Genius Master

Chapter 791 Notes

"Lao Tang, thank you very much. I'm in Cape Town now."

The gathering array arranged by Ye Tian in Hong Kong was basically occupied by several brothers. Even Tang Wenyuan received more benefits than himself, so with Boss Tang, Ye Tian had no psychological burden.

"Ye Tian, don't worry, the plane can land at Cape Town International Airport in two days. You can leave whenever you want."

Tang Wenyuan patted his chest at the end of the phone and gave a ticket to Ye Tian. He lived in Ye Tian's villa for more than half a year. From the inside to the outside, it seemed that he had changed a different person. The old man's spots on his face had completely disappeared, and his body was much lighter than before, but from .

Tang Wenyuan is more than 80 years old. At his age, he has long been looking down on money, fame and fortune, but only life and death can't be explored by him. Not to mention that Ye Tian just borrowed the plane to seek his property, I'm afraid that Tang Wenyuan will count it and give it to him.

Ye Tian was also aware of this, and immediately smiled and said, "Lao Tang, don't tell me a few brothers about this. Wait for me to go back and surprise them!"

When Ye Tian was divination a few days ago, the hexagrams were a little obscure. He was afraid that Gou Xinjia and others would run to Cape Town after learning of his whereabouts. In case something happened, Ye Tian would not have the energy to take care of them.

Tang Wenyuan smiled when he heard the words and said, "I understand. In fact, Master Gou said that you were safe, but I was worried for a while."

In the week after the Russian incident, Tang Wenyuan was simply anxious like an ant on a hot pot, or Gou Xin's family took a gossip to calculate the appearance of Ye Tianji, which made Tang Wenyuan feel at ease.

"Oh, the eldest brother has made great progress in divination?" Hearing Tang Wenyuan's words, Ye Tian couldn't help feeling a little ashamed.

The original lineage of their sackcloth was originally inherited by divination. However, Ye Tian, the master, is a little unprofessional. Although his magic cultivation has advanced rapidly, he has been promoted to the innate realm in this world where heaven and earth are scarce, but in recent years, he has not made much effort in the way of divination.

And Gou Xinjia is exactly the opposite of Ye Tian. After getting the inheritance of Ye Tian's ancestors, he spent a lot of energy on studying both arrays and divination spells. His ability to sense his own danger may not be as good as Ye Tian. But the deduction of Tianji has faintly surpassed Ye Tian.

"Master Gou is very popular now. In the circles on the Hong Kong island, he is proud of his ability to help divination. Li Sheng came to me a few days ago and wanted to ask Master Gou to give me a calculation.

Tang Wenyuan obviously respects Gou Xinjia very much. His status in the rich circle on Hong Kong Island is slightly inferior to that of Li Superman. However, everyone knows that he has made friends with Zuo Jiajun and Master Gou, and even the water is rising. Whoever sees him should be polite.

"Okay, I want to thank the big brother well when I go back."

Hearing Tang Wenyuan's words, Ye Tian couldn't help smiling bitterly. His master was really a little unqualified, and he had found several brothers for some years. However, there is no plan for the future of the sect, and so far he has accepted Zhou Xiaotian as an apprentice. Even the matter of fame has to be done by the big brother in person.

After discussing some details with Tang Wenyuan, Ye Tian and Ye Tian hung up the phone with a sneer on his face.

In another three days, Ye Tian's passport can almost be obtained. He doesn't mind solving all the hidden dangers of that year before leaving. The feeling of being always being calculated behind his back is not very uncomfortable.


"Are you Mr. Zhao? My name is Hua Jun. It's your tour guide for this trip to South Africa!"

The next morning, there was a knock on the door in Ye Tian's ear. When I opened the door, there was a Chinese young man standing outside, who was in his early twenties, about the same as himself.

"Mr. Zhao? Oh, you're looking for me."

Ye Tian was still a little used to his fake name, so he said, "Didn't you say to meet in the lobby at eight o'clock? It's only seven forty. Isn't it time yet?

Hua Jun smiled and said, "Mr. Zhao, you are the only one who reported this route. I think there are some things that need to be explained to you in advance."

"I'm the only one? Tourism in South Africa will not be like this, will it?

Ye Tian was stunned when he heard the words. He and Yu Qingya had also participated in some tour groups. They knew that those travel agencies required at least more than ten people to make a group. If they formed a group alone for him alone, wouldn't the travel agency pay for compensation to grandma's house?

"Mr. Zhao, there are a lot of people traveling to South Africa."

The Chinese army smiled bitterly when he heard the words and said, "It's the hottest time in South Africa. Most of the people who travel here have gone to the seaside for vacation. No one wants to run into the gold mine..."

To be honest, the Chinese army is also very curious about Ye Tian. You know, the temperature in South Africa in June and July is about the same as that of a stove, and in the gold mine dozens or even hundreds of meters underground, it is even sultry. Not to mention that even in the ground mining sites, it will be suffocatingly hot

Even if some geologists in China came to investigate, most of them went to several specific gold mines accompanied by some South African government officials. Ye Tian chose a golden trip, which was indeed unique, and he could not find someone to form a group.

Originally, the travel agency where the Huajun was located did not want to take this order, but just as they were about to push it off, someone came to the door and offered them a price that was difficult to refuse, which was even higher than the profit of the whole group of hundreds of people.

"Please come in. Is there anything you need to explain in advance?"

Ye Tian glanced at the Chinese army. He could sense that the young man who was younger than himself had no malice, and the tanned skin proved that he was indeed a tour guide who often ran outside.

"Well, Mr. Zhao, the gold mines we are going to visit this time, except for several gold mines in Johannesburg that have been abandoned and turned into tourist spots, the rest are still being mined. Some of their systems are very harsh. I hope Mr. Zhao can abide by them at that time and don't cause any misunderstandings and trouble..."

Huajun is an employee of a domestic travel agency, but he was born in South Africa. He has a good understanding of local customs and social conditions. Now he briefly introduced it to Ye Tian.

In South Africa, like the United States, private ownership of guns is legal, and their system is very imperfect. There are a flood of guns on the black market, and you can buy a pistol with the money of a skirt. In the black area, shootings happen almost every day.

Places like gold and diamond mines produce expensive metals and minerals, and public security is the top priority. Almost every mine has its own private arm. They have the right to shoot anyone who enters the mine without permission, so they want to get involved in the South African mining industry. Don't think about it without any background.

Although the gold mines visited by Ye Tian taken by the Chinese army are all invested and mined by Chinese people, which is relatively easy to talk about, some areas, such as places where gold ore is extracted, are still not allowed to be entered by outsiders. This is exactly what the Chinese army explained to Ye Tian.

After listening to the introduction of the Chinese army, Ye Tian pondered for a moment and said, "Can you go down to the mining site of gold ore to have a look?"

After the experience in Siberia, Ye Tian found that no matter whether the metal ore contains spiritual veins or not, there will be a kind of radioactive substance in the mining area itself. Some of this radioactive substances are harmful to the human body and some are harmless to the human body, but they can be isolated from divine exploration.

Even if Ye Tian's cultivation has entered the middle of innate at this time, in the mine, his divine consciousness can be released at a distance of 20 or 30 meters at most.

This is enough for the Siberian gold mine that is almost exposed to the body surface, but in South Africa, a gold mine often reaches hundreds of meters deep in the ground. Ye Tian wants to find out whether there is a spiritual vein below with his consciousness on the ground, which is undoubtedly a dream.


Hua Jun's face showed an embarrassed expression, but thinking about the boss's instructions when he came, he said, "I need to negotiate with the mine. If they agree, they should be able to go down."

Ye Tian's request, in fact, was often raised by tourists in the past. They had never seen the gold mining site, so they were very curious, but few mines would allow tourists to go down to the ore mining area.

Like some rich mines, high-purity gold can often be found directly in the mining area, which also makes safety work very important. Anyone who comes from the mine must go through a strict inspection.

However, with the progress of science and technology, this problem is relatively easy to solve. As long as they have a piece of metal on their bodies, they will be checked out by metal detection instruments.

So some mines have even opened up a mine specially for those curious tourists to visit. Of course, most of those mines have been abandoned, and they will not let tourists delay their mine mining.

Another most important point is that in this season, it is like hell under the mine. It is sultry during the day and cold at night, and the air is turbid. After ordinary people go down once, almost no one wants to go down for a second time. The Chinese army does not think that Ye Tian will ask for it at every mine.

"Emp, I see. I hope you can negotiate more at that time."

Ye Tian nodded. The veins of the gold mine are generally balanced and extended, and if there is a spiritual vein, it must be at the bottom of the vein. As long as it can go down to the mine, Ye Tian can basically judge whether there is a spiritual vein there.

It was past eight o'clock. Ye Tian casually packed up a few pieces of underwear and followed Hua Jun out of the hotel. There was already an 80% new off-road vehicle waiting in front of the hotel.


ps: Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, there's something wrong with the background. I can't wear it after writing it, ah, ah, it's terrible!