Genius Master

Chapter 762 Destroy the Dead


Nix never thought that Victor, who had always been polite to him, would be tough on this matter, and the other generals here seemed to agree with him.

"I have reason to suspect that he is a British spy. For the sake of national security, he can't participate in this matter!"

Nick's face is straight. He is really for the sake of national interests. Lofsky has a very high status in the Russian military. His death will lead to a series of consequences. Before the investigation is clear, it is indeed not suitable for outsiders to participate.

"Sir, I think you're mistaken. I'm not British, but Russian."

Kurt licked his scarlet lips, took out a certificate from his pocket, and said, "Marshal Segiev and I are old friends. We just came here to help him find the murderer of the Moscow tragedy. I won't care about anything else."

As Nix thought, Kurt did not know the news of Lowski's death. He came here just to pull out the guy who framed Rudolph at the order of Nikola.

"Are you Russian?"

Nicks was stunned when he heard the words. No matter where he looked at it, he didn't have a trace of Russian blood. How many generations does it take to hybridize to give birth to such a person?

Kur nodded and said, "It is exactly the nationality of the former Soviet Union that I joined in 1942. According to the Russian Constitution, I should have the identity of this country."

"It's true..."

Nix looked through the certificate, but he couldn't find any flaws. He is doing intelligence work, and he can naturally distinguish the authenticity of the certificate at a glance.

"Well, Mr. Kurt, I want to know, how can you help us?"

He returned the certificate to the other party. Nicks looked at Kurt, and tens of thousands of troops failed to find the enemy. Nicks didn't think this person could play any role.

"I can find that person!"

Kurt grinned, revealing a row of white teeth, but for no reason, people couldn't help but feel a chill in the bottom of their hearts.


"Huh? I'm restless. Is something going to happen?"

In the cave more than 40 kilometers away from the black market boxing training camp, Ye Tian's body, like a dead tree, suddenly shook slightly. The two lights cut through the darkness in the hole, but he had already opened his eyes.

When it comes to Ye Tian's cultivation, his sense of the crisis outside the body is a hundred times stronger than that of ordinary people. Just now, a feeling that a danger is about to happen, abruptly pulled him out of the deep state.

"The cave has been blocked, and I have set up a formation to isolate the breath. Who can find me?"

Ye Tian frowned slightly. Before entering, he casually arranged a simple array around him. Although there was no material, it was enough to cover up his breath. Ye Tian didn't expect that someone had found him.

"As long as I can recover 50% of my cultivation, what can I do even if there are thousands of troops and horses?"

Ye Tian's mind moved, and his consciousness suddenly swam around in the [body], and his face suddenly showed a look of surprise. "Break and stand up. It seems that although he is embarrassed this time, his cultivation has improved a lot!"

Before entering the book, Ye Tian just wanted to recover from the bottom, but he didn't expect that in just one day, his cultivation had recovered, and the [body] flowed away like a river, which seemed to be more condensed a little more than before.

"Oh, this man is a little weird!"

Just as Ye Tian was overjoyed, he suddenly felt that a strange breath came from a distance. The air in this breath was something Ye Tian had never seen before. He was sure that this was definitely not what the monks could have.

With his eyes slightly open, a white practice shot out of the Yintang. In an instant, he crossed the cave and came to the sky dozens of meters away. The situation of the surrounding area of more than ten kilometers was in sight of Ye Tian.

"Are you really coming to me? This Westerner has some way!"

Ye Tian found that seven or eight kilometers away from the cave where he was hiding, a thin old man in black was moving quickly in the direction of the cave.

After the old man, he followed the dense soldiers, and a strong murderous spirit came from it. Even Ye Tianyuanshen, who was high in the sky, was shocked by the murderous spirit for a few seconds.

You know, the yuan god is formed after the sublimation of human spirit. Although everyone's spiritual power is weak and strong, it is extremely terrible after tens of thousands of people gather together. It's like when the ancient army fought against each other, the murderous spirit rushed to the sky, and even the birds dare not fly from the sky.

This murderous atmosphere came, and Ye Tian had no choice but to retreat. When his mind moved, the Yuanshen fled back to the body, but at this time, Kurt, who was shuttling through the mountains and forests, looked up at the sky, and his face suddenly became solemn.

Seven or eight kilometers of mountain roads, it may take at least two or three hours for ordinary people to walk, but Kurt, who looks old and weak, came to the front of the cave after just over half an hour.

behind Kurt, there are more than a dozen strong men in a fan shape. They are the future black market boxing champions from the training camp. After five years of training in the training camp, they are also at the peak of their lives.

Kurt looked at the hole covered with gravel, dust and dead grass and said, "It's right there. Blow it up!"

As a creature from the blood family, Kurt has a different sensing ability for blood than ordinary people, which is even more sensitive than that of a dog.

At the scene of the helicopter explosion, Kurt distinguished the smell of blood of four people, three of whom had already died, and now the smell from the cave is the fourth person's.

"Is there really someone in it?"

After hearing Kurt's words, a European with a rocket launcher on his back took a step forward, his shoulders sank, and he took the rocket launcher in his hand. The weight of dozens of pounds was as light as nothing in his hand.

"Why don't you go and open the hole?"

Kurt looked at the man with a smile. Just as Ye Tian could sense his breath, Kurt also sensed that the people hidden in this cave were very powerful. If it hadn't been for these more than a dozen popular black market boxing champions, he might not have dared to fight with Ye Tian alone.

Looking at these people in front of him, Kurt couldn't help licking his lips. The world only thought that the blood sucking blood was their nature, so this gave them the name of a vampire. They were regarded as heresy and could only live in the dark.

But this is not the case. The blood clan doesn't like the sun, but that's because they are cold and used to activities at night. Over time, they are misunderstood. In fact, the blood clan will not be harmed if they appear in the sun.

As for blood sucking, it is because there is a pure spiritual power in everyone's blood, which can be absorbed and integrated by people in the blood clan.

By absorbing this spiritual power, the body of the blood clan will become stronger and the life expectancy will be longer, just like the werewolf who can be transformed by the moon night. It is just to draw power from the essence of the moon night and get energy from the blood.

The stronger the body is, the more essential the spiritual power contained in the blood will be. Therefore, in Kurt's opinion, these boxing champions around him are like a big tonic. If he changes places, he will definitely can't help but stage a blood feast.

"Let's do what you want!"

swept over Kurt's eyes, the boxing champion who stood out from more than a hundred training camps in the same year couldn't help shivering. He felt as if he had been targeted by a poisonous snake, and there was no place to be comfortable from head to toe.

You should know that all the people who can graduate from the black market boxing training camp and be awarded the title of boxing champion are unruly. When Nix asked them to obey Kurt's command before, these people expressed their dissatisfaction in person.

However, after the strongest person among them was slapped by Kurt with that thin slap, no one raised any objection. After all, although they were all arrogant people, they still followed the principle of respect for the strong.

Under Kurt's order, more than a dozen people retreated back more than 20 meters. There was no need to aim at such a short distance. After pulling the trigger, there was an earth-shaking noise. Suddenly, the rocks flew out of the mountain wall, the smoke was filled with gunpowder, and the ground seemed to tremble.

"Huh? Why is there no one in there?

Of course, the messy stone smoke can cover the sight of ordinary people, but it has no effect on Kurt. When the gravel at the mouth of the cave was cleaned up, his face suddenly changed, because the air machine left in the cave also disappeared at the same time.

Kurt suddenly felt a bad feeling in his heart. He was short, and his body did not retreat. He distanced himself from the more than ten people behind him. Almost at the same time, a fierce howling sounded.

A boxing champion standing on the periphery suddenly threw his body high. His waist seemed to reverse, the back of his head and heels were almost folded together, and white bone spurs could even be seen penetrating the skin from his waist.

Just as the man's body was thrown up, a figure rushed into the middle of the more than ten boxing champions, and howled for a moment. Those black market boxing champions who forged their bodies like steel could not even resist a move under this figure.

There was also a quick opportunity to pull the trigger of the weapon in his hand, but the man was as erratic as a ghost. Even if he was not afraid of accidentally injuring his companion, the bullet could not aim at that person.

After just a few tens of seconds, the scream stopped abruptly, and Ye Tian's figure was revealed in the smoke that had not yet subsided after the explosion.