Genius Master

Chapter 829 Giant Island

Near the beach, the aura is still relatively thin, but with the sound of the oars rowing and pulling the water, the life raft gradually disappeared on the foggy sea.

"Master Ye, where the hell is this place?"

After rowing forward for more than 200 meters, the two have been far away from the beach. The whole life raft is surrounded by the white fog miasma formed by Reiki. You can't see how far ahead is to leave the white fog area, and even the way back has become blurred.

"How do I know?"

Ye Tian looked back and was sure that the beach had not been out of sight. He asked, "Thunder Tiger, do you believe those ancient myths and stories in our country?"

"Myths and legends? Do you mean those in Journey to the West?

Lei Hu paused when he heard the words, with a disapproving look on his face, and said, "Master Ye, how can you believe those novels? If there are really people in the world who can ride the clouds and overturn the mountains and seas, how can China experience the eight-nation coalition and the Japanese invasion of China?

Although Leihu grew up abroad, the traditional cultural atmosphere of Chinatown is even thicker than that in China. I don't know how many ghost novels like Journey to the West have been heard.

However, while accepting traditional Chinese culture, Leihu is also influenced by Western culture. Naturally, he can't believe those ghosts and gods, which are not as reliable as the legends of Western vampires.

"What? No, Master Ye... Can't you just fly in the clouds?"

Thunder Tiger, who was slipping his mouth, suddenly remembered something. He immediately looked at Ye Tian. Before he fell into a coma, a cloud rose at Ye Tian's feet. Isn't that the legendary flying clouds?

"It's a little exaggerated to overturn the mountains and the sea. I'm not the only one who can do it."

Ye Tian shook his head slightly, and the monkey in the deep mountains of Shennongjia could fly on land in those years. Although I was promoted to the middle of my innate period, I may not be his opponent against the white ape. Not to mention the Shenzhou boundary where Ding Hong was born.

As for what happened in those years, why those with great ability did not take action, this is also the answer that Ye Tian wants to pursue. Naturally, he can't answer Thunder Tiger.

"I'm sitting in the well and watching the sky!"

Lei Hu lowered his head dejectedly. How ridiculous was his previous struggle for power and profit in Hongmen in the eyes of people like Ye Tian?

"No, if we row inside again, I'm afraid we will lose our way!"

Ye Tian suddenly stopped the rowing oar and looked at the rear with a solemn face. At this time, he had rowed four or five hundred meters away, and the fog on the sea was getting heavier and heavier, and the island behind had become looming. The eyesight is as strong as Ye Tian, and you can only faintly see an outline.

"Master Ye, what should I do?"

Thunder Tiger looked back, and with his eyesight, he couldn't even see the island. There is a vast expanse of whiteness in front of them, and the thunder tiger can't help but change color. They only have three or four days of food and fresh water supply. If they get lost in this sea, the end will be even more miserable.

Ye Tian thought for a moment and said, "Let's row horizontally. Let's see how big the island is.

Ye Tian's demand for food and fresh water is not very large. With his current cultivation, it doesn't matter if he doesn't drink or eat for three or four months or even for a long time. This aura alone can supplement his consumption.

But Ye Tian did not dare to move forward rashly. There were many fierce beasts on the island. Who knows if there is any in the sea. In case of a black dragonfly, it is not something Ye Tian can compete with, so Ye Tian does not dare to stay away from the beach.

Ye Tian took a look at Lei Hu and knew that he couldn't hold on any longer. He said, "You can sleep for a while. I'll call you if you need anything."

"Okay, Master Ye, I'll listen to you!" The six gods and ownerless Leihu nodded. Although there was not much blood lost from the broken arm, the damage to him was still very large. Coupled with the high level of mental tension, the thunder tiger was on the verge of collapse.

The sea water in this sea area is very calm, and you can hardly see any waves, but it is not the Dead Sea. From time to time, there will be flocks of fish jumping on the sea and devouring the aura of heaven and earth that permeates it.

Ye Tian also released his divine knowledge into the sea, but it was limited by the formation. His divine knowledge could only be a hundred meters away from his body at most, and he could not explore the end of the white fog area at all. However, what reassured Ye Tian was that there were no horrible sea beasts in the sea under him. At least the safety Obstaly.

Rowing on this windless and waveless sea is not difficult for Ye Tian. With his physical strength, it has no effect even if he rowed for ten days and ten nights without sleep. Moreover, Ye Tian's every pulp is inserted into the water with a trace of truth, and he sang the life raft to move forward like a sharp arrow.

The sea was quiet, and the thunder tiger had already fallen asleep, such as the shouting of thunder and the sound of the oars rowing one after another. Ye Tian waved the oar tirelessly and repeatedly. The divine consciousness was centered on the life-saving raft, covering all the surrounding area with a radius of 40 or 50 meters.

More than two hours later, the sun in the air fell from the other side of the island, and the moon appeared. The bright moonlight reflected on the sea, with layers of glow and fairy fog, which set off the distant island like a fairy mountain.

Five hours later, the full moon rose to the top of the life raft. From the island hundreds of meters away, there was a sound of wolf howling. Ye Tian found that the essence of the moon seemed to overflow from the bright moon and spilled into the island.

This night was very restless. The roar of all kinds of beasts sounded from the island from time to time. It seemed that some beasts were still fighting. The howl of victory and the groans on the verge of death showed that there was a life-and-death fight.

"What the hell is this place?"

Another four or five hours have passed. The stars rose in the sky, and the moon slowly disappeared. Although the hot sun could not pass through the layers of white fog, it brought light to heaven and earth, and the island became silent again.

Ye Tian never let the island out of his sight, and in the place where he first left, he also found a strangely shaped tree as a coordinate.

But what shocked him was that he had been sleepless for more than ten hours and had been using the real life raft to urge him to move forward, and he could draw at least more than 80 kilometers. However, Ye Tian never saw the origin of departure. The size of the island was far beyond Ye Tian's expectations.

A sea fish more than half a meter long jumped out of the water, and Ye Tian flicked his index finger in his right hand, "Pow!" With a sound, the sea fish's eyes were pierced, and he reached out to grab it, and the sea fish fell beside the sleeping thunder tiger.

Leihu was also tired. Such a big movement just made him open his eyes, look at Ye Tian blankly, and asked in a daze, "What's wrong? What's going on?"

"Get up. There is plenty of aura here. It's a waste if you don't practice!"

Ye Tian waved his left hand, and a sea water was pulled up by the oar and splashed on the face of the thunder tiger. "Eat the fish. You have just entered the energy, and you need some food supplement. The creatures here are nourished by Reiki all year round, but it is a great tonic. You can't buy

Although there are no strange beasts in the sea, these fish swallow the aura of heaven and earth all day long, and the structure of the body has already changed. Every inch of flesh and blood contains the essence of aura, which can be directly absorbed by the human body without refining.

If such a fish is taken to the outside world and stewed into a pot of soup for people to eat, the effect is probably better than the peach obtained by Ye Tian in Changbai Mountain, especially for the elderly, which can prolong life and slow down the speed of physical aging.

"Alas, I'm a useless person now!"

Being splashed on his face by the cold sea water, Lei Hu suddenly woke up. He habitually wanted to support his body with his right arm, but his body was crooked. Only then did he remember that his right arm had been broken, and his face couldn't help showing a gloomy look.

Ye Tian shook his head and said, "Don't underestimate yourself. From the perspective of ordinary people, you are already at the peak, and ordinary bullets can't do anything about you."

It's really unacceptable for ordinary people to break an arm, but the Thunder Tiger has entered the strength, not to mention other abilities. Yang's life alone can increase for decades. How can this be exchanged for a right arm?

"Thank you, Master Ye, for your guidance!" After being said by Ye Tian, Lei Hu also figured it out. As the saying goes, he is blessed with misfortune, and misfortune is under blessing. His name should be regarded as a disaster.

"This fish is really delicious!"

He stepped on the big fish with his feet. The thunder tiger's left hand turned into five claws, and he tore off a large piece of fish. He did not dislike the fishy smell. He directly stuffed it in his mouth and chewed it. The tender fish melted in his mouth, and the eating thunder tiger cheered.

In a moment, a big fish of more than 20 catties was eaten by the thunder tiger. After throwing the fish bone into the sea, the thunder tiger looked at Ye Tian and asked, "Master Ye, where are we?"

"I'm rowing around the island. I'm afraid this island is far bigger than you and I can imagine..."

Ye Tian sighed. He had a feeling that he wanted to find the punctuation left in his mind. The best way was to go back and row. If he wanted to go around the island, I'm afraid he couldn't do it in three or five months.

"Can it be so big?"

After hearing Ye Tian's conjecture, Lei Hu opened his mouth in surprise. It seemed that it took less than three or five months to draw the coastline around the whole country of Japan. Is the island so big that it can be comparable to a country?

Ye Tian waved his hand and said, "This is just my guess. Come on, you can practice your skills!"

"Yes, Master Ye."

Leihu knew that he couldn't help him. He sat cross-legged on the raft, but his face turned bitter. He said, "Master Ye, I... I don't know how to practice... Thank you for becoming the 59th leader of the teacher. Thank you for your support. There is another chapter in the evening, shy and fat. Do you want ten monthly tickets?

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