definitely a record that no one has ever achieved.

If Andrevic still defeats Graquint after having this power, then Ye Tian can only admit that he is unlucky. After all, he can only help Andreevich so much.

In fact, when Ye Tian was in the room before, he also tried to use the magic of the jumping god to summon that mysterious power.

However, on the one hand, he did not have a copper drum magic weapon in his hand, and on the other hand, he was overseas. I don't know if Ye Tian did not succeed because of the change of the rules of heaven and earth, so he finally decided to guide Andreevich's own strength and stimulate his huge potential hidden everywhere in his body.

"Good, as long as you can make my upper limbs stronger than his kicking strength, I'm sure to kill him!"

After getting Ye Tian's promise, Andreovich's expression suddenly changed, and a bloodthirsty cold light appeared in his eyes. He also wanted his last game of his black boxing career to end brilliantly with the result of shooting Graquinte, the second-ranked in the world!

"Have a good rest. There are still two hours left."

Ye Tian nodded. Andrevic's game will be held at midnight. At that time, Ye Tian will make all those who look down on Andrevic fall to the ground. He is looking forward to the expression on the faces of these super-rich people who see their fists' lives.

In the exciting and bloody black market boxing ring, time undoubtedly passed very quickly. Two hours passed in the blink of an eye. When the hour hand in the room was at 11:58, the door of the lounge was opened from the outside.

Without the door with excellent sound insulation performance, a tsunami-like sound suddenly came out of the venue. This long-awaited game will finally come.

"The first person to appear was the Russian boxing champion, the former instructor of the Siberian training camp, Andreevich. He is 2.01 meters tall and has a squat score of more than 600 catties. He has won ten games in a row in the European Boxing Championship Challenge and is a representative figure in black market boxing!"

The host's introduction came into the lounge. Andrevic stood up and looked at Ye Tian blankly. He didn't know why Ye Tian still did not do the so-called action to stimulate his physical potential until this moment?

"Andrevic, go ahead and blow his head!"

Ye Tian walked to Andrevic, and his right hand seemed to be casually reaching out and patting on the back of Andrevic's head, and then quickly withdrew his hand.

But just as Ye Tian withdrew his hand, Andrevic made a low roar in his mouth, and his body was constantly trembling. The blue veins on his metal-colored arms were exposed, and his body seemed to expand like a balloon.

Originally, Andrevic was very tall. With such a change, he looked more ferocious and terrible. His muscles were full of strength, as if they would explode at any time. Even the two guards at the door looked at Andreevich with a look of fear in their eyes.

"You, come out, it's your turn to play!" Although he was afraid, it was his duty. A guard pointed a gun at Andrevic and motioned him to walk out of the lounge.

In the history of black market boxing games, there are also some boxers who are unwilling to play because of fear. As a result, they are killed on the spot. While protecting Andrevic's safety, the two guards obviously shoulder this responsibility.


Andreevich looked up to the sky, with a beast-like roar in his mouth. His eyes full of blood glanced at the guard coldly, and the gun in the man's hand almost fell to the ground.

Where are these human eyes? Obviously, it is the eyes that can only be shot by a cold-blooded animal, which is full of the desire to kill, and there is no emotion that human beings have.

"Oh, my God, is this still a human?"

"God, are you playing with us?"

"This is not Andrevic. I protest. You temporarily changed other boxers!"

When Andrevic's figure appeared under the strong light and on the large display screen, the people who were shouting crazily were suddenly dumbfounded, and Andreevich, who appeared in their vision, was obviously beyond their imagination.


PS: The first update, thank you, Tian Yiming and many friends, for your reward. Thank you for your support. It's almost the end of the month. Please support the monthly ticket recommendation ticket!

. ( To be continued)