Genius Master

Chapter 655 The Collapse of Heaven and the Earth 3

8:22, New York, World Trade Center.

As in the past, the World Trade Center Building is undoubtedly the busiest place in New York every morning. There are elites from all over the world, as well as people who come to negotiate business, preparing for the work to start the day.

No one knows that a man is climbing up desperately in the safe passage in the World Trade Center except for cleaners.

Ye Tian's physical strength and physical coordination have been fully exerted at this moment. His stride is so wide that he can almost climb more than ten steps in one step.

When turning, Ye Tian's body was as flexible as a swallow. Even the cleaners on several floors only felt a flower in front of him, and Ye Tian disappeared from them.

The closed space and turbid air made Ye Tian hold his breath and swim in his body with a breath.

Intense exercise and urgent mood, when climbing to more than 60 floors, Ye Tian's forehead was full of sweat, and his casual clothes were as if they had been soaked in water, clinging to him tightly.


When Ye Tian saw the numbers on the wall of the stairs, the turbid breath in his chest finally reached the limit. As soon as he opened his mouth, a white line visible to the naked eye shot out of Ye Tian's mouth, and even the air was a little rippled.

At 8:35, looking at the watch on his wrist, Ye Tian found that it took him 13 minutes to climb to the 80th floor. I don't know if this result can apply for the Guinness World Record?

"Damn, who did this?"

When Ye Tian stretched out his hand to twist the security door, he found that the door was locked from the outside. Thinking about it, Ye Tian leaned his shoulder against the door, and the whole iron door was hit open with a strong force.

"You... are you Xiaotian?"

Before Ye Tian took a breath of fresh air, his mother's voice sounded in his ear, which was no less than the sound of nature for Ye Tian.

"Mom. Who asked you to come here? I told you not to come here these days!"

I saw my mother standing by the glass door with a ghostly expression on her face. Ye Tian couldn't hold back the anger in his heart and couldn't help shouting at Song Weilan.

"Son, you...what's wrong with you?"

Song Weilan looked at Ye Tian and the damaged security door behind him inexplicably and said, "Mom forgot to take a contract. Now she is about to leave. What are you angry about?"

To be honest, I stayed at home for a few days. It has always been calm. Song Weilan's prediction of her son has also been a little wavering. It's nothing serious to think about coming over.

In addition, this contract was locked in her office, and no one else could get it, so Song Weilan came here in person. Song Weilan did not regard this as a big deal.

The appearance of her son in front of her makes her angry and funny. She is in her twenties, and she is still as impatient as a child. Unexpectedly, he didn't take the elevator to climb the stairs. He was covered with water, as if he had just been fished out of the river.

"What's wrong with me? Mom. Do you really want to make me angry?"

Ye Tian was almost suffocated by his mother. When he was about to speak, his face suddenly changed greatly. From his tail vertebrae to the scalp of the back of his head, he suddenly felt numb.

I just experienced that feeling when I was fighting against Anthony Marcus not long ago. This is a omen before death!

At the same time, there seemed to be a "buzzing" sound in Ye Tian's ears. Through the transparent glass in the office, Ye Tian found it. At the end of the sky, a plane just poked its head out of the clouds.

"God, I know!" Ye Tian only felt that his hair exploded all over, and he finally understood where the disaster came from.

Because in Ye Tian's mind, there has been a plane crashing into the World Trade Center, which is the unique sensing ability of feng shui magicians. The crisis is close at hand, and Ye Tian can even save divination.

"** Your uncle's al-Qaeda, you *** are playing with me!"

Ye Tian finally understood the meaning of Abdullah's words at this time. After the plane hit the building, I'm afraid that their al-Qaeda will really be known to the world.

But if Abdullah stands in front of Ye Tian now, Ye Tianzhen can survive this boy. There are so many buildings in the United States. Which one can't he choose? Do you have to choose the World Trade Center building where your mother works?

"Mom, let's go!"

The feeling of electric shock made Ye Tian seem to see Death's smile again, and he could no longer explain. Ye Tian wrapped his mother's waist and held her in his arms.

"You child, what are you doing? Let go of your mother and let people see what it looks like?"

Although she was held by her son, Song Weilan still felt uncomfortable. She is also the top company owner in this World Trade Center building. If she is really hit by someone, she may be on the front page of the financial newspaper tomorrow.

"Mom, do you want your father to have no wife and son on the same day?"

Ye Tian was about to cry at this moment. He looked back at the plane that ordinary people could not see at all. Ye Tian got into the stairwell of the safe passage.


Ames of AIG Insurance Company is in a good mood. Although that young man may not really buy his insurance, this is always an opportunity, isn't it? Many people who become multimillionaires through insurance are developed because of these inconspicuous opportunities.

"Hey, beauty, can I buy you a cup of coffee?"

When he saw a blonde girl sitting by the window facing the street, Ames was in a better and better mood. God was so kind to himself that there would be a beautiful woman around him when he was bored.

However, Ames decided to sell his insurance to the beautiful lady, because Ames recognized it at a glance. The leather bag with the girl's hand was the latest LV limited edition.

"Get out of here and lift your ass from that seat!"

What Ames didn't expect was that the lady-looking girl scolded with one mouth, which made him a little at a loss. He didn't know whether his buttocks should be lifted up.

"Don't you leave yet?"

Anna was waiting for Ye Tian anxiously at this time, and an evil fire in her heart was venting. As soon as she stared, she reached out to grab Ames's collar.

"Oh, God, this...what happened?"

When Anna grabbed Ames's collar and was about to throw him out, Ames was stunned, with an unbelievable look in his eyes and looked at the sky outside the window.

"What's wrong?" Anna was stunned for a moment, turned her head and followed Ames's eyes to look out of the window. The picture in front of her made Anna unforgettable in her life.

A huge passenger plane suddenly came out of nowhere and crashed into the North Building of the World Trade Center near the roof. A huge explosion sounded, which shocked the glass of the cafe facing the street.

"God, what's going on?"

Even if Anna's heart is strong enough, there is also a feeling that she will be choked at this time, because she knows that Song Weilan's company is in the north building of the World Trade Center.

Ye Tian had just entered the World Trade Center 20 minutes ago, which made Anna scream, stood up and ran out.

This sudden scene shocked the whole Manhattan neighborhood. At the top of the World Trade Center, a landmark building in New York, a thick smoke rose and almost covered the sky.

The explosion continued, and dozens of tons of aviation fuel in the plane poured out, which aggravated the fire.

For a moment, the thick smoke of the north building of the World Trade Center rolled, and the wall debris caused by the explosion flew around like rain, as if the sky had collapsed and the earth had cracked and the end of the world had come!

All pedestrians don't know what happened. The thick smoke blocking the sky makes the area like hell on earth. The earth is trembling and the sky is crying.

The helpless crowd was running around, and cries could be heard everywhere. The stones falling from hundreds of meters in the sky took the lives of passers-by from time to time, and panic spread in this area.

"Save people, save people quickly..."

"Haling 911, where are the firefighters?"

"Terrorist attack, this is a declaration of war on the United States!"

A few minutes later, the frightened people began to save themselves, but they found that the mobile phone had no signal at all here, and all the calls could not be dialed.

However, the Americans are still very responsive to the crisis. Within three minutes after the passenger plane hit the building, the first fire truck had pulled the alarm to the downstairs of the World Trade Center.

"Let me in, my master is in!"

Anna, who had just run to the downstairs of the North Building, was stopped. At this time, Anna was already a godless and was put in a safe place by two firefighters.


Time back to five minutes ago, Ye Tian, who was holding Song Weilan, was running down the stairs desperately despite his mother's scream.

It's just that it's easy to go upstairs and difficult to go downstairs. Ye Tian's speed is more than twice as slow as before. In six minutes, Ye Tian looked up at the number of the stairwell, the 48th floor!

When the needle on the watch was pointed at 8:46:40, a loud noise exploded in the ears of Ye Tian and Song Weilan.

Then the whole building shook, and there were cracks in the walls around it, as if the building could collapse at any time.

"Ye Tian, what's wrong? What happened?"

Feeling the shaking of her body and looking at the spider web-like cracks on the surrounding walls, Song Weilan finally realized that something was wrong, and her face turned pale in an instant.

"It's okay. Close your eyes. The person who can take my life has not been born yet. Even God can't do it!"

Ye Tian gritted his teeth, tried to control the balance of his body, and continued to run down the stairs.


PS: I know the year of 9/11. The story needs to be a year in advance. It's just a novel. You don't have to take it seriously. Well, I'll continue to write the third chapter. My friends' monthly ticket recommendation will continue to vote!