Genius Master

Chapter 648 New York

I don't know why, when Abdullah said that, Ye Tian's scalp was numb, and there was a flower in front of him, as if the sky had collapsed and the earth had cracked, which made his expression in a trance.

"Damn, what's going on?"

Ye Tian quickly shook his head to wake himself up. He looked at Abdullah and said, "Mr. Abdullah, I think you misunderstood. I don't know anything about your organization, and of course I won't have any prejudice. It's just that I personally don't want to be restrained. Thank you for your invitation!"

From the time he saw Abdullah, Ye Tian always felt restless, as if something was going to happen. For this kind of evil person, Ye Tian did not dare to neglect, and his verbal dialogue was far more humble than when talking to others.

In this world, in addition to Buddhism and Taoism, there are many beliefs, such as Islam in Arab countries, Christianity in Western countries, and even some of the most primitive totem beliefs in Africa.

And these sects have their own cultural heritage, and some so-called miracles have appeared, such as Laozi riding a green cow out of the customs, the enlightenment under the Sakyamuni Bodhi tree, Jesus' manifestation of the world, etc., all shrouded in a layer of mystery.

So Ye Tian thought that the sense of danger in Abdullah was only caused by his faith. He did not know Islam, but also showed respect.

"That's really a pity, Mr. Ye. I hope we have a chance to cooperate in the future!" Seeing Ye Tian's firm attitude, Abdullah shrugged his shoulders with regret, but did not force Ye Tian any more.

In fact, Abdullah was happy to see the hunter after watching Ye Tian's game and sent an invitation to Ye Tian. In more than a dozen training camps in al-Qaeda, there was no shortage of manpower, including even the instructors of the Siberian training camp.

"Master Ye, why are you hiding here? Make it easy for me to find it!"

Just as Ye Tian wanted to find an excuse to leave, Dong Shenghai appeared in time and pleaded with Abdullah. Dong Shenghai pulled Ye Tian over.

"Master Ye. Why did you get involved with him?

Dong Shenghai frowned and said, "This man is a wanted criminal in the United States. Master Ye, stay away from him, otherwise there will be a lot of trouble!"

"He posted it himself. What can I do?"

Ye Tian shook his head. He smiled bitterly and said, "Don't mention him. It's just a terrorist organization, Lao Dong, have you arranged it? When can you go to New York?"

When it comes to Ye Tian's current cultivation, especially after breaking through the threshold of refining the god and returning to the virtual. His consciousness is many times more sensitive than usual. The disaster scene in his mind just now made Ye Tian particularly restless.

Ye Tian can almost conclude that in the near future, there will be natural and man-made disasters such as natural disasters in the picture, but Ye Tian can't infer where it will happen.

"Master Ye, you can go now. Let's take a helicopter back to San Francisco first. There is already a plane waiting for you. You can take off when you arrive!"

Although I don't know why Ye Tian is in a hurry to go to New York. Dong Shenghai still arranged the matter and called a private plane from Hongmen to ensure that Ye Tian could arrive in New York in the shortest time.

Ye Tian looked around and found that Zhu Weifeng did not follow him. He couldn't help asking, "Where's Zhu Weifeng? Does he want to go?"

"He is going to play on the boat for a few days, hehe, young man, it's rare to come out!"

Dong Shenghai laughed when he heard the words. If the women on the Queen are absolutely the best, if they weren't to send Ye Tian. He, an old man, wants to have a good time.

"Damn it, if I had known to let him lose all, let's see if he is still in the mood to play with women?"

Seeing Dong Shenghai's smile, Ye Tian naturally knew what Zhu Weifeng was doing. At that moment, he slandered in his heart and said, "That's good. Let's go now!"

Under the leadership of Dong Shenghai, Ye Tian and Clementson said goodbye, went back to the room to pack up their things, and came to the tarmac of the Queen deck.

More than an hour later, Ye Tian returned to San Francisco, and then got on a private plane waiting at the airport. After more than two hours of flight, the plane landed at New York International Airport.

"Master Ye, our people are over there."

Dong Shenghai did not follow Ye Tian to New York, but arranged for a disciple of Hongmen to follow Ye Tian. After getting off the plane, the people in Hongmen in New York had been waiting at the airport.

"Go to the Manhattan block..."

After getting on the car, Ye Tian closed his eyes and sat in the back row. He has been deducing since he was on the plane. After coming to New York, Ye Tian can already assert that soon, the world's largest city will usher in a disaster.

In fact, when Ye Tian arranged the feng shui array on Hong Kong Island, he faintly sensed that the sky had changed. When his mother came to the United States, the feeling became stronger and stronger.

But until now, Ye Tiancai really deduced to the place where the disaster occurred, but what made him helpless was that Ye Tian did not know what was going to happen here and did not have the ability to change it.

Although the feng shui master can change his life against the sky, it can only be aimed at himself or other people around him, and in the face of major natural and man-made disasters, even if you have the ability to understand the sky, you can't change the cycle of heaven.

"Master Ye, here we are..."

Ye Tian closed his eyes and rested all the way. He was not in the mood to watch the world-famous landscapes. Until the car stopped in front of a building in Manhattan, Ye Tiancai opened his eyes.

"A Hu, thank you very much."

Ye Tian knew that the young man who followed him was arranged by Du Fei. Then he said, "I will return to China recently, and I won't visit President Du at that time. Ah Hu, please let me know!"

The feng shui master's ability is to seek good luck and avoid bad luck. Since Ye Tian can't change the occurrence of the disaster, his purpose of coming to New York is to take his mother back.

Besides, the time when Ye Tian came out this time was not short. Leaving his newlywed wife running all over the world, Ye Tian was also a little guilty.

"Yes, Master Ye, would you like to arrange a plane for you in the door?" A Hu knew Ye Tian's identity, and when he came, Du Fei specifically explained that he wanted to meet all the needs of Ye Tian.

"No, you can go back!" Ye Tian waved his hand and walked into the building.

Manhattan is the center of New York, where the most important commercial, financial and insurance institutions in New York are located.

Similarly, this is also an inch of land and an inch of gold. Everyone who can have an office or a house here is the richest person in the world.

The building where Song Weilan lives is the most concentrated place for the rich in Manhattan. The security measures are very strict. After contacting Anna at home through video, Ye Tian was released.

"Young master, why don't you tell me in advance?"

When the elevator rose to the 38th floor, Anna had already waited in front of the door, grabbed Ye Tian's left hand and said, "Young master, I know all your things!"

"What's wrong with me?" Ye Tian looked at Anna strangely and frowned slightly. There was still a splint on his left arm.

"Your participation in the black market boxing conference, young master, you are so awesome. Anthony Marcus was beaten to death by you!"

Anna also came out of the Siberian training camp. Although it is not the same system as the black boxing training camp, she has heard the title of Hell Demon King for a long time.

"Damn it, who talks so fast?"

Ye Tian cursed hatefully, stared at Anna and said, "Don't talk nonsense about this, especially in front of my mother. If you dare to say a word, I'll waste your time!"

To be honest, even if he thinks about the situation of the war at that time, Ye Tian is still a little afraid. If his mother knows about this, he will have to complain for a while.

"Young master, the master has been very busy these days. She won't know!"

Anna smiled and brought Ye Tian into the unit room. There are only two households on the 38th floor. Song Weilan is one of them, and the elevator is also dedicated.

"Mom really enjoys it. Living here is like living on the top of the world!"

After entering the room, Ye Tian was suddenly shocked by the scenery in front of him. Let alone the luxurious decoration of the room, the glass wall facing the gate alone shocked Ye Tian inexplicably.

At this time, it is already the beginning of the lantern. Through the floor glass, Ye Tian can clearly see the whole New York. As Ye Tian said, standing here gives people a feeling of standing on the top of the world.

"The master doesn't like it here. If it weren't for the proximity to the company, she wouldn't have lived here."

Anna curled her lips, poured a glass of water for Ye Tian, and said, "Young master, the master is still in the company. Can you tell me about the black boxing conference?"

"My mother is in the company, why don't you follow?"

Ye Tian didn't answer Anna's words, and he looked a little unhappy. At this time, New York gave him a feeling of danger. There was no one around his mother to follow her. Anna, a bodyguard, was very incompetent.

Anna said aggrievedly, "Young master, the master won't let me. She is in a meeting every day now and won't let me enter the meeting!"

"Won, call my mother and say I'm back. Let her go home!"

Ye Tian shook his head helplessly, thought for a moment and waved his hand and said, "Don't call. Do you have a car?" Take me to the company. I want to see where it is!"

Mom's company has such a big change this year. Although there are man-made factors in it, maybe it is also related to her company's feng shui. Now that he is here, Ye Tian wants to go to the scene to have a look.

"The owner's company is in the southwest of Manhattan Island, young master, I'll take you!"

It seems that Anna was suffocated in New York. Hearing Ye Tian's saying that she would take her out, she immediately cheered and lived in China with Song Weilan for a few months. Anna's temperament also changed a lot.

"Is this it? Why is this building so strange?

When the car came to the bottom of Song Weilan's office building, Ye Tian's eyebrows were locked.


PS: There are still ten monthly tickets to 300. The fat man continues to write the third chapter. If you have a monthly ticket, please support it. Please!