Genius Master

Chapter 712 Return to the Valley

"Well, Ye Tian, where is the Taoist's body? Hu Hongde looked around. In his heart, the Taoist priest and the immortal are almost the same. In case they run away before they die, they will be in big trouble in the future.

"It was dealt with by the black dragon." Ye Tian was awakened by Hu Hongde's words. At this time, his cultivation was not yet, and he could not see through the yin and yang spiritual hole.

"Is it dealt with by it? Did you eat it?"

Hu Hongde's eyes at Hei Jiao suddenly became strange. Like Ye Tian before, he could kill people without changing his face, but the matter of cannibalizing people is always psychologically unacceptable.

Ye Tian shook his head and said, "No, it was liquefied by the spit out by the black dragonfly, and there are not even bones left!"

"Ye Tian, this man is so powerful, if the news leaks out..."

Although his cultivation has made great progress, when he thought of the situation when the man's sword blocked the bullet and the flying sword killed his life, Hu Hongde still had a chill in his heart. It was almost that, and his fate was the same as that of this man.

"It's okay, you don't have to worry!"

Ye Tian showed a sneer on his face and said, "The monasticism is originally to act against the sky. No matter how advanced the cultivation is, I'm afraid I can only infer the misfortune and bad luck of this person. I'm afraid it's impossible to restore this matter."

Ye Tian's cultivation is not on the table, but he is very confident in his research on Zhan r. The higher the cultivation, the stronger the aura on his body, and the more difficult it is to deduce.

This person's cultivation is at least in the middle of the innate period. If you want to deduce what happened today, I'm afraid it will be difficult for Jindan Gaoren to do it.

According to the white ape, people in the innate and late realm are already the peak strong in this world. Is there anyone who has become a golden elixir road? Ye Tian is not worried that today's things will be leaked.

Of course, Ye Tian also made up his mind. If he did not reach the state of innate and later stage, the dragon rope in his arms could never be taken out, otherwise, wouldn't it be three hundred taels of silver without silver here?

"Damn it, what is the origin of this man?" After hearing Ye Tian's words, Hu Hongde scolded with lingering fear that he had lived in Changbai Mountain all his life and had never seen such a person.

"Yes, Lao Hu, I found something in that person!"

Ye Tian suddenly remembered something and quickly took out the banknotes and food stamps in his pocket and said, "Look when you found this money. I don't seem to have seen it?"

"Three-yuan note?"

After Hu Hongde took the money, he frowned and remembered that the money issued in 1955 was too far away for nearly half a century now.

After half a day, Hu Hongde said, "I remember that the money has been made, but it seems that it has been taken back in less than ten years."

Pointing to the pattern on the coin, Hu Hongde continued: "At that time, the relationship between our country and the former Soviet Union was very hot. Lao Maozi had three rubles of paper money at that time, so our country found three yuan of RMB.

And the money was printed by the Soviets. Later, you know that Lao Maozi fell out with us and withdrew the people who helped China at that time.

In order to be afraid that they will print "real counterfeit banknotes" with the printing plate in their hands. It seems that in the early 1960s, this set of RMB was all recovered!"

When he was first liberated, Hu Hongde worked in the forest farm for a period of time. At that time, after many experts from the former Soviet Union in the northeast saw the money, those past also emerged in his mind.

"Is this money circulating all over the country?" Ye Tian asked reluctantly that he still wanted to find some clues from the coin to see where the man came from.

"Of course, it is circulated throughout the country. I said Ye Tian, don't look at the food stamps. Why are you thinking about this money?"

Being able to practice kung fu to the realm of refining the god, Hu Hongde is naturally not a stupid person. He also guessed Ye Tian's thoughts and said, "Isn't it clear that it is not written on it? North, Beijing Food and Commercial Bureau, this thing is flowing out of the capital!"

"Damn, why didn't I think of this?"

As soon as Ye Tian patted his head, his attention was attracted by the ternary bill he had never seen before, but he forgot the grain bill, which was much easier to identify than coins.

From, ah, year to, 7 years, [middle] The country has used grain stamps for 30 years, and the number of types is known as "the best in the world".

More than 2,500 cities and counties across the country, as well as some towns and townships have issued and used various grain tickets for planned supply, as well as some large enterprises, factories and mines, farms, schools, governments, government agencies and other units.

With the words on these food stamps, it is completely possible to infer the source of the money and food stamps. If Ye Tian is willing, he can even find out who lost these food stamps from that year.

You know, in those days, whether it was the general marshal or the common people, there was not much difference in living standards. People who could take out 70 or 80 yuan and so many food stamps at once could still be found out.

After thinking about it, Ye Tian said, "Lao Hu, give me your fire engine."

"Why do you want a lighter?" Hu Hongde was stunned for a moment, took out the fire engine and threw it to Ye Tian. โ€”โ€”~~~

"Food stamps can be kept, but this money can't be kept. It's burned clean!"

Ye Tian said and ignited the stack of coins with a face value of three yuan. Ordinary people have never seen this money. If it is lost from his hand, it may be targeted.

Ye Tian's strength is too weak now, and he can't tolerate any mistakes, otherwise he will be found, and the consequences will not be borne by him.

"Ye Tian, what are we going to do now? Do you want to go out of the mountain?" Hu Hongde had long seen the baby fist-sized Moyu in Ye Tian's right hand, and knew that the purpose of his trip had been achieved.

However, Hu Hongde has suffered a great loss of cold aura in this stone. Although his cultivation has broken through a realm, he still respects this Mo Yu.

"I'm not in a hurry to go out, Lao Hu. Let's go to Meng Shizi's place to have a look. According to what Hei Jiao said, it's a little strange!" Ye Tian shook his head, lowered his head and patted the black dragonfly's head, and said, "Would you like to go there together?"

Although the black dragonfly is huge, the thickest part of the body is only slightly thicker than Ye Tian's waist, but it can pass through the narrow hole.

"Okay, I'll go and have a look with you, but I won't go down to the pool!"

is a life and death with Ye Tian, and he can communicate with divine knowledge. Hei Jiao is quite attached to Ye Tian. Although he doesn't like the temperature there, he is reluctant to separate.

"Okay, let's go and have a look!"

Ye Tian nodded and cleaned up the traces of fighting around him. Then he took Hu Hongde and Hei Jiao to the hidden hole at the mouth of the valley.

Meng blind man was also very careful about the valley. The mechanism of the hole was well designed. Ye Tian carefully checked it, and no people or animals had ever entered it.

After walking sixty or seventy meters along the cave, the temperature suddenly rose. Ye Tian and Hu Hongde basically took off all the way. When they came to the valley, there was only one piece of clothes left on both of them.

"Grandma, there is such a good place. Why do you go to the sea and spend a holiday in the south? How good is it here?"

Hu Hongde breathed a long sigh and walked a hundred meters in the narrow space, which really suppressed him.

"Lao Hu, no one can say it here.

Ye Tian's face was stiff when he heard the words. He had already turned this place into his forbidden place. Except for his own brothers, even his family was not going to tell him. In case something went wrong in the future, this is his refuge.

"I'm just joking!"

Seeing that Ye Tian was angry, Hu Hongde quickly smiled. It was strange to say that Hu Hongde always had such a trace of fear for Ye Tian in his heart. When facing Gou Xin's family, he would not feel this way.

"Ye Tian, that kind of stone is in this pool of water!"

The black dragonfly preached to the two people. Since it entered the valley, its spirit seems to have become much more depressed. It is originally a creature that loves shade. Although it has developed wisdom, it is born to reject this environment.

"Stone, is it also in this pool?" Previously, Hei Jiao said this with Ye Tian with divine consciousness, but Hu Hongde didn't know it. At that moment, he looked back at Ye Tian.

Ye Tian nodded and said, "Black Jiao said Yes, and the energy contained in it is not the same as that of this ink jade, but I can't go down to this pool of water, Lao Hu, how about you try it?"

Walking to the edge of the hot spring-like pool, Ye Tian stretched out his hand and tried it. The temperature should be above 50 or 60 degrees.

However, this is only the edge of the pool. In the middle of the pool, there are constantly bubbles, which is no different from the boiled water. Ye Tian doesn't have the true air to protect himself now, but he dares not go into the water.

"I? All right, I'll try!"

Looking at the sudden bubbles, Hu Hongde reluctantly took off his clothes and trousers. Although he had just made great progress, he still took a deep breath and swam away the true qi.

"It's okay. The temperature is quite comfortable." One foot stepped into the pool, and Hu Hongde moaned comfortably.

"Damn it, it's going to be 70 or 80 degrees here!"

When Hu Hongde walked a little inside, his face couldn't help but change, but in the case of true air protection, he could still bear it.

You should know that in the past, the method of making money in the oil pot in the world was not a pure deception. As long as there is the cultivation of refining gas, you can wrap the true gas in your hand, so that it can be put into the oil pan without injury.

When it comes to Hu Hongde's cultivation, the true qi is all over his body. Even in the pot of boiling water, he can stay for a period of time. Although he is nagging, his body gradually sinks into the pool.

"Lao Hu, come up if you can't, the water temperature is fucking higher!"

Seeing that the top of Hu Hongde's head was submerged in the water, Ye Tian was also a little worried. The bubbling pool of water went straight up was shocking to look at it.

Team: The third update is sent, brothers and sisters, double monthly tickets, don't hold back, throw them all out, we have to keep the top three!


(To be continued