Genius Master

Chapter 635 Breaking Down

Graquint is an active attack, while Andrevic is a passive defense. After the sound of bone fracture came out, almost no one thought that the loser would be Graquint.

The audience in the field has gone crazy. They are waiting for Graquint to beat Andrevic into a pile of mud with a stormy attack. It's better to fulfill what he said before and stuff Anderevich's brain into his mouth.

"How could this happen?"

Seeing the first round, Andrevic seemed to have suffered a loss. Dong Shenghai and Zhu Weifeng couldn't sit still, and their buttocks bounced up from the sofa like a fire, looking nervously at the two people who had not yet separated on the ring.

"Don't be impatient!" Ye Tian's eyesight, even if he was more than 20 meters away from the ring, he clearly saw the pain in Graquint's eyes.

Are you kidding me? Andrevic's strength is one that can be counted in the black market boxing, which has stimulated Ye Tian's physical potential. In a short period of time, his strength has almost doubled.

Not to mention Graquinte, even if Ye Tian competes with Andrevic at this time, he can only avoid his sharpness and use continuous walking to consume Andrevic's physical strength. When he runs out of potential energy, he can naturally win without fighting.

Of course, Graquint didn't know what had happened to Andrevic. He originally wanted to make a quick decision and solve Andrevic in the shortest time, but he didn't expect that he dug the grave of death for himself.

Under the fight between his legs, Graquint snorted in pain, and his body suddenly retreated until he leaned against the rope of the ring and pulled a distance of four or five meters from Andrevic.

"What's going on? Graquint suffered a loss?"

"It seems that the Russian didn't even shake his body!"

"God, how could this happen? That kick just now, even a stone has to be kicked to pieces, right?

Graquint's behavior, even those who don't know how to fight, can also see that he has suffered a loss. Because just after Graquint stopped, his right foot was obviously trembling, and he had not yet stepped on the ground.

Only Graquint himself knows that his instep and calf bones should be cracked. This gave him a feeling of fear for the first time. You know, he usually trains and kicks with stone piles and iron pillars, but this has never happened.

Andrevic's legs were not like flesh and blood at all, even harder than steel. Kicking on it, Graquint even felt as if someone had hit him in the leg with a sledgehammer.


Andrevic standing still. Suddenly, he looked up to the sky and let out a beast-like roar. At this moment, he only felt that there was endless power all over his body, and he urgently needed a venting channel. The leg fight just now did not even make Anderevich feel any pain.

Bloody eyes stared at Graquint, who retreated to the corner of the ring. Andreevich's body moved, like a heavy tank, and crushed towards Graquint.

Andreovic is characterized by great strength. But this does not mean that his speed is also slow. This is only relatively speaking, almost a step. Andrevic rushed to Graquint's side and kicked out with a heavy whip leg.

Glaquint at this time, how dares to take Andrevic's attack? A side cloth flashed over, and Andrevic's foot kicked heavily on the stone pillar of the ring.

"Bow!" With a muffled sound, the stone pillars tied with ropes and a thickness of nearly 40 centimeters on both sides were kicked off by Andreavic. The broken crumbs and even splashed on the guest banquet not far away, which was originally around the ring. It was also destroyed by this kick.

Everyone was stunned by this inhuman power. This foot is so powerful that I'm afraid it can be loaded into the world record. If Graquint is kicked, I'm afraid that his body can be kicked in two pieces by Andrevic.

"Kick him to death, big man. Kick him to death!"

"Wad his head off, you damn idiot!"

The first thing these super-rich people in the field come here is not to gamble, but to experience the pleasure of the bloody killing between life and death.

So when Andrevic showed an inhuman state, the rich had already forgotten their bets and roared loudly, hoping that Andreevich, who was like King Kong, could tear Graquint's life on the ring.

Of course, there are naturally a few people who have bet on Graquint, praying that Graquint can turn defeat into victory. Even with their own assets, they will feel distressed by the heavy bet just now.

"Wan want to run?"

After a kick, Andrevic showed a ferocious smile on his face. After retracted his right leg, he quickly approached Graquinte. He had a lot of fighting experience. In three or five steps, he forced Graquint to another corner.

This time, Andreavic did not use his legs, but clenched his fist with both hands. His right fist protected the right side of his body, and his left fist, which seemed to be a little strength, hit Graquint's temple.

"Damn it, I'm fighting with you!"

Graquint, who has planted the seeds of fear in his heart, although he has a heartbeat down the ring, he knows the potential rules of black market boxing. If he is not knocked down and takes the initiative to admit defeat, his body will be on the street in less than three days.

You know, black market boxing competitions are often accompanied by huge bets, which has developed the habit that boxers can die in the ring, but they must not admit defeat, otherwise they will never be able to avoid the pursuit of those super-rich people.

With a fierce attack in his heart, Graquint finally decided to do his best. Just as Andrevic's stabbing boxed out, Graquinte resisted the pain from his right foot and had a heavy meal on the ground. Then his body turned 180 degrees, and his right foot was pulled out like a whip, aiming at Andreavic's head. .

To say that Graquint was really fast, although he made a move later than Andrevic's jab, just when Andrevic's fist was more than 20 centimeters away from his face, Graquint's left foot had quietly kicked to Andreovic's temple.

Every black market boxer has his own unique skills, and so does Graquint. Ordinary people think that he has a strong right leg, and more than 80% of almost all games that kill their opponents are done by his right leg.

But no one knows that Graquint's real killer is his left foot. When he was training, he used his left foot to kick the mad cow that rushed to him mad at him to death on the spot. Graquint has reason to believe that if he kicks this kicks, Andreevich's head will It will explode like a watermelon.

But the wish is beautiful, and the truth is always cruel. Just when Graquint's left foot was already in Andrevic's right temple, it was blocked by Andrevic's right arm.

As mentioned in the previous article, the strength of the human upper limb is far from the lower limb, not to mention that Graquint's foot also relies on the power of turning around. According to common sense, he should directly break Andreevich's arm and then kick his head.

But what made Graquint's liver and gallbladder was that Andrevic's right arm abruptly blocked his foot, and he didn't even shake his body. His kick was as if he had kicked on the steel plate.

Graquint knew it was not good, and endured the pain of the injured right foot. On the ground, he was ready to distance himself from Andrevic, but it was too late. Andrevic's simple punch had hit Gramquint's face.

In boxing, the most powerful is usually the hook, and the thorn has always been used as a tentative attack, but in Andrevic's hand, the thorn is also powerful, and the big one is beyond the imagination of others.


Just as Andrevic's left fist was on the door of Graquint, everyone heard such a sound in their ears, a little like a ripe watermelon suddenly bursting.

Looking at the source of the sound, there was a burst of exclamation in the field, because Graquant, who was standing in front of Andrevic, his head was gone, leaving only one body leaning against the rope behind him. Even on the brightly lit boxing ring, it made everyone see a chill.

"It's over!" Such a noun appeared in everyone's mind. Andrevic's seemingly little punch actually abruptly blew up Graquint's head.

The huge force not only made Graquint's facial bones completely shatter, but also made his brain burst, and even his neck was broken. The cervical spine could not withstand this force. The skin and flesh was torn off alive, and the incomplete head hung softly on Graquint's chest.

"God, did he really blow up Graquint?"

Those super-rich people who are used to the big scene, their eyes are also a little straight at this moment. They did not expect that this seemingly one-sided game turned out to be that Graquinte was hit in the head by Andrevic.

"I said I would invite you to taste your own brain. Men must do what they say!"

Andrevic showed a ferocious smile on his face. He reached out and grabbed Graquint's body, took out a handful of red and white objects at the place where blood and brain were gushing out, and stuffed them directly into Graquint's mouth, which had already had no teeth.

Everyone was creepy in this scene, and some timid people even vomited on the spot. At this time, Andrevic was like the incarnation of Satan, a devil from hell, in their eyes, which could not describe the brutality of this person in any words.


PS: First update, ask for monthly tickets and recommended tickets. There are not many people reading on weekends. Please support your teacher. Thank you in advance!