Genius Master

Chapter 748 Training Camp

Andreovich knew that Ye Tian had helped Dong Shenghai fight the black market boxing on the Queen, and he was still the world's number one Anthony Marcus. Presumably the relationship between the two was not ordinary.

At the time of this **, Ye Tian came to Russia. Andreivic knew that it must have something to do with Dong Shenghai. In fact, he has been paying attention to these things.

"Old friend, you have jumped out of the circle of right and wrong, so don't get involved anymore." Ye Tian shook his head and said, "I'm just coming to talk to you and have a toast by the way..."

Originally, Ye Tian found Andrevic to ask him about the Siberian training camp. After all, as a former instructor there, no one is more familiar than Andreevich.

But when he saw the pregnant Leevna, Ye Tian suddenly changed his mind.

"No, Ye, I don't care about Dong, but if you come to me, you must tell me what happened?"

Andreovich stubbornly interrupted Ye Tian's words and said, "You Chinese have a saying that you don't go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing. Ye, you must have been in trouble!"

"Damn, is Chinese so popular?"

Ye Tian rolled his eyes when he heard the words and said helplessly, "Okay, old friend, I want to know the situation of the Siberian training camp. Can you tell me? Lao Dong's grandson was kidnapped there. I came here for him this time!"

Although Ye Tian is fully sure to rescue Dong Dazhuang, he must first know where Dong Dazhuang is hidden, otherwise he will have the power to take Dong Dazhuang away from Russia.

"So it's that young man?"

Andrevic thought for a moment. He said, "Ye, the Siberian training camp was originally a whole, but it was later divided into several fields. Wait for me, and I'll take the map to tell you!"

Even the countries that were loyal to in those years have disintegrated. Of course, Andrevic will not hide the things of the training camp, and for so many years. The Siberian training camp has long been well known to the world.

When he came down from the second floor, Andrevic had an extra map in his hand and spread it out on the table. He pointed to the place marked with a red circle and said, "The current Siberian training camp is divided into four areas..."

The earliest Siberian training camp. It was just that the former Soviet Union used the cold geographical environment of Siberia to train the army's special forces.

The "Sbetsnaz" of the former Soviet Union, the "Seal" of the United States and the "Gomand" special forces of the United Kingdom were the top special forces in the world at that time.

However, after the collapse of the former Soviet Union, the Siberian training camp was also torn apart due to funds and various reasons.

In order to maintain the training camp, they have not only trained special operations personnel, such as spy agents, black market boxers, anti-terrorism operations, etc., have become their training targets.

After listening to Andreevich's explanation, Ye Tian said, "Just tell me where the training camp for black market boxers is."

Although Ye Tian didn't know the Siberian black market boxer training camp. Why did he intervene in the fight in the black market boxing arena in Moscow, but the other training camps have nothing to do with the black market boxing world. Dong Dazhuang can only be hidden in the black market boxing training camp.

"In this place, it is 340 kilometers away from here!"

After hearing Ye Tian's words, Andreevich put his finger on a coordinate of the map. He said, "The snow there is not melted all year round, and the back is leaning on the northern mountains. The environment is very cruel, which is most suitable for training those boxers!"

Seeing Ye Tian's eyes staring at the coordinates, Andrevic sighed and said, "Ye. I know you're awesome, but you don't know that the people in the training camp, from instructors to students, are all crazy people. You can't go alone!"

Andrevic himself came from the black market boxing training camp. No one knows the situation there better than him. In the training camp, there is only the difference between the dead and the living, and life does not get any respect there.

In this situation, not only the students don't care about their life or death, but the instructors are also psychologically distorted. They can't wait to send every student to hell, so the mortality rate of the Siberian black market boxing training camp has always been high.

Andreovich knew that Ye Tian was very powerful, but in the face of such a group of crazy people, personal bravery could not play any role at all. As long as the instructor gave an order, those people absolutely dared to die with explosives and Ye Tian.

It is estimated that those terrorist organizations also hired instructors from this training camp when training those human bombs, because among some populations, it has been rumored that the Siberian training camp is also the cradle of terrorists.

"Boss, Mr. Andrevic is right, and I'm not sure if Dong Dazhuang is there now. Let's wait a little longer!"

Malakai, who had never spoken, also showed sadness on his face and said, "I'll urge him again to see if I can get Dong Dazhuang's conclusive news. It's not too late for us to do it when there is news!"

Ye Tian thought for a moment and said, "Okay, but as soon as possible, I promised Lao Dong that if he can't find his grandson, I'm afraid he won't be able to live!"

If you have no choice, Ye Tian doesn't want to deal with those people, because the black market boxing ring in every part of the world has a complicated relationship with the training camp. Going there to kill is tantamount to the whole black market boxing world.

"Boss, I'm going. There will be an answer in the evening!" Maracay poured a bottle of vodka in front of him into his stomach, wiped his mouth and stood up. He needed to go to another town to inquire about the news.

"Ye, what do you need me to do?" After Maracay left, Andreevich looked at Ye Tian.

"You know I don't want you to get involved in this matter."

Ye Tian looked at the stubborn Andrevic and said with a wry smile, "Well, can you help me inquire about why the black market boxer training camp helped Franz eliminate Lao Dong's people?"

After seeing Toktahonov's so-called Russian gangster yesterday, Ye Tian can conclude that without the black market boxing training camp and several other forces, those guys could not have driven Hongmen out of Moscow at all.

"No problem, some old guys in the training camp will still give me some face."

Hearing Ye Tian's request, Andreevich couldn't help but feel relieved. After such a long and quiet life, he no longer wanted to get involved in those disputes.

Andrevic didn't want to expose his current residence, so he said hello to his wife, and he also drove away from the town.

When Andrevic also left, Leevna came out of the kitchen with the prepared salad on the plate, but there was only Ye Tian left.

"Ye, will something happen to my husband?"

Leevna's eyes were full of worry, and Andrevic did not hide her previous life, so Leevna was very afraid at this moment. She was afraid that her husband would leave her and her unchild.

"I promise, he will be fine!" Ye Tian looked at the Russian woman in front of him apologetically, and he even regretted coming to Andreevich.

"He will watch your child be born and grow old with you!"

Ye Tian's smile made Yevna relax, and a sense of fatigue surged up. She unconsciously leaned on the sofa and fell asleep.

"Life is really a wonderful thing!" Ye Tian put a wisp of truth into Leevna's body. He could feel that there was vigorous vitality in the woman's body.

He got up and pushed the door open. Ye Tian walked in this small town where few outsiders dabbled in. It may be Andrevic said hello, but Ye Tian did not encounter any trouble.

Come to Lake Baikal, the deepest and largest freshwater lake in the world, and look at the smiles on the faces of those busy fishermen, Ye Tian can feel their simple and easy-to-satisfy happiness.

"Uncle Chen, I'm Ye Tian!"

He took out the satellite phone specially prepared by his mother. Ye Tian dialed Chen Xiquan's mobile phone and sent others to such a place. Ye Tian was really embarrassed at this time.

"Ye Tian, have you shown up?"

Chen Xiquan's voice was full of surprises, "The money has arrived. I'm buying equipment in Germany now. It is expected that it will take two months to mine. As you know, in Siberia, there is only a mining period of five months at most!"

When Ye Tian asked Chen Xiquan to take his family out on a trip, Chen Xiquan was about to go to Germany, so he didn't care. Now he was preparing for the mining period.

In winter in Siberia, it is almost impossible to do outdoor work, so Chen Xiquan is extremely busy now. He wants to try to mine for a period of time before winter comes.

"Yes, Yun Huatong contacted me again." Chen Xiquan suddenly remembered an incident and said, "He wants to buy this gold mine for 40 billion yuan. Ye Tian, how can I reply to him?"

"Uncle Chen, didn't you say that the total amount of gold contained in this gold mine is only worth 30 billion?" Ye Tian was stunned when he heard the words.

"Yes, so I'm a little strange. Could it be that there is something wrong with our measurement, and the actual value is more than 30 billion?"

Chen Xiquan is also a little confused, but now this gold mine is no longer his personal, and Chen Xiquan can't do the business. He must ask Ye Tian for advice.

"Put it off first, Uncle Chen, you have been in Germany for two months. Wait a minute!"

Ye Tian seemed to understand something in his heart. There must be something Ding Hong needed in the gold mine, otherwise the Yun family would not spare no effort to buy the gold mine.

"The skill is not as good as that of a mother!" The objects that can make Ding Hong think about are naturally extremely precious. At this time, Ye Tian's heart is as itchy as a cat's claw... The two updates are over, please recommend tickets, friends, please support!

. ( To be continued) RQ