Genius Master

Chapter 863 Explanation

Ye Tian's space is to completely empty the belly of a whole mountain. In this huge space, there are not only hundreds of tanks and hundreds of cannons parked, but also a runway. Several fighters with silver luster quietly stopped at the end of the runway.

After entering the belly of the mountain, the car drove straight to the depths of the belly of the mountain and passed several electronic door checkpoints before stopping. However, Ye Tian felt that the car fell down with his body, but the other party drove the car directly into the elevator.

"Mr. Ye, here we are!" After falling about 30 meters, a bright light came in and the door was pulled open from the outside.

After staying in the dark for more than two hours, many people will not get used to seeing the strong light at first glance. The usual manifestation is that his eyes are tingling and tears. Standing outside the car door, Chang Hao's face has a smile on his face. Obviously, he wants to see how Ye Tian makes a fool of himself.

It's just that Ye Tian's performance disappointed Chang Hao. After stepping out of the car door, Chang Hao could not see any abnormality on Ye Tian's face. The strong light on his head had no impact on him at all.

"It's really hidden. I didn't expect that there was such a place hidden in Xishan. It's used to avoid nuclear weapons, right?"

Ye Tian looked around. These underground buildings were poured with concrete. The terrain was slightly higher, and there were thick concrete columns to support them. A nuclear bomb was dropped on it. I believe it would not cause any damage here.

All the walls in this underground building have been painted, and the ventilation performance is excellent. It's not Ye Tian. Otherwise, if someone else comes, I'm afraid I can't imagine that I'm already dozens of meters underground.

"You... How did you know this is Xishan?" After hearing Ye Tian's words, Chang Hao's face showed a look like eating a fly. He didn't expect that his confidentiality measures were useless in front of Ye Tian.

Ye Tian waved his hand, casually pointed to a fork in the road, and said, "You don't understand what I said. Lao Chang, don't play with these empty-headed people. Hurry up and go back early after finishing the work."

"You...what else do you know? Who told you that?!" This time, Chang Hao's face really changed. He stepped back several steps, and his right hand was inserted into his armpit like lightning, because the direction Ye Tian pointed to was the conference room where several leaders were located.

Chang Hao's cultivation has entered the strength. He knows that using the qi machine can sense some things that ordinary people can't observe, just like the so-called qigong to cure diseases and cross-wall guessing words in the past. In fact, it is to use Zhenqi to help people dredge the meridians and open the joints or

But the space where the chiefs are located is still 40 or 50 meters away from here, which is separated by rock walls and steel concrete. Chang Hao can't imagine how Ye Tian found it.

"Oced up, your thing is useless to me. Don't take it out."

Ye Tian shook his head, looked at a rock wall that was no different from that around him, and said, "You invite me here just to see how handsome and romantic I am?" Why don't you give me a cup of tea? I heard that the tea produced by the Dahongpao in Wuyi Mountain has been rounded by you!"

As soon as Ye Tian said this, several old people in a conference room 40 or 50 meters away from here changed color at the same time, including Song Haotian, who had just arrived here.

"Song Lao, your grandson is amazing. Maybe you really have the ability to penetrate heaven and earth?"

Sitting in the conference room was an old man about 60 years old with a resolute face, but at this time, his face was also full of surprise, because Ye Tian's eyes looking at the camera just now seemed to see into their hearts, giving everyone an indescribable feeling.

"Although he is my grandson, he has grown up in the mountains since he was a child. You all know who Li Shanyuan is. I don't know much more about Ye Tian than you!"

Song Haotian smiled bitterly when he heard the words. Because of the kindness and resentment between the Ye and Song families, he also recognized Ye Tian after he retreated. However, Ye Tian has basically not been in the capital in recent years, so what he knows is really limited, but it is not a excuse.

As for Ye Tian's worship of Li Shanyuan as a teacher, of course, he can't hide it from these people. Even what Ye Tian may have forgotten when he was a child has been discovered by them. These materials naturally come from the mountain village where Ye Tian has lived since he was a child.

"Maybe there are some things that are really like what is said in the record?" The old man sitting at the top sighed, pressed a green button in front of him, and said, "Chang Hao, please bring Mr. Ye over. We have been waiting for a long time!"

"Mr. Ye, please!" After hearing the old man's words, Chang Hao let go of his right hand held on the handle of the gun, but he raised the true qi in his body above his hands. In case Ye Tian had any abnormal movements, he would never show mercy.

"It's really troublesome."

Although it was only 40 or 50 meters away, Ye Tian had passed three gates, which were made of fine steel. When he passed each door, Ye Tian was searched once, and the angular measures were strict to the extreme.

"It's a sin to keep a few people waiting for a long time. It's really a sin!"

Entering the conference room with hundreds of square meters, Ye Tian arched his hands around familiarly without being given by others. He pulled a chair and sat opposite the old man on the top. Chang Hao and others behind him frowned.

You know, except for the kind of meeting held every year, it is difficult for these old people to get together. At present, they are waiting for Ye Tian, but they only have such a light sentence.

Of course, Ye Tian is not unfamiliar with these people in front of him. Basically, those who have TV at home will recognize it. If it had been a few years ago, Ye Tian would have felt frightened, but at this moment, these people who hold the peak power in the secular world are just like this in Ye Tian's eyes.

The old man surnamed Yue was very well-fed. He completely turned a blind eye to Ye Tian's littles and said with a smile, "Mr. Ye is not an ordinary person. We should wait!"

"Well, then let's get straight to the point."

Ye Tian nodded, turned his face straight, and said, "If you have any questions or requirements, you can ask me. You can only ask one question. As for the requirements, I can't guarantee that you can agree, and you only have this chance, and you can't harass me again in the future!"

"How do!"

Before Ye Tian finished his words, a general sitting next to the old man surnamed Yue patted the table and said, "Don't think you are Mr. Song's grandson. We can't do anything to you, son of a bitch. If you were in the army, I would have asked you to pull you out and kill him!"

For Ye Tian's ability, these people in the meeting are also mixed. Some people believe that some people don't believe that this general with millions of soldiers is a person who doesn't believe. Seeing that Ye Tian's words are so mean, he can no longer suppress his anger.

All the people in this conference room are all people who can decide life and death, especially the army boss with millions of soldiers under his command. Once the fire broke out, the temperature in the whole conference room suddenly dropped a few points, and even the guards who were good at fighting couldn't help shrinking their necks.

"Hey, old man, does he mean that I took advantage of your power?"

Ye Tian laughed loudly when he heard the words. He turned a blind eye to the old general's angry appearance. He waved his hand and said, "You are so old. Why are you still so angry? If you catch fire and hurt your liver, I advise you to have a check-up.

"You, come on!" The old general was angry with Ye Tian's words that one Buddha was born and two Buddhas were Nirvana. He couldn't even care about Song Haotian's face. He waited for someone to drag Ye Tian out on the spot.

"Oh, I said, Lao Zhao, calm down. We don't have much time."

Before the guards standing at the door answered, another elegant old man waved his hand and looked at Ye Tian and said, "Young man, we all know what you have done in Siberia. We are curious whether the power of the human body can really reach the situation of myths and legends? Can you answer it for us?"

Wu, an old man with an ancient appearance and an elegant style, was surnamed Wu. He was the highest-ranking person under Mr. Yue, who sat on the top. When he heard him speak, General Zhao could only suppress the anger in his heart and sat down angrily.

"Is this a problem?"

Ye Tian took a look at the old man. If it weren't for the peace of his family in the future, he wouldn't bother to come here to talk nonsense. It's better to accompany his wife to the vegetable market to buy some vegetables. Since his practice, Ye Tian feels that he is getting farther and farther away from the life of ordinary people.

After hearing Ye Tian's words, several people in the conference room looked at each other. Mr. Wu nodded and said, "This is our question. I hope Mr. Ye can answer it seriously. For people like you, the country will not lose to you!"

"To be honest, you really have nothing to give me!"

Ye Tian shook his head and said, "Since you want to know, then I'll say that the things recorded in the Taoist classics are true. The golden elixir road that you regard as a myth is also true. They can fly through the mountains and the sea with swords, or it's still true."

Looking at the stunned old people in front of the seat, Ye Tian said slowly, "Of course, the so-called immortality is nonsense. In this world, no one can escape life, old age, illness and death. This is the cause of heaven, and no one can change it."

The reason for adding the last paragraph is not that Ye Tian saves the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain, but that he must say ugly words in the front. Which one of the Qin Emperor and Han Wu is not a talented person. In his old age, aren't they also looking for the way of immortality?


***: There are still 20 ***s left to explode to the eighth, and there is still half an hour before twelve o'clock. If you can rush up, the fat man will stay up late for another chapter. Come on!
