Genius Master

Chapter 639 Hell Devil

If Ye Tian wins, then of course everything is fine, and the agreement signed by these three people can naturally be fulfilled.

But if Ye Tian loses, then Zhu Weifeng must hand over an underground black boxing ring in Thailand or Japan to Dong Shenghai to operate, as a reward for him to let Andreevich fight. Another more important point is that if Ye Tian loses, it means that his life will also end.

This is nothing more than a disaster for Zhu Weifeng, not to mention that the Song family in China absolutely refuses to give up. He doesn't even know how to explain to Song Weilan that if a woman becomes paranoid, the consequences must be very terrible.

And if Ye Tian died in the black market boxing match, Dong Shenghai's life would not be better, because Ye Tian is the most respected boss in Hongmen. If he dies in the battle to help him, Du Fei, the new master of Hongmen and Ye Tian, may not be able to spare him lightly.

"Master Ye, don't joke, say anything else, as long as you can have Andrevic in the boxing ring, not to mention Anthony Marcus, even the rebirth of Tang Long and King William in those years, they will not be your opponents, don't you think so?"

Ye Tian's words made Zhu Weifeng and Dong Shenghai lose a smile on their faces. At this moment, they realized that the young man in front of them would be the key figure in determining success or failure, and their previous actions were a little too early.

King William mentioned by Dong Shenghai is also a Chinese. He is one of the only three people in the history of black market boxing who successfully withdrew from the black market boxing with a complete victory record. He only died in 1995 and lived in his sixties. He is one of the few black market boxers who had a good ending.

King William has played 433 games in his life, with a record of 433 wins, of which 352 opponents were killed. Whether it is the record or the number of games in which he killed the opponent, he deserves to be the greatest boxer in the history of black market boxing, Dong Shenghai. But he patted Ye Tian's flattery fiercely.

"Andrevic's state? Do any of you know how to perform the technique of golden acupuncture points?

Ye Tian sneered when he heard the words and didn't appreciate it at all. If the eldest brother was here, maybe he could help him use that method. However, Ye Tian himself did not dare to tamper with the back of his head. As long as he was a little careless, it would be the end of frustration.

"Master Ye, so... what should I do? Anthony Marcus is not so easy to deal with!"

Originally, he thought that Ye Tian could use Andreevich's method, so Dong Shenghai did not worry about Ye Tian's victory over Anthony Marcus, but now after hearing Ye Tian's words, Anthony Marcus's ferocious face can't help but appear in his mind.

As an Indonesian boxer who has emerged in the past decade. Anthony Marcus showed strong dominance. Although he participated in only 167 official games, his record was a complete victory, and 116 games killed his opponent on the spot.

In the past ten years, Anthony Marcus has also participated in more than 300 informal black market boxing matches, many of which were more than one match. At most, he faced six opponents with iron bars, in that game. Anthony Marcus killed all six people, achieving his many titles such as "Hell Demon King" and "Killing Demon King"!

It can be said that in today's black market boxing ring. As long as Anthony Marcus appears, all the boxers who participate in the competition will feel trembling, and even those super-rich people who have seen Anthony Marcus' competition can't help but tremble after seeing his figure.

"Lao Dong, it's good to know. Don't bother me with these tedious things."

Ye Tian looked at Dong Shenghai's appearance, shook his head and said, "Oway, you all go out. Come and call me at dinner. I want to be quiet!"

The attack power of black market boxing is far beyond Ye Tian's imagination. Even with his cultivation, if he gets those critical kicks, I'm afraid it will be the end of his life on the spot. Therefore, Ye Tian dares not have the slightest careless care. He wants to adjust his spirit to the best state. In order to prepare for the battle to be fought in the evening.

Zhu Weifeng and Dong Shenghai also fully realized the importance of tonight's war. At present, they dared not say anything more and quickly withdrew from Ye Tian's room.

Until seven o'clock in the evening, Ye Tian came out of the room and met Zhu Weifeng and Dong Shenghai, who had been waiting at the door for hours. The three of them went down to the restaurant to use some food.

Ye Tian doesn't eat much, just a few fruits and high-calorie food to supplement physical strength. Before fighting, being too full will cause people to move slowly, so some players don't even eat any food for a day except injecting nutrient solution and drinking water.

At 8:30 p.m., Ye Tian and Zhu Weifeng and others entered the black market boxing ring of the Queen. The boxing ring opened this time is a little different from the previous two days. This boxing ring is located on the fourth underground floor of the Queen's, which is a venue with a small area and excellent closed nature.

And the ring is not surrounded by ropes, but has become an iron fence with the same size as the regular ring. The moral of this kind of boxing table is naturally immortal, and only one party can come out of it alive.

This is a gimmick that Clementson deliberately came up with, because today there will be a person of the same identity as them fighting in the iron fence. I believe that this kind of excitement of substitution will also make the super-rich people present excited.

Of course, Clementson's move has another purpose, that is, to prevent someone in the field from swearing at Ye Tian and being really killed by Ye Tian. Even if they sign a life-and-death contract, it is also an extremely troublesome thing for the Queen.

With this iron fence as a buffer, they can send out the uniform of the scolding guests as quickly as possible to avoid the damage of the distinguished guests on the Queen.

After Ye Tian and others sat down, people began to enter one after another. Including the private room, this venue can accommodate a total of 280 guests. In just ten minutes, these seats were all full.

"Are there really many people who are not afraid of death?"

With the dual identity of a distinguished guest and a boxer, Ye Tian does not need to stay in the lounge.

Looking at these men and women entering the field, Ye Tian's face showed a sarcasm and crazy look. Do you really think those iron fences can block him? If anyone in the court dares to insult him, Ye Tian will definitely surprise the old man Clementson.

In this world, no matter the successful people in that industry, they need a trace of paranoia and madness. At this time, Ye Tian has entered this state. In order to go further in martial arts cultivation, he made a big bet with his own life.

Put his life aside, Ye Tian naturally does not care about other people's lives. At this time, like other boxers, he only has beast-like instinctive killing and the desire to tear the enemy to pieces.

"Gentlemen and ladies, I believe everyone will be a little afraid, right?"

At nine o'clock, Clementson appeared in the middle of the iron fence on time and said in a teasing tone, "I have to admire the courage of my friends to sign a life-and-death contract in the game of Anthony Marcus, the devil of hell. Well, please let's know the information and odds of the two sides first! "

Although Clementson knew the names of the two sides of the battle 12 hours ago, it was only then that it was announced to the public.

When the huge projection screen in the middle of the venue lit up, a man about 1.88 meters tall, dark-skinned, with an Asian and European face, appeared on the screen. In front of him, a boxer taller than him.

The picture was very short. Just over ten seconds later, the tall boxer standing in front of Anthony Marcus knelt down in front of Anthony Marcus, and then fell down and never got up again.

As soon as the picture turned, Anthony Marcus kicked his opponent's head crazily and directly kicked his opponent's head. Such pictures came out more than a dozen times in a row. Anthony Marcus' simple and efficient attack method actually showed a sense of extreme violence.

Although the super-rich people present knew that this was just a video material, they couldn't help shouting loudly. Anthony Marcus has made killing a skill, but the opponent changed from the brown bear he killed by him with his bare hands to a living person.

This kind of extreme experience of violence is something that many people have never felt in their lives. Looking at these killing scenes, the onlookers only feel that the secretion of adrenal hormone has accelerated, and their mouths are dry one by one, and they can't wait for the game to start immediately.

"This is the world's greatest boxer in the past decade... Anthony Marcus, yes, it's the greatest, none of them. Compared with him, Tyson Holyfield is all scum. Marcus can kick out their brains!"

Anthony Marcus's picture was played for five or six minutes. When the projector was turned off, Clementson appeared in the middle of the iron fence. His inflammatory words were constantly stimulating everyone's nerves.

"Clementerson, stop selling it. Who is the other boxer? We need to look at his information and today's odds!"

Before Clementson's words fell, he was interrupted by the people on the court. Now they are eager to know who has so much courage to challenge Anthony Marcus? And this man is not a black market boxer, but a nobleman like them.

In the eyes of these people, the so-called nobleman who is about to fight is simply a psychopath who runs to the black market boxing ring to find suicide.


PS: Crazy for recommendation tickets, crazy for monthly tickets, please support me. Maybe the fat man will finish the hanging injection in the afternoon and update two more chapters!!!