Genius Master

Chapter 661 vegetative people

After leaving the ward, Yu Qingya wiped away her tears. On the contrary, Ye Dongping and Zhou Xiaotian cried like tears.

Especially Ye Dongping, he would rather his son's naughty and make himself angry as he was when he was a child, rather than see Ye Tian lying lifeless in that **.

"Dongping, I'm sorry, Xiaotian has reminded me, but... but I still went to the World Trade Center yesterday, and I hurt Xiaotian!"

Seeing her husband's arrival, Song Weilan, who had hardly slept all night, could no longer stand it. Her body tilted and fell into her husband's arms. Ye Dongping, who was in a hurry, shouted at the doctor.

After being helped to get sick** and hung up the nutrition needle, Song Weilan's pale face recovered slightly. Seeing her daughter-in-law and husband, her inner guilt and regret also reached the peak.

Ye Dongping shook his head and said, "Weilan, don't talk about this first. What's the situation of Xiaotian?"

"Xiaotian, Xiaotian..." Hearing her husband mention her son, Song Weilan's eyes suddenly turned red and she looked at Yu Qingya with some hesitation.

"Mom, what's going on with Ye Tian? Tell me, I can hold on!" Yu Qingya nodded strongly. In her heart, Ye Tian was omnipotent. As long as he still had a breath, he would definitely recover.

"Song, your situation needs to rest. Don't talk anymore!" Just as Song Weilan was about to speak, a middle-aged doctor in a white coat came over.

"Dr. Weiman, I'm fine."

Song Weilan shook her head and said, "They are all my relatives, Dr. Weiman. I want you to introduce Ye Tian's situation to me. I think... you have the most say."

After saying a few words with the middle-aged doctor in English, Song Weilan looked at her husband and others and said, "Dr. Weiman is the world's top brain surgeon. He is also Xiaotian's chief physician. Let him tell you."

"All right..."

Wyman nodded. He said, "The patient's current situation is very troublesome. To put it simply, in addition to retaining some instinctive nerve reflexes and the ability to metabolize matter and energy, his cognitive ability has been completely lost. There is no active activity."

"Dr. Weyman, please say it directly!"

Ye Dongping's English has long been lost, and Zhou Xiaotian couldn't understand Weiman's words. Only Yu Qingya fully understood it, and her face became a little pale.

When Weiman heard this, he shrugged his shoulders and said, "Well, the patient's current situation is vegan. That is, what is medically called a vegetative person.

"Plant? How is it possible?"

Yu Qingya's teeth bit her lips tightly, and tears came out of her eyes. She couldn't believe that her newly married husband, who had been married for less than a year, would become a vegetable.

The so-called vegetative person means that the patient's cerebral cortex function is seriously damaged, in an irreversible state of deep coma, and loss of consciousness. However, the subcutaneous center can maintain autonomous respiratory movement and heartbeat. This state is called "plant state", and patients in this state are called "vegetative people".

The brain stem of vegetative people is still functional. When feeding nutrients into the body, it can also be digested and absorbed, and can be used to maintain the body's metabolism. It can also produce some instinctive reflexes to external stimuli, such as coughing, sneezing, yawning, etc.

However, the body of vegetative people no longer has advanced neural activities unique to human beings such as consciousness, perception and thinking. After becoming a vegetative person, they can only provide various nutrients at a high cost to maintain this state.

Of course, vegetative people still have a chance of being awakened, but this probability is very low. The cure rate is even much lower than that of cancer patients. For the most complex human brain, even modern technology can do nothing.

"This lady, the patient suffered a heavy external blow before falling into a coma, although his head was not directly injured. But I'm afraid that the shock affects his brain tissue nerves. It will take us a few days to observe before we can make a final conclusion!"

To be honest, Weiman is also a little confused about the symptoms that happened to Ye Tian. Judging from the results of their tests, the reaction of Ye Tian's limbs is exactly the same as that of vegetative people.

But vegetative people often suffer direct head injury, which can lead to this disease.

But except for some bruises on his neck, Ye Tian didn't even lose a hair. They don't know why Ye Tian's brain lost consciousness. At present, only vegetative people can be used to classify Yetian's diseases.

Seeing Yu Qingya's sad appearance, Song Weilan took her daughter-in-law's hand and said, "Qingya, don't worry. I have invited well-known brain experts from various countries. They will have a consultation with Dr. Weiman, and Ye Tian will definitely wake up!"

For ordinary families, vegetative means bottomless and expensive medical expenses, but these problems do not exist for the Ye and Song families. With Song Weilan's financial resources, it is enough to invite the best doctor on the planet.

"Mom, I also believe that Ye Tian will wake up!" Yu Qingya nodded firmly. Although she was separated from her husband, Yu Qingya never lost confidence in Ye Tian.

"Master, someone called the young master. He said it was the young master's brother. I don't know if I should tell them to come here?"

While Song Weilan was talking to Yu Qingya, Anna came in with Ye Tian's mobile phone, which Song Weilan specifically told her to charge and turn it on yesterday.

"Brother? It's the old ones..."

After hearing Anna's words, Ye Dongping quickly said, "Come on, ask where they are and invite him over immediately!"

Although Ye Dongping did not believe in feng shui in his early years, he highly respected Li Shanyuan's medical skills. In the era of lack of doctors and medicine, no matter what the difficult disease was, Li Shanyuan's condition could often be relieved with a few needles.

The son's situation at this time cannot be treated by Western medicine, which does not mean that there is nothing traditional Chinese medicine can do, especially Gou Xinjia and Zuo Jiajun and Ye Tian. Maybe there will be any way to wake up Ye Tian.

After hearing Ye Dongping's explanation, Song Weilan looked at Anna and said, "Anna, you can pick them up in person immediately and bring them here as soon as possible."

At this time, New York is already full of vegetation. Not only are all the international airports in the United States closed, but also the streets are three steps, five steps and one sentry. Anna drives to pick up people by herself. How many times will she encounter censorship?

After thinking for a moment, Song Weilan then said, "Go to Counselor Wang of the Chinese Embassy and let him go with you."

Before that, Song Weilan had doubts about Ye Tian's ability, but after this incident, she finally understood that her son was different from ordinary people, so she was also full of expectations for Ye Tian's brother.

"Ms. Song, this gentleman is looking for you, do you think?"

As soon as Anna left the ward, a doctor came in with a white man in a suit helplessly.

"William, didn't I say that Ms. Song can't be disturbed now!" Before Song Weilan could speak, Weiman said with an unhappy face. If possible, he even wanted to drive Ye Dongping out.

William shook his head with a wry smile and said, "Werman, he is the president's personal adviser and is entrusted by the president!"

"Private consultant?"

In Weiman's eyes, the president is not a big man. At least his annual salary is much lower than his. At present, he said dissatisfiedly, "Ms. Song is my patient, and even the president can't come!"

"Dr. Weyman, it doesn't matter." Song Weilan waved her hand, looked at the man and said, "I don't know what Mr. Bush is looking for me?"

Song Weilan knew Bush Sr. in the 1980s and had a good relationship with the Bush family. This person is Bush's personal adviser, so it is not appropriate to kick him out of the ward.

"Ms. Song, my name is Kilfiser..."

someone introduced himself and said, "The president is deeply sorry for what happened yesterday. He asked me to express my condolences and apologies to you. In addition, he wants to ask for your opinion. Your son rescued a little girl in this disaster, and we want to do some publicity about it."

"Mr. Kilfiser, I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint Mr. Bush."

Song Weilan shook her head sadly and said, "My son is in a deep coma now and is likely to become a vegetable. I think he can't cooperate with your publicity!"

"Oh, that's a pity, Ms. Song. If you need any help, I will convey it to Mr. President." After hearing Song Weilan's words, Kilfeser also showed a heavy expression on his face.

"No, please convey your thanks to Mr. Bush for me." Not to mention the President of the United States, even the Secretary-General of the United Nations is coming, and Song Weilan is not in the mood to talk about it.

"Damn it, damn America!"

After Kilpasser went out, Ye Dongping punched the wall of the ward fiercely. He was in the first half of his life. Before he had a few days of comfortable life, his son unexpectedly encountered such a thing again.

"Dongping, it's all my fault, so I shouldn't have come back." Seeing her husband's painful expression, Song Weilan became more and more regretful and annoyed.

"Vilan, don't blame you. Your son will definitely get better!" Ye Dongping wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes and gently comforted his wife.

More than an hour later, Anna finally rushed to the private hospital with a group of people.

In addition to Gou Xinjia and Zuo Jiajun, he actually accompanied Nanhuai Jin. He was invited by Gou Xinjia to come from Taiwan/Wan, and the time of arriving in New York was almost the same as that of Gou Xinjia.

"Gao Lao, it's all up to you this time!" Seeing Gou Xin's family walk into the ward, Ye Dongping hurriedly greeted him. When he was still a few meters away, his knees were about to kneel down.

"Never." Gou Xinjia supported Ye Dongping with one arm and said, "The little brother has such a disaster, but there is no hindrance to his life!"


PS: In the first update, there are still four monthly tickets left to reach 1200. If you have monthly ticket recommendation tickets, please support the teacher. The fat man eats something and continues to code words!